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Glossary index A-Z
The glossary index gives you an overview of all contributions from A to Z.
?occupied' device (n)
... is rated at ... (n)
'car here' indication (n)
'car here' indicator (n)
'car present' signal (n)
'lift in use' indicator (n)
(aggregate) grading curve (n)
(amonia) burner head (n)
(atmospheric) relief hood (n)
(atmospheric) relief valve (n)
(bar) flight conveyor (n)
(boiler) tie bar (n)
(coal) down-chute (n)
(condenser) air extraction (n)
(damped) natural angular frequency (n)
(electronic) accounting machine (n)
(furnace) oulet temperature (n)
(gas) cylinder rack (n)
(metal) shroud (n)
(plant) component (n)
(plant) design capacity (n)
(plant) design output (n)
(standing) brake test (n)
100-percent load (n)
2-container system (n)
2nd moment of area (n)
3-D (adj)
3-phase ac motor (n)
3D printing
3D printing (n)
3Mu check
4M check
50 % load (n)
50% duty pump (n)
5S workplace design
A blowing agent is added to a molten starting material to create an expandable mixture. When it is reheated, the blowing agent expands and creates bubbles
a factor in purchasing decisions (n)
ABC analysis (n)
ABC article distribution (n)
ABC classification (n)
ABC cost allocation (n)
ABC distribution curve (n)
ability of material to remember (n)
abort (from a selected function) (v)
above-average (adj)
abrade (v)
abrade with emery (v)
abraded matter (n)
abrasion (n)
abrasion-resistant (adj)
abrasive action (n)
abrasive disc (n)
abrasive paper (n)
Abrasive wear
abrasive wheel (n)
abrasive-belt polishing (n)
ABS system (anti-lock braking system) (n)
absenteeism (n)
absolute acceleration (n)
absolute error level (n)
absolute position measurement (n)
absolute pressure (n)
absolute value sign (n)
absolute zero (n)
absorb (v)
absorb heat (n)
absorbency (n)
absorber (n)
absorption (n)
absorptive capacity (n)
absorptive power (n)
abusive (adj)
abut (v)
abutment (n)
abutting (adj)
abutting speed (n)
AC (n)
AC component (n)
AC machine (n)
AC motor (n)
AC voltage (n)
AC-DC set (n)
accelerate (v)
accelerated motion (n)
accelerated test (n)
accelerating force (n)
accelerating torque (n)
acceleration (n)
acceleration characteristic (n)
acceleration component (n)
acceleration distance (n)
acceleration due to gravity (n)
acceleration force (n)
acceleration governor (n)
Acceleration metrology
acceleration metrology (n)
acceleration of free fall (n)
acceleration pick-up (n)
acceleration process (n)
acceleration profile (n)
acceleration sensor (n)
acceleration time (n)
acceleration torque (n)
acceleration vector (n)
acceleration work (n)
acceleration-time diagram (n)
acceleration-time law (n)
acceleration-time line (n)
accelerator (n)
accelerometer (n)
accept (v)
accept lamp (n)
acceptable range (n)
acceptance (n)
acceptance certificate (n)
acceptance drawing (n)
acceptance inspection (n)
acceptance report (n)
acceptance specification (n)
acceptance test (n)
accepted indicator (n)
access (n)
access door (n)
access hatch (n)
access ladders (n)
access time (n)
access trap (n)
accessible (adj)
accessible to persons (adj)
accessories (pl)
accessories warehouse (n)
accessory (n)
accessory set (n)
accident analysis (n)
accident condition (n)
accident hazard (n)
accident risk (n)
accident-prevention regulations (pl)
accidental (adj)
accommodate (v)
accompanying papers (pl)
Accumulating conveyor
accumulating conveyor (n)
accumulating roller conveyor (n)
accumulator (n)
accumulator charger (n)
accuracy (n)
accuracy class (n)
accuracy of levelling (n)
accuracy of position (n)
accuracy of the bearing seat surface (n)
accurate (adj)
accurate to size (adj)
accurately machined (adj)
Achievable surface structure
achromatic (adj)
acid resistance (n)
acid-cleaning (n)
acid-resistant liner (n)
acknowledge (v)
acknowledgement (n)
acknowledgement signal (n)
acme thread (n)
acorn nut (n)
acoustic absorption (n)
acoustic pressure (n)
acoustic radiation (n)
acoustical insulation (n)
acoustics (n)
acrylic fiber (n)
acrylic fibre (n)
act (v)
act on (v)
action (n)
action chart (n)
action limit (n)
action line (n)
activate (v)
activated (adj)
activation (n)
active current (n)
active forces (pl)
active load (n)
active power (n)
active RFID transponder (n)
actual clearance (n)
actual deviation (n)
Actual dimension
actual dimension (n)
actual interference (n)
actual load (n)
actual pitch (n)
actual position (n)
actual power (n)
actual profile (n)
actual size (n)
actual speed (n)
actual throughput (n)
actual time (n)
actual value (n)
actual voltage (n)
actual-value sensor (n)
actuate (v)
actuating cam (n)
actuating element (n)
actuating force (n)
actuating lever (n)
actuating range (n)
actuating switch (n)
actuation (n)
actuator (n)
actuator bearing (n)
acute (adj)
ADA compliant (ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act) (adj)
adapt (v)
adaptability (n)
adaptable (adj)
Adaptable production systems
adaptation (n)
adapter (n)
adapter arbor (n)
adapter arbour (n)
adapter screw (n)
adapter sleeve (n)
Adaptive control
adaptive control (n)
adaptive method (n)
add (v)
add on (v)
add-on device (n)
add-on kit (n)
add-on module (n)
add-on part (n)
add-on piece (n)
add-on unit (n)
addendum (n)
addendum diameter (n)
addendum flank (n)
addendum modification coefficient (n)
addition (n)
addition formula (n)
addition of vectors (n)
addition theorem (n)
additional mass (n)
additional pipe force (n)
additional time (n)
additivation (n)
additive (n)
additive model (n)
adhere (v)
adhere to (v)
adherence to delivery dates (n)
adherence to schedules (n)
adhesion (n)
adhesion friction coefficient (n)
adhesive (n)
Adhesive bonding
adhesive film (n)
adhesive force (n)
Adhesive joint
adhesive strength (n)
adhesive tape (n)
Adhesive wear
adhesiveness (n)
adjacent (adj)
adjacent pitch error (n)
adjacent transverse pitch error (n)
adjust (v)
adjust itself (v)
adjustable (adj)
adjustable in height (adj)
adjustable reading distance (n)
adjusted bearing arrangement (n)
adjuster (n)
adjusting device (n)
adjusting error (n)
adjusting knob (n)
adjusting nut (n)
adjusting range (n)
adjusting ring (n)
adjusting run (n)
adjusting screw (n)
adjusting spindle (n)
adjusting terminal (n)
adjusting travel (n)
adjustment (n)
adjustment fault (n)
adjustment instructions (n)
adjustment potentiometer (n)
adjustment range (n)
adjustment screw (n)
admissible (adj)
admission (n)
admit (v)
admittance (n)
advance (n)
advance (v)
advance angle (n)
advance control (n)
advance development (n)
advance engineering (n)
advance procurement (n)
advance purchasing (n)
adz (n)
adze (n)
aeration cell (n)
aerial (n)
aerial cable (n)
aerodynamic (adj)
aerodynamics (n)
aeroplane (n)
aerosol (n)
aesthetics (n)
affect (v)
after-cure (v)
after-treat (v)
after-treatment (n)
age (v)
aged (adj)
ageing (n)
ageing temperature (n)
ageing treatment (n)
agent (n)
aggravate (v)
aggregate (n)
agitate (v)
agree (v)
aid (n)
aim (n)
air (n)
air (v)
air cock (n)
air cooling (n)
air cushion vehicle (n)
air dashpot (n)
air density (n)
air drill (n)
air freight (n)
air freight container (m)
air freight hub (n)
air hammer (n)
air handling (n)
air lock (n)
air pocket (n)
air pressure (n)
air pressure gage (n)
air pressure gauge (n)
air quality (n)
air relief valve (n)
air resistance (n)
air speed (n)
air swirler (n)
air temperature (n)
air tool (n)
air traffic (n)
air transport (n)
air velocity (n)
air-blast burner (n)
air-borne dust (n)
air-borne noise (n)
air-discharge silo wagon (n)
air-handling ceiling (n)
air-handling luminaire (n)
air-harden (v)
air-hardening steel (n)
airborne noise (n)
airborne sound (n)
aircraft (n)
airport passenger boarding bridge (n)
aisle (n)
aisle width (n)
ajar (e.g.: the door is ajar) (adj)
alarm (n)
alarm bell (n)
alarm button (n)
alarm device (n)
alarm display (n)
alarm horn (n)
alarm message (n)
alarm signal (n)
alarm switch (n)
alarm transmission (n)
alert (n)
alert (v)
alert notice (n)
alert signal (n)
algebra (n)
algebraic equation (n)
algebraic sign (n)
algebraic sum (n)
alight (v)
align (v)
align perpendicularly (adj)
align vertically (adj)
aligned (adj)
aligning needle bearing (n)
alignment (n)
alignment error (n)
alkali resistance (n)
all-... (adj)
all-automatic ... (adj)
all-clear signal lamp (n)
all-electric (adj)
all-electronic ... (adj)
all-glass door (n)
all-in time (n)
all-insulated (adj)
all-metal housing (n)
all-purpose adhesive (n)
all-purpose lathe (n)
all-purpose machine (n)
all-ready signal lamp (n)
all-steel friction drive (n)
Allen screw (n)
Allen wrench (n)
alleviate (v)
alley (n)
alleyway (n)
allocate frequencies (n)
allocation problem (n)
allot frequencies (n)
allow (v)
allowable stress (n)
allowance (n)
alloy (n)
alloy (v)
alloy concentration (n)
alloy element (n)
alloy steel (n)
alloyed (adj)
alloyed steel (n)
alloying element (n)
alongside (adj)
alter (v)
alteration (n)
alteration history (n)
alteration notice (n)
alteration service (n)
alternate (v)
alternating (adj)
alternating current (n)
Alternating current (AC)
alternating field (n)
alternating load (n)
alternating load type (n)
alternating one-way traffic (n)
Alternating stress
alternating stress (n)
alternating tensile-compressive stress (n)
alternating voltage (n)
alternating-current motor (n)
alternative (n)
alternative channel (n)
alternator (n)
altitude (n)
aluminium (n)
Aluminium alloy
aluminium alloy (n)
aluminium sheet (n)
aluminum (n)
aluminum alloy (n)
aluminum sheet (n)
ambient air (n)
ambient condition (n)
ambient light (n)
ambient lighting (n)
ambient temperature (n)
ambulant disabled (pl)
amend (v)
ammeter (n)
amorphous carbon layer (n)
amorphous thermoplastic (n)
amorphous thermoplastics (n)
amount (n)
amount of inspection (n)
amperage (n)
ampere (n)
ampere hour (n)
ampere-turn (n)
ampere-turns (n)
amperehour meter (n)
amperemeter (n)
amplification (n)
amplification function (n)
amplifier (n)
amplifier board (n)
amplify (v)
amplifying circuit (n)
amplitude (n)
amplitude (of vibration/oscillation) (n)
amplitude discriminator (n)
amplitude distortion (n)
amplitude frequency diagram (n)
amplitude modulation (n)
amplitude response (n)
amplitude swing (n)
amplitude variation (n)
analog computer (n)
analogue data logging (n)
analogue-digital converter (n)
analogy (n)
analogy process (n)
analyses (n)
analysis (n)
analysis of time series (n)
analysis of variance (n)
analyze (v)
analyzer (n)
anchor (n)
anchor (v)
anchor bolt (n)
anchor nut (n)
anchor points (pl)
anchor rails (pl)
anchorage (n)
Andler's batch size (n)
Andler's batch sizing formula (n)
angle (n)
angle (v)
angle cutter (n)
angle error (n)
angle joint (n)
angle milling cutter (n)
angle of application (n)
angle of approach (n)
angle of bevel (n)
angle of capsize (n)
angle of contact (n)
angle of deflection (n)
angle of force application (n)
angle of friction (n)
angle of grip (n)
angle of inclination (n)
angle of rake (on the cutting edge) (n)
angle of rebound (n)
angle of rotation (n)
angle of rotation formula (n)
angle of slide (n)
angle of static friction (n)
angle of traction (n)
angle of vee grooves (n)
angle of wrap (n)
angle section (n)
angle setting (n)
angle steel (n)
angle-type valve (n)
angle/lever (n)
angled (adj)
Angular acceleration
angular acceleration (n)
Angular ball bearing
angular ball bearing (n)
angular deceleration (n)
angular dimension (n)
Angular frequency
angular frequency (n)
angular frequency ratio (n)
angular measure (n)
angular milling cutter (n)
angular momentum (n)
angular needle ball bearing (n)
angular pitch (n)
angular setting (n)
angular speed (n)
Angular velocity
angular velocity (n)
angular-contact ball bearing (n)
angular-contact roller bearing (n)
anneal (v)
annealing (n)
annealing (heat treatment) (n)
annealing colour (n)
annealing gas (n)
annealing machines (n)
annealing temperature (n)
announcement text (n)
announcer (n)
annular (adj)
annular groove (n)
annular orifice (n)
annular segment (n)
annular spring (n)
annunciator (n)
annunciator board (n)
anode (n)
anode terminal (n)
anode voltage (n)
anodic stress-corrosion cracking (n)
anodize (v)
anodized (adj)
anodized coating (n)
answer (v)
answer-back (n)
antenna (n)
anthropometry (n)
anti-backlash (n)
anti-blocking device (n)
anti-burglary protection element (n)
anti-clockwise (adj)
anti-clockwise (adv)
anti-clockwise rotation (n)
anti-corrosion priming coat (n)
anti-corrosive (adj)
anti-corrosive agent (n)
anti-corrosive coat (n)
anti-creep device (n)
anti-creep valve (n)
anti-drumming agent (n)
anti-drumming compound (n)
anti-drumming solution (n)
anti-fatigue bolt (n)
anti-freeze (n)
anti-freeze agent (n)
anti-freeze solution (n)
anti-friction bearing (n)
anti-friction bush (n)
anti-friction surface (n)
anti-interference capacitor (n)
anti-kink spring (n)
anti-lock braking system (ABS) (n)
anti-nuisance feature (n)
anti-nuisance protection (n)
anti-quick reversal (n)
anti-rebound device (n)
anti-resonance circuit (n)
Anti-rotation device
anti-rotation device (n)
anti-rotation element (n)
anti-rust ... (adj)
anti-rust paint (n)
anti-seize (n)
anti-skid device (n)
anti-vandal ... (adj)
anti-vandalism (n)
anti-vibration compound (n)
anti-vibration mounting (n)
anti-vibration pads (n)
anticlockwise rotation (n)
antistatic (adj)
antistatic band (n)
antistatic strap (n)
antistatic wrist strap (n)
antiwear additive (n)
anvil (n)
anvil mass (n)
aperature (n)
aperture (n)
apparatus (n)
apparent output (n)
Apparent power
apparent power (n)
appearance (n)
appliance (n)
appliances with automatic caging (pl)
applicable (adj)
application (n)
application function (n)
application of force (n)
application of load (n)
applications (n)
applied for (adj)
applied forces (pl)
applied load (n)
apply (v)
apply (force) (v)
apply (the brake) (v)
apply (voltage) to (v)
apply voltage to (n)
appraisal (n)
apprenticeship (n)
approach (n)
approach (v)
approach accuracy (n)
approach condition (n)
approach direction (n)
approach mode (n)
approach speed (n)
approval (n)
approval drawing (n)
approval procedure (n)
approval symbol (n)
approval test (n)
approve (v)
approved drawing (n)
approximate (adj)
approximate (v)
approximate value (n)
approximated (adj)
approximation (n)
approximation method (n)
approximation value (n)
apron (n)
Apron conveyor
apron conveyor (n)
arbor (n)
arbor bearing (n)
arbor taper (n)
arbour (n)
arbour bearing (n)
arbour taper (n)
arc (n)
arc furnace (n)
arc height (n)
arc length (n)
arc thickness (n)
arc tooth thickness (n)
arc welder (n)
arc welding (n)
arc welding machine (n)
arch (n)
arch-like (adj)
arch-shaped (adj)
arched (adj)
architectural diagram (n)
architecture (n)
architrave (n)
area (n)
area centroid (n)
area moment (n)
Area moment of inertia
area of contact (n)
area of moments (n)
areas of business (n)
argument (n)
arithmetic (n)
arithmetic average (n)
arithmetic mean (n)
arithmetic progression (n)
arithmetic sequence (n)
arithmetic series (n)
armature (n)
armature coil (n)
armature core (n)
armature gap (n)
armature load (n)
armature reaction (n)
armature resistance (n)
armature shaft (n)
armature slot (n)
armature voltage (n)
armature winding (n)
armor (n)
armor (v)
armor plate (n)
armor-plate (v)
armor-plated (adj)
armored (adj)
armored cable (n)
armored conduit (n)
armoring (n)
armour (n)
armour (v)
armour plate (n)
armour-plate (v)
armour-plated (adj)
armoured (adj)
armoured cable (n)
armoured conduit (n)
armouring (n)
arrange (v)
arranged in tandem (adj)
arrangement (n)
arrangement drawing (n)
arrangement of the rolling element row (n)
array (n)
arrest (v)
arrestor (n)
arris saw (n)
arrival (n)
arrival bell (n)
arrival chime (n)
arrival curve (n)
arrival gong (n)
arrive (v)
arrow projection method (n)
art (n)
article (n)
articulated arm (n)
articulated joint (n)
articulated lorry (n)
articulated rod (n)
Articulated shaft
articulated shaft (n)
articulated vehicle (n)
artificial (adj)
artificial light (n)
as-build drawing (n)
as-built drawing (n)
as-delivered condition (n)
as-fired moisture (n)
as-found test (n)
as-installed drawing (n)
as-received condition (n)
ascend (v)
ascending (adj)
ascending car overspeed protection (n)
ascending car overspeed protection means (n)
ascent (n)
ascent (v)
Ascertaining surface structure
ash collecting hopper (n)
asphalt cutter (n)
asphalt cutting machine (n)
aspirating engine (n)
assemble (v)
assembly (n)
assembly accuracy (n)
assembly aids (pl)
assembly defect (n)
assembly detail (n)
assembly drawing (n)
assembly element (n)
assembly force (n)
assembly instructions (n)
assembly line (n)
assembly line production (n)
assembly mandrel (n)
assembly part (n)
assembly platform (n)
assembly robot (n)
assembly tool (n)
assembly trolley (n)
assembly unit (n)
assess (v)
assessment (n)
assign frequencies (n)
assignment of production resources/tools (n)
assignment of tasks (n)
assignment problem (n)
assistance (n)
assisted-circulation boiler (n)
associative law (n)
assortment (n)
assume (v)
assume a value (v)
assumed (adj)
assumed load (n)
assumption (n)
assumption of direction (n)
Astable multivibrator circuit - when a control signal is applied, the circuit does not assume a stable state
asymmetric cross-section (n)
asymmetric(al) (adj)
asymmetry (n)
asymptote (n)
asynchronous (adj)
asynchronous control (n)
asynchronous counter (n)
Asynchronous machine
asynchronous machine (n)
asynchronous material transport (n)
asynchronous mode (n)
asynchronous motor (n)
asynchronous operation (n)
at no load (adj)
at right angles (adj)
atmospheric pressure (n)
atmospheric relief system (n)
atmospherics (pl)
atom (n)
atomic concentration (n)
atomic mass (n)
atomic number (n)
atomic physics parameter (n)
atomic radius (n)
atomic weight (n)
atomisation (n)
atomize (v)
atomizer (n)
attach (v)
attachment (n)
attack (n)
attack (v)
attemperation spray section (n)
attemperator (n)
attemperator station (n)
attempt (n)
attend (v)
attend (to somebody) (v)
attend to (v)
attendance (n)
attendant (n)
attendant control (n)
attended (adj)
attenuate (v)
attenuation (n)
attenuation compensation (n)
attenuation equalization (n)
attenuation equalizer (n)
attenuation factor (n)
attenuator (n)
attract (v)
attraction (n)
attractive force (n)
attrition (n)
auction for construction machines (n)
audible (adj)
audible alarm (n)
audible alert (n)
audible frequency (n)
audible signal (f)
audible sound (n)
audio frequency (n)
audio sound (n)
audio station (n)
audit (n)
audit (v)
auger mining (process) (n)
austempering (n)
austenite former (m)
austenitic cast iron (n)
austenitic steel (n)
authentic (adj)
authorization (n)
authorization (of vendors) (n)
authorize (v)
Autoclaved aerated concrete
autocorrelation (n)
autocorrelation analysis (n)
autocorrelation coefficient (n)
autocorrelation function (n)
autogenous cutting (n)
autogenous welding (n)
automate (v)
Automated guided vehicle system
automated guided vehicle system (n)
automated guided vehicle system (AGV) (n)
automated process planning/work scheduling (n)
automated storage and retrieval system (n)
automatic balancing (n)
automatic brake control system (n)
automatic by-pass (n)
automatic circuit-breaker (n)
automatic control (n)
automatic control engineering (n)
automatic control loop (n)
automatic controller (n)
automatic controlling and regulating system (n)
automatic cutout (n)
automatic die bonder (n)
automatic drilling machine (n)
automatic grinder (n)
automatic grinding machine (n)
automatic hobbing machine (n)
automatic lathe (n)
automatic miller (n)
automatic milling machine (n)
automatic packaging machine (n)
automatic pushbutton control (n)
automatic rack serving units (pl)
automatic railway telephone system (n)
automatic sawing machine (n)
automatic shut-down control (n)
automatic shutter (n)
automatic speed control (n)
automatic speed selector (n)
automatic start emergency generator service (n)
automatic switch-off (n)
automatic switch-on (n)
automatic switchover (n)
automatic thread cutting device (n)
automatic welding machine (n)
automatic worm hobbing machine (n)
automation (n)
Automation technology
autotransformer (n)
autowalk (n)
auxiliary equipment for unit loads (n)
auxiliary power requirement (n)
auxiliary power supply (n)
auxiliary products warehouse (n)
auxiliary storage equipment (n)
availability (n)
availability check (n)
availability time (n)
available (adj)
available area (n)
available car area (n)
available load (n)
average (n)
average (v)
average lead time (n)
average roughness (n)
average speed (n)
average stationarity (n)
average stock (n)
average value (n)
average velocity (n)
averaged (adj)
averaging (n)
avoidance (n)
awareness (n)
axes (fpl)
axes of a robot (pl)
axes of coordinates (n)
axial angular ball bearing (n)
axial area moment of inertia (n)
axial ball bearing (n)
axial bearing (n)
axial bearing seat (n)
axial bolt force (n)
axial clearance (n)
axial deep groove ball bearing (n)
axial difference between adjacent pitches (n)
axial difference between adjacent single pitches (n)
axial direction (n)
axial displacement (n)
axial factor (n)
axial feed (n)
axial force (n)
axial groove ball bearing (n)
axial labyrinth seal (n)
axial lip seal (n)
axial load (n)
axial loading (n)
axial location (n)
axial module (n)
axial moment of area (n)
axial moment of area nth degree (n)
axial pitch (n)
axial pitch error (n)
axial plane (n)
axial play (n)
axial position (n)
axial pressure (n)
axial resistance moment (n)
axial roller (n)
axial roller bearing (n)
axial run-out (n)
axial runout (n)
axial self-aligning roller bearing (n)
axial spring-loaded sealing plate (n)
axial stress (n)
axial tapered roller bearing (n)
axial thrust (n)
axial thrust plate (n)
axial thrust washer (n)
axial welding (n)
axial-radial bearing (n)
axially prestressed tapered interference fit (n)
axiom (n)
axis (n)
axis control (n)
axis of motion (n)
axis of rotation (n)
axle (n)
axle spacing (n)
axonometric representation (n)
Babbitt metal (n)
Bach's correction factor (n)
back (v)
back gear (n)
back gearing (n)
back gears (n)
back pressure (n)
back saw (n)
back scheduling (n)
back up (v)
back wall (n)
back-fill (v)
back-up (v)
back-up capacitor (n)
back-up mode (n)
back-up system (n)
backfill (n)
backgear (n)
backgear shaft (n)
background (n)
background noise (n)
backing (n)
backing plate (n)
backlash (n)
Backlash (gear)
backlash-free (adj)
backlit (adj)
backplane (n)
backup (v)
backward scheduling (n)
bad (adj)
baffle (n)
baffle plate (n)
bag (n)
bainitic cast iron (n)
bainitic hardening (n)
baked enamelling (n)
bakery (n)
baking machine (n)
baking plant (n)
balance (n)
balance (v)
balance capacitor (n)
balance condition (n)
balance of angular momentum (n)
balance of forces (n)
balance of forces condition (n)
balance of moment of momentum (n)
balance problem (n)
balancer (n)
balancing (n)
balancing device (n)
balancing potentiometer (n)
balancing torque (n)
balcony (n)
balcony arrangement (n)
balcony installation (n)
baler (n)
ball (n)
ball and socket joint (n)
ball bar (n)
Ball bearing
ball bearing (n)
Ball bushing
ball cage (n)
ball catch (n)
ball cup (n)
Ball guide
ball handle (n)
ball indentation (n)
ball indentation hardness (n)
ball joint (n)
ball journal (n)
ball roller bearing (n)
ball screw unit (n)
ball socket (n)
ball table (n)
ball track (n)
ball valve (n)
ball-and-race mill (n)
ball-and-socket joint (n)
ball-bearing steel (n)
ball-shaped (adj)
ballast (n)
ballast circuit (n)
ballast resistor (n)
baluster mold (n)
baluster mould (n)
balustrade (n)
balustrade system (n)
banana plug (n)
Banbury mixer (n)
band (n)
Band brake
band brake (n)
band conveyor (n)
band filter press (n)
band friction (n)
band saw (n)
banderolling machine (n)
bandwidth (n)
bank (n)
bank control (n)
bank of (gas) cylinders (n)
bar (n)
bar (v)
bar chart (n)
bar code (n)
bar code type (n)
bar diagram (n)
bar magnet (n)
bar spring (n)
bar steel (n)
bar stock (n)
bar the giving of calls (n)
barcode (n)
barcode reader (n)
barcode type (n)
bare (adj)
bare (v)
bared (adj)
barge (n)
barge owner (n)
barking plant (n)
Barlow's formula (n)
barrel (n)
Barrel roller bearing
barrel roller bearing (n)
barrier (n)
baryon (n)
base (n)
base board (n)
base circle (n)
base circle diameter (n)
base current (n)
base cylinder pitch (n)
base diameter (n)
base factor (n)
base helix angle (n)
base layer (n)
base lead angle (n)
base line (n)
base load (n)
base material (n)
base metal (n)
base pitch (n)
base plate (n)
base terminal (n)
base time (n)
base unit (n)
base vector (n)
baseplate (n)
bases (n)
basic atomic building block (n)
basic Bessemer steel (n)
basic bore (n)
basic circuit (n)
basic clock rate (n)
basic component (n)
basic converter steel (n)
basic dimension (n)
basic equation (n)
basic equipment (n)
Basic hole
basic hole (n)
basic integrals (n)
basic JIT model (n)
basic load types (pl)
basic motion (n)
basic movement (n)
basic oxygen steelmaking process (n)
basic position (n)
basic pulse rate (n)
basic series (n)
basic setting (n)
basic setup time (n)
Basic shaft
basic shaft (n)
basic size (n)
basic tolerance (n)
basic vector (n)
basic work bench type (n)
Basic workstation type
basic workstation type (n)
basin (n)
basis (n)
basket guard (n)
basket strainer (n)
batch (n)
batch (v)
batch production (n)
batch production/manufacturing (n)
batch size (n)
batch size optimisation for external procurement (n)
batch size optimisation for in-house production (n)
batch size planning (n)
batch size problem (n)
batch splitting (n)
bath lubrication (n)
bathing facility (n)
batten (n)
batten luminaire (n)
battery (n)
battery charger (n)
battery compartment (n)
battery crate (n)
battery discharge (n)
battery frame (n)
battery operated locomotive (n)
battery power supply system (n)
battery rack (n)
battery tester (n)
battery-operated (adj)
battery-operated locomotive (n)
battery-powered (adj)
bay (n)
bayonet base (n)
bayonet cap (n)
bayonet catch (n)
bayonet holder (n)
bayonet joint (n)
bayonet lock (n)
bayonet socket (n)
be applied (v)
be arranged (v)
be craned into the hoistway (v)
be flush with (adj)
be in alignment (v)
be in line (v)
be in motion (v)
be in operation (v)
be in progress (v)
be less than (v)
be located (v)
be prominently displayed (adj)
be situated (v)
be struck (v)
be suspended (v)
be tight-fitting (v)
bead (n)
bead (v)
bead on plate weld (n)
beam (n)
beam (v)
beam resisting bending moments (n)
beam splitter (n)
beam subject to bending (n)
Beam theory
beam welding (n)
bear (v)
bear on (v)
bearing (adj)
bearing (n)
bearing arrangement (roller bearing) (n)
bearing block (n)
bearing bore (n)
bearing bronze (n)
bearing bush (n)
bearing cage (n)
bearing case (n)
bearing casing (n)
bearing circumference (n)
bearing clearance (n)
bearing code (n)
bearing component (n)
bearing cone (n)
bearing damage (n)
bearing data (n)
bearing deflection (n)
bearing design (n)
bearing design (roller bearing) (n)
bearing designation (n)
bearing end plate (n)
bearing extractor (n)
bearing flange (n)
bearing friction (n)
bearing friction force (n)
bearing gland (n)
bearing housing (n)
bearing hub (n)
bearing length (n)
bearing lining (n)
bearing load (n)
bearing losses (pl)
bearing lubrication (n)
bearing material (n)
bearing metal (n)
bearing neck (n)
bearing pad (n)
bearing pedestal (n)
bearing play (n)
bearing pressure (n)
bearing puller (n)
bearing reaction (n)
bearing ring (n)
bearing rotation speed (n)
bearing seal (n)
bearing seat (n)
bearing seat surface (n)
bearing selection (n)
bearing shell (n)
bearing size (n)
bearing slackness (n)
bearing sleeve (n)
bearing stool (n)
bearing stress at the nut bearing surface (n)
bearing stress at the screw head bearing surface (n)
bearing surface (n)
bearing type (n)
bearing type (roller bearing) (n)
bearing wear (n)
beat (n)
beat (v)
beater (n)
become out of phase (v)
become slack (adj)
become slack (v)
bed (n)
bed (frames) (n)
bed passenger lift (n)
bed-type milling machine (n)
bedplate (n)
beep (n)
begin (v)
beginning (n)
behavior (n)
behavior in fire (n)
behaviour (n)
behaviour in fire (n)
bell closure (n)
bell crank (n)
bell curve (n)
bell-crank lever (n)
bell-shaped curve (n)
Belleville spring (n)
Belleville washer
bellows coupling (n)
belt (n)
Belt conveyor
belt conveyor (n)
belt conveyor gallery (n)
belt drive (n)
belt filter press (n)
belt force (n)
belt grinder (n)
belt guard (n)
belt preload force (n)
belt pretension (n)
belt pretension force (n)
belt pretensioning (n)
belt sander (n)
belt slip (n)
belt tension (n)
belt tensioner (n)
belt tightener (n)
belt training (n)
belt transmission (n)
belt troughingidler set (conveyor) (n)
belted motor drive (n)
bench (n)
bench dog (n)
bench drill (n)
bench drilling machine (n)
bench plane (n)
bench press (n)
bench unit (n)
bench vice (n)
bench vise (n)
benchmark (n)
benchmark (v)
benchmarking (n)
bend (n)
bend (v)
bend press (n)
bend test (n)
bending (n)
bending apparatus (n)
bending crack (n)
bending die (n)
bending fatigue strength (n)
bending free of transverse forces (n)
bending impact test (n)
bending line (n)
bending load (n)
bending machine (n)
Bending moment
bending moment (n)
bending moment behaviour (n)
bending plant (n)
bending press (n)
bending radius (n)
bending spring (n)
bending strain (n)
bending strength (n)
bending stress (n)
bending stress fatigue limit (n)
Bending test
bending test (n)
bent (adj)
Bernoulli's equation (n)
Bessemer steel (n)
better-than-average (adj)
bevel (v)
bevel angle (n)
bevel edge (n)
Bevel gear
bevel gear (n)
bevel gear drive (n)
bevel gear pair (n)
bevel gear teeth (n)
bevel gearing (n)
bevel pinion (n)
bevel pinion gear (n)
bevel spur gear (n)
bevelled (adj)
bevelled cutter (n)
bevelling shear (n)
bi-folding door (n)
bias (n)
bias (v)
biased (adj)
Bibby coupling
bidirectional (adj)
bifurcated (adj)
bifurcation (n)
big (adj)
bijection (n)
bill of material type (n)
bill of materials (n)
bill of materials processing (n)
bimetal (n)
Bimetallic corrosion
bimodal trailer technology (n)
bimodal transport system (road railer) (n)
bin (n)
bin picking (n)
binary character (n)
binary number (n)
bind (v)
binder (n)
binder screw (n)
Binomial coefficient
binomial coefficient (n)
binormal vector (n)
bio-reactor (n)
biodegradable (adj)
biological composite material (n)
biomechanics (n)
bipolar (adj)
bird-caging (n)
bisect (v)
bistable (adj)
Bistable multivibrator circuit - bistable multivibrator or flip-flop circuits have two stable output states. If the circuit receives an input signal, the output assumes a defined state. This state is maintained even when the control signal is no lo
bit (n)
bit sharpener (n)
bivalent bearing (n)
black box (n)
blacksmith (n)
blade (n)
blade chaser (n)
blade holder (n)
blade-type fuse (n)
blank (adj)
blank (n)
blank (v)
blank pass (n)
blank-component drawing (n)
blanking line (n)
blanking system (n)
blast (v)
blast furnace (n)
bleachery (n)
bleaching plant (n)
bleed (v)
bleed off (v)
bleeder screw (n)
bleeding (n)
blend (n)
blend (v)
blind hole (n)
Blind rivet
blind rivet nut (n)
blink (v)
blister (n)
block (n)
block (v)
block and tackle (n)
block brake (n)
block diagram (n)
block plane (n)
block rack (n)
block storage (n)
block train traffic (n)
blocked (adj)
blocking capability (n)
blow (v)
blow impact test (n)
blow mould machine (n)
blow moulding (plastics) (n)
blow-off valve (n)
blowdown (n)
blowdown pipe (n)
blowdown valve (n)
blower (n)
blowing sweep (n)
blunt (adj)
blur (v)
BMS (n)
board (n)
board (v)
board (a car) (v)
boarding arrows (pl)
boarding time (n)
boat builder's yard (n)
boat cover (n)
boat cover material (n)
boat davit (n)
boat drive (n)
boat heater (n)
boat horn (n)
boat mast (n)
boat repair (n)
boat service (n)
boating equipment (n)
boating supplies (n)
bob (n)
bobbin (n)
body (n)
Body axis
body axis (n)
body centrode (n)
body contact (n)
body force (n)
Body measurements
body measurements (n)
body movement (n)
body of revolution (n)
body posture (n)
Body type
body type (n)
body-centred cubic (adj)
body-centred cubic structure (n)
boiler (n)
boiler (steam) drum (n)
boiler acid-cleaning (n)
boiler acid-cleaning connection (n)
boiler acid-cleaning effluent (n)
boiler assembly drawing (n)
boiler attendant (n)
boiler availability (n)
boiler availability period (n)
boiler availability test (n)
boiler base load (n)
boiler blow down tank / vessel (n)
boiler casing (n)
boiler circulating pump (n)
boiler circulation ratio (n)
boiler circulatory system (n)
boiler combustion chamber (n)
boiler control room (n)
boiler convection pass (n)
boiler damage (n)
boiler draught (n)
boiler draught loss (n)
boiler efficiency (n)
boiler efficiency heat loss method (n)
boiler efficiency input-output method (n)
boiler fittings (pl)
boiler flash tank / vessel (n)
boiler fouling (n)
boiler furnace (n)
boiler hopper (n)
boiler inspection (n)
boiler level (n)
boiler load (n)
boiler load rejection (n)
boiler load response rate (n)
boiler low-load circulation system (n)
boiler make-up feed (n)
boiler master control program (n)
boiler master control programme (n)
boiler metal cladding (n)
boiler operator (n)
boiler overhaul (n)
boiler pass (n)
boiler recirculation line (n)
boiler recirculation mode of operation (n)
boiler recirculation system (n)
boiler recirculation water (n)
boiler retrofitting (n)
boiler running time (n)
boiler seam (n)
boiler service period (n)
boiler start-up (n)
boiler steel shot cleaning (n)
boiler structural supporting steelwork (n)
boiler support (n)
boiler supporting structure (n)
boiler thermal expansion (n)
boiler thermal growth (n)
boiler transfer from once-through to recirculation (n)
boiler wall cladding (n)
boiler water treatment (n)
boiler with corrugated flues (n)
boiling point (n)
bolt (n)
bolt (v)
bolt die (n)
Bolt fastening
bolt head (n)
bolt switch (n)
bolt to (v)
bolt together (v)
Bolt/screw connection
bolted (adj)
bolted connection (n)
bolted joint (n)
Bolts and screws
BOM type (n)
bond (v)
bond (between concrete and reinforcement) (n)
bond strength (n)
bond type (n)
Bonded connection
bonded connection (n)
bonded stacking (n)
bonding (n)
bonding (plastics) (n)
book-cover making machine (n)
bookbinder's tool (n)
bookbinding machine (n)
boom (n)
boost (v)
booster (n)
booster burner (n)
booster fan (n)
booster pump (n)
boot (n)
border (n)
borderline case (n)
bore (n)
bore (v)
bore cap (n)
bore circlip (n)
bore code (n)
bore hole (n)
bore retaining ring (n)
bore snap ring (n)
borehole (n)
borehole liner (n)
borehole liner (of hydraulic lifts) (n)
boring (n)
boring bit (n)
boring bush (n)
boring head (n)
boring machine (n)
boring tool (n)
boss (n)
bottle (n)
bottle (v)
bottleneck (n)
bottom (n)
bottom boom (n)
bottom chord (n)
bottom clearance (n)
bottom hole (n)
bottom land (n)
bottom opening (n)
bottom side (n)
bottom transom (n)
bottoming tap (n)
bounce (v)
bound (v)
boundary (n)
boundary element method (n)
boundary layer (n)
bow (n)
Bowden control (n)
Bowden wire (n)
bowk (n)
bowl (n)
box (n)
Box girder
box pallet (n)
box pallet with mesh panels (n)
box section (profiles) (n)
box spanner (n)
box wrench (n)
box-column drilling machine (n)
box-frame construction (n)
box-type column (n)
box-type construction (n)
brace (n)
brace (v)
brace bit (n)
braced beam (n)
bracing (n)
bracket (n)
bracket crane (n)
bracket table (n)
braid (n)
braid (v)
braid wire (n)
braid-plaiting machine (n)
braided (adj)
braiding (n)
Braille (n)
Braille lettering (n)
brainstorming (n)
brake (n)
brake (v)
brake air hose (n)
brake application time (n)
brake assist (n)
brake block holder (n)
brake block shoe (n)
brake cable (n)
brake circuit (n)
brake cleaning (n)
brake combination (n)
brake disc (n)
brake fluid (n)
brake hose (n)
brake lever (n)
brake lever fulcrum (n)
brake lifting (n)
brake lifting device (n)
brake lifting magnet (n)
brake lining (n)
brake lining lathe (n)
brake lining rivet (n)
brake magnet (n)
brake module (n)
brake motor (n)
brake pad wear (n)
brake part (n)
brake pipeline (n)
brake power (n)
brake pressure (n)
brake rectifier (n)
brake release device (n)
brake release lever (n)
brake repair device (n)
brake rod (n)
brake screw (n)
brake service (n)
brake shoe (n)
brake sign (n)
brake test (n)
brake test signal (n)
brake torque (n)
brake wire (n)
brake-lining drill (n)
brake-to-brake flight time (n)
braking (n)
braking action (n)
braking controller (n)
braking deceleration (n)
braking deceleration of the car (n)
braking distance (n)
braking effect (n)
braking energy (n)
braking force (n)
braking magnet (n)
braking mode (n)
braking path (n)
braking power (n)
braking process (n)
braking resistor (n)
braking system (n)
braking test (n)
braking torque (n)
braking winding (n)
branch (n)
branch (v)
branch box (n)
branch circuit (n)
branch line (n)
branch terminal (n)
brand (n)
brass (n)
brass-plate (v)
braze (v)
brazing solder (n)
bread maker (n)
breadboard (n)
breadboard circuit (n)
break (n)
break (v)
break a circuit (v)
break behaviour (n)
break contact (n)
break coupler (n)
break down (v)
break in (v)
break off (v)
break point (n)
break resistance (n)
break-glass box (n)
break-glass call point (n)
breakage strength (n)
breakaway starting current (n)
breakaway torque (n)
breakdown (n)
breakdown potential (n)
breakdown service (n)
breakdown torque (n)
Breakdown voltage
breaking (n)
breaking capacity (n)
breaking current (n)
breaking force (n)
breaking length (n)
breaking load of rope (n)
breaking strength (n)
breaking-in period (n)
breast pump (n)
breasted (adj)
Bredt-Batho formulae
Bredt-Batho theory (n)
brewery (n)
brewery machine (n)
brewing liquor treatment plant (n)
brickwork (n)
bridge (n)
bridge (v)
bridge across (v)
bridge circuit (n)
bridge connection (n)
Bridge crane
bridge crane (n)
bright (adj)
bright chromium-plated (adj)
bright-annealed (adj)
bright-drawn (adj)
bright-rolled (adj)
brightness (n)
brightness control (n)
brine evaporator (n)
Brinell hardness (n)
Brinell hardness number (n)
Brinell hardness test
Brinell hardness test (n)
bring about (v)
bring close to (v)
bring into the hoistway (v)
bring out (v)
bring out of engagement (v)
bring out of mesh (v)
briquetting facility (n)
British standard fine thread (n)
British standard thread (n)
brittle (adj)
brittle behaviour (n)
brittle fracture (n)
broach (n)
broach (v)
broach slide (n)
broaching (n)
broaching head (n)
broaching machine (n)
broaching speed (n)
broaching stroke (n)
broad (adj)
broad band (n)
broad-band interference (n)
broad-band noise (n)
broadband cable (n)
broadcasting wave (n)
broken (adj)
broken line (n)
bronze (v)
bronze cable (n)
bronze stranded wire (n)
bronze wire (n)
BRS seal (n)
brush (n)
brush (v)
bubble (n)
bubble-free (adj)
bucket content (n)
bucket elevator (n)
bucket pump (n)
bucket sealing machine (n)
buckle (v)
buckling (n)
buckling bar (n)
buckling column (n)
buckling factor (n)
buckling force (n)
buckling in steelwork (n)
buckling length (n)
buckling load (n)
buckling resistance (n)
buckling strength (n)
buckling stress (n)
buckling stress curves (pl)
buckling stress diagram (n)
buckling stress lines (pl)
buckling test (n)
buckling-arm robot (n)
buffer (n)
buffer (v)
buffer circuit (n)
buffer on the car top (n)
buffer plate (n)
buffer plunger (n)
buffer striker plate (n)
buffer stroke (n)
buffer time (n)
buffered effect (n)
buffered return movement (n)
buffing (n)
buffing machine (n)
buffing wheel (n)
bug (n)
build (v)
build in (v)
build up (v)
build-up (n)
build-up edge (n)
build-up welding (n)
builder (n)
builder's hoist (n)
building (n)
building block (n)
building control system (n)
building drawing (n)
building hoist (n)
building management system (n)
building occupancy (n)
building owner (n)
building population (n)
building services (n)
building services management system (n)
building services station (n)
building settlement (n)
building site lift (n)
building site pump (n)
building slab press (n)
building technology (n)
building use (n)
building-block principle (n)
building-up time (n)
built-in (adj)
built-in component (n)
built-in connector (n)
built-in cylinder (n)
built-in halogen lamp (n)
built-in part (n)
built-in system (n)
built-in telephone (n)
built-in unit (n)
built-in-motor (n)
bulb (n)
bulge (n)
bulk (n)
bulk cargo (n)
bulk material (n)
bulk plastic (n)
bulkhead light fitting (n)
bulky (adj)
bullnose plane (n)
bump (into/against) (v)
bumper bar (n)
bundle of pipes (n)
bunker (n)
buoyancy force (n)
buoyant force (n)
burden (n)
burden (v)
Burgers vector (n)
buried (adj)
buried cable (n)
burn off (v)
burn out (v)
burnable (adj)
burner air swirler (n)
burner belt height (n)
burner casing (n)
burner commissioning spares (n)
burner front (n)
burner fuel return barrel (n)
burner fuel return flow (n)
burner fuel return line (n)
burner fuel supply barrel (n)
burner fuel supply flow (n)
burner fuel supply line (n)
burner gas element (n)
burner gun (n)
burner gun assembly with coupling yoke (n)
burner gun retract mechanism (n)
burner heat load (n)
burner management system (n)
burner mounting plate (n)
burner primary air (n)
burner quarl (n)
burner quarl box (n)
burner swirl-vane assembly (n)
burner thermal ouput (n)
burner throat (n)
burner tip assembly (n)
burner tip sealing (n)
burner turndown range (n)
burner valves and accessories station (n)
burner windbox (n)
burner-belt heat release (rate) (n)
burning (n)
burnisher (n)
burnout chamber (n)
burr (n)
burr removing (n)
burst (v)
burst strength factor (n)
burst test (n)
bursting pressure (n)
bus (n)
bus architecture (n)
bus cable (n)
bus interface (n)
bus line (n)
bus structure (n)
busbar (n)
bush (n)
bush chain (n)
bushing (n)
business areas (n)
business segments (n)
busy (adj)
busy state (n)
butt (adj)
butt (n)
butt (v)
butt hinge plane (n)
butt joint (n)
butt riveted joint (n)
butt seam (n)
butt seam weld (n)
butt strap (n)
butt weld (n)
butter making machine (n)
butter packing machine (n)
butterfly nut (n)
butterfly valve (n)
button (n)
buttress screw thread (n)
buttress thread (n)
buyer (n)
buzz (v)
buzzer (n)
buzzer signal (n)
buzzing sound (n)
by hand (adj)
by machine (adj)
by-pass (v)
by-pass valve (n)
bypass (n)
bypass (v)
bypass capacitor (n)
bypass circuit (n)
bypass switch (n)
bypass valve (n)
byte (n)
C-washer (n)
C.D.I. (n)
C.O.P. (n)
C.P.I. (n)
cab (n)
cabin (n)
cabinet (n)
cable (n)
cable (v)
cable armor (n)
cable armour (n)
cable binder (n)
cable break (n)
cable bushing (n)
cable clamp (n)
cable clip (n)
cable conductor (n)
cable conduit (n)
cable connection (n)
cable connector (n)
cable core (n)
cable coupler (n)
cable cross-sectional area (n)
cable dereeler (n)
Cable drive
cable drive (n)
cable drum (n)
cable duct (n)
cable end (n)
cable entry (n)
cable fittings (n)
cable gland (n)
cable grip (n)
cable harness (n)
cable installation (n)
cable jacket (n)
cable laying (n)
cable outlet (n)
cable pull (n)
cable rack (n)
cable reel (n)
cable route (n)
cable routing (n)
cable runway (n)
cable rupture (n)
cable sheath (n)
cable sheave bearing (n)
cable spacing (n)
cable splice (n)
cable strand (n)
cable strap (n)
cable stripper (n)
cable stripping knife (n)
cable support (n)
cable suspension (n)
cable terminal (n)
cable terminal box (n)
cable termination (n)
cable tie (n)
cable tray (n)
cable winch (n)
cable wrapping (n)
cabling (n)
CAC system
cage (n)
cage design (n)
cage winding (n)
cageless (adj)
calbe-operated switch (n)
calculate (v)
calculated life prediction (n)
calculation (n)
calculation concept (n)
calculation of centre of gravity (n)
calculation of gross requirements (n)
calculation of moments of area (n)
calculation of net requirements (n)
calculation of service life (n)
calculation of solids (n)
calculation of the service life (n)
calculation sheet (n)
calculation software (n)
calendering (n)
calibrate (v)
calibration (n)
calibration accuracy (n)
calibration block (n)
calibration chart (n)
calibration curve (n)
calibration error (n)
calibration gas (n)
calibration instrument (n)
calibration mark (n)
calibration report (n)
calibration standard (n)
calibrator (n)
call (n)
call acceptance (n)
call accepted indicator (n)
call answering (n)
call center service (n)
call centre service (n)
call point (n)
call re-allocation (n)
call sequence (n)
call suspension (n)
call time meter (n)
call time metering program (n)
calling landing (n)
calls wait to be served (n)
cam (n)
cam and follower (n)
cam contour (n)
cam control (n)
cam follower (n)
cam lever (n)
cam milling machine (n)
cam path (n)
cam profile (n)
cam roller (n)
cam template (n)
cam throw (n)
cam track (n)
cam-controlled (adj)
cam-operated switch (n)
camber weld (n)
camshaft (n)
can (v)
can-making machine (n)
canal boat (n)
cancel (v)
cannibalize (v)
canopy (n)
canopy lighting (n)
cant (v)
cantilever (n)
cantilever beam (n)
cantilever rack (n)
cantilever sling (n)
cantilevered sling (n)
cap (n)
cap bolt (n)
cap iron (n)
cap nut (n)
cap screw (n)
Cap screws/bolts
capable of full group operation (adj)
capable of grouping (adj)
Capacitive displacement transducers make use of the geometrical dependence of a plate capacitor: The capacitance increases with inverse proportionality to the plate distance. Due to the non-linearity, capacitive displacement transducers require a special
capacitor (n)
capacity (n)
capacity adjustment (n)
capacity coordination (n)
capacity flexibility (n)
capacity limit (n)
capacity plan (n)
capacity planning (n)
capacity plate (n)
capacity requirements planning (n)
capacity restriction (n)
capacity schedule (n)
capacity scheduling (n)
capacity smoothing (n)
capacity surplus (n)
capacity to withstand stresses (n)
capital investment costs (n)
capital tie-up costs (n)
capsize point (n)
capsizing (n)
capstan (n)
capstan head (n)
caption (n)
captive (adj)
Captive fastener
captive roller (n)
captive roller type instantaneous safety gear (n)
captive roller-type instantaneous safety gear (n)
captive-type ... (adj)
car (n)
car apron (n)
car arrival indicator (n)
car button call (n)
car call (n)
car ceiling (n)
car control panel (n)
car control station (n)
car direction indicator (n)
car dispatch (n)
car dispatch call (n)
car door (n)
car enclosure (n)
car entrance (n)
car entry (n)
car finish (n)
car frame (n)
car gate (n)
car inclination (n)
car indicator (n)
car jack (n)
car operating panel (n)
car overtravel (n)
car overtravel distance (n)
car partition door (n)
car platform (n)
car platform area (n)
car position indicator (n)
car preference (n)
car preference switch (n)
car pushbutton box (n)
car riding lantern (n)
car roof (n)
car sill (n)
car sling (n)
car station (n)
car suspension means (pl)
car toe-guard (n)
car top (n)
car top control station (n)
car top operating panel (n)
car travel (n)
car uncontrolled low speed protection (n)
car with adjacent openings (pl)
car-mounted crane (n)
car's force due to weight (n)
carbide insert (n)
carbide metal (n)
carbide tipping (n)
carbide-tipped (adj)
carbide-tipped cutting edge (n)
carbide-tipped tool (n)
carbon (n)
carbon brush (n)
carbon equivalent (n)
carbonate removal (n)
card (n)
Cardan shaft
cardan shaft (n)
care (n)
caretaker (n)
cargo (n)
cargo handling (n)
cargo lift (n)
carousel (n)
Carousel rack
carousel rack (n)
carousel storage and retrieve system (n)
carousel store (n)
carousel system (n)
carpenter's plane (n)
carriage (n)
carriage feed (n)
carriage guideways (n)
carrier (n)
carrier air (n)
carrier frequency (n)
carrier input (n)
carrier line (n)
carrier signal (n)
carrier wave (n)
carry (v)
carry along (v)
carry off (v)
carry out (v)
carry to outside (v)
carrying (adj)
carrying (n)
carrying belt (n)
carrying capacity (n)
carrying chain (n)
carrying rope (n)
carrying unit (n)
carrying-chain conveyor (n)
Cartesian product (n)
carton (n)
cascade (n)
cascade (v)
cascade circuit (n)
cascade connection (n)
cascade evaporator (n)
cascade voltage transformer (n)
case (n)
case depth (n)
case hardening (n)
case hardening steels (pl)
case hardness (n)
case of damage (n)
case of fire (n)
case of loss (n)
case study (n)
case-harden (v)
case-hardened (adj)
case-hardened roller bearing steel (n)
Case-hardening steel
case-hardening steel (n)
casing (n)
casing tolerance (n)
cask (n)
cast (adj)
cast (v)
cast alloy (n)
Cast iron
cast iron (n)
cast iron material (n)
cast resin (n)
Cast steel
cast steel (n)
cast-iron housing (n)
cast-on test piece (n)
castability (n)
castellated nut (n)
Castigliano's method (n)
Castigliano's theorem
Castigliano's theorem (n)
casting (n)
Casting alloy
casting alloy (n)
casting defect (n)
casting method (n)
casting process (n)
castle nut (n)
castor (n)
catalyst basket (n)
catch (n)
catch (v)
catch lock (n)
catch spring (n)
catchpot (n)
catenary (n)
catenary wire (n)
caterpillar (track) (n)
cathode (n)
cathode-ray tube (n)
causal relationship (n)
cause (v)
cause a voltage rise (n)
cause of failure (n)
cause of trouble (n)
Cause-and-effect diagram
cause/effect relationship (n)
Caution! (n)
cavitation (n)
Cavitation corrosion
cavity (n)
cavityless casting (n)
CE Marking - image
cease swinging (v)
ceiling (n)
ceiling ... (adj)
ceiling duct (n)
ceiling lighting (n)
ceiling opening (n)
cellophane wrapping machine (n)
Cellular assembly
cement (n)
cement (v)
cemented carbide (n)
cemented insert (n)
center (n)
center (v)
center distance (n)
center distance tolerance (n)
center lathe (n)
center line (n)
center of gravity (n)
center of rotation (n)
center point (n)
center position (n)
center punch (n)
center sleeve (n)
center tap (n)
center-offset (n)
center-punch (v)
center-to-center distance (n)
center-to-center spacing (n)
centering (n)
centering steady rest (n)
centerless (adj)
centerless lathe (n)
central emergency alarm station (n)
central force impact (n)
central impact (n)
central lubrication (n)
central point (n)
central position (n)
central system of sources (n)
central warehouse (n)
centralised production (n)
centralised storage (n)
centralized lubrication (n)
centrally mounted (adj)
centre (n)
centre (v)
centre angle (n)
centre distance (n)
centre distance tolerance (n)
centre lathe (n)
centre line (n)
centre of an area (n)
centre of buoyancy (n)
centre of curvature (n)
Centre of gravity
centre of gravity (n)
centre of gravity of composite areas (n)
centre of gravity path (n)
centre of impact (n)
centre of mass (n)
centre of percussion (n)
centre of pressure (n)
centre of rotation (n)
centre of transverse force (n)
centre point (n)
centre position (n)
centre punch (n)
centre sleeve (n)
centre tap (n)
Centre-of-mass law
centre-of-mass law (n)
centre-of-mass theorem (n)
centre-offset (n)
centre-punch (v)
centre-to-centre distance (n)
centre-to-centre spacing (n)
centred moving average (n)
centric (adj)
centric pins (n)
centrical (adj)
centrifugal brake (n)
centrifugal casting (n)
centrifugal clutch (n)
centrifugal disc (n)
centrifugal force (n)
centrifugal governor (n)
centrifugal moment (n)
centrifugal moulding (n)
centrifugal pump (n)
centrifugally operated switch (n)
centring (n)
centripetal acceleration (n)
centripetal force (n)
centroid (n)
centroid axis (n)
centroid of a line (n)
centroid of an area (n)
centroid of volume (n)
centroidal axis (n)
centroidal distance (n)
ceramic hybrid spindle bearing (n)
ceramic material (n)
Ceramic moulding
ceramic moulding (n)
ceramic substance (n)
ceramic surface coating (n)
ceramics (n)
certificate (n)
certificate of compliance (n)
certificate of conformance (n)
certification (n)
certification body (n)
certification program (n)
certification scheme (n)
certifying authority (n)
chafe (v)
chain (n)
chain (v)
chain block (n)
chain bucket elevator (n)
chain conveyor (n)
Chain drive
chain drive (n)
chain gear (n)
chain guard (n)
chain idler (n)
chain lift (n)
chain line (n)
chain link (n)
chain lock (n)
chain pulley block (n)
chain return sprocket wheel (n)
chain return sprocket wheel assembly (n)
chain rule (n)
chain stud (n)
chain tackle (n)
chain tensile force (n)
chain tensioner (n)
chain transfer (n)
chain transmission (n)
chain wheel (n)
chain-and-flight conveyor (n)
chaining (n)
chair (n)
chamber (n)
chamfer (n)
chamfer (v)
chamfer edges (n)
chamfered (adj)
chamfering (n)
chamfering and deburring machine (n)
change (n)
change (v)
change gear (v)
change in angular speed (n)
change in angular velocity (n)
change in material (n)
change in momentum (n)
change in motion (n)
change in volume (n)
change management (n)
change of location (n)
change of motion (n)
change of movement (n)
change of place (n)
change of shape (n)
change of velocity (n)
change over (v)
change status (n)
change the terminal connections (v)
change-gear drive (n)
change-over contact (n)
change-over switch (n)
changeover contact (n)
changeover time (n)
channel (n)
channel cover (n)
channel head (n)
channel iron (n)
channel rack (n)
channel ring (n)
channel section (n)
channel shell (n)
channel spacing (n)
channel-section steel (n)
character (n)
character set (n)
characteristic (n)
characteristic curve (n)
characteristic data (pl)
characteristic value (n)
characteristic vector (n)
characteristics (pl)
characterize (v)
charge (n)
charge (v)
charge carrier (n)
charge device model (CDM) (n)
charge suppressor (n)
charged (adj)
charger (n)
charging (n)
charging current (n)
charging machine (n)
charging mode (n)
charging set (n)
charging unit (n)
chart (n)
chase (n)
chase (v)
chaser (n)
chassis (n)
chassis brake (n)
chassis ground (n)
chatter marks (pl)
check (n)
check (v)
check digit calculation (n)
check for accuracy (v)
check lamp (n)
check nut (n)
check valve (n)
check-back signal (n)
check-up (n)
checking (n)
cheese-head screw (n)
chemistry (n)
chequer-plate flooring (n)
chest (n)
chevron type separator (n)
chief erector (n)
child ... (adj)
chill (v)
chill casting (n)
chill roll (n)
chilled cast iron (n)
chilling (n)
chime (n)
chime, alarm bell) (v)
Chinese postman problem (n)
chip (n)
chip breaker (n)
chip conveyor (n)
chip disposal (n)
chip groove (n)
chip off (v)
chip production (n)
chip removal (n)
chip space (n)
chippings (n)
chips (n)
chips (pl)
chisel (n)
chlorine (n)
chlorine dioxide system (n)
choice of location (n)
choke (n)
choke (v)
choose (v)
chopper (n)
chord length (n)
chrome (n)
chrome steel (n)
chrome-plate (v)
chrome-plating (n)
chromium (n)
chromium steel (n)
chromium-plate (v)
chromium-plated (adj)
chromium-plating (n)
chronometer (n)
chuck (n)
chuck (v)
chuck body (n)
chuck jaw (n)
chuck jaws (pl)
chuck tool (n)
chuck wrench (n)
chucking device (n)
chucking lathe (n)
churning (n)
chute (n)
chute picking system (n)
circle (n)
Circle of curvature
circle of curvature of the trajectory (n)
circle size (n)
circlip (n)
circlips (n)
circuit (n)
circuit arrangement (n)
circuit breaker (n)
circuit configuration (n)
circuit design (n)
circuit development (n)
circuit diagram (n)
circuit engineering (n)
circuit logic (n)
circuit technology (n)
circuit-breaker (n)
circuit-breaking capacity (n)
circuitry (n)
circuitry (pl)
circular (adj)
circular arc (n)
Circular arc gearing
circular bench saw (n)
circular chain conveyor (n)
circular cone (n)
circular conveyor (n)
Circular conveyors
circular cross section (n)
circular cylinder (n)
circular frequency (n)
circular frequency ratio (n)
circular grinder (n)
circular grinding machine (n)
circular guide (n)
circular indexing table (n)
circular measure (n)
circular milling (n)
circular milling machine (n)
circular motion (n)
circular path (n)
circular pitch (n)
circular saw (n)
circular saw bench (n)
circular saw-blade (n)
circular section (n)
circular sector (n)
circular table (n)
circular table saw (n)
circular thickness (n)
circular thread chaser (n)
circular tooth thickness (n)
circular-ring sector (n)
circulate (v)
circulating areas (pl)
circulating oil (n)
circulating pump (n)
circulating-oil lubrication (n)
circulation (n)
circulation index (n)
circulation lubrication (n)
circulation pump (n)
circumference (n)
circumferential force (n)
circumferential load (n)
circumferential speed (n)
circumferential stress (n)
circumferential surface (n)
circumferential velocity (n)
circumstance (n)
city logistics (n)
civil-engineering drawing (n)
clad (v)
cladding (n)
clamp (n)
clamp (v)
clamp base (n)
clamp bearing (n)
clamp bearing with clamping ring (n)
clamp bolt (n)
clamp collar (n)
Clamp connection
clamp connection (n)
clamp dog (n)
clamp joint (n)
clamp screw (n)
clamp sleeve (n)
clamp strap (n)
clamp tool (n)
clamped (adj)
clamping (n)
clamping bar (n)
clamping bolt (n)
clamping bracket (n)
clamping chuck (n)
clamping claw (n)
clamping collar (n)
clamping condition (n)
clamping coupling (n)
clamping device (n)
Clamping element
clamping fittings (pl)
clamping fixture (n)
clamping flange (n)
clamping force (n)
clamping jaw (n)
clamping jaws (pl)
clamping length (n)
clamping lever (n)
clamping piece (n)
clamping plate (n)
clamping point (n)
clamping position (n)
clamping rail (n)
clamping ring (n)
clamping screw (n)
clamping spring (n)
clamping surface (n)
clamping table (n)
class interval (n)
class range (n)
class size (n)
classification (n)
classification number (n)
classify (v)
claw (n)
Claw coupling/claw clutch
clay (n)
clean (adj)
clean (v)
clean room (n)
clean-room area (n)
cleaning (n)
cleaning agent (n)
cleaning door (n)
cleaning material (n)
cleaning opening (n)
cleanliness (n)
cleanse (v)
cleansing (n)
clear (adj)
clear (v)
clear a fault (v)
clear down (v)
clear faults (v)
clearance (n)
clearance angle (n)
clearance compensation (n)
clearance fit (n)
clearing (n)
clearing down (n)
cleat (n)
cleavage fracture (n)
clench grip (n)
clevis (n)
click (v)
client (n)
climb (v)
climb milling (n)
climb-cut milling (n)
cling (v)
cling together (v)
clip (n)
clip (v)
clip-on ... (adj)
clip-on ammeter (n)
clip-on mounting (n)
clipper (veneer) (n)
clipping circuit (n)
clock (v)
clock driver (n)
clock frequency (n)
clock generator (n)
clock hand (n)
clock pulse (n)
clock rate (n)
clock signal (n)
clock speed (n)
clock time (n)
clock-pulse generator (n)
clock-pulse rate (n)
clockwise direction (n)
clockwise rotation (n)
clog (v)
close (adj)
close (v)
close a circuit (v)
close fit (n)
close to (adj)
close-up view (n)
closed (adj)
closed circuit (n)
closed force polygon (n)
closed position (n)
closed-loop control (n)
Closed-loop control system
closing contact (n)
closing date (n)
closing edge (n)
closing force (n)
closing force limiter (n)
closing function (n)
closing head (n)
closing motion (n)
closing pressure (n)
closing speed (n)
closing spring (n)
closing travel (n)
closing weight (n)
closure (n)
cloth (n)
clothing machinery (n)
clover huller (n)
cluster analysis (n)
cluster of firebars (n)
clutch (n)
clutch (v)
clutch disc (n)
clutch lining (n)
CNC lathe (n)
co-ordination (n)
co-rotate (v)
coach (n)
coal (n)
coal beneficiation (n)
coal bunker (n)
coal burner (n)
coal cleaning (n)
coal down-chute (n)
coal down-pipe (n)
coal dressing (n)
coal gate (n)
coal mill (n)
coal preperation (n)
coal pulverizer (n)
coal pulverizing mill (n)
coal refining (n)
coal storage (n)
coal throughput (n)
coal treatment (n)
coal washing (n)
coal-preparation process (n)
coarse (adj)
coarse adjustment (n)
coarse fit (n)
coarse pitch thread (n)
coarse thread (n)
coarse-grained (adj)
coast (v)
coast-down distance (n)
coastal navigation (n)
coastal shipping (n)
coastdown (n)
coastdown test (n)
coastdown time (n)
coat (n)
coat (v)
coat of paint (n)
coat with zinc (v)
coating (n)
coating on metals (n)
coating thickness (n)
coating unit (n)
coax cable (n)
coaxial (adj)
coaxial cable (n)
coaxial connector (n)
coaxiality (n)
cock (n)
Codablock (n)
code (n)
code of practice (n)
code size (n)
code-compliant (adj)
codification (n)
coding (n)
coefficient (n)
coefficient of area expansion (n)
coefficient of autocorrelation (n)
coefficient of determination (n)
coefficient of expansion (n)
coefficient of friction (n)
coefficient of heat transmission (n)
coefficient of journal friction (n)
coefficient of kinetic friction (n)
coefficient of linear expansion (n)
coefficient of pin friction (n)
coefficient of pipe friction (n)
coefficient of pivot friction (n)
coefficient of restitution (n)
coefficient of rolling resistance (n)
coefficient of slenderness (n)
coefficient of sliding friction (n)
coefficient of static friction (n)
coefficient of surface expansion (n)
coefficient of thermal expansion (n)
coefficient of tractive resistance (n)
coefficient of trunnion friction (n)
coefficient of variation (n)
coefficient of wedge friction (n)
coffered ceiling (n)
coherent (adj)
cohesion-adhesion failure (n)
cohesive friction force (n)
coil (n)
coil (v)
coil core (n)
coil resistance (n)
coil spring (n)
coil spring pendulum (n)
coil winding (n)
coil-loaded (adj)
coil-loaded cable (n)
coiled pipe (n)
coiled spring (n)
coiler (n)
coin (v)
coincide (v)
cold bend test (n)
cold chisel (n)
cold end section (n)
cold formability (n)
cold forming (n)
Cold range
cold workability (n)
cold-bend (v)
cold-draw (v)
cold-forming steel (n)
cold-roll (v)
cold-rolled (adj)
cold-work (v)
cold-work steel (n)
collaboration model (n)
collapse (n)
collapse (v)
collapsible (adj)
collapsible gate (n)
collar (n)
collar bearing (n)
collar bearing force (n)
collar nut (n)
collar screw (n)
collar seal (n)
collar step bearing (n)
collect (calls) (v)
collecting unit (n)
collecting vessel (n)
collective control (n)
collective fault signal (n)
collector (n)
collector ring (n)
collet (n)
collet chuck (n)
collide (v)
collinear impact (n)
collision (n)
collision frequency (n)
collision process (n)
collision rate (n)
collision rate equation (n)
color (n)
colour (n)
colour coding (n)
Colour temperature
colour temperature (n)
colour-fast (adj)
column (n)
column (frames) (n)
column drilling machine (n)
column grinder (n)
column stacking (n)
column-and-knee milling machine (n)
combi-lifter (n)
combination (n)
combination plane (n)
combine (v)
combined load (n)
combined needle bearing (n)
combined needle bearings (n)
combined planing and milling machine (n)
combined transport (n)
combustibility (n)
combustible (adj)
combustible gas (n)
combustion (n)
combustion chamber (n)
combustion chamber boiler (n)
combustion chamber bottom (n)
combustion chamber cooling tube (n)
combustion chamber floor (n)
combustion chamber front wall (n)
combustion chamber heat release (rate) (n)
combustion chamber rear wall (n)
combustion chamber roof (n)
combustion chamber side wall (n)
combustion chamber wall (n)
Combustion chemical vapour deposition
combustion plants (n)
come on line (v)
come to rest (v)
Comfortable range
comfortable range (n)
coming on line (n)
comma-shaped chip (n)
command (n)
command variable (n)
commence (v)
commencement (n)
commercial (adj)
commercial representative (n)
commercial traffic (n)
commercial vehicle (n)
commission (n)
commission agent (n)
commissioning instructions (n)
commissioning test (n)
common centre of gravity (n)
common mode (n)
common steam mains (n)
common steam range (n)
common-mode rejection (n)
communicating pipes (n)
communications engineering (n)
commutating reactor (n)
commutation choke (n)
commutative law (n)
commutator (n)
commuter traffic (n)
compact (adj)
compact (v)
compact design (n)
compact motor (n)
compaction (n)
compactness (n)
companion (n)
companion flange (n)
companion sheet (n)
comparator (n)
compare (v)
comparison (n)
comparison catalogue of relative costs (n)
comparison moment (n)
compartment (n)
compartmentalised production (n)
compass plane (n)
compasses (n)
compatibility (n)
compatibility condition (n)
compatible (adj)
compensate (v)
compensating chain (n)
compensating coupling (n)
compensating element (n)
compensating resistor (n)
compensating rope (n)
compensating spring (n)
compensating washer (n)
compensation (n)
compensation element (n)
compensation tension weight (n)
compensation weight (n)
compensator (n)
competition (n)
competitive strategy (n)
complaint rate (n)
complaints rate (n)
complete (adj)
complete failure (n)
complete profile (n)
completed (adj)
completion card (n)
completion date (n)
Complex number
complex number (n)
compliance (n)
compliant (adj)
comply with (v)
component (n)
component dimensioning (n)
component insertion (n)
component mounting diagram (n)
component placement (n)
component representation (n)
component sizing (n)
component volume (n)
components manufacturer (n)
components side (n)
composite (n)
composite cross-section (n)
composite design (n)
composite deviation (n)
composite error (n)
composite load (n)
composite material (n)
composite metal (n)
composite stress (n)
composite tolerance (n)
compound (n)
compound miter saw (n)
compound rule of three (n)
compounder (n)
compress (v)
compressed air (n)
compressed-air drive (n)
compression (n)
compression coupling (n)
compression gland (n)
compression load (n)
Compression period
compression period (n)
compression spring (n)
compression stress (n)
Compression test
compression test (n)
compressive force (n)
Compressive forming
compressive forming (n)
compressive strength (n)
compressive stress (n)
compressive yield point (n)
compressor (n)
computation (n)
compute (v)
computer program (n)
computer tomograph (n)
Computer workstation
computer workstation (n)
computer-aided process planning (CAPP) (n)
concatenate (v)
concave (adj)
concave cutter (n)
concave fillet joint (n)
concave fillet weld (n)
concave mirror (n)
concealed (adj)
concealed (v)
concealed installation (n)
concealed wire (n)
concealed wiring (n)
concentrate (v)
concentrated load (n)
concentration (n)
concentration cell (n)
concentric (adj)
concentric running (n)
concentricity (n)
concept for comparing components (n)
concept phase (n)
conceptual phase (n)
concertina expansion joint (n)
concession (n)
conclusion by analogy (n)
concrete (n)
concrete foundation (n)
concrete pier (n)
concrete reinforcement steel (n)
concrete slab (n)
concrete steel (n)
concurrent (adj)
condensate (n)
condensation (n)
condensation boiler (n)
condensation polymer (n)
condensation water (n)
condense (v)
condenser (n)
condensing boiler (n)
condition (n)
condition (v)
condition for use (n)
condition monitoring (n)
condition of equilibrium (n)
condition of loading (n)
condition of rotation (n)
condition of use (n)
conditioning (n)
conduct (v)
conduct heat (n)
conductance (n)
conducting (adj)
conducting-state voltage (n)
conduction (n)
conductive (adj)
conductive pattern (n)
conductivity (n)
conductor (n)
conductor cross section (n)
conductor cross-section (n)
conductor function (n)
conductor pull (n)
conductor spacing (n)
conduit (n)
conduit box (n)
conduit entry (n)
condyloid joint (n)
cone (n)
cone brake (n)
Cone clamping element
cone clutch (n)
cone diameter (n)
conference traffic (n)
confidence interval (n)
confidence level (n)
confidence region (n)
configuration (n)
confined (adj)
confirmation (n)
conform to (v)
conforming to standards (adj)
congestion (n)
congruent path (n)
Congruent paths
conical (adj)
conical brake (n)
conical interference fit (n)
conical seat (n)
conical spring (n)
conical surface (n)
conjoint analysis (n)
conjugation (n)
connect (v)
connect (into circuit) (v)
connect back to back (v)
connect in parallel (v)
connect in series (v)
connect on line side (v)
connect through (v)
connect to (v)
connect to ground (v)
connect to terminals (v)
connected in series (adj)
connected load (n)
connecting cable (n)
connecting link (n)
connecting piece (n)
connecting rod (n)
connecting rod marking system (n)
connection (n)
connection cable (n)
connection line (n)
connection of load (n)
connection to frame (n)
connection to power supply (n)
connector (n)
connector pin assignment (n)
consequential damage (n)
consequential loss (n)
conservation (n)
conservation of angular momentum (n)
conservation of momentum (n)
conserve (v)
consignee (n)
consignment note (n)
console (n)
console beam (n)
console milling machine (n)
console plate (n)
consolidation (n)
conspicuous (adj)
constant average (n)
constant pressure button (n)
constant speed travel time (n)
constant velocity joint (n)
Constant velocity shaft
constituent (n)
constraining force (n)
constrict (v)
constriction (n)
construct (v)
construction (n)
construction activity (n)
construction car (n)
construction crane complete assembly (n)
construction defect (n)
construction drawing (n)
construction elevator (n)
construction fault (n)
construction hoist (n)
construction machine (n)
construction machine industry (n)
construction machine leasing (n)
construction machine model (n)
construction machine rental business (n)
construction machine repair work (n)
construction machine sale (n)
construction machine service (n)
construction machine trade (n)
construction machinery and equipment repair (n)
construction machinery sales (n)
construction material (n)
construction parameter (n)
construction ratio (n)
construction rope (n)
construction screw (n)
construction site (n)
construction site hoist (n)
construction steel (n)
construction superintendent (n)
construction type (n)
construction waste recycling plant (n)
construction-site manufacturing (n)
consultancy service for construction machinery and equipment (n)
consume (v)
consumer (n)
consuming device (n)
consumption (n)
consumption of raw materials (n)
consumption-driven (adj)
contact (n)
contact (v)
contact angle (n)
contact area (n)
contact behavior (n)
contact behaviour (n)
contact bounce (n)
contact breaker (n)
contact chatter (n)
contact clearance (n)
contact closure (n)
contact control (n)
contact control system (n)
contact corrosion (n)
contact flange (n)
contact force (n)
contact grip (n)
contact impact (n)
contact line (n)
contact making (n)
contact member (n)
contact metal (n)
contact pairing (n)
contact pattern (n)
contact performance (n)
contact pitch (n)
contact point (n)
contact point (roll partner) (n)
contact potential difference (n)
Contact pressure
contact pressure (n)
contact pressure at rivets (n)
contact pressure at screws (n)
contact pressure equation (n)
contact pressure in plain bearings (n)
contact pressure on suitable areas (n)
contact pressure on thread (n)
Contact ratio (gear)
contact ratio factor (n)
contact roller (n)
contact seal (n)
Contact seal (dynamic)
contact stiffness (n)
contact support (n)
contact surface (n)
contact travel (n)
Contact voltage
contact wire (n)
contacting (n)
contactless (adj)
contactor (n)
contain (v)
container (m)
container (n)
container for liquids (n)
container for small parts (n)
container handling equipment (n)
container loading (n)
Container rack
container rack (n)
container stowage (n)
container traffic (n)
container transport (n)
container transport system (n)
contaminate (v)
contamination (n)
content (n)
contingency time (n)
continuity (n)
continuity equation (n)
continuity test (n)
continuity tester (n)
continuous (adj)
continuous articulated beam (n)
Continuous casting
continuous casting (n)
Continuous casting mould
continuous casting mould (n)
continuous chip (n)
Continuous controllers
continuous controllers (n)
continuous conveyor (n)
Continuous conveyors
continuous duty (n)
continuous duty cycle (n)
continuous flow production (n)
continuous form printing machine (n)
Continuous improvement process
continuous improvement process (CIP) (n)
continuous line (n)
continuous load (n)
continuous loading (n)
continuous material flow (n)
continuous operation (n)
continuous path control (n)
continuous rating (n)
continuous rolling (n)
continuous scheduling (n)
continuous vibration test (n)
continuous-path (CP) control system (n)
continuous-path control (n)
continuously cast section (n)
contour (n)
Contour crafting
contour grinder (n)
contour measurement (n)
contour miller (n)
contour milling (n)
contour-milling machine (n)
contouring lathe (n)
contract (v)
contract manufacturing (n)
contract speed (n)
contracting out (n)
contraction (n)
contraction coefficient (n)
contraction strain (n)
contractor (n)
contractor's pump (n)
contrasting sample (n)
control (n)
control (v)
control action (n)
control amplifier (n)
control and display panel (n)
control automatically (v)
control block (n)
control block model (n)
control block throughput time (n)
control board (n)
control box (n)
control bus (n)
control button (n)
control cabinet (n)
control cam (n)
control center (n)
control centre (n)
Control characteristic
control characteristic (n)
control circuit (n)
control console (n)
control costs (n)
control cubicle (n)
control desk (n)
control device (n)
control electronics (n)
Control element
control element (n)
control engineering (n)
control equipment (n)
control in case of fire (n)
control knob (n)
control lever (n)
Control loop
control loop (n)
control mechanism (n)
control of lift operations (n)
control panel (n)
control pendant (n)
control phase (n)
control potentiometer (n)
control procedure (n)
Control quality
control quality (n)
control range (n)
control relay (n)
control response (n)
control room (n)
control section (n)
control signal (n)
control slide (n)
Control stability
control stability (n)
control stage (n)
control stand (n)
control station (n)
control station on the car roof (n)
control switch (n)
control system (n)
control technology (n)
control unit (n)
control valve (n)
control variable (n)
control volume (n)
controllable (adj)
Controlled system
controlled system (n)
Controlled variable
controlled variable (n)
controller (n)
controller enable (n)
controller inhibit (n)
controller response (n)
controls (pl)
controls and displays (pl)
controls and indicators (pl)
convection cooling (n)
convection pass (n)
conventional milling (n)
conventional milling machine (n)
conversion (n)
conversion kit (n)
conversion table (n)
convert (v)
converter (n)
converter steel (n)
converter-fed (adj)
convex (adj)
convex fillet weld (n)
convey (n)
convey (v)
conveying (n)
conveying capacity (n)
conveying system (n)
Conveying technology
conveying technology (n)
conveyor (n)
conveyor belt (n)
conveyor chain (n)
conveyor equipment (n)
conveyor friction (n)
conveyor line (n)
conveyor plant (n)
conveyor section (n)
conveyor segment (n)
conveyor system (n)
conveyor system manufacturing (n)
conveyor washing machine (n)
cool (v)
coolant (n)
cooler (n)
cooling (n)
cooling agent (n)
cooling coil (n)
cooling fin (n)
cooling power (n)
cooling rate (n)
cooling rib (n)
cooling speed (n)
cooling tower basin (n)
cooling tower pond (n)
cooperation model (n)
coordinate (n)
coordinate (v)
coordinate axis (n)
coordinate basic origin (n)
coordinate condition (n)
coordinate difference (n)
coordinate drilling machine (n)
coordinate measuring instrument (n)
coordinate representation (n)
coordinate system (n)
coordination (n)
coping saw (n)
copolymerisation (n)
copper (n)
Copper alloys
copper conductor (n)
copper pipe (n)
copper refining (n)
copper sheet (n)
copper strand (n)
copper tubing (n)
copper wafer (n)
copper wire (n)
copper-plate (v)
copy milling (n)
copy turning (n)
copy-milling machine (n)
copying control (n)
copying lathe (n)
copyright (n)
cord (n)
cordless (adj)
corduroy-cutting machine (n)
core (n)
core boring (n)
core cross-section (n)
core cross-sectional area (n)
core diameter (n)
core drill (n)
core drill boring (n)
core drilling (n)
core hardening (n)
core identification (n)
core process (n)
coreboard (n)
coring (n)
corner (n)
corner angle (n)
corner chamfer (n)
corner joint (n)
corner ledge (n)
corner plate (n)
corner point (n)
corner radius (n)
corner-tube boiler (n)
cornered (adj)
corona discharge (n)
correct (adj)
correct (v)
correcting variable (n)
correction (n)
correction of faults (n)
corrective motion (n)
correlation (n)
correlation analysis (n)
correlation coefficient (n)
correlation diagram (n)
correlation matrix (n)
correlogram (n)
corrode (v)
corrosion (n)
corrosion by condensed water (n)
corrosion cell (n)
corrosion damage (n)
Corrosion fatigue
corrosion fatigue (n)
corrosion inhibitor (n)
corrosion pit (n)
corrosion potential (n)
corrosion prevention (n)
Corrosion protection
corrosion protection (n)
corrosion rate (n)
corrosion resistant (adj)
corrosion test (n)
Corrosion testing
corrosion testing (n)
corrosion-inhibiting (adj)
corrosion-protected (adj)
corrosion-resistant (adj)
corrosive action (n)
corrosive attack (n)
corrugated (adj)
corrugated core-beam making machine (wood working) (n)
corrugated pipe (boiler) (n)
corrugated-furnace boiler (n)
corrugating machine (n)
cosine rule (n)
cosmetic welding (n)
cosmic radiation (n)
cosmic ray (n)
Cost accounting
cost balancing concept (n)
cost centre accounting (n)
cost element accounting (n)
cost minimisation (n)
cost of casing (n)
cost of enclosure (n)
cost of housing (n)
cost of premises (n)
cost planning (n)
cost saving (n)
cost unit accounting (n)
cost-effective order quantity (n)
cost-effective procurement quantity (n)
cost-efficiency of supply (n)
cost-experience curve (n)
costing (n)
costs (n)
cotter (n)
cotter pin (n)
cotton cleaning equipment (n)
cotton twister (n)
cotton waste (n)
couch roll (n)
Coulomb force
Coulomb's law of (kinetic) friction (n)
Coulomb's law of sliding friction (n)
count (v)
counter (n)
Counter cutting
counter cutting (n)
counter mechanism (n)
counter pressure (n)
counter reset (n)
counter-clockwise (adj)
counter-clockwise (adv)
counter-clockwise roation (n)
counter-clockwise rotation (n)
counter-flange (n)
Counterbalance fork-lift truck
counterbalance fork-lift truck (n)
counterbalance spring (n)
counterbore (n)
counterbore (v)
counterclockwise rotation (n)
countercurrent reactor (n)
countershaft (n)
countersink (n)
countersink (v)
countersink bit (n)
countersinker (n)
countersunk (adj)
countersunk bolt (n)
countersunk rivet (n)
countersunk screw (n)
counterweight (n)
counterweight enclosure (n)
counterweight fillers (pl)
counterweight frame (n)
counterweight screen (n)
counterweight sheave (n)
counterweight tie rod (n)
counting mechanism (n)
counting pulse (n)
couple (n)
couple (v)
coupled vibration (n)
coupler (n)
coupling (n)
coupling coefficient (n)
coupling sleeve (n)
coupling type (n)
Couplings and clutches
course (n)
covalent bond (n)
covariance (n)
covariance analysis (n)
covariance stationarity (n)
cove lighting (n)
coved seam (n)
cover (n)
cover (v)
cover band (n)
cover disc (n)
cover plate (n)
cover sheet (n)
cover strip (n)
coverage (n)
covered (adj)
covered goods wagon (n)
covering (n)
cowl (n)
crab (n)
crack (n)
crack (v)
crack arrest values (pl)
crack arrester (n)
crack closure (n)
crack evaluation (n)
crack form factor (n)
crack formation (n)
crack growth (n)
crack growth rate (n)
crack propagation (n)
crack propagation rate (n)
crack propagation resistance under alternating stress (n)
crack propagation velocity (n)
crack size (n)
crack tip (n)
crack tip opening displacement (n)
crack-to-fracture-length ratio (n)
cracked zone (n)
cracking (n)
craft (n)
craftsman (n)
cramp (n)
crane (n)
crane hook (n)
Crane trolley
crane trolley (n)
crank (n)
crank arm (n)
crank drive (n)
crank drive mechanical system (n)
crank end guidance (n)
crank gear (n)
crank handle (n)
crank pin (n)
crank press (n)
crank shaft (n)
cranked (adj)
cranked handle (n)
crash (n)
crate (n)
crawl (v)
crawl beam (n)
crawler (n)
crawler tractor (n)
craze (n)
creast clearance (n)
creation of routing (n)
creep (n)
creep (v)
creep deformation (n)
creep distance (n)
creep fatigue (n)
creep feed (n)
creep fracture (n)
creep rupture (n)
creep rupture mechanics (n)
creep speed (n)
creep tendency (n)
creeper tractor (n)
creeping (n)
creeping feed (n)
creeping performance (n)
creeping speed (n)
crest (n)
crest diameter (n)
crest value (n)
crevice (n)
crevice corrosion (n)
crewed conduit coupling sleeve (n)
crimp connection (n)
crimp connector (n)
crimp contact (n)
crimp snap-in contact (n)
crimp snap-on connection (n)
crimped connection (n)
crimping cable lug (n)
crimping tool (n)
cross (adj)
cross (n)
cross adjustment (n)
cross axis (n)
cross bar (n)
cross beam (n)
cross feed (n)
cross hole (n)
cross jet (n)
cross load (n)
cross pass (n)
cross product (n)
cross reference (n)
cross roller bearing (n)
cross section (n)
cross section drawing (n)
cross slide (n)
cross tension test (n)
cross travel contactor (n)
cross travel motor (n)
Cross-belt sorter
cross-belt sorter (n)
cross-drum boiler (n)
cross-functional (adj)
cross-over pipe (n)
cross-section (n)
cross-section shapes (n)
cross-sectional area (n)
cross-sectional area of conductor (n)
cross-sectional plane (n)
cross-sectional shape (n)
cross-slide (n)
crosscut saw (n)
crossed helical gear (n)
crossed roller bearing (n)
crosshead (n)
crossing (n)
crosstalk (n)
Croston method (n)
Croston's method (n)
crowbar (n)
crown (n)
Crown gear
crown gear (n)
crown height (n)
crown wheel (n)
crowned (adj)
crowning (n)
CRT (n)
cruciform joint (n)
crude (adj)
crude oil pipeline (n)
cruise (n)
cruise (v)
crush (v)
crusher with sizing grid (n)
crystal (n)
crystal control (n)
crystal generator (n)
Crystal lattice structures (metals)
crystal structure (n)
crystal-controlled (adj)
crystal-controlled clock (n)
crystalline solid solution (n)
crystalline structure (n)
crystallisation (n)
crystallographic defect (n)
CT scanner (n)
CTOD (n)
cube (n)
cubic boron nitride tool (n)
cubic parabola (n)
cubicle (n)
cuboid (n)
Culmann method (n)
Culmann straight line (n)
Culmann's method (n)
cumulative circular pitch over k pitches (n)
cumulative damage (n)
cumulative failure rate (n)
cumulative frequency curve (n)
cumulative mean absolute error (n)
Cumulative quantity
cumulative quantity (n)
cumulative quantity control chart (n)
cumulative quantity curve (n)
cup grease (n)
cup packaging machine (n)
cup seal (n)
cup spring (n)
cup wheel (n)
curability (n)
curb (n)
curbstone grab (n)
cure (v)
current (adj)
current (n)
current coil (n)
current controller (n)
current density (n)
current input (n)
current inrush (n)
current intensity (n)
Current measurement
current measurement (n)
current output (n)
current peak (n)
current ratio (n)
current reducing switch (n)
current regulator (n)
current ripple (n)
current rush (n)
current sink (n)
current source (n)
current status (n)
current supply (n)
current surge (n)
current terminal (n)
current-carrying (adj)
currrent limiter (n)
cursor (n)
curtains (pl)
curvature (n)
curvature height (n)
curvature length (n)
curve (n)
curve radius (n)
curve shears (n)
curved (adj)
curved roller (n)
curved teeth coupling (n)
Curved tooth coupling
curvilinear motion (n)
cushion (n)
cushion (v)
cushioning (n)
custodian (n)
custom ... (adj)
custom made (n)
custom-built (adj)
custom-built (n)
custom-design ... (adj)
custom-made (adj)
custom-made unit (n)
customary (adj)
customer (n)
customer number (n)
customer order (n)
customer order diagram (n)
customer structure (n)
customized ... (adj)
cut (n)
cut (v)
cut a gear (v)
cut edge (n)
cut face (n)
cut in (v)
cut off (v)
cut out (v)
cut to length (v)
cut to size (v)
cut-away (adj)
cut-in current (n)
cut-in voltage (n)
cut-off frequency (n)
cut-off piece (n)
cut-off valve (n)
cutoff relay (n)
cutoff switch (n)
cutout (n)
cutout switch (n)
cutter (n)
cutter arbor (n)
cutter arbour (n)
cutter compensation (n)
cutter head (n)
cutter path (n)
cutter radius compensation (n)
cutter radius offset (n)
cutter slide (n)
cutter spindle (n)
cutter spindle bearing (n)
cutting (n)
cutting allowance (n)
cutting capacity (n)
cutting depth (n)
cutting direction (n)
cutting distance (n)
cutting edge (n)
cutting face (n)
cutting feed (n)
cutting fluid (n)
cutting force (n)
cutting force measuring device (n)
cutting insert (n)
cutting lane (n)
cutting machine (n)
cutting method (n)
cutting moment (n)
cutting motion (n)
cutting path (n)
cutting pattern (n)
cutting plane (n)
cutting power (n)
cutting rake (n)
cutting ring (n)
cutting speed (n)
cutting stroke (n)
cutting technique (n)
cutting thrust (n)
cutting to length (n)
cutting to size (n)
cutting tool (n)
cutting torch (n)
cutting torque (n)
cutting travel (n)
cutting-in speed (n)
cutting-tool infeed (n)
cycle (n)
cycle duration (n)
cycle of operation (n)
cycle time (n)
Cycle time (storage)
cycle time calculation (n)
cyclic (adj)
cyclic creep (n)
cyclic deformation curve (n)
cyclic fatigue failure (n)
cyclic hardening (n)
cyclic relaxation (n)
cyclic softening (n)
cyclic strain (n)
cyclic stress-strain curve (n)
cyclic testing (n)
cyclical component (n)
cyclical fluctuation (n)
Cycloid gearing
cyclone-furnace boiler (n)
cylic duration factor (n)
cylinder (n)
cylinder barrel (n)
cylinder bore (n)
cylinder gland (n)
cylinder guide bush (n)
cylinder guide bushing (n)
cylinder head (n)
cylinder honing tool (n)
cylinder liner (n)
cylinder protector (n)
cylinder stuffing box (n)
cylinder tube (n)
cylindrical (adj)
cylindrical flexible helical spring (n)
cylindrical gear (n)
cylindrical grinder (n)
cylindrical grinding (n)
cylindrical grinding machine (n)
cylindrical guide (n)
Cylindrical helical spring
cylindrical helical spring (n)
Cylindrical interference fit
cylindrical interference fit (n)
Cylindrical roller bearing
cylindrical roller bearing (n)
cylindrical roller bearing with cage (n)
Cylindrical roller thrust bearing
cylindrical surface (n)
cylindrical worm gear with shaft angle (90°) (n)
cylindrical-roller thrust bearing (n)
D action (n)
D component (n)
D controller (n)
D element
D element (n)
d.c. (n)
d.c. link capacitor (n)
d.c. link choke (n)
d.c. link voltage (n)
d.c. voltage (n)
d'Alembert principle (n)
D'Alembert's principle
d'Alembert's principle (n)
damage (n)
damage accumulation (n)
damage analysis (n)
damage due to moisture (n)
damage mechanism (n)
damage report (n)
damage statistics (n)
damaged (adj)
damp (adj)
damp (v)
damped oscillation (n)
damped vibration (n)
dampen (v)
damper (n)
damper slide (n)
damping (n)
damping capacity (n)
damping diode (n)
damping effect (n)
damping element (n)
damping factor (n)
damping force (n)
damping force excitation (n)
damping ratio (n)
damping term (n)
danger (n)
danger of accident (n)
danger of falling (n)
dangerous substance (n)
Dangerous substances labelling
dash (n)
dash (v)
dash-dot (v)
dash-dot line (n)
dashed (adj)
dashed line (n)
dashpot (n)
data (n)
data acquisition (n)
data bank (n)
data carrier (n)
data collection (n)
data collection method (n)
data medium (n)
data processing (n)
data retrieval (n)
data sheet (n)
data transmission (n)
database (n)
date-based order placement (n)
datum (n)
datum line (n)
datum plane (n)
datum point (n)
daylight (n)
dbg (n)
DC (n)
DC machine (n)
DC motor (n)
DC voltage (n)
de-energization (n)
de-energize (adj)
de-energize (v)
de-energized (adj)
de-ice (v)
de-pressurize (v)
deactivate (v)
deactivated (adj)
deactivation (n)
deactivation system (n)
dead (adj)
dead centre (n)
dead load (n)
dead load weight (n)
dead man's circuit (n)
dead time (n)
dead weight (n)
Dead-time element
dead-time element (n)
deaden (v)
deadening (adj)
deadline (n)
dealkalisation (n)
dealkalization (n)
deboard (v)
debounce (v)
debris (n)
debugging (software) (n)
deburing (n)
deburr (v)
deburrer (n)
deburring (n)
deburring attachment (n)
deburring cutter (n)
deburring machine (n)
deburring plant (n)
deburring press (n)
deburring tool (n)
decadic (Brigg's) logarithm (n)
decadic logarithm (Brigg's) (n)
decalcifying plant (n)
decapping machine (n)
decarbonising system (n)
decarburisation (n)
decarburization (n)
decatising machine (n)
decatizing machine (n)
decay (n)
decay heat (n)
decay tank (n)
decelerate (v)
deceleration (n)
deceleration at corners (n)
deceleration distance (n)
deceleration performance (n)
deceleration profile (n)
deceleration test (n)
deceleration torque (n)
decentralised picking (n)
decentralised storage (n)
dechuck (v)
decimal system (n)
decision model (n)
decision option (n)
decision tree (n)
decision-making problem (n)
declaration of conformity (n)
decline (n)
decomposable (adj)
decompose (v)
decomposition (n)
decomposition graph (n)
decorative veneer (n)
decrease (n)
decrease (v)
decrease in pressure (n)
decrement (n)
dedendum (n)
dedendum flank (n)
dedicated (adj)
dedicated circuit (n)
dedicated connection (n)
dedicated line (n)
deduct (v)
deduction (n)
deep car (n)
deep drawing (n)
Deep groove ball bearing
deep groove ball bearing (n)
deep lane storage stacker rack (n)
deep rolling (n)
deep-drawing (n)
deep-groove ball bearing (n)
deep-groove thrust ball bearing (n)
default (n)
default ... (adj)
default option (n)
default setting (n)
default value (n)
defect (n)
defect note (n)
defect of material (n)
defect report (n)
defective (adj)
deferrisation system (n)
deficiency (n)
definition (n)
deflaker (n)
deflash (v)
deflashing (n)
deflect (v)
deflection (n)
deflection angle (n)
deflection curve (n)
deflection of beams (n)
deflection of girders (n)
deflection plate (n)
deflection profile (n)
deflection pulley (n)
deflection-time law (n)
deflection-time line (n)
deflector (n)
deflector plate (n)
deflector sheave (n)
deflexion strength (n)
defogging system (n)
deform (v)
deformation (n)
deformation efficiency (n)
deformation energy (n)
deformation energy density (n)
deformation energy under torsion (n)
deformation equation (n)
deformation mechanism (n)
deformation pattern (n)
deformation tensor (n)
deformation under shear (n)
deformation under torsion (n)
Deformation work
deformation work (n)
deformation work under torsion (n)
deformation zone (n)
deformation-time function (n)
defrost (v)
degassing extruder (n)
degassing system (n)
degradable (adj)
degradation (n)
degrease (v)
degree (n)
degree Centigrade (n)
degree Fahrenheit (n)
degree of automation (n)
degree of closedness (n)
degree of cooperation (n)
Degree of freedom
degree of freedom (n)
degree of in-car congestion (n)
degree of plasticisation (n)
degree of precipitation (n)
degree of protection (n)
degree of utilisation (n)
degree to which an objective is achieved (n)
degree(s) centigrade (n)
delay (n)
delay (v)
delay element (n)
delayed-action ... (adj)
delete (v)
delimit (v)
deliver (n)
deliver (v)
deliver (equipment to machine room) (v)
delivered disassembled (adj)
delivery (n)
delivery deadline (n)
delivery delay rate (n)
delivery flexibility (n)
delivery head (n)
delivery note (n)
delivery period (n)
delivery pressure (n)
delivery quality (n)
delivery rate (n)
delivery reliability (n)
delivery service (n)
delivery services (n)
delivery stroke (n)
delivery system (n)
delivery time (n)
Delphi method (n)
delta connection (n)
demagneting device (n)
demagnetising plant (n)
demagnetization (n)
demagnetize (v)
demand forecast (n)
demand pattern (n)
demand planning (n)
demand-based (adj)
demand-based individual procurement (n)
demand-based material flow (n)
demobilize (n)
demodulate (v)
demodulation (n)
demodulator (n)
demolish (v)
demonstrate (v)
demonstration (n)
demount (v)
demountable (adj)
demounting (n)
demultiplexer (n)
denester (n)
dense (adj)
dense air (n)
density (n)
density fluctuation (n)
dental drill (n)
depalletizer (n)
depart (v)
departure (n)
dependability (n)
dependable (adj)
dependent requirements (n)
dependent variable (n)
depletion layer (n)
deposit (v)
deposit welding (n)
deposited-film resistor (n)
deposition corrosion (n)
depot (n)
depot-free delivery (n)
depress (v)
depression (n)
depth (n)
depth gage (n)
depth gauge (n)
depth of borehole (n)
depth of cut (n)
depth of drill hole (n)
depth of hardening (n)
depth of hardening zone (n)
depth of tooth (n)
derating (n)
derating factor (n)
derivation (n)
derivative action (n)
derivative action component (n)
derivative action controller (n)
derivative component (n)
derivative controller (n)
derivative element (n)
derive (v)
derived (adj)
derived unit (n)
derricking gear (n)
derust (v)
descaling machine (n)
descaling plant (n)
descend (v)
descending (adj)
descending movement (n)
descent (n)
descent speed (n)
descent valve (n)
descent velocity (n)
describe (v)
description (n)
description of operation (n)
deseasonalisation (n)
design (n)
design (v)
design activity (n)
design calculation (n)
design certification (n)
design coal (n)
design concept (n)
design data sheet (n)
design defect (n)
design drawing (n)
design engineer (n)
design fault (n)
design feature (n)
design formula (n)
design input (pl)
design load (n)
design of hydraulic equipment (n)
design of jigs and fixtures (n)
design panel width (n)
design parameter (n)
design patent (n)
design pressure (n)
design review (n)
design specification (n)
design temperature (n)
design-based fuel (n)
designate (v)
designation (n)
designed to meet the needs of the handicapped (adj)
designer (n)
Designing adhesive joints
desired value (n)
desk (n)
desk-top model (n)
desktop unit (n)
destacker (n)
destination (n)
destination call button (n)
destination landing (n)
destination pushbutton box (n)
desulphurisation plant (n)
detach (v)
detachable (adj)
detached (adj)
detail (n)
detail drawing (n)
detailed drawing (n)
detailed planning (n)
detection (n)
detection cone (n)
detection zone (n)
detector (n)
detector zone (n)
detent pin (n)
detent position (n)
determinant (n)
determination of requirements (n)
determination of standard time (n)
determining the bearing size (n)
determining the centre of gravity (n)
determining the reference viscosity (n)
deterministic approach (n)
deterministic determination of requirements (n)
deterministic initial situation (n)
deterministic processing time (n)
deterministic requirements planning (n)
detoxification plant (n)
devaporisation plant (n)
develop (v)
developer machine (n)
development (n)
development partner (n)
development phase (n)
development plan (n)
development tool (n)
deviate (v)
deviation (n)
deviation from actual size (n)
deviation from the vertical (n)
deviation of center distance (n)
deviation of centre distance (n)
device (n)
device under test (n)
dew point (n)
DHV weld (n)
diagnostic message (n)
diagnostic packet (n)
diagnostic unit (n)
diagnostics capability (n)
diagonal (n)
diagonal line (n)
diagonal strut (n)
diagonal travel (n)
diagram (n)
dial (n)
dial (v)
dial gauge (n)
dial indicator (n)
dialogue component (n)
diameter of traction sheave (n)
diameter series (n)
diametral quotient of a worm (n)
diamond (n)
diamond cone (n)
diamond drill (n)
diamond pyramid (n)
diamond pyramid hardness (n)
diamond wheel dresser (n)
diamond-tipped (adj)
diaphragm (n)
diaphragm (valve) (n)
diaphragm pump (n)
diaphragm valve (n)
Dickey-Fuller test (n)
die (n)
die and mould making (n)
Die casting
die casting (n)
die stock (n)
die-casting (n)
die-sinking cutter (n)
die-stamping press (n)
dielectric (adj)
dielectric (n)
dielectric breakdown (n)
difference (n)
difference between adjacent pitches (n)
difference between adjacent single pitches (n)
difference in temperature (n)
difference of electrical potential (n)
differential (n)
differential brake (n)
Differential calculus
differential coefficient (n)
differential design (n)
Differential equation
differential form of work (n)
differential gear (n)
differential thermal analysis (n)
differentiating element (n)
difficult (adj)
diffuser (n)
diffusing panel (n)
diffusion (n)
diffusion annealing (n)
diffusion coefficient (n)
diffusion equation (n)
diffusion mechanism (n)
diffusivity (n)
digit (n)
digital circuit (n)
digital computer (n)
digital data logging (n)
digital display (n)
digital readout (n)
dilatation (n)
dilatometer (n)
diluent (n)
dilute (v)
dimension (n)
dimension (v)
dimension check (n)
dimension drawing (n)
dimension sheet (n)
dimensional accuracy (n)
dimensional allowance (n)
dimensional check (n)
dimensional deviation (n)
dimensional inspection (n)
dimensional stability (n)
Dimensional tolerance
dimensional tolerance (n)
dimensionally stable (adj)
dimensioned drawing (n)
dimensioning (n)
dimensioning of the service life (n)
dimensioning the load carrying capacity (n)
dimensionless quantity (n)
dimetric projection (n)
diminish (v)
dimmer (n)
dimmer switch (n)
dimple fracture (n)
diode (n)
diode combination (n)
diode limiter (n)
DIP (n)
dip (v)
dip hardening (n)
dip lubrication (n)
dip-solder (v)
dipstick (n)
direct (adj)
direct (v)
direct approach (n)
direct bearing arrangement (n)
direct central impact (n)
Direct Croning
Direct current
direct current (n)
direct current voltage (n)
direct distribution (n)
direct hardening (n)
direct marketing (n)
direct positive locking (n)
direct selling (n)
direct service (n)
direct traffic (n)
direct train (n)
direct-contact heater (n)
Direct-current generator
direct-current generator (n)
direct-current machine (n)
direct-current motor (n)
direction (n)
direction arrow (n)
direction finder (n)
direction finding (n)
direction in space (n)
direction indicator (n)
direction of action (n)
direction of cause to effect (n)
direction of feed (n)
direction of force (n)
direction of forces (n)
direction of moment (n)
direction of motion (n)
direction of movement (n)
direction of movement arrow (n)
direction of operation (n)
direction of rotation (n)
direction of travel (n)
direction reversal (n)
direction-sensitive (adj)
directional (adj)
directional angle (n)
directional control valve (n)
Directional guide
directional roller clutch (n)
directional roller type freewheel (n)
directional rule (n)
directional stability (n)
directional valve (n)
directions for use (n)
directive (n)
dirt (n)
dirt deposit (n)
dirt scraper (n)
dirt trap (n)
dirty (adj)
disable (v)
disabled (adj)
disabled persons (pl)
disabled persons use (pl)
disassemble (v)
disassembly (n)
disc (n)
Disc brake
disc brake (n)
disc cage (n)
disc clutch (n)
Disc coupling
disc coupling (n)
disc spring (n)
discard (v)
discard criteria (pl)
discard number of broken wires (n)
discharge (n)
discharge (v)
discharge capacity (n)
discharge current (n)
discharge opening (n)
discharge resistance (n)
discharge resistor (n)
discharged (adj)
discharging resistor (n)
disconnect (adj)
disconnect (n)
disconnect (v)
disconnect (terminal) (v)
disconnect switch (n)
disconnect the plug (n)
disconnecting fuse (n)
disconnecting switch (n)
disconnection (n)
disconnector (n)
discontinue (v)
discontinued item (n)
Discontinuous controllers
discontinuous controllers (n)
Discontinuous conveyor
discontinuous conveyor (n)
discretionary messages (pl)
discriminance analysis (n)
discriminant analysis (n)
discrimination (n)
disengage (v)
disengage after safety gear operation (v)
disengagement (n)
dished (adj)
disintegration (n)
disk (n)
disk brake (n)
disk clutch (n)
disk-type sander (n)
dislocation (n)
dislocation arrangement (n)
dislocation density (n)
dismantle (v)
dismantling (n)
dismount (v)
dismounting (n)
dispatch (n)
dispatch (v)
dispatch center (n)
dispatch centre (n)
dispatch control (n)
dispatcher (n)
dispatching (n)
dispatching means (n)
dispense (v)
dispenser (n)
dispersion (n)
displace (v)
displaced liquid (n)
displaced volume of liquid (n)
displacement (n)
displacement axiom (n)
displacement capacity (n)
displacement curve (n)
displacement force (n)
Displacement metrology
displacement metrology (n)
displacement moment (n)
displacement speed (n)
displacement value (n)
displacement vector (n)
display (n)
display (v)
display format (n)
display panel (n)
display unit (n)
display window (n)
display-screen conversational mode (n)
disposable filter (n)
disposable part (n)
disposal (n)
disposal costs (n)
disposal planning (n)
dispose of (v)
disruption (n)
disruptive breakdown (n)
disruptive discharge (n)
disruptive voltage (n)
dissimilar metal weld (n)
dissipate (v)
dissipate heat (n)
dissipation (n)
dissipation factor (n)
dissipative force (n)
dissipative table surface (n)
dissociation reaction (n)
dissolution (n)
dissolve (v)
distance (n)
distance between axes (n)
distance between bearings (n)
distance between centers (n)
distance between centres (n)
distance between guides (n)
distance between rails (n)
distance between two consecutive floors (n)
distance equation (n)
distance from edge (n)
distance line (n)
distance matrix (n)
distance piece (n)
Distance sensor
distance to be traversed (n)
distance traversed (n)
distance-time diagram (n)
distant (adj)
distant reading (n)
distillery apparatus (n)
distinct (adj)
distort (v)
distortion (n)
distortion corrector (n)
distortion energy (n)
Distortion energy theory
distortion in planes (n)
distribute (v)
distributed load (n)
distribution (n)
distribution board (n)
distribution box (n)
distribution channel (n)
distribution company (n)
distribution depot (n)
distribution function (n)
distribution list (n)
distribution logistics (n)
distribution of inertia (n)
distribution panel (n)
distribution strategy (n)
distribution structure (n)
distribution structures (pl)
distribution system (n)
distribution traffic (n)
distribution warehouse (n)
distributor (n)
disturb (v)
disturbance (n)
Disturbance variable
disturbance variable (n)
disturbed (adj)
disturbing current (n)
disturbing voltage (n)
dive (v)
diverter (n)
diverter pulley (n)
diverting pulley (n)
diverting sheave (n)
divide (v)
divided (adj)
divider (n)
dividing (n)
dividing apparatus (n)
dividing head (n)
dividing unit (n)
division (n)
division of a work sequence (n)
division of polynomials (n)
do (v)
do-it-yourselfer (n)
docking control (n)
docking function (n)
docking operation (n)
doctor blade (n)
document lift (n)
documentation (pl)
documentation chain (n)
documents (pl)
dog (n)
dog plate (n)
domain (n)
domed (adj)
domestic engineering (n)
domestic services (n)
domestic traffic (n)
done (adj)
donor (n)
door (n)
door chime (n)
door close button (n)
door closer (n)
door coupler (n)
door drive (n)
door driving element (n)
door end position (n)
door entrance area (n)
door frame (n)
door gap (n)
door gear (n)
door hanger (n)
door header (n)
door hinge (n)
door inspection button (n)
door interlock (n)
door leaf (n)
door lock (n)
door locking device (n)
door operating mechanism (n)
door operator (n)
door operator motor (n)
door panel (n)
door protection (n)
door re-open button (n)
door reveal (n)
door sill (n)
door skate (n)
door skin (n)
door suspension (n)
door swing (n)
door track (n)
door upright (n)
door vane (n)
door wing (n)
door zone (n)
door-open button (n)
door-opening angle (n)
doorstop (n)
doorway (n)
dope (v)
doping (n)
doping agent (n)
doping material (n)
dose (v)
dosing (n)
dosing pump (n)
dot (n)
dot (v)
dot code (n)
DOT codes (n)
dot matrix indicator (n)
dot welding machine (n)
dot-dash line (n)
dotted (adj)
double friction clutch (n)
double iron plane (n)
double key (n)
double plug (n)
double tube core barrel (n)
double vee butt weld (n)
double-angle cutter (n)
double-angle milling cutter (n)
double-block brake (n)
double-column planer (n)
double-cut saw (n)
double-dashed chain line (n)
double-deck car (n)
double-decker lift (n)
double-end socket wrench (n)
double-folding door (n)
double-head box wrench (n)
double-head ring wrench (n)
double-helical gear (n)
double-helical gearing (n)
double-helical teeth (n)
double-jaw brake (n)
double-jaw chuck (n)
double-rotor discharge screw conveyor (n)
double-shear (adj)
double-shoe brake (n)
double-skin ... (adj)
double-V groove weld (n)
double-wall ... (adj)
double-walled (adj)
double-wrap sheave (n)
dovetail (n)
Dovetail guide
dovetail guide (n)
dovetail key (n)
dovetail plane (n)
dovetail saw (n)
dovetail slideway (n)
dowelling (n)
down call (n)
down collective (n)
down collective control (n)
down milling (n)
down milling machine (n)
down overspeed (n)
down peak (n)
down run (n)
down time (n)
down travel (n)
down-cut milling (n)
down-peak (n)
down-stroke (n)
downfeed (n)
downfeed milling machine (n)
downgrade (n)
downhill force (n)
downhill force component (n)
downpipe (n)
downstream (adj)
downtime (n)
downward compatibility (n)
downward expansion (n)
downward gradient (n)
downward movement (n)
downward thermal growth (n)
draft (n)
draft (v)
draft drawing (n)
draft phase (n)
draft standard (n)
draft tool (n)
drafting standards (n)
drag (v)
drag belt (n)
Drag chain
drag chain (n)
drag coefficient (n)
drag conveyor (n)
drag line (n)
drag shoe (n)
drag-chain conveyor (n)
drag-link conveyor (n)
drain (n)
drain (v)
drain cock (n)
drain line (n)
drain off (v)
drain plug (n)
drain tap (n)
drain valve (n)
drainage by gravity (n)
draining pump (n)
draught (n)
draw (v)
draw bar (n)
draw carriage (n)
draw die (n)
draw hook (n)
draw in (v)
draw off (v)
draw out (v)
draw up (v)
draw-in collet (n)
drawer (n)
drawing (n)
drawing bill of materials (n)
drawing entry (n)
drawing for approval (n)
drawing press (n)
drawing specification (n)
dress (v)
dressing device (n)
dressing hammer (n)
drift (n)
drift (v)
drill (n)
drill (v)
drill bit (n)
drill chuck (n)
drill crown (n)
drill feed (n)
drill press (n)
drill sharpening machine (n)
drill spindle (n)
drill table (n)
drilled hole (n)
drilling (n)
drilling and boring machine (n)
drilling and milling machine (n)
drilling fluid (n)
drilling machine (n)
drilling pattern (n)
drilling template (n)
drilling tool (n)
drip (v)
drip oil lubrication (n)
drip oiler (n)
drip pan (n)
drip tray (n)
drip-proof enclosure (n)
drive (n)
drive (v)
drive chain (n)
drive concept (n)
drive control (n)
drive end (n)
drive engineering (n)
drive fit (n)
drive in (v)
drive mechanism (n)
drive motor (n)
drive output (n)
drive pinion (n)
drive piston (n)
drive power (n)
drive shaft (n)
drive side (n)
drive slip (n)
drive speed (n)
drive technology (n)
drive train (n)
drive unit (n)
drive work (n)
drive-in rack (n)
drive-through rack (n)
driveline (n)
driven (adj)
driven end (n)
driven gear (n)
driven oscillation (n)
driven oscillation/vibration (n)
driven pulley (n)
driven shaft (n)
driven side (n)
driver (n)
driver stage (n)
driverless transport system (n)
driving (n)
driving chain (n)
driving direction (n)
driving element (n)
driving end (n)
driving force (f)
driving force (n)
driving gear (n)
driving in wedges (n)
driving line (n)
driving machine (n)
driving machine brake (n)
driving mechanism (n)
driving member (n)
driving motor (n)
driving pinion (n)
driving plate (n)
driving power (n)
driving pulley (n)
driving shaft (n)
driving sheave (n)
driving side (n)
driving speed (n)
driving time (n)
driving torque (n)
driving wheel (n)
driving wormwheel (n)
drop (n)
drop (v)
drop below (v)
drop below a value (v)
drop forging (n)
drop hammer (n)
drop hardness test (n)
drop height (n)
drop impact tester (n)
drop out (v)
drop probability (n)
drop rod (n)
drop test (n)
drop-off time lag (n)
drum (n)
Drum brake
drum brake (n)
drum diameter (n)
drum drive (n)
drum lift (n)
drunken lead (n)
dry (adj)
dry friction (n)
dry lubricant (n)
dry operation (n)
dry to touch (adj)
dry wall (n)
dry-bulb thermometer (n)
dry-film lubricant (n)
dry-running compressor (n)
dry-seal thread (n)
dual drive (n)
dual system (n)
dual-circuit braking system (n)
dual-entry car (n)
dual-in-line package (n)
duct (n)
ductile (adj)
ductile cast iron (n)
ductile fracture (n)
ductility (n)
dugout (n)
dull (adj)
dumbwaiter (n)
dummy plug (n)
dump-grate spreader (n)
dumper body (n)
duplex discharge strainer (n)
duplex roller chain (n)
duplex suction strainer (n)
durability (n)
durable (adj)
duration (n)
duration of service (n)
Durbin-Watson test (n)
duromer (n)
dust (n)
dust accumulation (n)
dust deposit (n)
dust-proof (adj)
duty (n)
duty cycle (n)
duty cycle (... starts per hour) (n)
duty time (n)
dwell cycle (n)
dwell time (n)
dye (n)
dye (v)
dye laser (n)
dye penetrant (n)
dye penetration test (n)
dynamic (adj)
dynamic balance (n)
dynamic balance test (n)
dynamic batch size optimisation (n)
dynamic batch size problem (n)
dynamic batch sizing (n)
dynamic braking (n)
dynamic equivalent load (n)
dynamic friction (n)
dynamic load (n)
dynamic load bearing capacity (n)
dynamic loading (n)
dynamic pressure (n)
Dynamic racking
dynamic racking (n)
dynamic radial load (n)
dynamic range (n)
dynamic retrieval (n)
dynamic route planning (n)
dynamic service life (n)
Dynamic strength
dynamic strength (n)
Dynamic strength test
dynamic stress (n)
dynamic viscosity (n)
dynamics (n)
dynamo (n)
Early cost identification
earmarked (adj)
earmarking (n)
earplug (n)
earth (n)
earth (v)
earth cable (n)
earth conductor (n)
earth connection (n)
earth connection point (n)
earth contact (n)
earth detector (n)
earth fault (n)
earth lead (n)
earth potential (n)
earth return (n)
earth terminal (n)
earth wire (n)
earth-continuity conductor (n)
earth-moving equipment (n)
earthed (adj)
earthing (n)
earthing cable (n)
earthing connection (n)
earthing lead (n)
earthing point (n)
earthing system (n)
earthing wrist strap (n)
earthing wristband (n)
ease (v)
ease of operation (n)
easy (adj)
easy movement (n)
easy to install (adj)
easy to maintain (adj)
easy to service (adj)
easy-running (adj)
easy-running grease (n)
eaves (n)
eccentric (adj)
eccentric bolt (n)
eccentric cam (n)
eccentric disk (n)
eccentric drive (n)
eccentric impact (n)
eccentric press (n)
eccentric shaft (n)
eccentricity (n)
echo (n)
economic component (n)
economizer (n)
economy connection (n)
economy operation (n)
economy resistor (n)
economy switch (n)
Eddy current
eddy current (n)
eddy current braking (n)
eddy current test (n)
Eddy current testing
edge (n)
edge (v)
edge clip (n)
edge connector (n)
edge dislocation (n)
edge folding (n)
edge loading (n)
edge pressure (n)
edge safety strip (n)
edge spacing (n)
edgewise (adj)
Edison screw thread (n)
effect (v)
effect of notches (n)
effective (adj)
effective diameter (n)
effective direction (n)
effective impact (n)
effective output (n)
effective pitch diameter (n)
effective power (n)
effective range (n)
effective separation (n)
Effective temperature
effective temperature (n)
effective value (n)
effective voltage (n)
effective work (n)
efficiency (n)
efficiency equation (n)
efficiency ratio (n)
efficiency shortfall (n)
efficiency underrun (n)
efficient (adj)
effort (n)
egg crate diffuser (n)
eigenfrequency (n)
eigenfunction (n)
eigenvector (n)
eject (v)
ejection chute (n)
ejection technology (n)
ejector (m)
elapsed time (n)
elastic (adj)
elastic (n)
elastic bending line (n)
elastic buckling (n)
elastic collision (n)
elastic coupling (n)
elastic curve (n)
elastic deformation (n)
Elastic element
elastic impact (n)
elastic limit (n)
elastic modulus (n)
elastic range (n)
elastic stiffness (n)
elasticity (n)
elastomer (n)
elastomer clutch (n)
elastomer coupling (n)
elastomer moulding (n)
elastomer plastic (n)
elastomer press (n)
elastomer spring (n)
elbow (n)
elbow lever (n)
electric (adj)
electric arc (n)
Electric arc furnace
electric arc furnace (n)
Electric arc welding
electric arc welding (n)
electric carriage (n)
electric circuit (n)
electric conduction (n)
electric control circuit (n)
electric conveyor track (n)
electric crane (n)
electric field (n)
electric furnace steel (n)
electric gas-ignitor (n)
electric hand drill (n)
electric hoist (n)
electric light-bulb thread (n)
electric locomotive (n)
electric machine (n)
electric monorail system (n)
electric motor (n)
electric motor component (n)
electric motor industry (n)
electric motor module (n)
electric motor repair (n)
electric motor trade (n)
electric pallet conveyor (n)
electric power (n)
electric screwdriver (n)
electric steel (n)
electric tool (n)
electric trade (n)
electric work (n)
electrical (adj)
electrical assembly (n)
electrical braking unit (n)
Electrical discharge machining
electrical discharge machining (n)
electrical engineering (n)
electrical equipment (pl)
electrical fitter (n)
electrical gas discharge (n)
electrical hoisting device (n)
electrical industry service (n)
electrical installation (n)
electrical installation plant (n)
electrical machine (n)
electrical overhead crane (n)
electrical power engineering (n)
electrical recall operation (n)
electrical resistance alloy (n)
electrical retailer (n)
electrical science (n)
electrical sheet (n)
Electrical sheet (electrical engineering)
electrical wholesale (n)
electrical work (n)
electrically conducting (adj)
electrician (n)
electricity (n)
electricity meter (n)
electrification (n)
electro erosion plant (n)
electro lifting cylinder (n)
electro mechanical assembly (n)
electro press (n)
electrochemical cell (n)
electrochemical corrosion (n)
electrochemical machining (n)
electrochemical series (n)
electrode (n)
electrode holder (n)
electrode potential (n)
electrode spacing (n)
electrodeposit (v)
electrodeposition (n)
electroforming (n)
electrolyte (n)
electrolytic capacitor (n)
Electrolytic machining
electrolytic machining (n)
electrolytic polishing (n)
electromagnet (n)
electromagnetic belt separator (n)
electromagnetic brake (n)
electromagnetic chuck (n)
electromagnetic clutch (n)
Electromagnetic compatibility
Electromagnetic couplings and clutches
electromagnetic radiation (n)
electromagnetic track brake (n)
electromechanic linear actuator (n)
electromechanical linear drive (n)
electromechanical test machine (n)
electromechanical testing machine (n)
electromechanics (n)
electron (n)
electron analysis (n)
electron analytics (n)
electron beam drilling service (n)
electron beam machine (n)
electron beam process (n)
Electron beam technology
electron microscope (n)
electron treatment unit (n)
electron-beam alloying (n)
electron-beam hardening (n)
Electron-beam welding
electron-beam welding (n)
electronic analyzing unit (n)
electronic assembly (n)
electronic control (n)
electronic control system (n)
electronic device (n)
electronic engineering (n)
electronic equipment (n)
electronic evaluator (n)
electronic stability program (ESP) (n)
electronics (n)
electronics manufacture (n)
electronics trade (n)
electroplate (v)
electropolishing (n)
electropolishing plant (n)
electroslag refining (n)
electroslag remelting process (n)
electrostatic charge (n)
electrostatic component (n)
Electrostatic discharge
electrostatic discharge (n)
Electrostatic induction
electrostatic-discharging roller (n)
electrostatic-discharging surface (n)
electrostatically dissipative (adj)
electrostatics (n)
element (n)
Elementary charge
elementary particle (n)
elevate (v)
elevated railway (n)
elevating platform (n)
elevating slide (n)
elevation (n)
elevator (n)
elevator cage (n)
elevator car (n)
elevator industry (n)
elevator installation (n)
elevator operator (n)
eliminate (v)
elimination (n)
ellipsoid (n)
ellipsoidal joint (n)
Elliptical gear
elongate (v)
elongated hole (n)
elongation (n)
elongation at break (n)
elongation curve (n)
elongation test (n)
embankment (n)
embed (v)
embedding automat (n)
emboss (v)
emergency alarm device (n)
emergency call (n)
emergency cutout (n)
emergency door (n)
emergency doors to the well (pl)
emergency drain (line) (n)
emergency electrical operation (n)
emergency electrical operation device (n)
emergency electrical operation speed (n)
emergency electrical operation switch (n)
emergency electrical winding equipment (n)
emergency generator set (n)
emergency lamp (n)
emergency lighting (n)
emergency lowering (n)
emergency luminaire (n)
emergency mode (n)
emergency operation (n)
emergency power supply (n)
emergency release of lift passengers (n)
emergency shutdown (n)
emergency shutoff (n)
emergency signal device (n)
emergency spray attemperation (n)
emergency stock (n)
emergency stop (n)
emergency stop button (n)
emergency stop switch (n)
emergency stop valve (n)
emergency switch (n)
emergency trap door (n)
emergency unlocking (n)
emergency unlocking device (n)
emergency unlocking key (n)
emery paper (n)
emission (n)
emission level (n)
emission limit (n)
emission of radiation (n)
emit (v)
emitted interference (n)
emitter (n)
emitter junction (n)
emitter terminal (n)
emphasize (v)
empties strategy (n)
empty (adj)
empty (v)
empty run (n)
emptying apparatus (n)
enable (v)
enable signal (n)
enabled (adj)
enabling (n)
enabling signal (n)
enamel (n)
enamel wire (n)
encapsulate (v)
encapsulated (adj)
encapsulation (n)
encase (v)
enclose (v)
enclosed (adj)
enclosed assembly (n)
enclosure (n)
enclosure wall (n)
encoder (n)
end (n)
end customer (n)
end face (n)
end mill (n)
end mill cutter (n)
end of belt (n)
end of rope (n)
end play (n)
end position (n)
end product (n)
End quench test
end ring (n)
end stop (n)
end tangent (n)
end user (n)
end vise (n)
end-to-end ... (adj)
endaround shift register (n)
endless (adj)
endless conveyor (n)
endobox (n)
endoscopy pump (n)
endurance impact test (n)
Endurance limit
endurance limit (n)
endurance limit value (n)
endurance strength (n)
Endurance test
endurance test (n)
endurance testing (n)
energize (v)
energized (adj)
energized (v)
energy (n)
energy absorption (n)
energy accumulation type (adj)
energy aggregate (n)
energy analysis (n)
energy balance (n)
Energy conservation law
energy conservation law (n)
energy conservation law for the flow (n)
energy consumption (n)
energy conversion (n)
energy conversion capacity (n)
energy conversion plant (n)
energy demand (n)
energy dissipation (n)
energy dissipation type (adj)
energy distribution plant (n)
energy efficiency (n)
energy exchange (n)
energy flow (n)
energy generation plant (n)
energy loss (n)
energy losses (pl)
energy management (n)
energy of blow (n)
energy of deformation (n)
energy of motion (n)
energy optimising plant (n)
energy plant construction (n)
energy recovery (n)
energy recovery device (n)
energy recovery unit (n)
energy regenerating unit (n)
energy release (n)
energy release rate (n)
energy reservoir (n)
energy saving (n)
energy storage (n)
energy storage capacity (n)
energy storage system (n)
energy supply (n)
energy supply system (n)
energy system (n)
energy system planning (n)
energy theorem (n)
energy trade (n)
energy transformation (n)
energy transmission (n)
Energy-band model
energy-efficient (adj)
energy-saving (adj)
energy-saving construction (n)
engage (v)
engaged (adj)
engagement (n)
engagement impact (n)
engagement lockout (n)
engagement of the safety gear (n)
engine (n)
engine barrel (n)
engine friction (n)
engine lathe (n)
engine operator(driver)man (n)
engine performance (n)
engine plant (n)
engine power (n)
engine room (n)
engine torque (n)
engineer (n)
engineer (v)
Engineered wood
Engineered wood made with dimensional timber
Engineered wood made with veneers
engineering (n)
Engineering ceramics
engineering change history (n)
engineering change notice (n)
engineering data (pl)
Engineering drawing
engineering drawing (n)
engineering practice (n)
engineering steel (n)
engineering strength analysis (n)
engineering strength test (n)
Engineering surface
engrave (v)
engraving (n)
enhance (v)
enhanced-feature lift (n)
enhancement (n)
enlarge (v)
enlarge a bore (v)
enlargement (n)
enlargement factor (n)
enrich (v)
enter (v)
enthalpy (n)
entity (n)
entrance (n)
entrance area (n)
entrance barrier (n)
entrance control (n)
entrance frame of the car (n)
entrapment (n)
entropy (n)
entry (n)
entry fitting (n)
entry gland (n)
entry-level model (n)
envelope (n)
envelope curve (n)
Envelope principle
envelope principle (n)
envelope requirement (n)
enveloping (adj)
enveloping circle (n)
environment (n)
environmental burdens (pl)
environmental condition (n)
environmental impact (n)
EPA earth cable (n)
EPA earth cable connection (n)
EPA earthing cable (n)
EPA plate (n)
EPA sign (n)
epicyclic gear (n)
Epoxy resin
epoxy resin (n)
equal lay (n)
equalization (n)
equalize (v)
equalizer (n)
equate (v)
equation (n)
equation of momentum (n)
Equation of motion
equation of motion (n)
equidistant (adj)
equilibrium (n)
equilibrium axiom (n)
equilibrium of forces (n)
equilibrium of moment condition (n)
equilibrium of moments (n)
equilibrium position (n)
equilibrium position of floating bodies (n)
equilibrium problem (n)
equilibrium relationship (n)
equip (v)
equipment (n)
equipment other than operational equipment (pl)
equipment planning (n)
Equipotential bonding (ESD)
equipped (adj)
equivalent (adj)
equivalent bearing load (n)
equivalent circuit (n)
Equivalent circuit (electrical engineering)
equivalent circuit diagram (n)
equivalent dynamic speed (n)
equivalent operating value (n)
equivalent static bearing load (n)
equivalent stress (n)
erect (v)
erection (n)
erection instructions (n)
erection platform (n)
erection schedule (n)
erection supervisory personnel (n)
erector (n)
ergonomic workbench (n)
ergonomic workstation (n)
ergonomics (n)
erode (v)
erosion (n)
erroneous (adj)
error (n)
error cause (n)
error check (n)
error checking (n)
error correction (n)
error detection (n)
error frequency (n)
error message (n)
Error of form (engineering surfaces)
error of measurement (n)
error probability (n)
error recovery (n)
error scatter (n)
error-prone (adj)
escalator (n)
escape (v)
escape lighting (n)
escape route (n)
ESD chair (n)
ESD clothing (n)
ESD coordinator (n)
ESD damage (n)
ESD earthing
ESD gun (n)
ESD manager (n)
ESD packaging (n)
ESD protection (n)
ESD protection circuit (n)
ESD protection element (n)
ESD protection zone (n)
ESD protective circuit (n)
ESD protective element (n)
ESD safety (n)
ESD sensitivity (n)
ESD simulation models
ESD standard (n)
ESD susceptibility (n)
ESD symbol (n)
ESD threshold voltage (n)
ESD training (n)
ESD work area (n)
ESD work bench (n)
ESD work bench equipment (n)
ESD working area (n)
ESD workstation (EPA) (n)
ESD workstation equipment (n)
ESD wrist strap (n)
ESP system (n)
ESR process (n)
etch (printed circuit) (v)
Euclid's theorem (n)
Euler buckling (n)
Euler buckling cases
Euler case (n)
Euler equation (n)
Euler hyperbole (n)
Euler method
Euler number (n)
Euler range (n)
Euler's crippling load (n)
Euler's critical load (n)
Euler's equation (n)
Euler's equations
Euler's formula (n)
Euler's relationship (n)
Eulerian column (n)
Eurocard (n)
European standard (n)
European standard size (n)
European standard-size printed circuit board (n)
Eutectic alloy
eutectic reaction (n)
evacuate (v)
evacuation (n)
evacuation control point (n)
evacuation control switch (n)
evacuation landing (n)
evacuation level (n)
evacuation of passengers (n)
evacuation service (n)
evacuation service control (n)
evaluate (v)
evaluation (n)
evaluation concept (n)
evaporate (v)
evaporating system (n)
evaporative cooling (n)
evaporator (n)
evaporator tube (n)
even (adj)
even-numbered (adj)
evenness (n)
event (n)
event storage (n)
Event tree analysis
exact (adj)
exactness (n)
examination (n)
examine (v)
excavator tool (n)
exceed (v)
exceed and drop below (v)
exceed and fall below (v)
excess pressure (n)
excess voltage (n)
excess weight (n)
excessive (adj)
excessive pressure (n)
excessive weight (n)
exchange (n)
exchange (v)
exchange heat (n)
exchangeable (adj)
exchanger (n)
excitation (n)
excitation diode (n)
excitation field (n)
excitation force (n)
excitation function (n)
excite (v)
exciter circuit (n)
exciting current (n)
exciting frequency (n)
exclusive operation control (n)
exclusive use of lift well (n)
exclusive use of lift well (pl)
excursion (n)
execute (v)
execution (n)
execution period (n)
execution time (n)
exergy loss (n)
exert (v)
exfoliate (v)
exhaust (n)
exhaust gas (n)
exit (n)
exit (v)
exit hatch (n)
exit ladders (n)
expand (n)
expand (v)
expandable (adj)
expanded (adj)
expanding (n)
expanding arbor (n)
expanding arbour (n)
expanding force (n)
expanding magnet (n)
expanding mandrel (n)
expanding ring (n)
expanding skate (n)
expanding spring (n)
expansion (n)
expansion crack (n)
expansion fit (n)
expansion gap (n)
expansion joint (n)
expansion joint sleeve (n)
expansion kit (n)
expansion sleeve (n)
expansion time (n)
expansivity (n)
expected life (n)
expedite (v)
expediter (n)
expediting (n)
expenditure (n)
expenditure of work (n)
expenses (n)
experiment (n)
experimental robot (n)
experimental shop (n)
expert system (n)
explanatory model (n)
exploded view (n)
exploit (v)
exploitation (n)
explosion door (n)
explosion of bill of materials (n)
explosion protection (n)
explosion view (n)
explosion-bonded (adj)
explosion-bonded cladding (n)
explosion-bonded plate (n)
explosion-proof (adj)
exponential form (n)
exponential smoothing (n)
expose (v)
exposed (adj)
exposed surfaces (pl)
exposed wires (pl)
exposed wiring (n)
exposure test (n)
Exposure to noise
exposure to noise (n)
express ... (adj)
express freight train (n)
express goods traffic (n)
express run (n)
extend (v)
extended field of vision (n)
extended service life (n)
extended-lance sootblower (n)
extensible (adj)
extension (n)
extension cable (n)
extension force (n)
extension kit (n)
extensometer (n)
extent (n)
extent of inspection (n)
extent of machining (n)
extent of movement (n)
extent to which an objective is achieved (n)
external blower (n)
external broaching machine (n)
external call (n)
external cylindrical grinding machine (n)
external diameter (of a wormwheel) (n)
external dimension (n)
external effect (n)
external fan (n)
external force (n)
external procurement (n)
external shaft dimension (n)
external stock-keeping concept (n)
external storage concept (n)
external thread (n)
external transport (n)
external warehouse concept (n)
external-rotor motor (n)
Externally actuated friction clutch
extinguish (v)
extra cargo (n)
extra expenditure (n)
extra freight (n)
extra-fine thread (n)
extra-low voltage (n)
extra-thin sheet (n)
extract (v)
extraction (n)
extractor (n)
extractor hook (n)
extrapolation (n)
extreme fibre (n)
extreme fibre spacing (n)
extreme fibre stress (n)
extrend (v)
extrude (v)
extruded section (n)
extruding (n)
extrusion (n)
Extrusion (metal)
Extrusion (plastic)
extrusion (plastics) (n)
extrusion press (n)
eye (n)
eye action (n)
eye hook (n)
eye nut (n)
eye rod (n)
eye-bolt (n)
eyebolt (n)
eyelet (n)
eyelet bolt (n)
fabric type expansion joint (n)
fabricate (v)
fabrication (n)
fabrication history (n)
face (n)
face (v)
face cutter (n)
face milling (n)
face milling cutter (n)
face section (n)
face vise (n)
face width (n)
face wobble (n)
face-centred cubic (adj)
face-centred cubic structure (n)
faceplate (n)
facilitate (v)
facility (n)
facing (n)
facing cut (n)
facing milling (n)
factor (n)
factor analysis (n)
factor of friction (n)
factory (n)
factory automation (n)
factory equipment number (n)
factory planning (n)
factory structure planning (n)
factory-assembled (adj)
factory-built (adj)
factory-wired (adj)
fade (v)
fade in (v)
fading (n)
fail (v)
fail-safe (adj)
fail-safe concept (n)
failure (n)
Failure (static stress)
failure analysis (n)
failure area (n)
Failure assessment diagram
failure assessment diagram (n)
failure criterion (n)
Failure mode
failure mode (n)
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) (n)
failure range (n)
failure rate (n)
failure safety (n)
Failure theories
failure theory (n)
failure-proof (adj)
fairing (n)
fall (n)
fall (v)
fall below (v)
fall below a value (v)
fall off (v)
fall-back circuit (n)
falling ball test (n)
falling weight test (n)
false alarm (n)
false car (n)
false ceiling (n)
false floor (n)
false operation (n)
family of curves (n)
family of materials (n)
family tree (n)
fan (n)
fan belt (n)
fan out (v)
fan switch (n)
fan-out ... (adj)
far (adj)
far-end crosstalk (n)
Faraday constant (n)
fascia (n)
fascia panel (n)
fascia plate (n)
fast (adj)
fast goods train (n)
fast lift (n)
fast power travel (n)
fast-seller zone (n)
fasten (v)
fastener (n)
fastening (n)
fastening bolt (n)
fastening bracket (n)
fastening clamp (n)
Fastening element (profile system)
Fastening elements
fastening rail (n)
fastening screw/bolt (n)
fastening thread (n)
fatal (adj)
fatigue (n)
fatigue allowance (n)
fatigue analysis (n)
fatigue bending test (n)
fatigue characteristic (n)
fatigue crack (n)
fatigue crack growth (n)
fatigue evaluation (n)
Fatigue failure
fatigue failure (n)
fatigue fracture (n)
fatigue life (n)
fatigue limit (n)
fatigue limit load (n)
fatigue limit under repeated stress (n)
fatigue limit under reverse stress (n)
fatigue limit value (n)
fatigue limit value under repeated stress (n)
fatigue limit value under reverse stress (n)
fatigue loading (n)
fatigue machine (n)
fatigue notch factor (n)
fatigue of material (n)
fatigue phenomena (pl)
fatigue strength (n)
fatigue strength diagram (n)
fatigue strength value (n)
Fatigue test
fatigue test (n)
Fatigue test under operational stresses
fatigue testing (n)
fatigue theory (n)
faucet (n)
fault (n)
fault analysis (n)
fault clearance (n)
fault clearance service (n)
fault clearing (n)
fault clearing service (n)
fault correction (n)
fault diagnosis (n)
fault display (n)
fault indicator (n)
fault locating (n)
fault message (n)
fault recognition (n)
fault signal (n)
fault storage (n)
fault tolerance (n)
Fault tree analysis
Fault voltage
fault-immune (adj)
fault-prone (adj)
fault-tolerant (adj)
faultless (adj)
faulty (adj)
faulty design (n)
favor (v)
favour (v)
FD-duct (n)
feasibility (n)
feasible (adj)
feather (n)
feather key (n)
feather key connection (n)
feather key groove (n)
featherkey (n)
featherkey and keyway (n)
feature (n)
feed (n)
feed (v)
feed increment (n)
feed motion (n)
feed movement (n)
feed pressure (n)
feed range (n)
feed rate (n)
feed screw (n)
feed supply (n)
feed travel (n)
feedback (n)
feedback box (n)
feedback control (n)
feedback control system (n)
feedback loop (n)
feedbox (n)
feeder (n)
feeder cable (n)
feeding (n)
feedrate override (n)
feedrate programming (n)
feeler (n)
feeler gage (n)
feeler gauge (n)
felt ring (n)
female multi-point connector (n)
female thread (n)
fence (n)
fence (v)
fencing (n)
Ferraris sensor (n)
ferrite (n)
ferrite core (n)
ferrite former (m)
ferrite magnet (n)
ferrite rod (n)
ferritic steel (n)
ferrule (n)
FET (n)
FFL (n)
fiber (n)
fiber optic cable (n)
fiber optics (n)
fibre (n)
fibre composite (n)
fibre optic cable (n)
fibre optics (n)
Fibre-plastic composite
fibre-reinforced material (n)
fibre-reinforced moulded part (plastics) (n)
fibre-reinforced moulding (n)
fibrous composite material (n)
fiche (n)
Fick's law (n)
field (n)
field current (n)
Field device (automation)
Field device tool
field erection quality control schedule (n)
field force (n)
field forces (pl)
field installation (n)
field intensity (n)
field meter (n)
field mill (n)
field of application (n)
Field of vision
field of vision (n)
field orientation (n)
field plate electrode (n)
Field strength
field strength (n)
field test (n)
field winding (n)
field-effect transistor (n)
field-induced model (FIM) (n)
field-proven (adj)
field-tested (adj)
field-tube heat exchanger (n)
fields of business (n)
FIFO method
Fig. (n)
figure (n)
filament (n)
filament peaking (n)
file (n)
file (v)
file handle (n)
filed (adj)
filing machine (n)
filings (pl)
filister head screw (n)
fill (v)
fill level indicator (n)
filler (n)
filler bead (n)
filler metal (n)
filler neck (n)
filler plug (n)
filler rod (n)
filler weight (n)
filler wire (n)
fillet (v)
fillet joint (n)
fillet weld (n)
filling pressure (n)
fillister head screw (n)
fillister plane (n)
fillister-head screw (n)
film (n)
Film casting
film casting (n)
filter (n)
filter cartridge (n)
filter element (n)
filter equipment (n)
fin (n)
fin pitch (n)
final acceptance (n)
final angular speed (n)
final angular velocity (n)
final assembly (n)
final energy (n)
final inspection (n)
final limit switch (n)
final position (n)
final product (n)
final product bunker (n)
final product storage bunker (n)
final speed (n)
final stage (n)
final stopping device (n)
final tap (n)
final velocity (n)
final-assembly line (n)
find (v)
finder circuit (n)
findings (n)
fine adjuster (n)
fine adjustment (n)
fine blanking (n)
fine classifier (n)
fine feed (n)
fine finishing (n)
fine grain (n)
fine grain hardening (n)
fine pitch thread (n)
fine positioning (n)
fine saw (n)
fine screw thread (n)
fine selection (n)
fine setting (n)
fine thread (n)
fine-grained structural steel (n)
fine-mesh strainer (n)
fine-pitch thread (n)
finger-tight (adj)
finish (n)
finish (v)
finish coat (n)
finish mark (n)
finish-grinding (n)
finish-machine (v)
finish-machined (adj)
finish-machining (n)
finished (adj)
finished floor (n)
finished goods warehouse (n)
finished part (n)
finished product (n)
finishing (n)
finishing allowance (n)
finishing coat (n)
finishing cut (n)
finishing operation (n)
finishing tap (n)
finishing tool (n)
finite difference analysis (n)
finite difference method (n)
finite element analysis (n)
Finite element method
finite element method (n)
fire (v)
fire alarm (n)
fire alarm installation (n)
fire alarm receiving station (n)
fire alarm system (n)
fire bar (n)
fire barrier (n)
fire brigade (n)
fire code (pl)
fire department (n)
fire detection system (n)
fire detection system installation (n)
fire detector (n)
fire door (n)
fire extinguisher (n)
fire fighters' service (n)
fire fighting lift (n)
fire fighting vehicle (n)
fire hazard (n)
fire lift (n)
fire lift switch (n)
fire prevention (n)
fire protection (n)
fire protection system (n)
fire protection wall (n)
fire rating (n)
fire regulations (pl)
fire resistance (n)
fire resistance rating (n)
fire risk (n)
fire safety (n)
fire service (n)
fire service inlet (n)
fire service(s) level (n)
fire services access level (n)
fire test (n)
fire testing (n)
fire wall (n)
fire-alarm call box (n)
fire-alarm call point (n)
fire-damp-proof (adj)
fire-fighting lift switch (n)
fire-fighting shaft (n)
fire-proof (adj)
fire-resistant (adj)
fire-resistive louvered ceiling (n)
fire-resistive louvred ceiling (n)
fire-retardant (adj)
fire-tube boiler (n)
firebar crossbearer (n)
fireman's control (n)
fireman's key switch (n)
fireman's lift (n)
fireman's switch (n)
firing (n)
firing angle (n)
firm (adj)
first tap (n)
fish bolt (n)
fish-plate (n)
fishplate (n)
fissure (n)
fit (n)
fit (v)
fit bolt (n)
fit bolt connection (n)
fit dimension (n)
fit in (v)
fit size (n)
fit system (n)
fit tolerance (n)
fit tolerance zone (n)
fitness (n)
fitness for use (n)
fitter (n)
fitting (n)
fitting bolt (n)
fitting clearance (n)
fitting device (n)
fitting dimensions (pl)
fitting instructions (n)
fitting joint (n)
fitting piece (n)
fitting pin (n)
fitting position (n)
fitting screw (n)
fitting tolerance (n)
fittings (pl)
fix (v)
fix in position (v)
fixed (adj)
fixed bearing (n)
fixed bearing force (n)
fixed bearing point (n)
fixed centrode (n)
fixed clamping (n)
fixed coupling (n)
fixed pulley (n)
fixed reorder cycle procedure (n)
fixed spherical bearing (n)
fixed support (n)
fixed-bed gasification (n)
fixed-end moment (n)
fixed-floating bearing arrangement (n)
fixed-path (adj)
fixed-point number (n)
fixed-site production (n)
fixed-speed ... (adj)
fixing (n)
fixing (screw connections) (n)
fixing angle (n)
fixing bolt (n)
fixing bracket (n)
fixing dimensions (pl)
fixing hole (n)
fixing lever (n)
fixing parts (pl)
fixing point (n)
fixing rail (n)
fixing screw (n)
fixing screw/bolt (n)
fixture (n)
flake (v)
flaking machine (n)
flame cutter (n)
flame cutting (n)
flame hardening (n)
flame propagation (n)
flame spread rating (n)
flame spreading speed (n)
flame-cut (v)
flame-cutting machine (n)
flame-inhibiting (adj)
flame-resistant (adj)
flame-retardant (adj)
flame-tube boiler (n)
flameproof (adj)
flammability (n)
flammable (adj)
flange (n)
flange (v)
flange coupling (n)
flange joint (n)
flange mounting (n)
flange plate (n)
flange-mount (v)
flange-mounted (adj)
flange-mounted bearing (n)
flange-mounted motor (n)
flanged bearing (n)
flanged nut (n)
flanged shaft (n)
flanged-in opening (n)
flank (n)
flank bearing (n)
flank clearance (n)
flap (n)
flap pivot point (n)
flap valve (n)
flare (v)
flare burner (n)
flare gas burner (n)
flare out (v)
flash (n)
flash (v)
flash point (n)
flashing display (n)
flashing indicator (n)
flashing light (n)
flashover (n)
flask (n)
flat (adj)
flat bar (n)
flat belt (n)
flat belt drive (n)
flat belt gear (n)
flat belt transmission (n)
flat cable (n)
flat cage guide (n)
flat connector (n)
flat file (n)
flat gasket (n)
flat grinding machine (n)
flat guide (n)
Flat guide (with slide bearing)
flat iron (n)
flat key (n)
flat packing (n)
flat parallel spring (n)
flat pliers (n)
flat random noise (n)
flat screen (n)
flat screw terminal (n)
flat spring (n)
flat steel (n)
flat steel bar (n)
flat thread (n)
flat track (n)
flat triangular spring (n)
flat wagon (n)
flat-belt conveyor (n)
flat-nose pliers (n)
flat-pin plug (n)
flat-square screen (n)
flatbed car (n)
flatness (n)
flats (n)
flatten (v)
flaw (n)
FLEA formula (n)
fleet angle (of ropes) (n)
fleet of barges (n)
flex (v)
flex-head double-end socket wrench (n)
flexibility (n)
flexible (adj)
Flexible coupling
flexible coupling (n)
flexible engagement (n)
flexible guide clamp safety gear (n)
flexible manufacturing cell (n)
flexible manufacturing system (n)
flexible production cell (n)
flexible production system (n)
Flexible shaft
flexible tube (n)
flexible wedge clamp type safety gear (n)
flexible wedge clamp-type safety (n)
flexural fatigue strength (n)
flexural load (n)
flexural moment (n)
flexural rigidity (n)
flexural strength (n)
flexure (n)
flicker (v)
flicker-free (adj)
flickerless (adj)
flight conveyor (n)
flight profile (n)
flight time (n)
flip-flop strategy (n)
float (n)
float (v)
float control (n)
float switch (n)
float valve (n)
floating (adj)
floating (n)
floating batch (n)
floating bearing (n)
floating bearing arrangement (n)
floating bearing force (n)
floating bearing point (n)
floating mean value method (n)
floating position (n)
Floating seal
Floating support bearing arrangement
floating tool (n)
floating-point number (n)
floor (n)
floor area (n)
floor block storage (n)
floor call (n)
Floor conveyor
floor conveyor (n)
floor covering (n)
floor load (n)
floor loading (n)
floor position tab (n)
floor selector (n)
floor slab (n)
floor space (n)
floor storage (n)
floor switch (n)
floor unit storage (n)
floor vane (n)
floor-level indicator (n)
floor-mounted cabinet (n)
floor-to-floor distance (n)
floor-to-floor height (n)
floor-to-floor time (n)
flooring (n)
flow (n)
flow (v)
flow control (n)
flow cross-section (n)
Flow curve
flow curve (n)
flow diagram (n)
flow direction (n)
flow limit (n)
flow lubrication (n)
flow mechanics (n)
flow of momentum (n)
flow of power (n)
flow off (v)
flow optimisation (n)
Flow production
flow production (n)
flow production line (n)
flow rack (n)
flow rate (n)
flow speed (n)
Flow stress
flow stress (n)
flow value (n)
flow variable (n)
flow velocity (n)
flow volume (n)
flow with head difference (n)
flow with height difference (n)
flow without head difference (n)
flow without height difference (n)
flowing (n)
flowmeter (n)
fluctuate (v)
fluctuation (n)
fluctuation in demand (n)
flue gas loss (n)
flue gas pass (n)
fluid (adj)
fluid (n)
fluid coupling (n)
fluid density (n)
fluid friction (n)
fluid mechanics (n)
fluid statics (n)
fluidics (n)
fluidised-bed process (n)
fluidizing fan (n)
fluorescent lamp (n)
fluorescent tube (n)
fluorinated plastic (n)
flush (adj)
flush (v)
flush-mounted (adj)
flush-mounted switch (n)
flute (n)
fluted (adj)
flux (n)
flux density (n)
fly ash reinjection system (n)
fly-ball type overspeed governor (n)
flyweight (n)
flywheel (n)
foam (n)
foaming (n)
focus (v)
focusing (n)
focussing (n)
foil (n)
foil strain gage (n)
foil strain gauge (n)
fold (n)
fold (v)
folded (adj)
folded edge (n)
folded-edge construction (n)
folder (n)
folding (adj)
folding door (n)
folding machine (n)
folding press (n)
folding rule (n)
folding ruler (n)
folding table (adj)
follow up (v)
follow-up (n)
follow-up control (n)
follower (n)
follower pin (n)
following axis (n)
foot bearing (n)
foot lever (n)
Foot rest
foot rest (n)
foot switch (n)
footprint (n)
for ease of assembly (adj)
force (n)
force (v)
force absorption (n)
force against (v)
force analysis (n)
force at a section (n)
Force couple
force couple (n)
force diagram (n)
force due to weight (n)
force exerted by the overspeed governor when tripped (n)
force fit (n)
force in (v)
force into (v)
force level (n)
force measuring bearing (n)
Force metrology
force metrology (n)
force of attraction (n)
force of gravity (n)
force of inertia (n)
force on (v)
force per unit area (n)
force polygon (n)
force vector (n)
force-deformation characteristic (n)
force-deformation curve (n)
force-free system (n)
forced fracture (n)
forced oil lubrication (n)
Forced oscillation
forced oscillation (n)
forced oscillation/vibration (n)
forced rupture (n)
forced ventilation (n)
forced-air cooling (n)
forced-draught duct (n)
forced-feed lubrication (n)
forces on a beam (n)
forcing-off screw (n)
forecast accuracy (n)
forecast error (n)
forecast horizon (n)
forecast model (n)
forecast time series (n)
forecasting method (n)
forecasting quality (n)
foreign body (n)
foreign matter (n)
foreign particle (n)
forge (n)
forge (v)
forge welding (n)
forgeability (n)
forgeable (adj)
forged (adj)
forged steel (n)
forging (n)
forging hammer (n)
forging lap (n)
forging machine (n)
forging press (n)
forging process (n)
fork (n)
fork lever (n)
fork lift truck (n)
fork link (n)
fork truck (n)
fork-lift truck (n)
forklift (n)
form (n)
form (v)
form cutter (n)
form error (n)
form fit (n)
form lock (n)
form of fracture (n)
form strength (n)
Form tolerance
form tolerance (n)
form-fit (adj)
form-locking (adj)
forming (n)
forming equation (n)
formula (n)
formulae, formulas (n)
formulating objectives (n)
formulating targets (n)
Forstner bit (n)
forward bias (n)
forward current (n)
forward direction (n)
forward motion (n)
forward resistance (n)
forward scheduling (n)
forward travel (n)
forward voltage (n)
forward-bias (v)
forward-biased (adj)
forwarding agent (n)
foul (v)
foundation (n)
foundation bolt (n)
foundation slab (n)
foundry (n)
four-bar linkage (n)
four-force method (n)
four-jaw chuck (n)
four-point bearing (n)
four-quadrant drive (n)
four-quadrant operation (n)
four-row linear guide unit (n)
four-way loader (n)
four-way socket wrench (n)
Fourier analysis
Fourier analysis (n)
fraction (n)
fractional horsepower motor (n)
fractional number (n)
fracture (n)
fracture (v)
fracture behaviour (n)
Fracture mechanics
fracture mechanics (n)
fracture mechanics test (n)
fracture mechanics testing (n)
fracture model (according to Griffith) (n)
Fracture toughness
fracture toughness (n)
fracture-proof (adj)
fractured surface (n)
frame (n)
frame construction (n)
frame of reference (n)
frameless (adj)
framework (n)
framework of car entrance (n)
free (adj)
free bending axis (n)
Free body principle
free body principle (n)
free buckling length (n)
free cutting steels (pl)
free damped oscillation (n)
free end (n)
free enthalpy (n)
free fall (n)
free fall protection (n)
free from air draught (adj)
free from defects (adj)
free from play (adj)
free machine steel (n)
Free oscillation
free oscillation (n)
free vibration (n)
free vibration decay test (n)
free-body diagram (n)
Free-cutting steel
free-cutting steel (n)
free-hand drawing (n)
free-ranging (adj)
Freedom of movement
freedom of movement (n)
freehand line (n)
Freehand sketches
freewheeling clutch (n)
freight centre (n)
freight costs (n)
freight elevator (n)
freight village (n)
frequency (n)
frequency controller (n)
frequency converter (n)
frequency density function (n)
frequency deviation (n)
frequency diagram (n)
frequency distortion (n)
frequency distribution diagram (n)
frequency divider (n)
frequency hopping (n)
frequency inverter (n)
frequency modulation (n)
frequency multiplex (n)
frequency multiplier (n)
frequency of repeats (n)
frequency of starts (n)
frequency range (n)
frequency reponse (n)
frequency response (n)
frequency swing (n)
fret (v)
fretsaw (n)
Fretting corrosion
fretting corrosion (n)
friction (n)
friction angle (n)
friction brake (n)
friction calculation (n)
friction clutch (n)
friction coefficient (n)
friction cone (n)
friction contact (n)
friction damper (n)
friction disc (n)
Friction drive
friction drive (n)
friction energy (n)
friction feed (n)
friction force (n)
friction function (n)
friction gear (n)
friction lining (n)
friction lining disc (n)
friction locking (n)
friction loss (n)
friction oxidation (n)
friction power (n)
friction radius (n)
friction resistance (n)
friction rust (n)
Friction spring
friction spring (n)
friction surface (n)
friction torque (n)
friction torque exerted by the support (n)
friction wear (n)
friction welding (n)
friction wheel (n)
friction wheel gear (n)
friction work (n)
Friction-based connection
friction-driven screw press (n)
friction-gear drive (n)
friction-welded (adj)
frictional connection (n)
frictional contact (n)
frictional contact pressure (n)
frictional damping (n)
frictional drag (n)
Frictional electricity
frictional electricity (n)
frictional engagement (n)
frictional force (n)
frictional heat (n)
frictional moment (n)
frictional resistance (n)
frictional screw connection (n)
frictional surface pressure (n)
frictional vibration (n)
frictional wear (n)
frictional work (n)
froe (n)
frog (n)
front (n)
front and rear entrances (n)
front and rear opening (n)
front edge (n)
front end (n)
front face (n)
front panel (n)
front return (n)
front side (n)
front view (n)
front vise (n)
front wall (n)
front-operated lathe (n)
frontal lathe (n)
frosted glass (n)
fruit crate (n)
frustum (n)
fuel (n)
fuel analysis (n)
fuel ash (n)
fuel atomization (n)
fuel bed (n)
fuel bed depth (n)
fuel bed depth regulator (n)
fuel behavior (n)
fuel behaviour (n)
fuel consumption (n)
fuel feed (n)
fuel feed interlock (n)
fuel feed pump (n)
fuel feeding (n)
fuel gas (n)
fuel grade (n)
fuel heat (n)
fuel inerts content (n)
fuel oil atomizer (n)
fuel oil burner (n)
fuel oil pump and heater set (n)
fuel oil supply station (n)
fuel particle (n)
fuel performance (n)
fuel preperation (n)
fuel property (n)
fuel selector (n)
fuel size segregation (n)
fuel treatment (n)
fuel-air ration control (n)
fulcrum (n)
fulcrum of moment (n)
fulcrum pin (n)
fulcrum point (n)
full (adj)
full anti-clockwise setting (n)
full clockwise setting (n)
full complement cylindrical roller bearing (n)
full counter-clockwise setting (e.g. to set potentiometer to CCW/full CCW setting) (n)
full cut (n)
full CW setting (n)
full group capability (adj)
full hardening (n)
full height screening (n)
full line (n)
full load (n)
full load curve (n)
full load up/down (n)
full view (n)
full voice synthesizer (n)
full wave (n)
full-depth ... (adj)
full-duplex method (n)
full-height ... (adj)
full-length ... (adj)
full-load power (n)
full-load speed (n)
full-load starting (n)
full-load torque (n)
full-load traffic (n)
full-mould casting (n)
full-scale deflection (n)
full-track journal (n)
full-view illustration (n)
full-width ... (adj)
fully anti-clockwise (n)
fully automatic (adj)
fully automatic machine (n)
fully automatic pushbutton control (n)
fully clockwise position (n)
fully counter-clockwise (n)
fully electric (adj)
fully electronic (adj)
fully insulated (adj)
fully laden car (n)
function (n)
function (v)
function chart (n)
function diagram (n)
function equation (n)
function optimisation (n)
function transfer (n)
functional ceramics (n)
functional description (n)
functional direction (n)
functional equation (n)
functional expansion (n)
functional material (n)
functional principle (n)
functional product structure (n)
functional test (n)
fundamental (n)
fundamental frequency (n)
fundamental particle (n)
Fundamental tolerance
fundamental wave (n)
funicular polygon (n)
funicular polygon method (n)
funnel (n)
funnel model (n)
funnel-shaped (adj)
furnace (n)
furnace wall (n)
furnace wall header (n)
furnish (v)
furnished by other trade (adj)
fuse (n)
fuse (v)
fuse box (n)
fuse holder (n)
fuse link (n)
fuse terminal (n)
fused (adj)
Fused deposition modelling
fused-salt electrolysis (n)
fusible (adj)
fusible link (n)
fusing (n)
fusion welding (n)
fusion-zone crack (n)
fuzzy control (n)
fuzzy logic (n)
gage (n)
gain (n)
gain (v)
gain characteristic (n)
gain control (n)
Galileo's law of inertia (n)
Galle-type chain (n)
gallery (n)
galvanic corrosion (n)
galvanising line (n)
galvanize (v)
gamma ray (n)
gamma-ray radiography (n)
gamma-ray testing (n)
gang (n)
gang cutter (n)
gang drill (n)
gang drilling machine (n)
gang milling cutter (n)
gantry (n)
Gantry crane
gantry crane (n)
gantry robot (n)
gantry-type milling machine (n)
Gantt chart
Gantt chart (n)
gap (n)
Gap seal
gap seal (n)
garbage (n)
gas (n)
gas cutting (n)
gas discharge lamp (n)
gas failsafe device (n)
gas inlet branch (n)
gas inlet connection (n)
gas inlet nozzle (n)
gas inlet pressure (n)
gas inlet temperature (n)
gas pocket (n)
Gas sensor
gas separator (n)
gas shock absorber (n)
gas spring (n)
Gas welding
gas welding (n)
gas-fired boiler (n)
gas-pressurised shock absorber (n)
gaseous fuel (n)
gasket (n)
gate (n)
gate circuit (n)
gate propagation delay time (n)
gate valve (n)
gauge (n)
gauge (v)
gauging (n)
Gaussian distribution (n)
gear (n)
gear (v)
gear axis (n)
gear bank (n)
gear blank (n)
gear body (n)
gear cluster (n)
gear cutting (n)
gear cutting quality (n)
gear drive (n)
gear efficiency (n)
gear force (n)
gear force component (n)
gear generation (n)
gear generator (n)
gear hob (n)
gear hobbing (n)
gear hobbing cutter (n)
gear hobbing machine (n)
gear hub (n)
gear manufacturing (n)
gear mesh frequency (n)
Gear metrology
gear metrology (n)
gear movements (pl)
gear oil (n)
gear pair (n)
gear pump (n)
gear ratio (n)
gear reduction (n)
gear rim (n)
gear segment (n)
gear shaft (n)
gear shaper (n)
gear slotter (n)
gear teeth (n)
gear tooth (n)
gear tooth engagement (n)
gear tooth tolerance (n)
gear train (n)
gear transmission (n)
gear wheel (n)
gear-cutting machine (n)
gearbox (n)
geared ... (n)
geared coupling (n)
geared lift (n)
geared machine (n)
geared motor (n)
geared motor drive (n)
gearing (n)
Gearing (gear)
gearing tolerance (n)
gearless lift (n)
gears (n)
gearwheel (n)
gearwheel force (n)
general arrangement (n)
general arrangement drawing (n)
general assembly drawing (n)
general cargo (n)
general cargo conveying technology (n)
General corrosion
general development plan (n)
general freight (n)
general layout (n)
general purpose lift (n)
general shear stress equation (n)
general spatial system of forces (n)
general spatial system of sources (n)
general system of forces (n)
General tolerance
general tolerance (n)
general view (n)
generate (v)
generating angle (n)
generating set (n)
generation angle (n)
generation of electrical energy (n)
generative computer-aided process planning system (CAPP) (n)
generative planning (n)
Generative production process
generator (n)
generator armature (n)
generator set (n)
generic standard (n)
genetic algorithm (n)
gentle (adj)
genuine (adj)
geodetic pressure (n)
geodetic pressure head (n)
geographical information system (n)
geometric addition (n)
geometric information (n)
geometric mean (n)
geometric progression (n)
geometric sequence (n)
geometric series (n)
Geometrical representation
geometrical tolerance (n)
geometry (n)
Gerber beam (n)
get stuck (v)
gib-head key (n)
Gibbs energy (n)
Gibbs free energy (n)
Gibbs' phase rule (n)
gigaliner (m)
gill pitch (n)
girder (n)
giva a call (n)
give (a call) (v)
give off (v)
gland (n)
gland packing (n)
glandless (adj)
glass (n)
glass-fiber cable (n)
glass-fibre cable (n)
glass-fronted box (for fire-lift switch) (n)
glaze (v)
glazing (n)
glide (v)
glide plan (n)
globe (n)
globe valve (n)
globular (adj)
gloss (n)
glow (v)
glow discharge (n)
glowing (adj)
glue (n)
glue (v)
gluer (n)
gluing (n)
go below (v)
go below a value (v)
go beyond (v)
go end (n)
go into operation (n)
go outside (v)
go side (n)
go slack (adj)
go thread gage (n)
go thread gauge (n)
go with (v)
go-gage (n)
go-gauge (n)
go-no-go gage (n)
go-no-go gauge (n)
goal (n)
goal hierarchy (n)
goggles (n)
gold-plate (v)
Golden ratio
golden ratio (n)
Goliath Edison screw thread (n)
gong (n)
good (n)
good tempering properties (n)
goods (n)
goods distribution centre (n)
goods for disposal (n)
goods issue (n)
goods lift (n)
goods receipt (n)
goods receiving department (n)
goods traffic (n)
goods vehicle (n)
goods wagon (n)
goods-only lift (n)
govern (v)
governor (n)
governor sheave (n)
Gozinto graph (n)
grab (n)
grab (v)
grabber (n)
gradation (n)
grade (v)
grade of steel (n)
grade resistance (n)
grade resistance component (n)
gradient (n)
grading (n)
graduate (v)
graduated dial (n)
graduation (n)
graduation line (n)
grain boundary (n)
grain flow (n)
grain growth (n)
grain size (n)
grain structure (n)
grain texture (n)
grain-size distribution curve (n)
grains (n)
gram (n)
gramme (n)
grant (n)
grant (v)
granular pattern (n)
granular powder (n)
granulating machine (n)
granulator (n)
graph (n)
graph of torque fluctuations (n)
graphic symbol (n)
graphical calculation of the resultant (n)
graphical condition of equilibrium (n)
graphical symbol (n)
graphics symbol (n)
graphite (n)
graphite precipitation (n)
grapple (n)
grasp (v)
grasping force (n)
grate (n)
grate air seal (n)
grate bar (n)
grate capacity (n)
grate carriage (n)
grate drive (n)
grate firebar (n)
grate module (n)
grate shaft (n)
grate surface area (n)
grate track (n)
grating (n)
gravel filter (n)
gravitational acceleration (n)
gravitational field (n)
Gravitational field strength - indicates the field strength acting on a mass within a field due to the force of gravity. It is defined as the quotient of the gravitational force acting on the mass of a body at a specific point and is measured in$m/
gravitational force (n)
gravitational potential energy (n)
gravity (n)
gravity axis (n)
gravity die casting (n)
gravity drop hammer (n)
gravity line (n)
gravity pendulum (n)
gravity plane (n)
gravity stopping distance (n)
gravity-force mill (n)
gray cast iron (n)
grease (n)
grease (v)
grease channel (n)
grease compartment (n)
grease cup (n)
grease filling (n)
grease gun (n)
grease hole (n)
grease lubrication (n)
grease nipple (n)
grease packing (n)
grease passage (n)
grease service life (n)
grease-filled (adj)
grease-packed (adj)
greased-for-life bearing (n)
great (adj)
green (adj)
Grey cast iron
grey cast iron (n)
grey iron (n)
grid (n)
grid dimensions (pl)
gridiron (n)
grille (n)
grind (v)
grind off (v)
grinder (n)
grinding (n)
grinding allowance (n)
grinding ball (n)
grinding bowl (n)
grinding compound (n)
grinding disc (n)
grinding finish (n)
grinding machine (n)
grinding operation (n)
grinding ring (n)
grinding robot (n)
grinding shop (n)
grinding table (n)
grinding wheel (n)
grip (n)
grip (v)
grip rail (n)
grip ring (n)
grip shape (n)
grip type (n)
grip type group (n)
grip wedge (n)
gripper (n)
gripper unit (n)
gripping (n)
gripping device (n)
gripping wedge (n)
grommet (n)
groove (n)
groove (v)
groove angle (n)
groove direction (n)
groove pitch (n)
groove profile (n)
grooved (adj)
grooved dowel pin (n)
grooved nail (n)
grooved pin (n)
grooved pulley (n)
grooved ring (n)
grooving plane (n)
grooving saw (n)
gross energy (n)
gross material costs (n)
gross requirements (n)
gross volume (n)
ground (adj)
ground (n)
ground (v)
ground bracelet (n)
ground cable (n)
ground clearance (n)
ground conductor (n)
ground contact (n)
ground conveyor (n)
ground force (n)
ground level (n)
ground plan (n)
ground potential (n)
ground terminal (n)
ground wire (n)
ground-base circuit (n)
grounded (adj)
grounding (n)
grounding system (n)
group (n)
group (v)
group collective control (n)
group control (n)
group control computer (n)
group of four lifts (n)
group of lifts (n)
group of three cars (n)
group of three lifts (n)
group of two cars (n)
group of two lifts (n)
group supervisory control (n)
group technology (n)
group type (n)
grout (v)
grow (v)
growth (n)
growth capacity (n)
Grub screw
grub screw (n)
GTO thyristor
GTO thyristor (n)
guarantee coal (n)
guard (n)
guard (v)
guard rail (n)
guard railing (n)
guard strip (n)
guard-rails (n)
guarded (adj)
guarding (n)
GUI workstation (n)
guidance (n)
guidance function (n)
guidance note (n)
guidance value (n)
guide (n)
guide (v)
guide bar (n)
guide batch (n)
guide blade (n)
guide bracket (n)
guide bracket fixing (n)
guide bracket span (n)
guide bush (n)
guide bushing (n)
guide edge (n)
guide gib (n)
guide length (n)
guide plate (n)
guide pulley (n)
guide rail (n)
guide rail (car and counterweight) (n)
guide rail backing (pl)
guide rail gauge (n)
guide roller (n)
guide shoe (n)
guide slot (n)
guide surface (n)
guide-rail bracket (n)
guideline (n)
guideway (n)
guiding force (n)
guiding roller (n)
guillotine damper (n)
guillotine shears (n)
Guldin's rules (n)
Guldin's surface rule (n)
Guldin's volume rule (n)
gum (v)
gun metal (n)
gunning (n)
gusset (n)
gusset plate (n)
gutting machine (n)
guy (n)
guy (v)
guy cable (n)
guy rope (n)
guyed (adj)
gyrate (v)
gyration (n)
gyratory (adj)
hack sawing machine (n)
hacksaw (n)
hair crack (n)
hairline crack (n)
half-capacity pump (n)
half-duplex method (n)
half-length express train (n)
half-life (n)
half-life period (n)
half-wave (n)
half-way rectifier (n)
hall call (n)
hall call response time (n)
Hall effect
Hall effect (n)
hall lantern (n)
hall position indicator (n)
hall pushbutton box (n)
hall station (n)
halve (v)
hammer blow (n)
hammer breaker (n)
hammer crusher (n)
hammer drill (n)
hammer drilling (n)
hammer finish (n)
hammer head screw (n)
hammer mass (n)
hammer stroke (n)
hammers (n)
hamper (v)
hand (n)
hand arc welding (n)
hand auger (n)
hand control (n)
hand control element (n)
hand crank (n)
hand crimping tool (n)
hand die stock (n)
hand drill (n)
hand feed (n)
hand grinder (n)
hand impact screwdriver (n)
hand indexing (n)
hand lamp (n)
hand of thread (n)
hand position (n)
hand posture (n)
hand pump (n)
hand rail (n)
hand screw press (n)
hand signal (n)
hand tool (n)
hand vise (n)
hand wheel (n)
hand winch (n)
hand winding (n)
hand winding equipment (n)
hand winding mechanism (n)
hand winding wheel (n)
hand-actuated drive (n)
hand-held (adj)
hand-held controller (n)
hand-held scanner (n)
hand-operated (adj)
hand-tool grinder (n)
hand/arm movement patterns (n)
handbook (n)
handicapped persons (pl)
handicapped/disabled lift (n)
handing-over (n)
handle (n)
handle (v)
handle recess (n)
handle shape (n)
handling (n)
handling and warehousing (n)
Handling area
handling area (n)
handling capacity (n)
handling costs (n)
handling device (n)
handling end (n)
handling equipment (n)
handling side (n)
handling technology (n)
handling throughput (n)
handling time (n)
handrail (n)
hands-free extension (n)
hands-free operation (n)
handshield (n)
handwheel diameter (n)
hanger (n)
hanger bracket (n)
hanger plate (n)
hangover time (n)
hard (adj)
hard chrome (n)
hard chrome plating (n)
hard chromium (n)
hard metal (n)
hard solder (n)
hard soldering (n)
hard surfacing (n)
hard-chromium plated (adj)
hard-chromium plating (n)
hard-solder (v)
harden (v)
harden and temper (v)
hardenability (n)
hardenability test (n)
hardenability testing (n)
hardenable (adj)
hardened (adj)
hardened case (n)
hardened throughout (adj)
hardener (n)
hardening (n)
hardening agent (n)
Hardening and tempering
hardening and tempering (n)
hardening crack (n)
hardening depth (n)
hardening distortion (n)
hardening shop (n)
hardening strain (n)
hardening stress (n)
hardness (n)
hardness gradient (n)
hardness number (n)
hardness profile (n)
hardness specification (n)
hardness test (n)
hardness tester (n)
Hardness testing
hardness testing (n)
hardware (pl)
hardwired (adj)
harmonic (n)
harmonic content (n)
harmonic current (n)
harmonic distortion (n)
harmonic function (n)
harmonic mean (n)
harmonic oscillation (n)
harmonic vibration (n)
harmonic voltage (n)
harmonization document (n)
harmonized code designation (n)
hatch (n)
hatch (v)
hatched (adj)
hauler (n)
haulier (n)
have control over (v)
having positive fit (adj)
hazard (n)
Hazard analysis
hazardous substance (n)
head (n)
head diameter (n)
head difference (n)
head friction torque (n)
head height (n)
head screw (n)
header (n)
header box (n)
header end (n)
header fabrication (n)
header nozzle (n)
header shop (n)
header stub (n)
header type boiler (n)
header wall box (n)
headless screw (n)
headroom (n)
headstock (n)
headstock feed (n)
headstock spindle (n)
health burden (n)
Health protection
health protection (n)
Health strain
hearing protectors (n)
heat (n)
heat balance (n)
heat capacity (n)
heat carrier (n)
heat conduction (n)
heat conductivity (n)
heat crack (n)
heat cracking (n)
heat cycle (n)
heat dissipation (n)
heat exchanger (n)
heat expansion (n)
heat gain (n)
heat loss (n)
heat quantity (n)
heat radiation (n)
heat recovery section (n)
heat removal (n)
heat resistance (n)
heat sink (n)
heat transfer (n)
heat transfer coefficient (n)
heat transfer medium (n)
heat transmission (n)
Heat treatment
heat treatment (n)
Heat treatment (steel)
heat treatment chart (n)
heat treatment crack (n)
heat treatment procedure (n)
heat yield (n)
heat-conducting (adj)
heat-insulated (adj)
heat-insulating (adj)
heat-resistant (adj)
heat-treat (v)
heat-treated steel (n)
heating circuit (n)
heating coil (n)
heating element pack (n)
heating resistor (n)
heating steam (n)
heating surface cleaning system (n)
heating surface fouling (n)
heating surface section (n)
heating zone (n)
heavy (adj)
heavy current (n)
heavy duty flor (n)
heavy goods vehicle (n)
heavy metals (pl)
heavy traffic floor (n)
heavy-duty installation (n)
heavy-duty steel (n)
heavy-weight ... (adj)
heel strap (n)
heeling angle (n)
height (n)
Height adjustment
height adjustment (n)
height adjustment system (n)
height difference (n)
height of fall (n)
height of free fall (n)
height of head (n)
height of lift (n)
height orientation (n)
height tolerance (n)
height x width x depth (n)
height-adjustable (adj)
helical (adj)
helical chip (n)
helical drunkenness (n)
helical gear (n)
Helical gearing
helical gearing (n)
helical gears (n)
helical spring (n)
helical spur gear (n)
helical teeth (n)
helical torsion spring (n)
helical transmission (n)
helical-tooth gear (n)
heliport (emergency heliport on a roof top of a tower) (n)
helix (n)
helix angle (n)
helmet (n)
help (n)
Henneberg method (n)
Henneberg's method
Hermetic seal
hermetically sealed (adj)
herpolhode (n)
herringbone gear (n)
herringbone gearing (n)
herringbone teeth (n)
herringbone-tooth spur gear (n)
Hertz coefficient (n)
Hertz contact (n)
Hertz formula (n)
Hertz pressure (n)
Hertz's law (n)
Hertzian contact pressure
Hertzian contact pressure (n)
Hertzian equation (n)
Hertzian pressure (n)
Hertzian wave (n)
heuristic determination of requirements (n)
heuristic requirements planning (n)
hex bolt (n)
hex nut (n)
hexadecimal system (n)
hexagon (n)
hexagon die (n)
hexagon nut (n)
hexagon screw bearing surface (n)
hexagon socket head spanner (n)
hexagon socket head wrench (n)
hexagon socket screw (n)
hexagon socket spanner (n)
hexagon socket wrench (n)
hexagon-socket screw key (n)
hexagon-socket-head cap screw (n)
hexagonal (adj)
hexagonal die (n)
hexagonal nut (n)
hexagonal spanner (n)
hexagonal-head bolt (n)
hidden (adj)
high (hard) vacuum welding system (n)
high angle grain boundary (n)
high bay (n)
high car (n)
high cycle fatigue (n)
high frequency (n)
high pressure (n)
high rack (n)
high rack stacker (n)
high technology (n)
high tension (n)
high voltage (n)
high-alloy steel (n)
high-bay racking (n)
High-bay warehouse
high-bay warehouse (n)
high-carbon steel (n)
high-contrast ... (adj)
high-duty machine (n)
high-duty plant (n)
high-duty unit (n)
high-end model (n)
high-frequency amplifier (n)
high-frequency power (n)
high-frequency response (n)
high-frequency welding (n)
high-grade ... (adj)
high-grade steel (n)
high-impact ... (adj)
high-impedance ... (adj)
High-lift pallet truck
high-lift pallet truck (n)
high-lift truck (n)
High-pass filter
high-pass filter (n)
high-power control (n)
high-power engine (n)
high-power motor (n)
high-precision bearing (n)
high-precision cylindrical roller bearing (n)
high-quality ... (adj)
high-quality steel (n)
high-resistance ... (adj)
high-rise office building (n)
high-speed ... (adj)
high-speed drive (n)
high-speed lift (n)
high-speed motion (n)
high-speed steel (n)
high-speed steels (pl)
high-speed tool steel (n)
high-temperature corrosion (n)
high-temperature material (n)
High-temperature soldering
high-temperature soldering (n)
high-temperature stability (n)
high-temperature strength (n)
high-temperature superconductor (n)
high-tension conductor (n)
high-tension line (n)
high-tension power pack (n)
high-voltage cable (n)
high-voltage circuit (n)
high-voltage circuit breaker (n)
high-voltage fuse (n)
high-voltage generator (n)
high-voltage insulator (n)
high-voltage line (n)
high-voltage network (n)
high-voltage power supply (n)
high-voltage rectifier (n)
high-voltage system (n)
high-voltage test station (n)
high-voltage transformer (n)
higher-level ... (adj)
higher-order ... (adj)
higher-ranking ... (adj)
highest call return (n)
highlight (v)
highly wear-resistant (adj)
hightech (n)
hinder (v)
hinge (n)
hinge (v)
hinge joint (n)
hinged (adj)
hinged cover (n)
hinged door (n)
hinged joint (n)
hinged support (n)
hinged-hammer crusher (n)
Hirth coupling (n)
histogram (n)
historic data (pl)
history (n)
hit (v)
hitch plate (n)
hob (n)
hob (v)
hobber (n)
hobbing (n)
hobbing cutter (n)
hobbing machine (n)
hoist (n)
hoist (v)
hoist brake (n)
hoist cable (n)
hoist machine (n)
hoist motor (n)
hoist rope (n)
hoist unit (n)
hoisting cable (n)
hoisting chain (n)
hoisting gear (n)
hoisting height (n)
hoisting hook (n)
hoisting magnet (n)
hoisting mechanism (n)
hoisting motor (n)
hoisting power (n)
hoisting ring (n)
hoisting rope (n)
hoisting speed (n)
hoistway (n)
hoistway door (n)
hoistway enclosure (n)
hold (v)
hold in place (v)
hold off (v)
holder (n)
holding arbor (n)
holding brake (n)
holding contact (n)
holding fixture (n)
holding force (n)
holding force equation (n)
holding power (n)
holding time (n)
holding torque (n)
holding voltage (n)
holding-down device (n)
hole (n)
hollow (adj)
hollow body (n)
hollow conductor (n)
hollow cylinder (n)
hollow needle (n)
hollow piston (n)
hollow plane (n)
hollow ram (n)
hollow section (n)
Hollow shaft
hollow shaft (n)
hollow slotted rail (n)
hollow space (n)
hollow-ground scraper (n)
Holt method (n)
home landing (n)
home lift (n)
home position (n)
homing (n)
homogeneous (adj)
homogenisation (n)
homogenising (n)
hone (v)
honeycomb ... (adj)
honeycomb coil (n)
honeycomb rack (n)
honeycomb sheet (n)
honing (n)
honing machine (n)
honing tool (n)
hood (n)
hook (n)
hook block (n)
hook bolt (n)
hook spanner (n)
hook up (v)
hook wrench (n)
Hooke's law
Hooke's law (n)
hooking the panels in the closed position in the case of telescopic doors (n)
hoop iron (n)
hooter (n)
hopper (n)
hoppit (n)
horizontal (adj)
horizontal boring (n)
horizontal broaching machine (n)
horizontal design (n)
horizontal drilling machine (n)
horizontal flow (n)
horizontal milling (n)
horizontal milling machine (n)
horizontal motion (n)
horizontal pass (n)
horizontal shaping machine (n)
horizontal slotting machine (n)
horizontal trajectory (n)
horn (n)
hose (n)
hose clamp (n)
hose fitting (n)
hose nipple (n)
hot bend test (n)
hot crack (n)
hot cracking test (n)
hot forming (n)
hot gas string bead welding (n)
hot hardness (n)
Hot range
hot roll (v)
hot rolling mill (n)
hot shortness (n)
hot test facility (n)
hot tinning (n)
hot work (v)
hot-air duct (n)
hot-bath hardening (n)
hot-dip galvanize (v)
hot-dip galvanizing (n)
hot-forming steel (n)
hot-tin (v)
hot-work steel (n)
hot-workable (adj)
hours run (n)
hours run (pl)
house (v)
house emergency alarm device (n)
house wiring (n)
housing (n)
housing shoulder (n)
housing tolerance (n)
housing unit (n)
HSS (n)
HSS (pl)
hub (n)
hub and spoke system (n)
hue (n)
hum (v)
hum voltage (n)
hum-free (adj)
human body model (HBM) (n)
humid (adj)
humidifier (n)
humidify (v)
humidity (n)
hunt (v)
hurry (n)
hybrid circuit (n)
hybrid computer (n)
hybrid technology (n)
hydaulic capsule (n)
hydaulic load cell (n)
hydraulic (adj)
hydraulic clutch (n)
hydraulic compact transmission (n)
hydraulic conveyor (n)
hydraulic cylinder (n)
hydraulic directional valve (n)
hydraulic equipment (n)
hydraulic flow valve (n)
hydraulic fluid (n)
Hydraulic internal chamber locking bush
hydraulic lifting jack (n)
hydraulic line (n)
hydraulic locking valve (n)
hydraulic medium (n)
hydraulic motor (n)
hydraulic pipe (n)
hydraulic piston (n)
hydraulic platform (n)
hydraulic press (n)
hydraulic pressing (n)
hydraulic pump (n)
hydraulic rupture valve (n)
hydraulic shock absorber (n)
hydraulic transmission (n)
hydraulic tube (n)
hydraulic unit (n)
hydraulic valve (n)
hydraulic valve actuation (n)
hydraulics (n)
hydrocarbon (n)
hydrodynamic bearing (n)
hydrodynamic brake (n)
hydrodynamic lubricating film (n)
Hydrogen embrittlement
hydrogen embrittlement (n)
hydrogen-induced crack (n)
hydrogen-induced fracture (n)
hydrogen-induced fractures (n)
hydrogen-induced stress-corrosion cracking (n)
hydrostatic bearing (n)
hydrostatic fixed-axis gear transmission (n)
hydrostatic pressure (n)
hydrostatic transmission (n)
hydrostatics (n)
hyperbolic function (n)
hyperconductor (n)
hyperstatic (adj)
hypoid gear (n)
hypoid gearing (n)
hysteresis (n)
Hysteresis (electrical engineering)
hysteresis loop (n)
hysteresis loss (n)
I component (n)
I controller (n)
I element
I element (n)
I-beam (n)
I-section (n)
ice crusher (n)
ID (n)
ID fan (n)
ID fan base (n)
ideal stress (n)
identification (n)
identification function (n)
identification number (n)
identification of unknown forces (n)
identification system (n)
Identification systems
identification tag (n)
identify (v)
identifying function (n)
identity check (n)
idle (adj)
idle pass (n)
idle period (n)
idle position (n)
idle run (n)
idle running (n)
idle speed (n)
idle speed adjustor (n)
idle time (n)
idler (n)
idler gear (n)
idler pulley (n)
idling (n)
idling cycle (n)
idling torque (n)
IGB transistor (n)
igneous electrolysis (n)
ignite (v)
ignition (n)
ignore (v)
illegal (adj)
illuminance (n)
illuminate (v)
illuminated button (n)
illuminated ceiling (n)
illuminated pushbutton (n)
illuminated signal (n)
illumination (n)
illustrate (v)
illustration (n)
image (n)
imaginary cut (method of sections) (n)
imaginary part (n)
imbalance (n)
imbalance compensation (n)
immerse (v)
immersed pump (n)
immersion hardening (n)
immobilize (v)
immunity (n)
impact (n)
impact (v)
impact (on) (v)
impact bending strength (n)
impact bending test (n)
impact centre (n)
impact drill (n)
impact efficiency (n)
impact energy (n)
impact fatigue limit (n)
impact law (n)
impact load (n)
impact on the environment (n)
impact period (n)
impact process (n)
impact resistance (n)
impact screwdriver (n)
impact sound level (n)
impact speed (f)
impact speed (n)
impact strength (n)
impact stress (n)
impact test (n)
impact testing machine (n)
impact velocity (n)
impact-proof (adj)
impact-resistant (adj)
impedance (n)
impede (v)
impeller (n)
imperfect (adj)
imperfection (n)
imperforate (adj)
Imperial system (n)
impermeable (adj)
impervious (adj)
implement (v)
implementation of procurement (n)
implementation stage (n)
implode (v)
imposed load (n)
impregnate (v)
impress a voltage (v)
impression cylinder (n)
improve (v)
improvement (n)
impulse (n)
impulse force (n)
impulse reactivity (n)
impurity (n)
in alignment (adj)
in conformance with standards (adj)
in line (adj)
in phase (adj)
in phase opposition (adj)
in step (adj)
In thermal processes such as electrical discharge machining/spark erosion, plasma etching (e.g. in semiconductor production), thermal cutting, laser cutting, laser drilling and electron beam machining, particles are separated off in liquid, solid or gas f
in true alignment (adj)
in-between (adj)
in-car congestion (n)
in-feed table (n)
in-house emergency alarm device (n)
in-house production (n)
in-house traffic (n)
in-line (tube) bank (n)
in-process inspection (n)
in-process testing (n)
in-service test (n)
inaccessible (adj)
inaccurate (adj)
inadvertent (adj)
inadvertent wrong operation (n)
incandescent lamp (n)
inch (n)
inch system (n)
inch thread (n)
inching (n)
inching button (n)
inching feed (n)
inching mode (n)
inching operation (n)
inching speed (n)
inching switch (n)
incident (n)
incident history (n)
incident of failure (n)
incident report (n)
incineration (n)
incipient crack (n)
incision technique (n)
inclination (n)
incline (n)
incline (v)
inclined (adj)
inclined conveyor (n)
inclined elevator (n)
inclined lift (n)
inclined plane (n)
inclined position (n)
inclined roller table (n)
inclined tee joint (n)
inclined trajectory (n)
inclined-tube boiler (n)
included angle (n)
inclusion (n)
incoherent (adj)
incoming goods (n)
incoming inspection (n)
incoming orders (n)
incompatibility (n)
incompatible (adj)
incompressible flow (n)
incorporate (v)
incorporated (adj)
incorrect (adj)
increase (n)
increase (v)
increase in break resistance (n)
increase in breaking strength (n)
increase in purity (n)
increase in speed (n)
increase in strength (n)
increase in stress (n)
increased accuracy (n)
increment (n)
increment size (n)
incremental encoder (n)
incremental feed (n)
incremental measurement (n)
indefinite (adj)
indent (n)
indent (v)
indentation (n)
Independency principle
independent player (n)
independent requirements (n)
independent service control (n)
independent suspension (n)
independent variable (n)
indeterminate (adj)
indeterminate load direction (n)
indeterminate systems (n)
index (n)
index (v)
index plate (n)
indexing (n)
indexing accuracy (n)
indexing angle (n)
indexing head (n)
indexing mechanism (n)
indexing rotary table (n)
indexing table (n)
indexing unit (n)
indicate (v)
indicating lamp (n)
indication (n)
Indication error (electrical engineering)
indication of acceptance (n)
indicator (n)
indicator diagram (n)
indicator lamp (n)
indicator panel (n)
indifferent balance (n)
indifferent equilibrium (n)
indirect positive locking (n)
individual buying (n)
individual drive (n)
individual efficiency (n)
individual gear ratio (n)
individual lift (n)
individual order (n)
individual packaging (n)
individual procurement (n)
indoor cable (n)
Indoor climate
indoor climate (n)
indoor temperature (n)
induce (v)
induced corrosion (n)
induced voltage (n)
inductance (n)
induction (n)
induction coil (n)
induction cup (n)
induction hardening (n)
Induction heating
induction heating (n)
induction machine (n)
induction motor (n)
induction regulator (n)
induction vane (n)
induction voltage (n)
induction welding (n)
inductive (adj)
inductive heating (n)
inductor plate (n)
industrial and building systems (n)
industrial data capture (n)
industrial design (n)
industrial property right (n)
industrial robot (n)
industrial shock absorber (n)
industrial standard (n)
industrial trailer (n)
industrial truck (n)
industry standard (n)
inelastic buckling (n)
inelastic collision (n)
inert arc welding (n)
inert gas (n)
inertia (n)
inertia axiom (n)
inertia distribution (n)
inertia factor (n)
inertia force (n)
inertia forces (pl)
inertia term (n)
inertia torque (n)
inertial force (n)
inertial forces (pl)
inertial mass (n)
Inertial system
inexact (adj)
inexact inventory management (n)
infeed (n)
infeed motion (n)
inference component (n)
infinite (adj)
infinitely adjustable (adj)
infinitely variable (adj)
infinitesimal surface element (n)
inflammable (adj)
inflate (v)
inflow cross-section (n)
influence (n)
influence of temperature (n)
influencing quantity (n)
influencing variable (n)
information (n)
information function (n)
information gathering (n)
information procurement (n)
infrared (adj)
infrared barrier (n)
infrared beam interruption detector (n)
infrared detector (n)
infrared hand transmitter (n)
infrared light (n)
infrared radiation (n)
infrared range (n)
infrared rays (pl)
infrared remote control (n)
infrared scanner (n)
infrared sensor (n)
infrared spectrum (n)
infrasound (n)
ingot (n)
Ingot casting
ingot casting (n)
ingot casting process (n)
ingress (v)
inherent noise (n)
inherent resistance (n)
inhibit (v)
inhibit circuit (n)
inhibited (adj)
inhibition (n)
initial angular speed (n)
initial angular velocity (n)
initial capacity (n)
initial condition (n)
initial energy (n)
initial greasing (n)
initial pass (n)
initial position (n)
initial pressure (n)
initial run (n)
initial situation (n)
initial speed (n)
initial stress (n)
initial velocity (n)
initiate (v)
initiation (n)
initiator (n)
injection cooler (n)
injection molding machine (n)
Injection moulding
injection moulding (n)
injection moulding (plastic) (n)
injection station (n)
injection volume (n)
injection-mould (v)
ink (n)
inland container (m)
inland harbour (n)
inland navigation (n)
inland shipping (n)
inland transport (n)
inland vessel (n)
inland waterway (n)
inland waterway fleet (n)
inland waterway transport (n)
inland waterway transportation (n)
inlet side (n)
inlet temperature (n)
inlet valve (n)
inner bearing ring (n)
inner clamping sleeve (n)
inner raceway (n)
inner ring (n)
inner sheath (n)
inner surface (n)
innovation (n)
inoperative (adj)
input (n)
input (v)
input amplifier (n)
input buffer (n)
input circuit (n)
input end (n)
input gear (n)
input pinion (n)
input power (n)
input resistance (n)
input shaft (n)
input side (n)
input speed (n)
input speed range (n)
input stage (n)
input torque (n)
input variable (n)
input velocity (n)
input voltage (n)
inrush current (n)
insecure (adj)
insert (n)
insert (v)
insert bolt (n)
inserted-blade milling cutter (n)
inserted-tooth cutter (n)
inserted-tooth face milling cutter (n)
inserter (n)
insertion machine (n)
inshave (n)
inside calipers (n)
inside contour (n)
inside diameter (n)
inside dimension (n)
inside taper (n)
insolubility (n)
inspect (v)
inspection (n)
inspection certificate (n)
inspection control device on the car roof (n)
inspection door (n)
inspection drawing (n)
inspection flap (n)
inspection gage (n)
inspection gauge (n)
inspection glass (n)
inspection hole (n)
inspection lamp (n)
inspection level (n)
inspection limit switch (n)
inspection lot (n)
inspection notice (n)
inspection nozzle (n)
inspection operation (n)
inspection specification (n)
inspection sticker (n)
inspection switch (n)
inspection trap (n)
inspection window (n)
inspector (n)
install (v)
installation (n)
installation aids (pl)
installation and operating instructions (n)
installation area (n)
installation drawing (n)
installation error (n)
installation force (n)
installation instructions (n)
installation kit (n)
installation operator (n)
installation position (n)
installation program (n)
installation switch (n)
installation under surface (n)
installations extraneous to the lift (pl)
installer (n)
instant (n)
Instantaneous centre of rotation
instantaneous centre of rotation (n)
instantaneous centre of velocity (n)
instantaneous distance (n)
instantaneous pole (n)
instantaneous safety gear (n)
instantaneous safety gear with buffered effect (n)
instantaneous speed (n)
instantaneous velocity (n)
instruct (v)
instruction (n)
instruction manual (n)
instructions (n)
instructions for use (n)
instrument (n)
instrument cable (n)
instrument nozzle (n)
instrumentation (n)
instrumentation and control engineering (n)
instrumentation and control package (I & C package) (n)
instruments (pl)
insulate (v)
insulated cable (n)
insulating (adj)
insulating castable refractory (n)
insulating compound (n)
insulating mat (n)
insulating material (n)
insulating sheath (n)
insulating strength (n)
insulating tape (n)
insulating washer (n)
insulation (n)
insulation class (n)
insulation rating (n)
insulation resistance (n)
insulation stripper (n)
insulation tape (n)
insulation test (n)
insulation tester (n)
insulation to prevent transmission of structure-borne noise (n)
insulaton class (n)
insulator (n)
insurance costs (n)
intake cross-section (n)
integral (adj)
integral action component (n)
integral action controller (n)
Integral calculus
integral component (n)
integral controller (n)
integral design (n)
integral element (n)
integral form of work (n)
integral with (adj)
integral-action encoder (n)
integrate (v)
integrated (adj)
integrated circuit board (n)
integrated logistics chain (n)
integrated network (n)
integrity (n)
intellectual property right (n)
intended purpose (n)
intended use (n)
intensity (n)
intensity control (n)
intensity level (n)
intensive traffic lift (n)
intentional (adj)
interaction (n)
interactive screen dialog (n)
intercept (v)
interchange (n)
interchange (v)
interchangeable (adj)
interchangeable platform (n)
intercom system (n)
interconnect (v)
interconnected group (n)
interconnected lifts (n)
interconnecting cable (n)
interconnection (n)
intercrystalline (adj)
Intercrystalline corrosion
intercrystalline corrosion (n)
intercrystalline stress-corrosion cracking (n)
interface (n)
interface (v)
interface-dependent process (n)
interfere (v)
interference (n)
interference factor (n)
interference fit (n)
interference fit assembly (n)
interference immunity (n)
interference level (n)
interference pulse (n)
interference suppression (n)
interference suppressor (n)
interference suppresssion (n)
interference thread (n)
interference-fit thread (n)
interference-prone (adj)
interference-suppression capacitor (n)
interferometry (n)
intergranular (adj)
intergranular corrosion (n)
intergranular stress-corrosion cracking (n)
interim resultant (n)
interior design (n)
interior finish (n)
interior finishing (n)
interior installation (n)
interior lighting (n)
interior lining (n)
interior surface (n)
interior view (n)
interjacent (adj)
interlink (v)
interlinked telescopic doors (pl)
interlock (n)
interlock (v)
interlock release (n)
interlocking (adj)
interlocking (n)
interlocking device (n)
intermediary crystal (n)
intermediary phase (n)
intermediate beam (n)
intermediate gear (n)
intermediate gear shaft (n)
intermediate landing (n)
intermediate storage (n)
intermesh (v)
intermesh (screws) (v)
intermittent controllers (n)
intermittent operation (n)
internal angle (n)
internal bore dimension (n)
internal bore size (n)
internal broaching machine (n)
internal chuck (n)
internal cylindrical grinding (n)
internal diameter (n)
internal dimension (n)
internal fan (n)
internal force (n)
internal gear (n)
internal gearing (n)
internal grinding (n)
internal load (n)
internal loading (n)
internal machining (n)
internal milling (n)
internal milling cutter (n)
internal mixer (n)
internal pressure (n)
internal profile (n)
internal resistance (n)
internal ring gear (n)
internal rotor (n)
internal strain (n)
internal stress (n)
internal system of forces (n)
internal thread (n)
internal toothing (n)
internal transport (n)
internal volume forces (pl)
International System of Units (n)
Internet freight exchange (n)
Internet shipping exchange (n)
interoperation time (n)
interplay (n)
interpolation (n)
interpulse period (n)
interrupt (v)
interrupt signal (n)
interrupter (n)
interruption (n)
intersect (v)
intersection (n)
interspace (n)
interstitial compound (n)
interstitial mechanism (n)
interstitial solid solution (n)
interturn insulation (n)
interturn short circuit (n)
interturn test (n)
interval (n)
intralogistics (n)
intrinsic accuracy (n)
intrinsic emission (n)
intrinsic safety (n)
intrinsic semiconductor (n)
intrude (v)
intrusion (n)
invariance (n)
inventory (n)
inventory card (n)
inventory control (n)
inventory costs (n)
inventory figures (n)
inventory list (n)
inventory planning (n)
inventory policy (n)
inventory turnover (n)
inventory-based order placement (n)
inverse (adj)
inverse function (n)
inverse picking (n)
inversely phased (adj)
inverter (n)
inverting amplifier (n)
investigate (v)
investigation (n)
investigation of internal forces using the imaginary cut technique (n)
investment planning. capital budgeting (n)
invisible (adj)
involute (n)
involute gear (n)
involute gear teeth (n)
Involute gearing
involute teeth (n)
involute toothing (n)
involute worm (n)
involute-toothed (adj)
inward stock movement quantity (n)
ion (n)
ion dose rate (n)
ion exchange (n)
ion starvation (n)
ionic bond (n)
ioniser (n)
ionising unit (n)
ionization energy (n)
IR (n)
iron (n)
iron and steel (n)
iron core (n)
iron crystal lattice (n)
Iron-carbon alloy
iron-carbon constitution diagram (n)
Iron-carbon diagram
iron-carbon phase diagram (n)
irregular (adj)
irregular component (n)
irrigation system (n)
island-based production (n)
ISO bore tolerance (n)
ISO container
ISO container (m)
ISO dimension plan (n)
ISO dimension plan for bearing types (n)
ISO fit (n)
ISO hole tolerance (n)
ISO shaft tolerance (n)
ISO standard tolerance system (n)
ISO system (n)
ISO tolerance (n)
ISO tolerance class (n)
ISO tolerance zone (n)
isolate (adj)
isolate (v)
isolated (adj)
isolating (adj)
isolating capacitor (n)
isolating switch (n)
isolating transformer (n)
isolation (n)
isolation amplifier (n)
isolator (n)
isolator switch (n)
isometric projection (n)
isothermal transformation diagram (n)
isotropic bodies (n)
isotropic body (n)
issue (n)
issue unit (n)
issuing (n)
item (n)
item designation (n)
item number (n)
item numbering (n)
item quantity (n)
item type (n)
items (pl)
jack (n)
jack bit (n)
jack plane (n)
jack up (v)
jacket (n)
jacket (v)
jackhammer (n)
jackscrew (n)
Jacobi matrix
Jacobian matrix (n)
jam (v)
janitor (n)
jaw (n)
jaw chuck (n)
jaw clutch (n)
jerk (n)
jerk-free (adj)
jet (n)
jet cross-section (n)
jet propulsion (n)
jetway (n)
jib (n)
jib length (n)
jib working radius (n)
jig (n)
jig borer (n)
jig boring (n)
jig boring machine (n)
jig builder (n)
jig department (n)
jig shop (n)
jigs (pl)
jigs and fixtures (pl)
JIT local supply (n)
JIT long-distance supply (n)
job (n)
job engineering (n)
job list (n)
job monitoring (n)
job order (n)
job preparation (n)
job scheduling (n)
job shop production (n)
job time (n)
jobbing production (n)
jog button (n)
jogging (n)
joggling machine (n)
join (v)
joining (n)
joint (n)
joint bolt (n)
joint sealing compound (n)
joint type (n)
Joint with flattened shaft and bolt
jointed arm (n)
jointed-arm robot (n)
jointer (n)
jointer plane (n)
Jominy test (n)
journal (n)
journal bearing (n)
journal friction coefficient (n)
journal radius (n)
journey (n)
journey time (n)
joy-stick (n)
jump (n)
jumper (n)
jumper (v)
junction (n)
junction box (n)
junction transistor (n)
just in time (adj)
Just-in-sequence production
just-in-time delivery (n)
just-in-time procurement (n)
Just-in-time production
just-in-time production (n)
kanban card (n)
Kanban container
Kanban control
Kanban control (n)
keg (n)
kelly (n)
kerbstone grab (n)
kernel (n)
key (n)
key (v)
key and slot (n)
Key connection
key connection (n)
key data (fpl)
Key joint
key joint (n)
key process (n)
key switch (n)
key top (n)
key-operated button (n)
key-operated pushbutton (n)
key-operated switch (n)
key-seating cutter (n)
keyboard (n)
keyed joint (n)
keyhole-notch specimen (n)
keypad (n)
keyway (n)
keyway cutter (n)
keyway slotter (n)
keyword (n)
kibble kettle (n)
kicking roller (n)
kiln (n)
kilogram (n)
kilogramme (n)
kilowatt (n)
kinematic energy (n)
kinematic equation (n)
kinematic quantity (n)
kinematic viscosity (n)
kinematics (n)
Kinetic energy
kinetic energy (n)
Kinetic friction
kinetic friction (n)
kinetic pressure (n)
kinetic pressure head (n)
kinetics (n)
kink (n)
kink (v)
kinking (n)
kip (n)
Kirchhoff's laws
kit (n)
Kitagawa diagram (n)
knee (n)
knee (frames) (n)
knee table (n)
knee-and-column milling machine (n)
knee-and-column-type milling machine (n)
knee-type miller (n)
knob (n)
knock (v)
knock down (v)
known-good device (n)
knurled (adj)
knurled nut (n)
knurled ring (n)
knurled screw (n)
knurled thumb screw (n)
La Mont boiler (n)
lab (n)
label (v)
labelling (n)
labile equilibrium (n)
labor (n)
laboratory (n)
laboratory equipment (pl)
laboratory setup (n)
laboratory test (n)
labour (n)
labour costs (n)
labour value (n)
labyrinth (n)
labyrinth gland (n)
labyrinth joint (n)
labyrinth packing (n)
Labyrinth seal
labyrinth seal (n)
lace machine (n)
lack (n)
lacquer (n)
ladders (n)
lag (n)
lag (v)
lag behind (v)
lagging (adj)
lagging element (n)
Lagrange equation (n)
lamellar graphite (n)
laminate (n)
laminate (v)
laminate sheet (n)
Laminate types
laminated glass (n)
laminated material (n)
Laminated object manufacturing
laminated spring (n)
laminating (n)
lamination (n)
lamp (n)
lamp panel (n)
lamp socket (n)
lamp-wire connector (n)
lamp-wire terminal (n)
land (n)
land container (m)
land width (n)
landing (n)
landing accuracy (n)
landing area (n)
landing area control (n)
landing call (n)
landing call button (n)
landing collective (adj)
landing door (n)
landing entrance (n)
landing error (n)
landing identification (n)
landing level (n)
landing position indicator (n)
landing pushbotton box (n)
landing side (n)
landing sill (n)
landing station (n)
landing zone (n)
landing zone space (n)
lane (in a tube bank) (n)
Lang lay (n)
Lang's lay (n)
Lang's lay rope (n)
lantern (n)
lap (n)
lap (v)
lap joint (n)
Laplace transform (n)
Laplace transformation
lapped (adj)
lapping (n)
lapping machine (n)
lapping tool (n)
lapping wheel (n)
large (adj)
large goods (n)
large-area button (n)
large-scale ... (adj)
large-scale integration (n)
laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) (n)
laser beam (n)
laser beam process (n)
Laser beam processes
laser beam welding (n)
Laser cladding
Laser coating
Laser cutting
laser cutting (n)
Laser drilling
laser light source (n)
Laser machining
laser power (n)
laser radiation (n)
laser separation (n)
Laser sintering
laser sintering (n)
laser technology (n)
laser welding (n)
Laser-beam cutting
laser-beam cutting (n)
Laser-beam welding
laser-beam welding (n)
last-stage blade (n)
last-stage blade ring (n)
lasting (adj)
latch (n)
latch (v)
latch lock (n)
lateral (adj)
lateral contraction (n)
lateral distribution (n)
lateral expansion (n)
lateral force (n)
lateral load (n)
lateral shrinkage (n)
lateral strain (n)
lathe (n)
lathe (v)
lathe chuck (n)
lathe file (n)
lathe operator (n)
lathe shop (n)
lathe spindle (n)
lathe threading (n)
lathe tool (n)
lathe work (n)
lattice (n)
lattice-type structure (n)
launch (v)
law of action and reaction (n)
law of angular momentum (n)
law of centre-of-mass motion (n)
law of conservation (n)
law of conservation of energy (n)
law of conservation of energy for the flow (n)
law of conservation of mass (n)
law of friction (n)
Law of gearing
law of gearing (n)
Law of gravitation
law of gravitation (n)
law of impact (n)
law of induction (n)
law of linear momentum (n)
law of oxidation rate (n)
law of the lever (n)
law/principle of conservation of momentum (n)
lay (n)
lay (v)
lay of rope (n)
lay out (v)
layer (n)
layer-to-layer spacing (n)
layered composite material (n)
laying (n)
layout (n)
layout concept (n)
layout drawing (n)
layout plan (n)
LC circuit (n)
LCD (n)
LD process (n)
lead (n)
lead (v)
lead angle (n)
lead angle error (n)
lead error (n)
lead lining (n)
lead screen (n)
lead seal (n)
lead sheath (n)
lead sheathing (n)
lead shield (n)
lead time (n)
lead time reduction (n)
lead time scheduling (n)
lead-covered cable (n)
leading (adj)
leading edge (n)
leadscrew (n)
leadscrew tapping (n)
leaf (n)
Leaf spring
leaf spring (n)
leak (n)
leak (v)
leak prevention (n)
leak test (n)
leak through (v)
leakage (n)
leakage coefficient (n)
leakage current (n)
leakage detector (n)
leakage oil tube (n)
leakage power (n)
leakage rate (n)
leakage test (n)
leakiness (n)
leaking (adj)
leakproof (adj)
leaky (adj)
lean (adj)
Lean management
lean manufacturing (n)
Lean production
leased circuit (n)
leased line (n)
least material limit (LML) (n)
least squares method (n)
leave (v)
leave the door ajar (adj)
leave the key in the lock (v)
leaving (n)
LED (n)
ledge (n)
left (adv)
left-hand (adj)
left-hand (adv)
left-hand flute (n)
left-hand lay (n)
left-hand thread (n)
left-hand winding (n)
left-turning (adj)
leg (n)
legal (adj)
legend (n)
length (n)
length compensation (n)
length increment (n)
Length metrology
length metrology (n)
length of engagement (n)
length of grip (n)
length of lay (n)
length of path of contact (n)
length of thread engagement (n)
length section (n)
length stability (n)
lengthen (v)
lengthwise (adv)
lens (n)
lepton (n)
lessen (v)
letter (v)
lettering (n)
lettering field (n)
levee (n)
level (adj)
level (n)
level (v)
level adaptation (n)
level compensation (n)
level component (n)
level control (n)
level estimate (n)
level gage (n)
level gauge (n)
level indicator (n)
level of automation (n)
level of compression (n)
level of cooperation (n)
level of delivery reliability (n)
level of demand (n)
level of familiarity (n)
level of safety against tipping (n)
level of service (n)
level of utilisation (n)
level probe (n)
level transmitter (n)
levelling (n)
levelling accuracy (n)
levelling characteristic (n)
levelling distance (n)
levelling fault (n)
levelling performance (n)
levelling speed (n)
levelling switch (n)
levelling valve (n)
levelling zone (n)
lever (n)
lever arm (n)
lever arm of rolling friction (n)
lever arm of static stability (n)
lever control (n)
lever fulcrum (n)
lever principle (n)
lever ratio (n)
lever switch (n)
lever-arm distance (n)
lever-arm length (n)
lever-operated chuck (n)
leverage (n)
leverage ratio (n)
licence (n)
license (n)
license (v)
lid (n)
lie (v)
life (n)
Life cycle assessment
life cycle cost accounting (n)
Life cycle costs
life expectancy (n)
life test (n)
life-consumption characteristic (n)
lifetime (n)
lifetime prediction (n)
lift (n)
lift (v)
lift attendant (n)
lift cage (n)
lift car (n)
lift designed for intensive use (n)
Lift drive
lift drive (n)
lift file (n)
lift for intensive use (n)
lift for rough service (n)
lift for the disabled (n)
lift for the handicapped (n)
lift frame (n)
lift in use (n)
lift industry (n)
lift installation (n)
lift into place (in the hoistway by winches) (v)
lift off (v)
lift operation (n)
lift operator (n)
lift performance (n)
lift service (n)
lift system (n)
lift travel (n)
lift trip (n)
lift truck (n)
lift valve (n)
lift warden (n)
lift well enclosure (n)
liftgate (n)
lifting (n)
lifting beam (n)
lifting beam system (n)
lifting capacity (n)
lifting chain (n)
lifting cylinder (n)
lifting device (n)
lifting eye nut (n)
lifting eye-bolt (n)
lifting eyebolt (n)
lifting force (n)
lifting fork (n)
lifting frame (n)
Lifting gear
lifting gear (n)
lifting handle (n)
lifting height (n)
Lifting hook
lifting hook (n)
lifting jack (n)
lifting lug (n)
Lifting magnet
lifting magnet (n)
lifting means (n)
lifting motor (n)
lifting platform (n)
lifting power (n)
lifting rod (n)
lifting slide (n)
lifting speed (n)
lifting table (n)
lifting tackle (n)
lifting torque (n)
lifting truck (n)
Lifting unit
lifting winch (n)
lifting work (n)
light (adj)
light (n)
light (v)
light amplification (n)
light barrier (n)
Light colour
light colour (n)
light current (n)
light curtain (n)
light fitting (n)
light fixture (n)
light from external source (n)
light guide (n)
light in weight (adj)
light incidence (n)
light intensity (n)
light metal (n)
light metal housing (n)
light microscopy (n)
light path (n)
light ray system (n)
light ray unit (n)
light selector (n)
light source (n)
light up (v)
light-beam curtain (n)
light-current engineering (n)
light-emitting diode (n)
light-grille barrier (n)
light-metal alloy (n)
Light-section microscope: Light-section microscopes are suitable for determining the peak-to-valley height when the average peak-to-valley height is ${R_z} > 1$ µm. A narrow line of light falls on a surface at an angle of 45°. The line's distorti
light-weight (adj)
light-weight construction (n)
light-weight material (n)
lighting (n)
lighting engineering (n)
lighting fitting (n)
lighting fixture (n)
lighting level (n)
lighting strength (n)
lighting technology (n)
lighting unit (n)
lightness (n)
lightning arrester (n)
lightning conductor (n)
lightning protection (n)
lightning protection system (n)
lightning rod (n)
lightning stroke (n)
lightweight checker firebrick (n)
Lightweight concrete
lightweight concrete (n)
lightweight construction (n)
lightweight design (n)
lightweight structure (n)
LIM (n)
limit (n)
limit (v)
limit deviation (n)
limit for slenderness ratio (n)
limit gage (n)
limit gauge (n)
limit line (n)
limit load (n)
limit number of stress cycles (n)
limit of deviation (n)
limit of elasticity (n)
limit of proportionality (n)
limit of wear (n)
limit position (n)
limit size (n)
limit slenderness (n)
limit snap gage (n)
limit snap gauge (n)
limit speed (n)
limit stop (n)
limit stress (n)
limit switch (n)
limit temperature (n)
limit thread gage (n)
limit thread gauge (n)
limit torque (n)
limitation (n)
limited capacity (n)
limiter (n)
limiter diode (n)
limiting frequency (n)
limiting load (n)
limiting size (n)
limiting torque (n)
limiting value (n)
limits (pl)
line (n)
line (v)
line balance loss (n)
line centroid (n)
line chart (n)
line choke (n)
line contact (n)
line contactor (n)
line current (n)
line diagram (n)
line drop (n)
line fault (n)
line fuse (n)
line graph (n)
line group (n)
line load (n)
line moment (n)
line of acceleration (n)
line of action (n)
line of contact (n)
line of force (n)
line of impact (n)
line production (n)
line profile (n)
line segment (n)
line shipping (n)
line side (n)
line style (n)
line switch (n)
line terminal (n)
line termination (n)
line tester (n)
line thickness (n)
line transformer (n)
line type (n)
line voltage (n)
line width (n)
line-side fuse (n)
Line-stop concept
linear ball bearing (n)
linear bearing arrangement (n)
linear calculation (n)
linear expansion (n)
linear extensional strain (n)
linear force law (n)
linear guide (n)
linear guide unit (n)
linear induction motor (n)
linear measure (n)
Linear motor
linear motor (n)
linear movement (n)
linear pitch (n)
linear regression (n)
linear roller bearing (n)
linear roller guide (n)
linear size (n)
linear spring oscillation (n)
linear stacking (n)
linear strain distribution (n)
linear stress distribution (n)
linear volatility axiom (n)
liner (n)
liner shipping (n)
lining (n)
link (n)
link (v)
link chain (n)
link mechanism (n)
linkage (n)
linking (n)
linking mechanism (n)
links (n)
lint-free (adj)
lintel (n)
lip seal (n)
lip sealing (n)
liquid (adj)
liquid (n)
liquid container (n)
liquid crystal display (n)
liquid cube (n)
liquid density (n)
liquid filaments (n)
liquid friction (n)
liquid height (n)
liquid laser (n)
liquid level (n)
liquid penetration test (n)
liquid pressure (n)
liquid sealant (n)
liquid-borne sound (n)
liquor-fired boiler (n)
list of characteristics (n)
list of material requirements (n)
list of parts (n)
listing (n)
lithium soap grease (n)
live (adj)
live (v)
live load (n)
live steam (n)
live storage rack (n)
load (n)
load (v)
load adjustment (n)
load analysis (n)
load application (n)
load balancing (n)
load bypass (n)
load calculation (n)
load capacity (n)
load carrier (n)
load carrying capacity (n)
load carrying unit (n)
load case (n)
Load cell
load cell (n)
load characteristic (n)
load condition (n)
load control (n)
load cycle (n)
load diagram (n)
load displacement curve (n)
load displacement diagram (n)
load distribution (n)
load elongation curve (n)
load equalization (n)
load factor (n)
load fluctuation (n)
load handling equipment (n)
load hook (n)
load levelling (n)
load lifting (n)
load limitation (n)
load magnet (n)
load management (n)
load on a beam (n)
load pattern (n)
load per axle (n)
load piston (n)
load planning (n)
load plate (n)
load power (n)
load profile (n)
load reconciliation (n)
load reversal (n)
load run (n)
load safety analysis (n)
load scenario (n)
load securing equipment (n)
load securing support (n)
load sharing (n)
load stability (n)
load state (n)
load status (n)
load terminal (n)
load torque (n)
load transfer switch (n)
load type (n)
load unit (n)
load variation (n)
load vector (n)
load weighing (n)
load work (n)
load-bearing (adj)
load-bearing capacity (n)
load-bearing capacity analysis (n)
load-bearing depth (n)
load-bearing function (n)
load-bearing structure (n)
Load-bearing structure (conveying technology)
load-deflection equation (n)
load-weighing device (n)
load/area ratio (n)
loadable (adj)
loaded cable (n)
loader crane (n)
loading (n)
loading case (n)
loading condition (n)
loading crane (n)
loading equipment (n)
loading gantry (n)
loading limit (n)
loading operation (n)
loading scheme (n)
loading stability (n)
loading time (n)
lobby call (n)
lobster-back cladding (n)
lobster-back construction (n)
local actual dimension (n)
local actual size (n)
Local cell
local lighting (n)
local process planning/work scheduling (n)
local service (n)
local storage area (n)
local stress (n)
local traffic (n)
localised corrosion (n)
localised stress (n)
localization (n)
Locating and non-locating bearing arrangement
locating bearing (n)
locating pin (n)
location (n)
location bearing (n)
location bearing force (n)
location decisions (n)
location plan (n)
location planning (n)
location-related problem (n)
lock (n)
lock (v)
lock bolt (n)
lock cylinder (n)
lock home (v)
lock in place (v)
lock mechanically (v)
lock nut (n)
lock out (v)
lock washer (n)
lock with a lock nut (v)
lock-and-release device (n)
lock-out (n)
lock-out circuit (n)
lockable (adj)
locked (adj)
locked-rotor torque (n)
locking (n)
locking bolt (n)
locking contact (n)
locking device (n)
locking force (n)
locking lever (n)
locking mechanism (n)
locking paint (n)
locking pawl (n)
locking pin (n)
locking screw (n)
locking spring (n)
locking thread (n)
locking washer (n)
locking wire (n)
locking zone (n)
locksmith (n)
locus (n)
log (n)
logarithm (n)
logarithmic law (n)
logbook (n)
logistics (n)
logistics chain (n)
logistics costs (n)
logistics function (n)
logistics of distribution (n)
logistics service (n)
logistics service provider (n)
long (stroke) retractable sootblower (n)
long goods storage (n)
long hole (n)
long stroke (adj)
long thread (n)
long-distance interference suppression (n)
long-distance traffic (n)
long-distance transport (n)
long-haul transport (n)
long-length thread (n)
long-stroke gas spring (n)
long-term behaviour (n)
long-term performance (n)
long-term trend (n)
long-time stress-rupture strength (n)
longitudinal (adv)
longitudinal feed (n)
longitudinal machining (n)
longitudinal pipe seam (n)
longitudinal play (n)
longitudinal press-fit (n)
longitudinal section (n)
longitudinal stop (n)
longitudinal strain (n)
longitudinal travel (n)
longitudinal traverse (n)
look for (v)
loop (n)
loop cycle (n)
loop pass (n)
loose (adj)
loose bearing (n)
loose connection (n)
loose contact (n)
loose fit (n)
loose pulley (n)
loosen (v)
loosening torque (n)
lorry (n)
Loschmidt's number (n)
loss (n)
loss factor (n)
loss of energy (n)
loss of signal (n)
loss statistics (n)
lossless (adj)
lost time (n)
lot (n)
lot splitting (n)
loud (adj)
loudness (n)
loudness level (n)
louvered ceiling (n)
louvre (n)
louvred ceiling (n)
low angle grain boundary (n)
Low Cost Intelligent Automation
low frequency (n)
low pressure (n)
low voltage (n)
low-bodied (adj)
low-carbon steel (n)
low-contrast ... (adj)
low-cycle fatigue strength (n)
low-distortion ... (adj)
low-grade (adj)
low-level code (n)
low-level code determination (n)
Low-lift pallet truck
low-lift pallet truck (n)
low-lift platform truck (n)
low-loss ... (adj)
low-maintenance ... (adj)
low-maintenance plain bearing material (n)
low-noise ... (adj)
low-pass filter (n)
low-quality (adj)
low-radiation ... (adj)
low-resistance ... (adj)
low-speed ... (adj)
low-temperature treatment (n)
low-viscosity ... (adj)
low-voltage current (n)
low-voltage installation (n)
low-voltage source (n)
low-wear ... (adj)
lower (v)
lower chord (n)
lower limit (n)
lower-level ... (adj)
lower-ranking ...: slave ... (adj)
lowering device (n)
lowering mechanism (n)
lowering valve (n)
lozenge (n)
LSI (n)
lube oil (n)
lubricant (n)
lubricant film (n)
lubricate (v)
lubricated for life (adj)
lubricating device (n)
lubricating felt (n)
lubricating film formation (n)
Lubricating grease
lubricating grease (n)
lubricating instructions (n)
Lubricating oil
lubricating oil (n)
Lubricating oil additive
lubricating pump (n)
lubrication (n)
lubrication chart (n)
lubrication clearance (n)
lubrication engineering (n)
lubrication gap (n)
lubrication hole (n)
lubrication interval (n)
lubrication point (n)
lubrication process (n)
lubrication schedule (n)
lubrication specifications (n)
lubrication technology (n)
lubricator (n)
Luffing gear
luffing gear (n)
lug (n)
luminaire (n)
luminance (n)
luminous bar (n)
luminous element (n)
Luminous flux
luminous flux (n)
Luminous intensity
luminous intensity (n)
luminous power (n)
lux (n)
lye application machine (n)
M/G set (n)
machinability (n)
machinable (adj)
machine (adj)
machine (n)
machine (v)
machine above (n)
machine acoustics (n)
machine adjacent (n)
machine adjustment (n)
machine at side (n)
machine attendant (n)
machine base (n)
machine bed (n)
machine below (n)
machine breakdown (n)
machine capacity (n)
machine casting (n)
machine column (n)
machine designer (n)
machine die (n)
Machine dynamics
machine for circular milling (n)
machine foundation (n)
machine frame (n)
machine hour rate accounting (n)
machine idle time (n)
machine installation (n)
machine load (n)
machine loading (n)
machine model (MM) (n)
Machine moulding
machine noise (n)
machine operator (n)
machine oscillation (n)
machine reference point (n)
machine room (n)
machine saw (n)
machine setter (n)
machine setting (n)
machine steel (n)
machine support (n)
machine tap (n)
machine tender (n)
machine tool (n)
machine utilisation planning (n)
machine utilization (n)
machine vibration (n)
machine vice (n)
machine vise (n)
machine-specific tool storage magazine (n)
machinery (n)
machinery designer (n)
machinery noise (n)
machinery space (n)
machining (n)
machining accuracy (n)
machining allowance (n)
machining center (n)
machining centre (n)
machining cycle (n)
machining drawing (n)
machining infeed (n)
machining motion (n)
machining movement (n)
machining process (n)
machining quality (n)
machining sequence (n)
machining station (n)
machining steel (n)
machining time (n)
machining tolerance (n)
macro-examination (n)
macro-section (n)
macrogeometry (n)
macrograph (n)
macrostructure (n)
made by others (adj)
made to last (adj)
made-to-order manufacturing (n)
MAG/MIG welding (n)
MAG/MIG welding (metal active gas/metal inert gas welding): A consumable electrode is fed continuously in order to maintain the electric arc. In this method, too, the welding process is protected by an inert gas. This method can be used to weld steel, sta
magazine (n)
Magnesium alloy
magnesium alloy (n)
magnet (n)
magnet coil (n)
magnetic bar (n)
magnetic bearing (n)
magnetic brake (n)
magnetic card (n)
magnetic chuck (n)
magnetic clamp (n)
magnetic coil (n)
magnetic contactor (n)
magnetic core (n)
magnetic field (n)
Magnetic fluid seal
magnetic flux (n)
magnetic force (n)
magnetic lock (n)
magnetic method (n)
Magnetic particle inspection
magnetic particle test (n)
magnetic pole (n)
magnetic powder test (n)
magnetic process (n)
magnetic separator (n)
magnetic steel sheet (n)
magnetic switch (n)
magnetic tape (n)
magnetic-particle method (of non-destructive testing) (n)
magnetizable (adj)
magnetization (n)
magnetization curve (n)
magnetize (v)
Magneto bearing
Magnetomotive force (electrical engineering)
magnetostriction (n)
magnification scale (n)
magnify (v)
magnitude (n)
mailing list (n)
main and branch ductwork (pl)
main bend axis (n)
main circuit (n)
main circuit-breaker (n)
main component analysis (n)
main component of inertia (n)
main dimensions (pl)
main disconnect switch (n)
main drive (n)
main entrance side (n)
main equation for contact pressure (n)
main exciter (n)
main floor (n)
main function (n)
main fuse (n)
main landing (n)
main load direction (n)
main rope (n)
main shaft (n)
main spindle (n)
main spindle bearing (n)
main squirt (n)
main steam (n)
main switch (n)
main terminal (n)
main view (n)
main winding (n)
mains (n)
mains cable (n)
mains connection (n)
mains current (n)
mains fuse (n)
mains plug (n)
mains socket (n)
mains socket-outlet (n)
mains supply (n)
mains switch (n)
mains terminal (n)
mains transformer (n)
mains voltage (n)
mains-operated (adj)
maintain (v)
maintain stationary (on the guides) (v)
maintainability (n)
maintained-contact switch (n)
maintenance (n)
maintenance aisle (n)
maintenance base (n)
maintenance business (n)
maintenance control (n)
maintenance instructions (n)
maintenance interval (n)
maintenance manual (n)
maintenance operation (n)
maintenance portfolio (n)
maintenance recommendation (n)
maintenance schedule (n)
maintenance-free (adj)
maintenance-free plain bearing material (n)
maintenance-free spherical bearing (n)
major (adj)
major defect (n)
major non-conformance (n)
make (n)
make (v)
make available (v)
make contact (n)
make good (v)
make tight (v)
make time (n)
make-or-buy decision (n)
make-to-order production (n)
maker (n)
making (n)
making and/or breaking capacity (n)
making capacity (n)
making contact (n)
mal... (adj)
maladjustment (n)
male end (n)
male multipoint connector (n)
male thread (n)
malfunction (n)
malfunction time (n)
malleability (n)
malleable (adj)
Malleable cast iron
malleable cast iron (n)
malleablising (n)
mallet (n)
maloperation (n)
manage (v)
manageability (n)
management (n)
mandatory (adj)
mandrel (n)
mandrel bending test (n)
mandrel press (n)
manganese (n)
manhole (n)
manhole wall (n)
manifold (n)
manipulate (v)
manipulated variable (n)
manipulation (n)
manipulator (n)
manned (adj)
manometer (n)
manual (n)
manual adjustment (n)
manual arc welding (n)
manual control (n)
manual emergency operating device (n)
manual feed (n)
manual force (n)
manual indexing (n)
manual intervention (n)
manual lowering valve (n)
manual metal arc welding (n)
Manual metal arc welding: A consumable electrode with a flux coating is drawn manually over the weld metal. The electrode's coating protects the weld seam against atmospheric contamination, while the core rod is used as the filler material. This method ca
manual mode (n)
manual operation (n)
manual override (n)
manual release button (n)
manually operated (adj)
manufacturability (n)
manufacture (v)
manufacture of electric motors (n)
manufacturer (n)
manufacturing (n)
manufacturing cell (n)
Manufacturing costs
manufacturing costs (n)
manufacturing drawing (n)
manufacturing facility (n)
manufacturing line (n)
manufacturing network (n)
manufacturing order (n)
manufacturing penetration (n)
manufacturing plan (n)
manufacturing position (n)
manufacturing process (n)
manufacturing schedule (n)
manufacturing segment (n)
manufacturing system (n)
manufacturing technology (n)
manufacturing tolerance (n)
manul (adj)
map (n)
map (v)
mapping (n)
mar (n)
mar resistance (n)
mar-resistant (adj)
margin (n)
marine battery (n)
marine engine (n)
marine gas turbine (n)
marine varnish (n)
maritime navigation (n)
maritime shipping (n)
maritime traffic (n)
maritime transport (n)
maritime vessel (n)
mark (n)
mark (v)
mark of approval (n)
mark of conformity (n)
mark off (v)
market launch (n)
market saturation (n)
market share market growth matrix (n)
marketing channel (n)
marking (n)
marking gauge (n)
marking technology (n)
Markov chain
Markov chain (n)
marquenching (n)
martempering (n)
martensitic hardening (n)
martensitic steel (n)
martensitic transformation (n)
maser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) (n)
mask (n)
mask (v)
masking (n)
masking tape (n)
masonry (n)
mass (n)
Mass customisation
mass distribution (n)
mass element (n)
mass flow (n)
mass flow rate (n)
mass fraction (n)
mass moment of inertia (n)
mass moment of inertia nth degree (n)
mass number (n)
mass point (n)
mass production (n)
mass transport (n)
mass transportation (n)
mass-spring system (n)
Mass-spring-damper system
mast (n)
master (adj)
master cam (n)
master clock (n)
master data (n)
master key (n)
master switch (n)
master template (n)
mat (adj)
match (v)
matching (n)
mate (v)
material (adj)
material (n)
material characteristic (n)
material compound (n)
material constant (n)
material control (n)
material costs (n)
material description (n)
material development (n)
material diagram (n)
material expenses (n)
material family (n)
material fatigue (n)
material file (n)
material flow (n)
material flow capacity (n)
material flow complexity (n)
material flow computer (MFC) (n)
material flow costs (n)
material flow matrix (n)
material flow sheet (n)
Material flow system
material flow system (n)
material flow technology (n)
material group (n)
material management (n)
material norm (n)
material number (n)
material output (n)
material picking (n)
material planning (n)
material point (n)
material properties (pl)
Material property
material property (n)
Material property modification
material provisioning (n)
Material provisioning and picking
Material requirement
material requirement (n)
material requirements planning (n)
material requirements type (n)
material requisition (n)
material requisition list (n)
material requisition slip (n)
material selection (n)
material selection process (n)
material specification (n)
material standard (n)
material strength (n)
material stressing (n)
Material testing
material testing (n)
material transport (n)
material-handling robot (n)
material(s) handling (n)
material(s) handling equipment (pl)
material(s) handling technology (n)
materials handling (n)
materials inspection (n)
materials management (n)
materials planning (n)
materials planning procedure (n)
Materials science
materials testing (n)
mathematical calculation of the resultant (n)
mathematical conditions of equilibrium (n)
mathematical symbol (n)
mathematics (n)
mating flange (n)
mating flank (n)
mating gear (n)
mating gears (n)
mating part (n)
mating pinion (n)
mating profile (n)
mating surface (n)
mating thread (n)
mating worm (n)
matrix (n)
matrix codes (n)
matter (n)
maximum (n)
maximum allowable (adj)
maximum configuration (n)
maximum dimension (n)
maximum distortion energy theory (n)
maximum economic rating /M.E.R./ (n)
maximum fit (n)
maximum level (n)
maximum load (n)
maximum loading (n)
maximum material limit (MML) (n)
Maximum material requirements
maximum normal force (n)
maximum output (n)
maximum payload (n)
maximum permissible (adj)
maximum principal stress criterion (n)
maximum setting (n)
maximum shear strain energy criterion (n)
maximum shear stress criterion (n)
Maximum shear stress theory
maximum stress (n)
Maximum stress theory
maximum value (n)
maximum warehouse stock (n)
mean (n)
mean absolute deviation (n)
mean absolute error (n)
mean angular speed (n)
mean angular velocity (n)
mean deviation (n)
mean error (n)
mean percentage error (n)
mean power (n)
mean quadratic deviation (n)
mean quadratic error (n)
mean roughness index (n)
mean speed (n)
mean stationarity (n)
mean stress (n)
mean stress effect (n)
mean value (n)
mean velocity (n)
meander coil system (n)
means (pl)
means of conveyance (n)
measurable (adj)
measurand (n)
measure (n)
measure (v)
measure of dispersion (n)
measure of length (n)
measured quantity (n)
measured result (n)
measured value (n)
measured variable (n)
measurement (n)
Measurement (technology)
measurement error (n)
Measurement evaluation
measurement evaluation (n)
measurement potentiometer (n)
measurement result (n)
Measurement sequence
measurement sequence (n)
measurement setup (n)
measurement standard (n)
measurement technique (n)
measuring accuracy (n)
measuring amplifier (n)
measuring and control technology (n)
measuring and test equipment (pl)
Measuring bridge
measuring bridge (n)
measuring campaign (n)
measuring chain (n)
measuring device (n)
Measuring error
measuring error (n)
measuring instrument (n)
measuring point (n)
measuring practice (n)
measuring range (n)
measuring result (n)
measuring sequence (n)
measuring tape (n)
measuring tool (n)
measuring value (n)
mechanic (n)
mechanic's control station (n)
mechanic/maintenance operation (n)
mechanical (adj)
mechanical energy (n)
mechanical engineer (n)
Mechanical engineering
mechanical engineering (n)
mechanical equivalent system (n)
mechanical fatigue (n)
mechanical form of energy (n)
mechanical forms of energy (n)
mechanical oscillation (n)
mechanical power (n)
mechanical property (n)
mechanical refrigerator (n)
Mechanical seal
mechanical seal (n)
mechanical stoker (n)
mechanical strength (n)
mechanical system (n)
mechanical vibration (n)
mechanical work (n)
Mechanically locked connections
mechanics (n)
median (n)
median line (n)
medium (n)
medium force fit (n)
medium gauge sheet (n)
medium-size goods (n)
medium-sized sheet (n)
medium-term (adj)
meet (v)
megger (n)
melt (n)
melt (v)
melt flow front (n)
melted mass (n)
melting point (n)
melting temperature (n)
member (n)
membrane (n)
membrane button (n)
membrane wall (n)
membraning machine (n)
memory (n)
merchandise (n)
merchandise planning (n)
mercury (n)
mercury column (n)
mercury switch (n)
merge (v)
mesh (n)
mesh (v)
mesh enclosure (n)
mesh width (n)
meshed container (n)
meshing (n)
meshing contact point (n)
message (n)
metacentre (n)
metacentric height (n)
metal (n)
metal active gas/metal inert gas welding (n)
metal bellows coupling (n)
metal coating (n)
metal cutting (n)
metal cutting tool (n)
metal elastic coupling (n)
metal forming technology (n)
metal removing capacity (n)
metal saw (n)
metal sheathing (n)
metal sheet (n)
metal tag (n)
metal touchplate (n)
metal working (n)
metal-clad (adj)
metal-cutting geometry (n)
metal-cutting machine (n)
metal-cutting work (n)
metal-polymer composite plain bearing (n)
metallic armor (n)
metallic armour (n)
metallic bond (n)
metallic effect paint (n)
metallic expansion joint (n)
metallic spring (n)
metallically separated (adj)
metallisation fusing (n)
metallographic testing (n)
metallography (n)
metalwork (n)
meter (n)
meter reading (n)
metering (n)
metering pump (n)
method (n)
method based on the equilibrium of three non-parallel forces (n)
method of data collection (n)
method of division (n)
Method of joints
method of least squares (n)
method of measurement (n)
method of sections (n)
method planning (n)
metric thread (n)
metric ton (n)
metrology (n)
mezzanine (n)
MG (n)
mica (n)
micro crack (n)
micro switch (n)
micro-circuit (n)
micro-levelling (n)
micro-switch (n)
microcontroller (n)
microcrack (n)
microcracking (n)
microelectronics (n)
microergonomics (n)
microgeometry (n)
micrograph (n)
microhardness (n)
micrometer caliper (n)
micrometer screw (n)
microprocessor (n)
microprocessor control (n)
microprocessor-based control (n)
microscope (n)
microscopic deformation behaviour (n)
microsection (n)
microstructure (n)
microtexture (n)
microwave (n)
mid-band frequency (n)
mid-frequency (n)
mid-point (n)
mid-position (n)
mid-scale (n)
mid-shaft (n)
middle (n)
midfrequency of octave band (n)
midpoint scheduling (n)
midpoint speed (n)
migrate (v)
mild steel (n)
mill (n)
mill (v)
mill arrangement (n)
mill barring gear (n)
mill fan (n)
mill louvre ring (n)
mill off (v)
mill outlet temperature (n)
mill outlet turret (n)
mill performance diagram (n)
mill reject box (n)
mill reject system (n)
mill rejects (n)
mill seal-air fan (n)
mill steam smothering (n)
mill type (n)
milling (n)
milling arbor (n)
milling arbour (n)
milling cutter (n)
milling groove (n)
milling head (n)
milling machine (n)
milling machine table (n)
milling pattern (n)
milling saddle (n)
milling spindle (n)
milling tool (n)
milling-machine operator (n)
mimic diagram (n)
mine (n)
mine (v)
mine lift (n)
mineral dressing (n)
miniature circuit breaker (n)
miniature circuit-breaker (n)
miniature fuse (n)
miniature screw-thread (n)
miniature switch (n)
miniaturization (n)
miniaturize (v)
minimising setup times (n)
minimum (n)
minimum breaking load (of lifting ropes) (n)
minimum depth of hardening (n)
minimum dimension (n)
minimum fit (n)
minimum hardening depth (n)
minimum level (n)
minimum load (n)
Minimum number of teeth (gear)
minimum number of teeth generated without undercut (n)
minimum requirement (n)
minimum stress (n)
mining (n)
minor axis (n)
minor diameter (n)
minor repairs (pl)
minutes (n)
minutes of meeting (n)
mirror axis (n)
mirror-image ... (adj)
mirror-inverted (adj)
mirrored (adj)
mis... (adj)
misalign (adj)
misaligned (adj)
misalignment (n)
mishandling (n)
missing part (n)
mission (n)
mistake (n)
miter (n)
miter angle (n)
miter box (n)
miter clamp (n)
miter cut (n)
miter joint (n)
miter plane (n)
miter saw (n)
miter square (n)
miter vise (n)
miter/mitre square (n)
mitre (n)
mitre angle (n)
mitre block (n)
mitre box (n)
mitre box back saw (n)
mitre clamp (n)
mitre cut (n)
mitre joint (n)
mitre plane (n)
mitre planing box (n)
mitre saw (n)
mitre square (n)
mitre vise (n)
mix (n)
mix (v)
mix muller (n)
mixed cargo (n)
mixed cargo conveying technology (n)
mixed crystal (n)
mixed friction (n)
mixed load (n)
mixed pallet storage (n)
Mixed-model production
mixing header (n)
mixing loop (n)
mixing screw conveyor (n)
mixture (n)
mobile (adj)
mobile crane (n)
mobile picking (n)
mobile rack (n)
mobilize (n)
mobilize (v)
modal damping (n)
mode (n)
mode of operation (n)
mode of transport (n)
mode selection (n)
mode selector switch (n)
mode switch (n)
mode-intersection procedure (n)
model (n)
model of collaboration (n)
model of cooperation (n)
model-based approach (n)
modelling (n)
modelling a free body diagram (n)
modem (n)
modernization (n)
modernization business (n)
modernization package (n)
modernization work (pl)
modernize (v)
modification (n)
modification service (n)
modified service life (n)
modify (v)
modular concept (n)
modular design (n)
Modular groove spacing (profile system)
modular multi-level bill of material (n)
modular single-level bill of material (n)
modular system (n)
Modular work bench system
modulation (n)
modulation frequency (n)
modulator (n)
module (n)
module (reciprocal of diametral pitch) (n)
module location (n)
modulus (n)
Modulus of elasticity
modulus of elasticity (n)
modulus of resistance (n)
modulus of rigidity (n)
Mohr's circle
Mohr's circle (n)
Mohr's criterion (n)
Mohr's stress circle (n)
moist (adj)
moisten (v)
moisture (n)
moisture pick-up (n)
moisture sensitivity (n)
mold and tool construction (n)
molding clay (n)
molding shop (n)
mole fraction (n)
molecule (n)
molten (adj)
molten mass (n)
molten-salt electrolysis (n)
molybdenum (n)
moment (n)
moment area (n)
moment at a section (n)
moment condition (n)
moment equilibrium (n)
moment of area (n)
moment of area nth degree (n)
moment of area of the 2nd order (n)
moment of force (n)
moment of inertia (n)
moment of inertia equation (n)
moment of mass (n)
Moment of momentum
moment of momentum (n)
moment of stability (n)
moment per unit area (n)
moment ratio (n)
moment reference point (n)
momentum (n)
Momentum conservation law
momentum conservation law (n)
momentum conservation law for fluids (n)
momentum conservation law for rotation (n)
momentum theorem (n)
monitor (n)
monitor (v)
monitoring (n)
monitoring circuit (n)
monitoring device (n)
monkey wrench (n)
mono-track (stoker) (adj)
monochrome (adj)
monocoque car (n)
monophase ... (adj)
monorail (n)
monorail conveyor (n)
monorail trolley (n)
monostable (adj)
monotube steam boiler (n)
monotube steam generator (n)
morphological matrix (n)
Morse taper (n)
mortise chisel (n)
mortise gauge (n)
most adverse acceptable coal (n)
motherboard (n)
motion (n)
motion arrow (n)
motion control (n)
motion control system (n)
motion cycle (n)
motion detector (n)
motion equation (n)
motion in polar coordinates (n)
motion resistance (n)
motive force (f)
motive power (n)
motor (n)
motor barge (n)
motor car lift (n)
motor circuit (n)
motor drive (n)
motor generator set (n)
motor governor (n)
motor output (n)
motor protection switch (n)
motor rating (n)
motor size (n)
motor speed (n)
motor switch (n)
motor tanker (n)
motor torque (n)
motor vessel navigation (n)
motor vessel shipping (n)
motorail service (n)
mould (n)
mould (v)
Mould casting
mould casting (n)
mould making (n)
moulded part (n)
Moulded seal
moulding (n)
moulding clay (n)
moulding plane (n)
moulding shop (n)
mount (n)
mount (v)
mounting (n)
mounting accuracy (n)
mounting bracket (n)
mounting cradle (n)
mounting device (n)
mounting dimensions (pl)
mounting flange (n)
mounting force (n)
mounting height (n)
mounting hole (n)
mounting instructions (n)
mounting kit (n)
mounting location (n)
mounting plate (n)
mounting platform (n)
mounting point (n)
mounting position (n)
mounting rail (n)
mounting screw/bolt (n)
mounting tool (n)
mounting type (n)
mouth (of a plane) (n)
movable (adj)
movable bearing (n)
movable contact (n)
movable spherical bearing (n)
movable support (n)
move (v)
move forward (v)
move time (n)
movement (n)
movement condition (n)
movement pattern (n)
Movement sequence
movement sequence (n)
movement test (n)
movement type (n)
moving (adj)
moving average (n)
moving centrode (n)
moving coil (n)
moving contact (n)
moving fillister (n)
moving walk (n)
moving walkway (n)
MRP procedure (n)
MTM process (n)
mud (n)
mud drum (n)
muller mixer (n)
multi disc ring (n)
multi location storage (n)
multi-arm robot (n)
multi-bolt flange (n)
multi-consignment train (n)
multi-contact (adj)
multi-contact plug (n)
multi-disc brake (n)
multi-group train (n)
multi-leaf spring (n)
multi-level ... (adj)
multi-level batch size planning (n)
multi-level bill of material (n)
multi-link transport chain (n)
multi-mass oscillator (n)
multi-nozzle sootblower (n)
multi-pass boiler (n)
multi-phase (adj)
multi-plate ring (n)
multi-pole (adj)
multi-pole connector (n)
multi-product flow production (n)
multi-purpose grease (n)
multi-purpose machine (n)
multi-purpose trolley (n)
multi-section train (n)
multi-shear rivet connection (n)
multi-shear rivet joint (n)
multi-shear riveted joint (n)
multi-spindle machine (n)
multi-stage (adj)
multi-stage ... (adj)
multiaxial stress state (n)
multidimensional scaling (n)
multidisc brake (n)
multidisc clutch (n)
Multijaw grab
multijaw grab (n)
multilink (adj)
multiperiod (adj)
multiple collective automatic operation (n)
multiple diameter tap (n)
multiple disc brake (n)
multiple gear ratio (n)
multiple installation (n)
multiple joint (n)
multiple lifts (n)
multiple regression (n)
multiple thread milling cutter (n)
multiple-conductor cable (n)
multiple-contact plug (n)
multiple-disc brake (n)
multiple-disc clutch (n)
multiple-spindle automatic lathe (n)
multiple-spindle automatic machine (n)
multiple-spindle drilling machine (n)
multiple-spindle machine (n)
multiple-spline shaft (n)
multiplexer (n)
multiplication with scalar factor (n)
multiplicative link (n)
multiplicative linking (n)
multiplicative model (n)
multiplier (n)
multiply (v)
Multiprofile longitudinal screw grinding, in which several thread profiles are arranged on the grinding wheel in line with the thread pitch. The leads of the profiles are graduated. The feed is determined by the thread length and grinding wheel width. Thi
Multiprofile transverse screw grinding, in which the grinding wheel is advanced to the full thread depth while the workpiece performs a quarter turn. The thread is finished off with a further revolution and axial displacement that matches the required thr
multisection (adj)
multispindle automatic machine (automatic lathe) (n)
multivariate method (n)
multivariate model (n)
Multivibrator circuit
mushroom-head bolt (n)
mushroom-head pushbutton (n)
mute (v)
mute push button (n)
muting (n)
n-block heuristics (n)
n-conducting (adj)
n-order exponential smoothing (n)
n-type semiconductor (n)
nail (n)
nail gun (n)
naked (adj)
nameplate (n)
nanosecond (n)
narrow (adj)
narrow (v)
narrow-aisle picking system (n)
Narrow-aisle stacker
narrow-aisle stacker (n)
narrow-band noise (n)
Natural frequency
natural frequency (n)
natural frequency of undamped systems (n)
Natural oscillation
natural oscillation (n)
natural scale (n)
natural ventilation (n)
natural vibration (n)
natural-circulation boiler (n)
navigation (n)
NC contact (n)
NC programming (n)
near (adj)
neatly arranged (adj)
neck (n)
neck (v)
neck journal bearing (n)
necked-in opening (n)
necking (n)
needle (n)
needle angular ball bearing (n)
needle axial ball bearing (n)
needle axial cylindrical roller bearing (n)
Needle bearing
needle bearing (n)
needle bearing without ribs (n)
needle bearings without ribs (n)
needle bush (n)
needle bushing (n)
needle cage (n)
needle ring (n)
needle roller bearing (n)
needle valve (n)
needs-based order placement (n)
needs-based procurement (n)
negative charge (n)
negative conductor (n)
negative exponential distribution (n)
negative feedback (n)
negative pole (n)
negative temperature coefficient thermistor (n)
negatively charged (adj)
negligible (adj)
negotiate (a height up to ... m) (v)
neighbouring (adj)
neon lamp (n)
neon tube (n)
Nernst equation (n)
net change principle (n)
net requirements (n)
net section (n)
network (n)
network plan (n)
neural network (n)
neutral axis (n)
neutral conductor (n)
neutral equilibrium (n)
neutral fibres (n)
neutral position (n)
neutral wire (n)
neutron (n)
new installation (n)
new lift (n)
newly installed equipment (n)
Newton's equation of motion (n)
Newton's first law (n)
Newton's first law of motion (n)
Newton's hypothesis (n)
Newton's law of cooling (n)
Newton's law of impact (n)
Newton's laws of motion (n)
Newton's method
Newton's method (n)
Newton's second law (n)
Newton's second law of motion (n)
Newton's third law (n)
Newtonian hypothesis (n)
next to (adj)
nibbling tool (n)
niche (n)
nick (n)
nickel (n)
Nickel alloys
nickel-base alloy (n)
nicker (n)
Nilos ring (n)
nine-segment display (n)
nip (v)
nip off (v)
nipple (n)
nitrided steel (n)
nitriding (n)
nitriding steel (n)
nitrogen (n)
NO contact (n)
no load down/up (n)
no-go gage (n)
no-go gauge (n)
no-go thread gage (n)
no-go thread gauge (n)
no-load (n)
no-load operation (n)
no-load speed (n)
no-load starting (n)
no-load torque (n)
noble metal (n)
node (n)
node equilibrium method (n)
node-intersection method (n)
node-intersection procedure (n)
nodular cast iron (n)
nodular graphite (n)
noise (n)
noise abatement (n)
noise absorption (n)
noise attenuation (n)
noise component (n)
noise control (n)
noise damper (n)
noise development (n)
Noise disturbance
Noise emission
noise emission (n)
noise figure (n)
noise floor (n)
noise generation (n)
Noise immission
noise immunity (n)
noise insulation (n)
noise less running (n)
noise level (n)
noise pattern (n)
noise performance (n)
noise protection (n)
noise ratio (n)
Noise reduction
noise reduction (n)
noise suppression (n)
noise threshold (n)
noiseless (adj)
noisy (adj)
nominal allowance (n)
nominal capacity (n)
nominal characteristic (n)
nominal cross-sectional area (n)
nominal current (n)
nominal deviation (n)
nominal diameter (n)
Nominal dimension
nominal dimension (n)
nominal force (n)
nominal frequency (n)
nominal load (n)
nominal output (n)
nominal pipe size (n)
nominal power (n)
nominal pressure (n)
nominal pressure angle (n)
nominal range (n)
nominal service life (n)
nominal size (n)
nominal speed (n)
nominal stress (n)
nominal stress concept (n)
nominal stroke (n)
nominal value (n)
nominal viscosity (n)
nominal voltage (n)
nominal width (n)
non-commercial vehicle lift (n)
non-concentric (adj)
non-conducting (adj)
non-conductor (n)
non-conformance (n)
non-conformance report (n)
non-conforming (adj)
non-conformity (n)
non-contact ... (adj)
non-contact seal (n)
Non-contact seal (dynamic)
non-contacting (adj)
non-corrosive (adj)
non-cutting pass (n)
non-cutting time (n)
non-destructive material test (n)
non-destructive material testing (n)
non-destructive test method (n)
Non-destructive testing
non-destructive testing (n)
non-elastic buckling (n)
non-elevator devices (pl)
non-eroding (adj)
non-exposed (adj)
non-ferrous (adj)
non-ferrous metal (n)
non-horizontal flow (n)
non-inductive (adj)
non-isotropic bodies (n)
non-isotropic body (n)
non-lift rooms (pl)
non-linear oscillation (n)
non-linear regression (n)
non-linearity (n)
non-locating bearing (n)
non-lubricated piston compressor (n)
non-machined (adj)
non-marring (adj)
non-metallic expansion joint (n)
non-motorised barge (n)
non-order-related bill of material (n)
non-order-specific process planning data (n)
non-order-specific routing data (n)
Non-oxide ceramics
Non-permanent seal (static)
non-permissible (adj)
non-porous (adj)
non-productive time (n)
non-propagation of flame (n)
non-regulated (adj)
non-reinforced plastic (n)
non-return valve (n)
non-sectionalized (adj)
non-skid ... (adj)
non-skid device (n)
non-slip ... (adj)
non-spinning (adj)
non-standard (adj)
non-stop (n)
non-synchronous (adj)
non-tilting (adj)
non-uniform (adj)
non-uniform motion (n)
non-uniform stress distribution (n)
non-wearing (adj)
normal acceleration (n)
normal component of acceleration (n)
Normal component of acceleration
normal curve (n)
normal distribution (n)
normal force (n)
normal form (n)
normal operation (n)
normal performance (n)
normal pitch (n)
normal running (n)
normal section (n)
Normal stress
normal stress (n)
normalisation (n)
normalising (n)
Normalising (steel)
normalising heat treatment (n)
normally closed contact (n)
normally open contact (n)
normally-closed contact (n)
normally-open contact (n)
nose (n)
not accessible to persons (adj)
not applicable (adj)
not to standard(s) (adj)
notch (n)
notch (v)
notch base concept (n)
notch bend test (n)
notch cross-section (n)
Notch effect
notch effect (n)
notch fatigue limit (n)
notch fatigue strength (n)
notch geometry (n)
notch impact strength (n)
notch insensitivity (n)
notch problem (n)
notch root concept (n)
Notched bar impact test
notched bar impact test (n)
notched bar impact work (n)
notched impact strength (n)
notched-bar impact bending test (n)
notched-bar impact test (n)
notched-bar tensile strength (n)
notched-bar tensile test (n)
notched-bar test (n)
notching cutter (n)
notice (n)
notice of revision (n)
notices (n)
notifiable (adj)
notified bodies (pl)
notion of stress (n)
nozzle (n)
nozzle holder (n)
nozzle pipe of a hose (n)
NTC resistor (n)
nuclear number (n)
nuclear radius (n)
nucleation (n)
nucleation energy (n)
nucleation reaction (n)
nuclei (pl)
nucleus (n)
nudging device (n)
nudging operation (n)
number (n)
number of ampere-turns (n)
number of broken wires (n)
number of cycles (n)
number of items (n)
number of layers (n)
number of operations (n)
number of pairs of poles (n)
number of phases (n)
number of poles (n)
number of revolutions (n)
number of rivets (n)
number of starts (n)
number of teeth (n)
number of turn in a winding (n)
numbering system (n)
numeral (n)
Numeral system
numeral system (n)
numerator (n)
numerical equation (n)
numerics (n)
nut (n)
nut height (n)
nut strength category (n)
nut tap (n)
nut thread (n)
nut torque (n)
O arrangement (n)
O-ring (n)
oberserve (v)
obique throw (n)
object principle (n)
object under test (n)
objective (n)
oblique (adj)
oblique impact (n)
oblique trajectory (n)
oblong (n)
oblong hole (n)
observation car (n)
observation elevator (n)
obsolete (adj)
obstacle (n)
obstruct (v)
obstruction (n)
obstruction detector (n)
occasional transport (n)
occlude (v)
occupancy costs (n)
occupancy time (n)
Occupational accident
occupational accident (n)
occupational accident prevention (n)
occupational health and safety (n)
Occupational health and safety-compliant
Occupational physiology
occupational physiology (n)
occupied (adj)
occupy (v)
ocean-going vessel (n)
OCR font (n)
OCR fonts
OCR text (n)
octagon bolt (n)
octagon nut (n)
octagonal (adj)
octagonal bolt (n)
octagonal nut (n)
octave band (n)
odd (adj)
off position (n)
off state (n)
off-center (adj)
off-centre (adj)
off-centre ... (adj)
off-the-shelf ... (adj)
office building (n)
Office chair
office chair (n)
Office desk
office desk (n)
office tower (n)
offset (adj)
offset (n)
offset (v)
offset angle (n)
offset central impact (n)
offset limit (n)
Offset moment
offset screwdriver (n)
Ohm (n)
ohmic resistance (n)
ohmmeter (n)
oil (n)
oil (v)
oil auxiliary firing (n)
oil back-up firing (n)
oil baffle (n)
oil bath lubrication (n)
oil buffer (n)
oil change (n)
oil circulation (n)
oil circulation lubrication (n)
oil collecting tray (n)
oil collecting trough (n)
oil container (n)
oil cooling (n)
oil cup (n)
oil dashpot (n)
oil drain (n)
oil drain plug (n)
oil drain valve (n)
oil drip lubrication (n)
oil filler (n)
oil filling (n)
oil film (n)
oil filter (n)
oil gauge (n)
oil groove (n)
oil hole (n)
oil injection lubrication (n)
oil leakage pipe (n)
oil level (n)
oil level indicator (n)
oil lubrication (n)
oil mist (n)
oil pan (n)
oil pump (n)
oil reservoir (n)
oil seal (n)
oil sealing ring (n)
oil separator (n)
oil sight glass (n)
oil sludge (n)
oil spray (n)
oil sump (n)
oil supplementary firing (n)
oil tray (n)
oil viscosity (n)
oil wiper (n)
oil-air lubrication (n)
oil-filled cable (n)
oil-free/oilless compressor (n)
oil-hardening steel (n)
oil-immersed motor (n)
oil-level indicator (n)
oil-level sight glass (n)
oil-lubricated bearing (n)
oil-pressure switch (n)
oil-proof (adj)
oil-seal ring (n)
oil-splash lubrication (n)
oil-tight (adj)
oiler (n)
Oldham coupling
Oldham coupling (n)
on edge (adj)
on schedule (adj)
on state (n)
on the driving end (adj)
on the driving side (adj)
on the input end (adj)
on the input side (adj)
on the left (adv)
on the output end (adj)
on the output side (adj)
on time (adj)
on-call service (n)
on-demand transport (n)
on-going run (n)
on-load speed (n)
On-Off switch (n)
on-the-fly ... (adj)
one-car ... (adj)
one-card system (n)
one-core ... (adj)
one-dimensional flow (n)
one-hundred-percent inspection (n)
one-phase ... (adj)
One-piece-flow concept
One-piece-flow system
one-pole ... (adj)
one-sixth circle area (n)
one-speed ... (adj)
one-way part (n)
one-way rectifier (n)
one-way roller clutch (n)
one-way traffic (n)
one-way traffic regulation (n)
one-way valve (n)
online measurement (n)
onset of yielding (n)
opaque (adj)
open (adj)
open (v)
open circuit (n)
open goods wagon (n)
open loop (n)
open pass (n)
Open slide guide
open-circuit voltage (n)
open-end spanner (n)
open-end wrench (n)
open-ended (adj)
open-ended double-head wrench (n)
open-loop control (n)
Open-loop control system
open-side construction (n)
open-sided planing machine (n)
open-through landing (n)
open-wire line (n)
opening (n)
opening travel (n)
operable (adj)
operate (v)
operate level (n)
operate time (n)
operated by hand (adj)
operating button (n)
operating cam (n)
operating characteristic (n)
operating characteristic curve (n)
operating characteristics (n)
operating clearance (n)
operating conditions (n)
operating conditions (pl)
operating costs (n)
operating cycle (n)
operating data (n)
operating device (n)
operating distance (n)
operating efficiency (n)
operating element (n)
operating end (n)
operating equipment number (n)
operating force (n)
operating instant (n)
operating instructions (n)
operating lever (n)
operating manual (n)
operating mode (n)
operating panel (n)
operating permit (n)
operating point (n)
operating pressure (n)
operating principle (n)
operating sequence (n)
operating side (n)
operating speed (n)
operating state (n)
operating supplies warehouse (n)
operating switch (n)
operating temperature (n)
operating threshold (n)
operating time (n)
operating torque (n)
operating value (n)
operating viscosity (n)
operating voltage (n)
operating weight (n)
operation (n)
operation at no load (n)
operation by hand (n)
operation check (n)
operation drawing (n)
operation encryption (n)
operation in case of fire (n)
operation in harsh conditions (n)
operation of the safety gear (n)
operation scheduling (n)
operation test (n)
operation-based lead time (n)
operational (adj)
Operational amplifier
operational amplifier (n)
operational planning (n)
operational reliability (n)
operational safety (n)
operations planning and scheduling (n)
operations room (n)
operative (adj)
operator (n)
operator action (n)
operator friendliness (n)
operator guidance (n)
operator inspection (n)
operator intervention (n)
operator mounting (n)
operator-friendly (adj)
operator-oriented (adj)
operator's control panel (n)
operator's manual (n)
operator's panel (n)
opportunity costs (n)
Opposed dies shearing
opposed dies shearing process (n)
opposing field (n)
oppositely phased (adj)
optical character recognition font (n)
optical character recognition text (n)
optical coupler (n)
optical fiber cable (n)
optical system (n)
optical waveguide cable (n)
optics (n)
optimisation model (n)
optimising control (n)
optimize (v)
optimum batch run policy (n)
optimum batch size (n)
optimum order quantity (n)
optimum ordering policy (n)
optimum series run policy (n)
optimum setup costs (n)
optional (adj)
optional accessories (n)
optional equipment (n)
optional features (n)
optional traffic (n)
options (n)
Opto-electronic displacement measuring systems can operate, for example, with a periodic standard. The sensor moves along the scale and emits signals that are counted by a downstream electronic system. It is only possible to measure the relative change in
optocoupler (n)
optoelectronic (adj)
optoelectronics (n)
orange peel construction (n)
orange-peel grab (n)
orbit (n)
order (n)
order combination (n)
order cycle process (n)
order cycle time (n)
order deadline (n)
order decoupling point (n)
order entry (n)
order handling (n)
order lead time (n)
order list (n)
order monitoring (n)
order number (n)
Order picking
order picking (n)
order picking warehouse (n)
order placement time (n)
order point (n)
order preparation (n)
order processing (n)
order processing time (n)
order quantity (n)
order quantity calculation (n)
order receipt (n)
order registration (n)
order structure (n)
order structure data (n)
order type (n)
order volume (n)
order-driven (adj)
order-picking stacker (n)
Order-picking system
order-picking system (n)
order-related bill of material (n)
order-related picking (n)
order-specific process planning data (n)
order-specific routing data (n)
ordering constraint (n)
ordering costs (n)
ordering cycle (n)
ordering strategy (n)
ordinary gear train (n)
ordinary lay rope (n)
ordinate value (n)
ore dressing (n)
organisation chart (n)
organisation plan (n)
organisation schedule (n)
organisation system (n)
Organisational information
organisational information (n)
orientation (n)
orientation time (n)
Orientation tolerance
orifice (n)
orifice plate (n)
original equipment (n)
original inspection (n)
original length (n)
original position (n)
Orowan bypass mechanism (n)
orthogonal projection (n)
oscillate (v)
oscillating bearing movement (n)
oscillating circuit (n)
oscillating crank (n)
oscillating follower (n)
oscillation (n)
oscillation amplitude (n)
oscillation analogy (n)
oscillation damping (n)
oscillation in the frequency domain (n)
oscillation in the time domain (n)
oscillation period (n)
oscillator (n)
oscillatory circuit (n)
oscillograph (n)
oscilloscope (n)
osculating circle of the curve (n)
osculating circle of the trajectory (n)
other parts of the building (pl)
out of order (adj)
out of phase (adj)
out of round (adj)
out of true (adj)
out-of-balance compensation (n)
out-of-balance excitation (n)
out-of-balance state (n)
outboard (adj)
outboard bearing (n)
outdated (adj)
outdoor escalator (n)
outdoor lighting (n)
outdoor moving walk (n)
outer bearing (n)
outer diameter (n)
outer ring (n)
outfit (n)
outflow coefficient (n)
outflow velocity (n)
outflow volume (n)
outgoing (adj)
outlet (n)
outlet hood (n)
outlier (n)
outline (n)
outline drawing (n)
outperform (v)
output (n)
output amplifier (n)
output circuit (n)
output end (n)
output gear (n)
output pinion (n)
output power (n)
output shaft (n)
output side (n)
output speed (n)
output stage (n)
output torque (n)
output value (n)
output variable (n)
output voltage (n)
outside caliper (n)
outside diameter (n)
outside supply (n)
outsourcing (n)
outspeed (v)
outstanding car calls (v)
oval-head screw (n)
oven (n)
overall deformation (n)
overall depth (n)
overall design (n)
overall diameter (n)
overall dimension (n)
overall dimensions (pl)
overall efficiency (n)
Overall equipment effectiveness
overall gear ratio (n)
overall height (n)
overall length (n)
overall profile (n)
overall quantity (n)
overall size (n)
overall stress (n)
overall view (n)
overall width (n)
overcharge (v)
overcome (v)
overdrive (n)
overdrive (v)
overflow (n)
overhang (n)
overhaul (v)
overhead (adj)
overhead (shaft) (adj)
overhead cable (n)
overhead coal bunker (n)
overhead line (n)
overhead rail (n)
overhead travelling crane (n)
overhead trolley (n)
overhead trolley conveyor (n)
overheat (v)
overhung (adj)
overlap ratio (n)
overlapping (adj)
overlapping (n)
Overlapping slat conveyor
overlay (n)
overlaying motion (n)
overload (n)
overload (v)
overload buzzer (n)
overload circuit breaker (n)
overload detection device (n)
overload indicator (n)
overload protection (n)
overload speed (n)
overpressure (n)
overproduction (n)
override (n)
override (v)
override switch (n)
overrun (v)
overrun limit protection (n)
overrun monitoring device (n)
overrunning clutch (n)
Overrunning clutches
overshoot (n)
overshoot (v)
oversized (adj)
overslung/underslung car frame (n)
overslung/underslung car sling (n)
overspeed (n)
overspeed (v)
overspeed governor (n)
overspeed governor rope (n)
overspeed limiter (n)
overspeed protection (n)
overspeed trip (n)
overstrain (v)
overstress (v)
overtravel (v)
overtravel switch (n)
overview (n)
overvoltage (n)
overvoltage protection (n)
overweight (n)
owner (n)
oxidation (n)
Oxidative wear
oxide (n)
Oxide ceramics
oxy-acetylene gas (n)
oxy-cutting machine (n)
oxyacetylene welding (n)
oxygen (n)
oxygen reduction (n)
oxygen-cutting machine (n)
P controller (n)
P element
P element (n)
p-conducting (adj)
p-type semiconductor (n)
P.C.D. (n)
pace (n)
pack (v)
package (n)
package boiler (n)
package freight (n)
package stability (n)
packaging (n)
packaging costs (n)
packaging machine (n)
packaging material (n)
packaging size (n)
packing (n)
packing box (n)
packing cord (n)
packing facility (n)
packing material (n)
packing ring (n)
packless (adj)
pad (n)
paddle shaft (n)
padlock (n)
paint (n)
paint (v)
paint finish (n)
paint remover (n)
paint shop (n)
paint stripper (n)
pair of compasses (n)
pair of gears (n)
pallet (n)
Pallet jacks
pallet lift (n)
pallet loading (n)
Pallet rack
pallet rack (n)
pallet stacker (n)
pallet truck (n)
palletizer (n)
pan (n)
pan (v)
pane (n)
panel (n)
panel depth (n)
panel raising plane (n)
panel saw (n)
panelling (n)
panic button (n)
panorama lift (n)
panoramic cabin (n)
panoramic car (n)
pantile (n)
papers (pl)
parabola (n)
parabola area (n)
parabolic (adj)
parabolic reflector (n)
paraboloid of revolution (n)
parallel circuit (n)
parallel connection (n)
parallel connection of springs (n)
parallel displacement (n)
parallel grooved pin (n)
parallel joining line (n)
parallel joint (n)
parallel key (n)
parallel operation (n)
parallel shift (n)
parallel spring connection (n)
Parallel-axis theorem
parallel-axis theorem (n)
parallel-jaw vise (n)
parallelism (n)
parallelogram (n)
parallelogram area (n)
parallelogram circumference (n)
parallelogram design (n)
parallelogram of forces axiom (n)
parallelogram rule (n)
parameter (n)
parameter assignment (n)
parameter entry (n)
parameter setting (n)
parameter variation (n)
Parameter-excited oscillation
parameter-induced oscillation (n)
parameter-induced vibration (n)
parameterization (n)
parameterize (v)
parametrisation (n)
parapet (n)
parasitic signal (n)
parcel (n)
parent (adj)
parent metal (n)
Pareto curve (n)
parking floor (n)
parking level (n)
parking run (n)
parking run waiting time (n)
parking signal lights (n)
parking zone (n)
part (n)
part filling (n)
part load (n)
part number (n)
part off (v)
part removal technology (n)
part under test (n)
part-load traffic (n)
partial (soft) vacuum welding system (n)
partial failure (n)
Partial fraction decomposition
partial fraction decomposition (n)
partial function (n)
partial view (n)
partially coherent (adj)
particle (n)
particle composite material (n)
particle growth (n)
particle size (n)
particle-size distribution curve (n)
parting tool (n)
partition (v)
partition wall (n)
parts family (n)
parts list (n)
parts manufacturer (n)
parts production (n)
Parts provision
parts set (n)
parts variety (n)
parts-removal robot (n)
Pascal's triangle
Pascal's triangle (n)
pass (n)
pass (v)
pass gage (n)
pass gauge (n)
pass width (n)
passage (n)
passage width (n)
passageway (n)
passenger (n)
passenger carrying lift (n)
passenger conveyor (n)
passenger elevator (n)
passenger handling (n)
passenger lift (n)
passenger riding comfort (n)
passenger traction lift (n)
passenger traffic (n)
passenger transport (n)
passenger/freight elevator (n)
passenger/goods lift (n)
passivation current density (n)
passivation potential (n)
passive deformation energy (n)
passive deformation work (n)
passive RFID transponder (n)
password (n)
paste (n)
paste (v)
patent (n)
paternoster (n)
paternoster rack (n)
path (n)
path compensation (n)
path correction (n)
path definition (n)
path of motion (n)
path-dependent (adj)
Path-time diagram
path-time diagram (n)
path/time function (n)
patrol (adj)
pattern (n)
pattern of engagement (n)
pattern of engagement (pl)
pavement (n)
pawl (n)
pawl-type lock (n)
pay off (v)
pay out (v)
pay out (a rope)from a rope reel/rope coil (v)
pay-off reel (n)
pay-out (n)
payload (n)
PD controller
PD controller (n)
PDCA cycle
PE conductor (n)
peak (n)
peak demand (n)
peak force (n)
peak load (n)
peak performance (n)
peak power (n)
peak retardation (pl)
peak torque (n)
peak traffic (n)
peak traffic flow (n)
peak value (n)
peak-to-valley height (n)
pedal (n)
pedal switch (n)
pedal-operated (adj)
pedestal (n)
pedestal bearing (n)
pedestal bearing unit (n)
pedestrian fork-lift truck (n)
pedigree chart (n)
peel off (v)
peel strength (n)
peel test (n)
peeling tool (n)
peephole (n)
peg (n)
peg (v)
peg leg (n)
pelletizing facility (n)
pelletizing press (n)
pen (n)
pendant control panel (n)
pendant control station (n)
pendant luminaire (n)
pendant pushbutton station (n)
pendant station (n)
pending (adj)
pendulum impact machine (n)
pendulum impact test (n)
Pendulum oscillation
pendulum oscillation (n)
pendulum support (n)
penetrant flaw detection (BS) (n)
Penetrant methods
penetrant testing (ASME) (n)
penetrate (v)
penetrating composite material (n)
penetration (n)
penetration depth (n)
penetration inspection (n)
penetration test (n)
penetrator (n)
pentagon (n)
people shuttle transportation system (n)
percentage of regular suppliers (n)
percentage prediction error (n)
perception (n)
percolate (v)
percussion drill (n)
percussion machine (n)
percussion press (n)
percussive drill (n)
perforate (v)
perforated disk (n)
perforated plate (n)
perforated sheet (n)
perforation (n)
perform (v)
performance (n)
performance analysis (n)
performance characteristic (n)
performance characteristics (n)
performance characteristics (pl)
performance check (n)
performance coefficient (n)
performance curve (n)
performance data (n)
performance diagram (n)
performance feature (n)
performance limit (n)
performance standard (n)
performance statistics (n)
performance test (n)
peril (n)
perimeter (n)
period (n)
period of decay (n)
periodic time (n)
periods of light traffic (pl)
peripheral speed (n)
peripheral stress (n)
peripheral surface machining (n)
peripheral velocity (n)
periphery (n)
permanent (adj)
Permanent contact seal (static)
permanent coupling (n)
permanent fault (n)
permanent magnet (n)
permanent-mould casting (n)
permanently connected (adj)
permissible (adj)
permissible stress (n)
permit (n)
permit (v)
permitted stress (n)
perpendicular (adj)
perpendicular parallel projection (n)
perpendicularity (n)
perpendicularity tolerance (n)
person handicapped in walking (n)
person with a walking impediment (n)
Personal protective equipment
personal protective equipment (n)
personnel costs (n)
personnel protection insulation (n)
perturbation (n)
petal leaf construction (n)
PF burner (n)
phantom bill of material (n)
phase (n)
phase (of a material) (n)
phase adjustment (n)
phase advance (n)
phase angle (n)
phase angle rotation (n)
phase average method (n)
phase boundary (n)
phase comparison (n)
phase conductor (n)
Phase control (electrical engineering)
phase converter (n)
phase defect (n)
phase delay (n)
phase deviation (n)
phase diagram (n)
phase displacement (n)
Phase displacement (electrical engineering)
phase distortion (n)
phase divider (n)
phase fading (n)
phase failure (n)
phase lag (n)
phase lead (n)
phase out (v)
phase position (n)
phase relation (n)
phase response (n)
phase retardation (n)
phase reversal (n)
phase sensor (n)
phase sequence (n)
phase shift (n)
phase splitter (n)
phase swing (n)
phase transition (n)
phase-angle control (n)
phase-out part (n)
Phillips screw (n)
Phillips screwdriver (n)
photo diode (n)
photocell (n)
photodiode (n)
photoelectric cell (n)
photoelectric device (n)
photoelectric light barrier (n)
photon (n)
photovoltaic cell (n)
physical (adj)
physical constant (n)
physical forces (pl)
physical measurand (n)
physical movement (n)
physical size (n)
Physical strength
physical strength (pl)
physics (n)
PI controller
PI controller (n)
piano wire (n)
pick (v)
pick and place (v)
pick off (v)
pick up (v)
pick-and-place machine (n)
pick-and-place robot (n)
pick-to-box (n)
pick-up (n)
pick-up & delivery problem (n)
picker arm (n)
picking (n)
picking control (n)
picking costs (n)
picking expenses (n)
picking machine (n)
picking management (n)
picking order (n)
picking request (n)
picking robot (n)
picking unit (n)
pickle (v)
pickling agent (n)
pickup (n)
picture (n)
PID controller
PID controller (n)
piece (n)
piece of cloth (n)
piece of construction machinery (n)
piece of equipment (n)
pier (n)
pierce (v)
piezo element (n)
piezoelectric (adj)
piezoelectric effect (n)
piezoelectric pushbutton (n)
piezoelectricity (n)
pig (n)
pig iron (n)
piggyback service (n)
piggyback system (n)
pile (n)
pile (v)
pile driving (n)
pilferage (n)
piling hammer (n)
pillar (n)
pillow block (n)
pilot burner (n)
pilot control (n)
pilot lamp (n)
pilot lot (n)
pilot model (n)
pilot plant (n)
Pilot run
pilot series (n)
pilot valve (n)
pilot-operated (adj)
pin (n)
pin (v)
pin connection (n)
pin coupling (n)
pin friction (n)
pin friction coefficient (n)
Pin gearing
Pin joint
pin joint (n)
pinch (v)
pinch grip (n)
pinch off (v)
pinching force (n)
pinching risk (n)
pinching screw (n)
pinion (n)
Pinion (gear)
pipe (n)
pipe bracket (n)
pipe bridge (n)
pipe burst (n)
pipe clamp (n)
pipe clip (n)
pipe connection (n)
pipe coupling (n)
pipe cutter (n)
pipe die (n)
pipe flange (n)
pipe fracture (n)
pipe rack (n)
pipe rupture (n)
pipe rupture valve (n)
pipe scraper (n)
pipe socket (n)
pipe steel (n)
pipe tap (n)
pipe thread (n)
pipe threader (n)
pipe union (n)
pipe wall thickness (n)
pipe wrench (n)
pipeline (n)
pipeline bridge (n)
pipeline transport (n)
piping (n)
piston (n)
piston area (n)
piston compressor (n)
piston diameter (n)
piston force (n)
piston forces (pl)
piston joint (n)
piston path (n)
piston pin (n)
piston pump (n)
piston rod (n)
piston seal (n)
piston speed (n)
piston stroke (n)
piston travel (n)
piston unit (n)
pit (n)
pit (v)
pit bottom (n)
pit element (n)
pit floor (n)
pit ladder (n)
pit steel (n)
pit stop switch (n)
pitch (n)
pitch angle (n)
pitch circle (n)
pitch circle diameter (n)
pitch circumference (n)
pitch diameter (n)
pitch displacement (n)
pitch of thread (n)
pitch point (n)
pitch radius (n)
pitholing (n)
pitting (n)
Pitting (gear)
Pitting corrosion
pitting corrosion (n)
pitting potential (n)
pivot (n)
pivot (v)
pivot arm (n)
pivot bearing (n)
pivot friction (n)
pivot friction coefficient (n)
pivot head (n)
pivot joint (n)
pivot pin (n)
pivot point (n)
pivot with cheeks (n)
pivoted (adj)
pivoting angle (n)
pivoting range (n)
place (v)
place at someone's disposal (v)
Placement into storage
placement into storage (n)
plain (adj)
plain axial bearing (n)
Plain bearing
plain bearing (n)
plain construction steel (n)
plain milling cutter (n)
plain radial bearing (n)
plain thrust bearing (n)
plain washer (n)
plan (n)
plan (v)
plan view (n)
planar (adj)
planar moment of inertia (n)
Planar motion in polar coordinates
planar motion in polar coordinates (n)
planar sliding (n)
planarity (n)
plane (adj)
plane (n)
plane (v)
plane iron (n)
plane motion (n)
plane of contact (n)
plane of osculation (n)
plane of reference (n)
plane of symmetry (n)
plane strain (n)
plane triangle (n)
plane-stress state (n)
plane-stressed state (n)
planer (n)
planet gear (n)
planet wheel (n)
planetary gear (n)
planetary gear train (n)
Planetary gear unit
planetary gear winch (n)
planetary gears (n)
planetary motion (n)
planetary orbit (n)
planetary thread-milling (n)
planing (n)
planing machine (n)
planing tool (n)
planning (n)
planning and scheduling (n)
planning preparation (n)
planning scheduling (n)
plant (n)
plasma arc welding (n)
plasma cutting (n)
Plasma transferred arc welding
plasma welding (n)
plaster (n)
plastic (adj)
plastic (n)
plastic behaviour (n)
plastic cable (n)
plastic casing (n)
Plastic deformation
plastic deformation (n)
plastic flow (n)
plastic foam (n)
Plastic forming
plastic forming (n)
plastic material (n)
plastic shaping (n)
plastic strain amplitude (n)
plasticating (n)
plasticising (n)
plasticity (n)
plastics processing machine (n)
plastifying (n)
plate (n)
plate (v)
plate bending machine (n)
plate bending stiffness (n)
plate cutting machine (n)
plate joggler (n)
plate link chain (n)
plate shears (n)
plate spring (n)
plate thickness (n)
plate washer (n)
plates and labels (n)
platform (n)
platform hoist (n)
platform lift (n)
plating (n)
platinum (n)
platinum contact (n)
platinum iridium cylinder (n)
play (n)
playback (n)
playback method (n)
pliable (adj)
plot (n)
plot (v)
plotter (n)
plough plane (n)
plow plane (n)
plug (n)
plug (v)
plug connector (n)
plug gauge (n)
plug in (v)
plug on (v)
plug tap (n)
plug valve (n)
plug with earthing contact (n)
plug-and-socket ... (adj)
plug-and-socket connection (n)
plug-in ... (adj)
plug-in board (n)
plug-in card (n)
plug-in connector (n)
plug-in contact (n)
plug-in module (n)
plug-in terminal (n)
plug-in unit (n)
plug-on ... (adj)
pluggable (adj)
plumb (v)
plumb bob (n)
plumb line (n)
plumb-line deviation (n)
plumber (n)
plummet (n)
plunge (n)
plunge (v)
plunge cutting (n)
plunge grinding (n)
plunge milling (n)
plunge-cut (n)
plunge-cut (v)
plunge-cut grinding (n)
plunge-cut milling (n)
plunge-cut milling machine (n)
plunger (n)
plunger coil (n)
plunger cylinder (n)
plunger joint (n)
plunger lift (n)
plunger pump (n)
plunger stroke (n)
plunging tool (n)
ply (n)
pneumatic caisson (n)
pneumatic conveyor (n)
pneumatic drill (n)
pneumatic drive (n)
pneumatic elements (n)
pneumatic hammer (n)
pneumatic line (n)
pneumatic spring (n)
pneumatic system (n)
pneumatic valve (n)
pneumatically actuated (adj)
pneumatics (n)
pocket (n)
pocket bearing (n)
pocket hole (n)
pocket milling (n)
pocket pressure (n)
point (n)
point (v)
point contact (n)
point in time (n)
point load (n)
point of action (n)
point of application (n)
point of contact (n)
Point of contact (gear)
point of engagement (n)
point of fracture (n)
point of intersection (n)
point of support (n)
point-to-point (PTP) control system (n)
point-to-point connection (n)
pointed (adj)
pointed tooth limit (n)
pointer (n)
pointer deflection (n)
pointer excursion (n)
Poisson number
Poisson number (n)
Poisson ratio (n)
Poisson's ratio (n)
polar area moment of inertia (n)
polar coordinate (n)
polar coordinates (n)
polar moment of area (n)
polar moment of inertia (n)
polar ray (n)
polar rays (n)
polar resistance moment (n)
polarity (n)
polarity sign (n)
polarization (n)
polarize (v)
Poldi hardness tester
pole (n)
pole (v)
pole armature (n)
pole body (n)
pole changer (n)
pole lathe (n)
pole pair ratio (n)
pole pitch (n)
pole reversal (n)
pole shoe (n)
pole terminal (n)
pole-changing ... (adj)
pole-changing switch (n)
polhode (n)
polish (n)
polish (v)
polish grinding (n)
polishing machine (n)
polishing surface (n)
polishing wheel (n)
pollute (v)
pollution (n)
polyaddition (n)
polycarbonate (PC) (n)
polycondensation (n)
Polyester resin
polygon (n)
Polygon connection
polygon connection (n)
polygon of forces (n)
polygonal (adj)
polygonal truss (n)
polyline (n)
polymerisation (n)
Polymethyl methacrylate
polynomial (adj)
polyphase (adj)
polyphase machine (n)
polyurethane buffer (n)
Polyvinyl chloride
poor contact (n)
poor restart (n)
poppet valve (n)
population (n)
population factor (n)
population time (n)
population traffic (n)
pore size (n)
pores (n)
porous (adj)
port (n)
portable (adj)
portable drill (n)
portable lamp (n)
portable test set (n)
portal (n)
portal crane (n)
portal design (n)
portal robot (n)
Portal stacker
portal stacker (n)
portion (n)
position (n)
position (v)
position detector (n)
position deviation (n)
position encoder (n)
position energy (n)
position error (n)
position feedback (n)
position finding (n)
position indicator (n)
position indicators on the landings (n)
position information (pl)
position of application (n)
position of equilibrium (n)
position of use (n)
position sensor (n)
position switch (n)
position vector (n)
positional accuracy (n)
positional deviation (n)
positional notation system (n)
Positional tolerance
positional tolerance (n)
positioner (n)
positioning (n)
positioning accuracy (n)
positioning control (n)
positioning error (n)
positioning range (n)
positioning time (n)
positioning tolerance (n)
positive (adj)
positive connection (n)
positive drive lift (n)
positive engagement (n)
positive form locking (n)
positive pole (n)
positive-locking (adj)
positive-locking fit (n)
positively actuated (adj)
positively charged (adj)
possibility of welding (n)
possible preheating (n)
possible solution (n)
post (n)
post drill (n)
post-harden (v)
post-treat (v)
post-treatment (n)
posture (n)
pot (v)
pot life (n)
potential (n)
potential compensation (n)
potential drop (n)
Potential energy
potential energy (n)
potential equalisation (n)
potential equaliser (n)
potential force (n)
potential function (n)
potentiometer (n)
potting (n)
pouch (n)
pour (v)
pourability (n)
pouring (n)
powder (n)
powder (v)
Powder coating
powder metallurgy (n)
powdered-metal contact material (n)
power (n)
power (v)
power ... (n)
power amplifier (n)
power booster (n)
power cable (n)
power capacitor (n)
power characteristic (n)
power circuit (n)
power connection (n)
power consumption (n)
power contactor (n)
power control (n)
power converter (n)
power current (n)
power demand (n)
power distributor (n)
power drain (n)
power drive (n)
power economics (n)
power electronics (n)
power engine (n)
power engineering (n)
power equation (n)
power factor (n)
power failure (n)
power flow (n)
power flow profile (n)
power fuse (n)
power generation (n)
power grip (n)
power hammer (n)
power input (n)
power installation (n)
power inverter (n)
power limiter (n)
power line (n)
power loss (n)
power loss due to friction (n)
Power matching (electrical engineering)
power off (v)
power on (v)
power outlet (n)
power output (n)
power pack (n)
power plant (n)
power plant classification system (n)
power plug (n)
power punch (n)
power rack (n)
power range (n)
power reclamation (n)
power recovery (n)
power rectifier diode (n)
power required (n)
power room (n)
power saw (n)
power screw (n)
power section (n)
power semiconductor (n)
power source (n)
power spectrum (n)
power stage (n)
power station (n)
power supply (n)
power supply cable (n)
power supply unit (n)
power switch (n)
power switching diode (n)
power system (n)
power system compatibility (n)
power system management (n)
power take-off (n)
power take-off side (n)
power train (n)
power transformer (n)
power transistor (n)
power transmission (n)
power transmission screw (n)
power transmission thread (n)
power unit (n)
power walk (n)
power-actuated (adj)
power-and-free conveyor (n)
power-failure-proof (adj)
power-operated (adj)
power-operated chuck (n)
power-supply module (n)
power-transmission thread (n)
power/data supply (n)
powered (adj)
powerful (adj)
powering off (n)
PPR count (pulses per revolution) (n)
practicable (adj)
practical method (n)
practice (n)
pre-acceptance inspection (n)
pre-assembly (n)
pre-assembly group (n)
pre-calculation (n)
pre-inspection (n)
pre-machining drawing (n)
pre-processing drawing (n)
Pre-production run
pre-production series (n)
pre-release version (n)
pre-set (adj)
pre-storage zone (n)
pre-tensioning (n)
pre-treatment (n)
preamplifier (n)
precaution (n)
Precedence diagram method
precious metal (n)
precipitation (n)
precipitation harden (v)
precipitation hardening (n)
precise (adj)
precision (n)
precision adjustment (n)
Precision blanking
precision blanking (n)
precision component (n)
precision cutting (n)
precision engineering (n)
precision instrument (n)
precision mechanics (n)
precision part (n)
precision thread (n)
precision tool (n)
precision-machine (v)
precoar cycle (n)
precoat filter (n)
preconditioning (n)
predecessor model (n)
predefine (v)
predetermine (v)
predetermined (adj)
prediction-realisation diagram (n)
predrill (v)
prefabricated (adj)
prefabrication primer (n)
preference (n)
preference call (n)
preference switch (n)
preferred number (n)
preferred number series (n)
preferred parameter (n)
preliminary authorization (n)
preliminary calculation (n)
preliminary costing (n)
preliminary test (n)
preload (v)
preload force (n)
preloaded (adj)
Preloaded bearing
premachining (n)
premagnetize (v)
premises (n)
preparation (n)
preparation time (n)
preparatory work (n)
prepare (v)
preparing information (n)
prescribe (v)
preselected (adj)
preselection (n)
preselection criterion (n)
present (v)
presentation (n)
presenteeism (n)
preserve (v)
preset (adj)
preset value (n)
press (n)
press (v)
press against (v)
press fit (n)
press force (n)
press force equation (n)
press in (v)
press in place (v)
press into (v)
press key (n)
press on (v)
press ram (n)
press robot (n)
press shop (n)
press stroke (n)
press-fit (v)
press-to-talk intercom system (n)
pressure (n)
pressure adjustment (n)
pressure angle (n)
pressure build-up (n)
pressure capsule (n)
pressure cell (n)
pressure change (n)
pressure compensation (n)
pressure control (n)
pressure couch (n)
pressure die-casting (n)
pressure difference (n)
pressure differential (n)
pressure distribution in liquids (n)
pressure drop (n)
pressure ellipse (n)
pressure energy (n)
pressure equation (n)
pressure exerted on all sides (n)
pressure gage (n)
pressure gauge (n)
pressure head (n)
pressure head difference (n)
pressure height difference (n)
pressure increase (n)
pressure indicator (n)
pressure level difference (n)
pressure limiter (n)
pressure loading (n)
pressure loading capacity (n)
pressure loss (n)
Pressure metrology
pressure metrology (n)
pressure mill (n)
pressure of sleeve spring (n)
pressure of woodruff key (n)
pressure on all sides (n)
pressure on the face of a hole (n)
pressure pipe (n)
pressure propagation law (n)
pressure range (n)
pressure reducer (n)
pressure regulator (n)
pressure relief (n)
pressure relief valve (n)
pressure resistance welding (n)
pressure rise (n)
Pressure sensor
pressure setting (n)
Pressure sleeve
pressure spring (n)
pressure stage system (n)
pressure switch (n)
pressure test (n)
pressure tubing (n)
pressure type mill (n)
pressure valve (n)
pressure variation (n)
pressure vessel (n)
pressure vessel steel (n)
pressure welding (n)
pressure-relief joint (n)
pressure-sensing switch (n)
pressure-tube reactor (n)
pressureless (adj)
pressurization (n)
pressurize (v)
prestress (v)
prestressed (adj)
prestressed concrete (n)
prestressed positive connection (n)
prestressed steel (n)
prestressing (n)
prestressing force (n)
prestressing steel (n)
pretension (n)
pretension force (n)
prevent (v)
prewire (v)
primary (adj)
primary air (n)
primary circuit (n)
primary data collection (n)
primary demand (n)
primary function (n)
primary processing time (n)
primary profile (n)
primary requirements (n)
Primary shaping
primary shaping (n)
primary winding (n)
prime coat (n)
prime mover (n)
prime notation (n)
prime number (n)
primed (adj)
primitive cubic (adj)
principal component analysis (n)
principle bending equation (n)
principle equation of tension (n)
principle of action (n)
principle of action and reaction (n)
principle of angular momentum (n)
principle of conservation of energy (n)
principle of linear momentum (n)
principle of motion of centre of mass (n)
principle of operation (n)
principle of superposition (n)
principle of suspension (n)
principle of virtual displacement (n)
principle of work and energy (n)
principle pressure equation (n)
principle stress (n)
principle torsion equation (n)
print (v)
printed circuit board (n)
prioritization (n)
priority (n)
priority assignment (n)
priority check (n)
priority circuit (n)
priority planning (n)
priority programme (n)
priority rule (n)
priority service (n)
priority switch (n)
prismatic guide (n)
prismatic slot (n)
private ship owner (n)
probability analysis (n)
Probability calculus
probability calculus (n)
probability paper (n)
probe (n)
problem type (n)
problem-solving cycle (n)
procedural description (n)
procedure (n)
process (n)
process (v)
process control (n)
process control computer (n)
process control system (n)
process controlled system (n)
process cost accounting (n)
process engineering (n)
process family (n)
process model (n)
process optimization (n)
process plan creation (n)
process planning (n)
process technology (n)
process variable (n)
processing (n)
processing control (n)
processing strategy (n)
processing time (n)
processor (n)
procurement (n)
procurement channel (n)
procurement closure (n)
procurement data (n)
procurement file (n)
procurement initiation (n)
procurement logistics (n)
procurement planning (n)
procurement principle (n)
procurement processing (n)
procurement quantity (n)
procurement stock (n)
procurement strategy (n)
procurement type (n)
produce (v)
producibility (n)
product (n)
Product conceptualisation
product cost accounting (n)
Product ergonomics
product ergonomics (n)
product family (n)
product group (n)
product grouping (n)
product history data (n)
product information (n)
product level (n)
product liability (n)
Product life cycle
product number (n)
Product of inertia
product pipeline (n)
Product planning
product portfolio (n)
product range data (n)
product realisation (n)
product research (n)
product structure (n)
product structure data (n)
product thread (n)
product trend (n)
product type (n)
product variant (n)
product-related picking (n)
producting time (n)
production (n)
production allowance (n)
production automation (n)
production backlog (n)
production batch (n)
production capacity (n)
production cell (n)
production center (n)
production centre (n)
production control (n)
production control test (n)
Production costs
production costs (n)
production cycle (n)
production documents (pl)
production drawing (n)
production engineering (n)
production equipment (pl)
Production ergonomics
production ergonomics (n)
production expert (n)
production facilities (pl)
production facility (n)
production flow (n)
production group (n)
production island (n)
production lead time (n)
production line (n)
production logistics (n)
production lot (n)
production network (n)
production of a family of parts (n)
production of parts (n)
production order (n)
Production organisation
production output (n)
production papers (pl)
production plan (n)
production planner (n)
production planning (n)
production planning and scheduling (n)
production plant (n)
production process (n)
production program (n)
production programme (n)
production programme planning (n)
production progress (n)
Production ramp-up
production range (n)
production rate (n)
production release (n)
production resource planning (n)
production resources (pl)
production schedule (n)
production segment (n)
production specialist (n)
production stage (n)
production system (n)
production technology (n)
production tolerance (n)
production type (n)
production warehouse (n)
production-oriented product structure (n)
productive (adj)
productivity analysis (n)
productivity increase (n)
profile (n)
profile bar (n)
profile cutter (n)
profile displacement (n)
profile element (n)
profile filter (n)
profile form error (n)
profile line (n)
profile miller (n)
profile milling (n)
profile milling machine (n)
profile of a surface (n)
Profile of properties (material science)
profile offset (n)
profile overlap (n)
profile pattern (n)
profile rail guide (n)
profile shape error (n)
profile steel beam (n)
profile surface (n)
Profile system
Profile system accessories
Profile-based building kit system
profiler (n)
profiling (n)
prognostic model (n)
Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) chart (n)
program flowchart (n)
program jump (n)
program loop (n)
programmable logic controller (PLC) (n)
programmer (n)
programming (n)
progress (n)
progress control (n)
progress of discharge (n)
progression (n)
progressive (adj)
progressive safety gear (n)
project (v)
project management (n)
project planning instructions (pl)
projected area (n)
projected contact area (n)
projection (n)
projection area (n)
projection method (n)
prolong (v)
prominent (adj)
promote (v)
promotion (n)
prompting (n)
prompts (n)
proof (n)
proof of strength (n)
proof stress (n)
prop (v)
prop up (v)
propagate (v)
propagation (n)
propel (v)
propelled (adj)
propeller (n)
propelling element (n)
property (n)
proportion (n)
proportion (v)
proportional controller (n)
proportional elastic limit (n)
proportional element (n)
proportional feedback (n)
proportional gain (n)
proportional limit (n)
proportional-derivative controller (n)
proportional-integral controller (n)
proportional-integral-derivative controller (n)
proportional-integral-differential controller (n)
proportioning (n)
proportioning pump (n)
propping (n)
proprietary (adj)
proprietary right (n)
propulsion (n)
propulsion motor (n)
propulsion system (n)
propulsion unit (n)
protect (v)
protect by fuse (v)
protected (adj)
protection (n)
protection against contact (n)
protection by fuses (n)
protective circuit (n)
protective clothing (n)
protective coating (n)
protective cover (n)
protective device (n)
protective drapes (pl)
protective earth (n)
protective earth conductor (n)
protective equipment (n)
protective function (n)
protective gas welding (n)
protective gear (n)
protective goggles (n)
protective grating (n)
protective ground (n)
protective hood of anchor head (n)
protective motor switch (n)
protective resistance (n)
Protective separation: An isolating transformer separates the operating circuit from the supply system. This prevents current from flowing between the phase conductor and earth. Power supply units are used in conjunction with safety extra-low voltage tran
protocol (n)
proton (n)
prototype (n)
prototype test (n)
protractor (n)
protrude (v)
protrusion (n)
protrusion formation (n)
proven (adj)
provide (v)
provide timing for (v)
provided by customer (adj)
provided by others (adj)
provision (n)
provision (v)
provisioning (n)
provisions by others (adj)
proximate cause (n)
proximate effect (n)
proximity switch (n)
PTC resistor (PTC = Positive Temperature Coefficient) (n)
pug mill (n)
pull (n)
pull (v)
pull box (n)
pull button (n)
pull down (v)
pull in (v)
pull off (v)
pull out (v)
Pull principle
pull process (n)
pull switch (n)
pull test (n)
pull-off ... (adj)
pull-off spring (n)
pull-push load (n)
pull-twist switch (n)
pull-up resistor (n)
puller (n)
pulley (n)
pulley block (n)
pulley carrier (n)
pulley drive (n)
pulley lifting tackle (n)
pulley room (n)
pulling force (n)
pulling hook (n)
pulsating fatigue strength (n)
pulsating fatigue strength value (n)
pulsating light (n)
pulsating load (n)
pulsating load type (n)
pulsating stress (n)
pulsation damper (n)
pulse (n)
pulse amplifier (n)
pulse amplitude (n)
pulse control (n)
pulse converter (n)
pulse counter (n)
pulse discriminator (n)
pulse divider (n)
pulse division (n)
pulse duration (n)
pulse edge (n)
pulse fall time (n)
pulse generator (n)
pulse length (n)
pulse modulation (n)
pulse number per revolution (n)
pulse ratio (n)
pulse response (n)
pulse ripple (n)
pulse rise time (n)
pulse rounding (n)
pulse shape (n)
pulse shaping (n)
pulse spacing (n)
pulse string (n)
pulse timing diagram (n)
pulse top (n)
pulse train (n)
pulse transmission (n)
pulse width (n)
pulse-width modulation (PWM) inverter (n)
pulser (n)
pulsing (n)
pulverize (v)
pulverized-fuel burner (n)
pulverizer (n)
pump and motor unit (n)
pump capacity (n)
pump control (n)
pump moment (n)
pump output (n)
pump piston (n)
pump plunger (n)
pump power (n)
pump pressure (n)
pump set (n)
pump strainer (n)
pump unit (n)
punch (n)
punch (v)
punch press (n)
punch-through transistor (n)
punched (adj)
punching (n)
punching die (n)
punching machine (n)
punching press (n)
punching shop (n)
punching tool (n)
purchaser (n)
purchasing cost ratio (n)
pure (adj)
purge (v)
purging gas (n)
purging steam (n)
purification (n)
purify (v)
purity (n)
purpose (n)
purpose of measurement (n)
purpose-made design (n)
push (v)
push and pull principle (n)
push drill (n)
push fit (n)
push flat parallel spring (n)
push key (n)
push lighter (n)
push on (v)
Push principle
push rectangular plate spring (n)
push rod (n)
push sleeve spring (n)
push-back rack (n)
push-fit (v)
push-fit ... (adj)
push-fit fitting (n)
push-fit joint (n)
push-fit strip (n)
push-on ... (adj)
push-on fastening (n)
push-pull rectifier (n)
push-pull switch (n)
push-to-talk button (n)
push-to-talk key (n)
pushboat navigation (n)
pushboat shipping (n)
pushbutton (n)
pushbutton control (n)
pushbutton switch (n)
pusher bar conveyor (n)
pusher chain conveyor (n)
pushing force (n)
put out of service (v)
put together (v)
putting into operation (n)
putting into service (n)
putting material into storage (n)
pylon (n)
pyramid (n)
pyroelectric (adj)
Pythagoras' theorem (n)
Pythagorean number (n)
QA (n)
quadrant (n)
quadrant programming (n)
quadratic equation (n)
qualification (n)
qualification test (n)
qualitative method (n)
quality (n)
Quality assurance
quality assurance (n)
quality audit (n)
quality defect (n)
quality engineering (n)
quality freight (n)
Quality function deployment
quality indicator (n)
quality inspection (n)
quality issue (n)
Quality management
quality management (n)
quality of supply (n)
quality planning (n)
quality problem (n)
quality requirements (pl)
quantisation error (n)
quantitative method (n)
quantity (n)
quantity adjustment (n)
quantity bill of material (n)
quantity discount (n)
quantity equation (n)
quantity of heat (n)
quantity of material (n)
quantity planning (n)
quantity required (n)
quantity-related problem (n)
quantum number (n)
quarter circle area (n)
quarter of a circular arc (n)
quartz (n)
quartz clock (n)
quartz crystal (n)
quartz generator (n)
quartz timer (n)
quartz-controlled (adj)
quay (n)
quench (v)
quench and temper (v)
quench hardening (n)
quench tempering (n)
Quenched and tempered steel
quenched and tempered steel (n)
quenching (n)
quenching and tempering (n)
quenching crack (n)
quick (adj)
quick break switch (n)
quick clamping device (n)
quick gripping (n)
quick return (n)
quick traverse (n)
quick-acting brake (n)
quick-action chuck (n)
quick-action collet chuck (n)
quick-action vice (n)
quick-action vise (n)
quick-break switch (n)
quick-change clamping device (n)
quick-change drill chuck (n)
quick-starting boiler (n)
quiet (adj)
quiet running (n)
quill (n)
quit (v)
r.m.s. value (n)
r.p.m. (n)
rabbet (n)
rabbet plane (n)
race (n)
raceway (n)
rack (n)
rack and pinion (n)
rack and pinion lift (n)
rack drive (n)
rack for intermediate storage (n)
rack gear (n)
rack pinion (n)
rack-and-pinion drive (n)
racked (adj)
radial (adj)
radial acceleration (n)
radial angular-contact ball bearing (n)
radial anti-friction bearing (n)
radial arm saw (n)
radial ball bearing (n)
radial bearing (n)
radial bearing play (n)
radial bearing with cylindrical bore (n)
radial clearance (n)
radial cylinder-roller bearing (n)
radial displacement (n)
radial drilling machine (n)
radial dynamic additional load (n)
radial factor (n)
radial feed (n)
radial feed hobbing (n)
radial force (n)
radial labyrinth seal (n)
radial load (n)
radial loading (n)
radial needle bearing (n)
radial play (n)
radial roller bearing (n)
radial rolling-contact bearing (n)
radial runout (n)
radial seal (n)
radial self-aligning roller bearing (n)
Radial shaft seal
radial shaft seal ring (n)
radial sleeve bearing (n)
radial speed (n)
radial stress (n)
radial tapered roller bearing (n)
radial thrust (n)
Radial tooth coupling
radial velocity (n)
radial welding (n)
radian (n)
radian frequency (n)
radian measure (n)
radiant energy (n)
radiant heat (n)
radiate (v)
radiation (n)
radiation energy (n)
radiation index (n)
radiation intensity (n)
radiation protection (n)
radiation safety (n)
Radiation sensor
radiation source (n)
radiation space (n)
radiator (n)
radio (n)
radio clock (n)
radio control (n)
radio frequency (n)
radio frequency identification (RFID) (n)
radio interference (n)
radio interference level (n)
radio interference suppression filter (n)
radio interference suppression level (n)
radio link (n)
radio wave (n)
radio-frequency circuit (n)
radiocommunication (n)
radiograph (n)
radiographic examination (n)
radiographic inspection (n)
radiographic test (n)
radiographic testing (n)
radiometry (n)
radius (n)
radius of curvature (n)
radius of gyration (n)
radius of inertia (n)
radius of pitch circle (n)
radius of reference circle (of wormwheel) (n)
rag (n)
rag bolt (n)
rail (n)
rail base (n)
rail bracket (n)
rail clip (n)
rail connector (n)
rail fixing (n)
rail freight service (n)
rail joint (n)
rail section (T-section) (n)
rail vehicle (n)
rail-cage combination (n)
railing (n)
railway (n)
railway trunk (n)
raise (v)
raised floor (n)
raising (n)
rake angle (n)
ram (n)
ram assembly (n)
ram force (n)
ram joint (n)
ram top (n)
ram travel (n)
ramming (n)
ramp (n)
ramp down (v)
ramp up (v)
ramped apron (n)
random fluctuation (n)
random noise (n)
random orbital sander (n)
random sample (n)
random storage (n)
random variable (n)
random warehouse (n)
random warehouse management (n)
range (n)
range of adjustment (n)
range of coverage (n)
range of functions (n)
range of goods (n)
range of motion (n)
Range of movement
range of movement (n)
range of pitch errors (n)
range of variation (n)
range selector (n)
range system (n)
range type power station (n)
ranked positional weight technique (n)
rapid (adj)
rapid advance (n)
rapid feed (n)
rapid motion (n)
rapid power traverse (n)
Rapid prototyping
rapid return (n)
rapid traverse (n)
rare gas (n)
raster (n)
raster unit (n)
ratched brace (n)
ratchet handle (n)
ratchet screwdriver (n)
ratchet wheel (n)
rate (n)
rate (v)
rate of current rise (n)
rate of cut (n)
rate of descent (n)
rate of production (n)
rate of supply (n)
rate regulator (n)
rated acceleration (n)
rated breaking strength (n)
rated capacity (n)
rated cross-sectional area (n)
rated current (n)
rated flow (n)
rated frequeny (n)
rated life (n)
rated load (n)
rated load plus 25 % (n)
rated load plus 50 % (n)
rated load torque (n)
rated output (n)
rated power (n)
rated speed (n)
rated torque (n)
rated value (n)
rated voltage (n)
rated-load torque (n)
rating (n)
rating (pl)
rating class (n)
rating plate (n)
ratio (n)
ratio of permissible bending stress to permissible torsion stress (n)
raw (adj)
raw coal bunker (n)
raw data list (n)
raw material (n)
raw material consumption (n)
raw material costs (n)
raw material price (n)
raw materials storage area (n)
raw materials warehouse (n)
raw part (n)
raw part drawing (n)
ray (n)
ray (of light) (n)
ray of the funicular polygon (n)
re-adjust (v)
re-arrange (v)
re-cut (v)
re-design (v)
re-engagement lockout (n)
re-finish (v)
re-level (v)
re-levelling (n)
re-levelling device (n)
re-levelling speed (n)
re-machine (v)
re-machining (n)
re-measure (v)
re-open (v)
re-position (v)
re-rope (v)
re-tool (v)
re-work (v)
reach (n)
reach stacker (n)
Reach truck
reach truck (n)
reaching method (n)
reactance (n)
reaction (n)
reaction axiom (n)
reaction force (n)
reaction time (n)
reactive (adj)
Reactive power
reactive power (n)
reactive-power absorption (n)
reactor (n)
read (v)
read distance (n)
reader (n)
readiness for operation (n)
readiness to deliver (n)
readiness to supply (n)
reading (n)
reading accuracy (n)
reading reliability (n)
reading speed (n)
reading tolerance (n)
readjust (v)
readjustable (adj)
readjustable nut (n)
readjustment (n)
readout (n)
ready (adj)
ready for connection (adj)
ready for installation (adj)
ready for operation (adj)
ready for service (adj)
ready state (n)
ready to assembly (adj)
ready to operate (adj)
ready to run (adj)
ready-made ... (adj)
ready-made leads (pl)
real (adj)
Real number
real part (n)
Real power
real power (n)
real time operation (n)
ream (v)
reamer (n)
rear view (n)
rear wall (n)
rear wall header (n)
rebate (n)
rebating cutter (n)
rebound (v)
rebound angle (n)
rebound speed (n)
rebound velocity (n)
rebuild (v)
receipt (v)
receipt machine (n)
receive (v)
receive (a rope) (v)
receive-only (n)
receiver (n)
receiving end (n)
receiving inspection (n)
receiving set (n)
receptacle (n)
reception (n)
recess (n)
recess (v)
recess-turn (v)
recessed (adj)
recessed grip (n)
recessed handle (n)
recessed-head screw (n)
recessing feed (n)
recessing tool (n)
Rechargeable battery
rechuck (v)
reciprocal (n)
reciprocal action (n)
reciprocate (v)
reciprocating movement (n)
reciprocating screw machine (n)
reciprocating table (n)
recirculating ball screw (n)
recirculating oil lubrication (n)
Recirculating roller guide
recirculating roller unit (n)
recirculation (n)
reclaiming scraper (n)
reclamp (v)
recoil (v)
recommended value (n)
recommissioning (n)
recondition (v)
reconnect (v)
reconstruct (v)
reconstruction (n)
record (n)
record (v)
recorder (n)
recording instrument (n)
records (pl)
recover (v)
recovery (n)
recovery (of energy) (n)
recovery boiler (n)
recovery rate (of emergency supply) (n)
recovery time (n)
recrystallisation (n)
recrystallisation annealing (n)
rectangle (n)
rectangular (adj)
rectangular plate spring (n)
rectangular pulse (n)
rectangularity (n)
rectification (n)
rectified (adj)
rectifier (n)
rectify (v)
rectilinear motion (n)
recyclability (n)
recyclable packaging (n)
recycle (v)
recycling (n)
red hot (adj)
reduce (v)
reduced mass (n)
reduced stroke buffers (n)
reducer (n)
reducing adapter (n)
reducing gears (n)
reduction (n)
reduction (forces) (n)
reduction factor (n)
reduction gear (n)
reduction gearing (n)
reduction in area (n)
reduction of cross section (n)
reduction of forces (n)
reduction ratio (n)
reduction scale (n)
reduction sleeve (n)
reel (n)
reel (v)
reel off (v)
reel slitter (n)
reel up (v)
reeler (n)
reeving (n)
reference (n)
reference angle (n)
reference architecture (n)
reference axis (n)
reference condition (n)
reference coordinate (n)
reference cylinder chordal thickness (n)
reference cylinder chordal tooth thickness (n)
reference cylinder spacewidth (of a worm) (n)
reference data (n)
reference diameter (n)
reference diameter (of a worm) (n)
reference electrode (n)
reference helix angle (n)
reference lead angle (n)
reference line (n)
reference model (n)
reference plane (n)
reference point (n)
reference point coordinates (pl)
reference profile (n)
reference quantity (n)
reference slenderness ratio (n)
reference speed (n)
reference surface (n)
reference system (n)
reference temperature (n)
reference value (n)
reference variable (n)
reference viscosity (n)
reference voltage (n)
refill (v)
refilling process (n)
refine (v)
refinement (n)
reflective label (n)
reflectivity (n)
reflector (n)
reflux arch (n)
refractoriness (n)
refractory lining (n)
refrigerant (n)
refrigerate (v)
refrigerated lorry (n)
refrigerated truck (n)
refrigerated wagon (n)
refrigerating installation (n)
refrigerating machine (n)
refurbish (v)
refurbishing (n)
refurbishment contract (n)
refuse (n)
refuse disposal (n)
regenerative planning (n)
region (n)
regional rail service (n)
regional warehouse (n)
register (n)
register (v)
registered design (n)
registration (n)
regrease (v)
regression (n)
regression analysis (n)
regression line (n)
regrind (v)
regular scheduled service (n)
regulation (n)
regulator (n)
reheater (n)
reinforce (v)
reinforced concrete (n)
reinforced plastic (n)
reinforcement (n)
reinforcing rod (n)
Reinforcing steel
reinforcing steel (n)
reinjection system (n)
reject (v)
rejection (n)
rejection rate (n)
rejects (n)
related documents (pl)
related slenderness ratio (n)
relation (n)
relationship (n)
relationship model (n)
Relative cost accounting
relative eccentricity (n)
relative frequency (n)
relative slenderness ratio (n)
relative speed (n)
relative velocity (n)
relaxation (n)
relaxation strain (n)
relaxation stress (n)
relay (n)
relay tester (n)
relay trip point (n)
relay valve (n)
release (n)
release (v)
release (brake) (v)
release (of the safety gear) (n)
release device (n)
release for production (n)
release lever (n)
release of the safety gear (n)
release of the safety gear by raising the car (n)
release test (n)
releasing passengers trapped in the cabin (n)
relevant (adj)
relevant to safety (adj)
reliability (n)
reliability function (n)
reliability in service (n)
reliability of a screw connection (n)
reliability of a weld (n)
reliability of supplies (n)
reliability of the weld (n)
reliable (adj)
relief angle (n)
relief valve (n)
relief-cut (v)
relief-grind (v)
relief-mill (v)
relief-turn (v)
relieve (v)
relieved (adj)
relining (n)
reload (v)
relocate (v)
relubricate (v)
remachining (n)
remedial action (n)
remedy (n)
remedying faults (n)
remedying of faults (n)
remit (n)
remote (adj)
remote annunciation (n)
remote attendance (n)
remote commissioning (n)
remote control (n)
remote control switch (n)
remote control throwover switch (n)
remote diagnosis (n)
remote indication (n)
remote indicator (n)
remote monitoring (n)
remote monitoring system (n)
remote operation (n)
remote programming (n)
remote release (n)
remote supervision (n)
remote surveillance (n)
remote trip (n)
remote tripping (n)
remote tripping device (n)
removable (adj)
removal (n)
Removal (physical chemistry)
removal by beam (n)
remove (v)
remove pressure (v)
renew (v)
renewable (adj)
renewal (n)
rental park for construction machines (n)
reopening device (n)
reorder point procedure (n)
reorder quantity procedure (n)
repair (n)
repair (v)
repair kit (n)
repair shop (n)
repair work (n)
repeat (v)
repeat accuracy (n)
repeatability (n)
repeated impact test (n)
repeater (n)
repel (v)
repellent (adj)
repetition (n)
repetitive nature (n)
replace (v)
replaceable (adj)
replacement (n)
replacement bar method (n)
replacement part (n)
replenishment lead time (n)
replenishment policy (n)
replenishment stock (n)
replenishment strategy (n)
report (n)
report (v)
reportable (adj)
represent (v)
representation (n)
reproduction (n)
repulsion (n)
required outputreference value (n)
required pre-load for assembly (n)
required pre-load for operation (n)
required service life (n)
required space (n)
required storage space (n)
requirement category (n)
requirement type (n)
requirements planning (n)
requirements type (n)
requirements-based procurement (n)
requisite contact area (n)
requisition (n)
rescue (v)
rescue (trapped passengers) (v)
rescue and evacuation of passengers (n)
rescue service (n)
research (n)
research (v)
Research and development costs
research worker (n)
researcher (n)
reservation (n)
reserve inventory (n)
reserved stock warehouse (n)
reservoir (n)
reset (v)
reset button (n)
resettable (adj)
resetting (n)
resident engineer (n)
residential lift (n)
residual oil (n)
Residual stress
residual stress (n)
residual tension stress (n)
residual voltage (n)
resilience (n)
resin (n)
resinify (v)
resist (v)
resistance (n)
resistance classification (n)
resistance gauge (n)
resistance measurement (n)
Resistance moment
resistance moment (n)
resistance network (n)
resistance spot welding (n)
resistance test (n)
Resistance thermometer
resistance to acids (n)
resistance to alkalis (n)
resistance to bending (n)
resistance to cracking (n)
resistance to fatigue failure (n)
resistance to vibration (n)
resistance welder (n)
Resistance welding
resistance welding (n)
resistance welding machine (n)
resistance-diode combination (n)
resistant (adj)
resistant to chemicals (adj)
resistant to corrosion (adj)
Resistive displacement transducers or measured value potentiometers use ohmic resistance and a moving arm. The sensor is designed as a voltage divider, which means a path-dependent voltage is generated on the moving arm. After prior calibration, this prov
resistor (n)
resistor network (n)
resolution (n)
resolution of forces (n)
resolve (v)
resolving power (n)
resonance (n)
resonance frequency (n)
resonance machine (n)
resonance vibration test (n)
Resonant circuit
resonant circuit (n)
resonator (n)
resource deployment planning (n)
resource file (n)
resource planning (n)
resources (pl)
resources planning (n)
respirators (n)
respond (to calls) (v)
respond (to) (v)
response (n)
response characteristic (n)
response curve (n)
response limit (n)
response threshold (n)
response time (n)
response voltage (n)
responsive (adj)
responsiveness (f)
responsiveness (n)
responsivity (n)
rest (n)
rest (v)
rest against (v)
rest position (n)
rest snugly against (v)
restart (n)
restart inhibit (n)
restitution period (n)
restore (v)
restore polarity (v)
restore to service (v)
restoring force (n)
restoring moment (n)
restoring term (n)
restoring the lift to service (n)
restoring torque (n)
restraint moment (n)
restrict (v)
restriction (n)
restrictor (n)
restrictor valve (n)
result (n)
resultant (n)
resultant (forces) (n)
resultant compression stress (n)
resultant compressive stress (n)
resultant force (n)
resultant spring rate (n)
resultant tensile stress (n)
resultant torque (n)
resulting moment (n)
resulting moment area (n)
retail trade (n)
retain (v)
retainer (n)
retaining angle (n)
retaining bracket (n)
retaining lug (n)
retaining ring (n)
retaining ring notch (n)
retaining rings (n)
retaining screw (n)
retaining spring (n)
retaining washer (n)
retard (v)
retardation (n)
retardation test (n)
retarding torque (n)
retension (v)
retention force (n)
retention time (n)
retighten (v)
retouch (v)
retouching work (n)
retract (v)
retractable (adj)
retraction (n)
retreat (v)
retreatment (n)
retrieval (n)
retrieval unit (n)
retrofit (v)
retrofit assembly (n)
return (n)
return (v)
return flow (n)
return landing (n)
return motion (n)
return pipe (n)
return speed (n)
return spring (n)
return stroke (n)
return to service (n)
returnable packaging (n)
reusable packaging (n)
rev (n)
revamp (v)
revamping (n)
reveal (n)
reverberation effect (n)
reversal (n)
reversal of motion (n)
reversal of movement (n)
reversal of the sense of rotation (n)
reversal of travel (n)
reversal point (n)
reverse (adj)
reverse (v)
reverse bending test (n)
reverse bias (n)
reverse direction (n)
reverse fatigue strength (n)
reverse fatigue strength value (n)
reverse movement (n)
reverse polarity protection (n)
reverse rotation (n)
reverse the polarity (v)
reverse the terminal connections (v)
reverse voltage (n)
reverse-biasing (n)
reversed-biased (adj)
reversible (adj)
reversible band brake (n)
reversible-pitch propeller (n)
reversing contactor (n)
reversing switch (n)
review (n)
review (v)
revise (v)
revision (n)
revision service (n)
revolution (n)
revolution counter (n)
revolutions per minute (n)
revolve (v)
revolving (adj)
revolving (washing) screen (n)
revolving crane (n)
revolving door (n)
revolving field (n)
revolving table (n)
revs. per minute (n)
rewind (v)
rewinder slitter (for paper) (n)
rework (n)
rework (v)
reworking (n)
Reynolds number (n)
RFID system
rheological fluid (n)
rhombus (n)
rib (n)
ribbed (adj)
ribbed V-belt (n)
ribbed-plate air heater (n)
ribbing (n)
ribbon (n)
ribbon cable (n)
ribbon core (n)
ride (v)
ride characteristic (n)
ride quality (n)
ride request (n)
riding properties (pl)
riding quality (pl)
right (adj)
right-angle cutter (n)
right-angled (adj)
right-angled triangle (n)
right-hand (adj)
right-hand flute (n)
right-hand helix (n)
right-hand lay (n)
right-hand rotation (n)
right-hand thread (n)
right-hand twist (n)
right-handed winding (n)
rigid (adj)
rigid body (n)
rigid connection (n)
rigid guide bushing (n)
rigid-body kinematics (n)
rigid-hammer mill(crusher)pulverizer (n)
rigidity (n)
rigidity distribution (n)
rigidity of welded joints (n)
rim (n)
ring (n)
ring (v)
ring bolt (n)
ring fork wrench (n)
ring gear (n)
ring groove (n)
ring nut (n)
ring pin (n)
ring spring (n)
ring surface (n)
ring transport system (n)
ring-ball mill (n)
ring-shaped (adj)
ring-shaped collar seal (n)
ringing bell (n)
Ringspann flexible coupling
rinse (v)
rip fence (n)
rip saw (n)
ripple (n)
ripple content (n)
ripsaw (n)
rise (n)
rise (v)
rise time (n)
riser (n)
rising floor (n)
rising main (n)
risk (n)
Risk analysis
risk analysis (n)
risk appraisal (n)
risk assessment (n)
risk of crushing (n)
risk of falling (n)
risk of pinching (n)
Ritter method (n)
Ritter method (method of sections)
Ritter's method of dissection (n)
Ritter's traverse (n)
river barge (n)
river boat (n)
river port (n)
rivet (n)
rivet (v)
rivet connection (n)
rivet diameter (n)
Rivet joint
rivet joint (n)
rivet pattern (n)
rivet pitch (n)
rivet spacing (n)
riveted joint (n)
riveting machine (n)
rivets (n)
riving knife (n)
road feeder service (n)
road gradient (n)
road tanker (n)
road train (n)
road wheel (n)
robot (n)
robot control (n)
robot drive (n)
robot generation (n)
robot programming (n)
robot simulation (n)
robot welder (n)
robot work zone (n)
robotics (n)
robust (adj)
robustness (n)
rock (v)
rocker (n)
rocker arm (n)
rocker switch (n)
rocking lever (n)
rocking motion (n)
Rockwell hardness (n)
Rockwell hardness test
Rockwell hardness test (n)
rod (n)
rod bearing arrangement (n)
rods (n)
roll (n)
roll (v)
roll out (v)
roll-off container transport system (n)
rolled plate (n)
rolled sheet (n)
rolled steel (n)
rolled steel joist (n)
rolled steel joist (profiles) (n)
roller (n)
roller arm (n)
roller bearing (n)
roller bearing cage (n)
roller bearing lubrication (n)
roller bearing seal (n)
roller bearing tolerance (n)
roller bearing track (n)
roller cage (n)
roller chain (n)
roller cone apex (n)
roller conveyor (n)
roller conveyor rack (n)
roller element recirculation (n)
roller external ring (n)
roller guide (n)
roller lever (n)
roller safety (n)
roller set (n)
roller shutter door (n)
Roller table
roller table (n)
roller tappet (n)
roller track (n)
roller-type safety gear (n)
roller-type switch (n)
rolling (n)
rolling bearing (n)
rolling body (n)
rolling circle (n)
rolling condition (n)
rolling contact (n)
rolling contact partner (n)
rolling element (n)
rolling element row (n)
rolling force (n)
rolling friction (n)
rolling lobe air spring (n)
rolling mill (n)
rolling moment (n)
rolling radius (n)
Rolling resistance
rolling resistance (n)
rolling-ball contact (n)
Rolling-contact fatigue
rolling-contact fatigue (n)
rolling-contact gear (n)
rolling-contact path (n)
Rolling-element bearing
Rolling-element bearing guide
Rolling-element bearing seal
rolling-motion contact (n)
roof (n)
roof burner (n)
roof truss (n)
roof-fired furnace (n)
roofed (adj)
roofing (n)
rooflight (n)
room (n)
Room temperature
room temperature (n)
room-saving (adj)
rooms for non-lift purposes (pl)
rooms other than those for the service of lifts (pl)
root (n)
root bearing (n)
root circle (n)
root circle diameter (n)
root diameter (n)
root mean square value (n)
root of weld (n)
Roots blower (n)
rope (n)
rope (v)
Rope (conveying technology)
rope adhesion (n)
rope anchorage (n)
rope attachment (n)
rope block (n)
rope breakage (n)
rope clamp (n)
rope coil (n)
rope compensation (n)
rope diameter (n)
rope drive (n)
rope drum (n)
rope elongation (n)
rope force (n)
rope fracture (n)
rope friction (n)
rope friction force (n)
rope grip (n)
rope gripper (n)
rope gripper jaw (n)
rope gripping jaw (n)
rope guard (n)
rope guide (n)
rope hitch (n)
rope jump (n)
rope preservative (n)
rope pull (n)
rope pulley (n)
rope reel (n)
rope sheave (n)
rope stretch (n)
rope suspension (n)
rope tension force (n)
rope termination (n)
rope to be discarded (adj)
rope traction (n)
rope weight (n)
rope winch (n)
roped (e.g. 1:1) (n)
roped elevator (n)
roping (n)
rotary (adj)
rotary acceleration (n)
rotary actuator (n)
rotary air heater (n)
rotary amplifier (n)
rotary axis (n)
rotary bending (n)
rotary bending load (n)
rotary bending stress (n)
rotary chain (n)
rotary compressor (n)
rotary current (n)
rotary current transformer (n)
rotary cylinder conveyor (n)
rotary cylinder feeder (n)
rotary deceleration (n)
rotary displacement machine (n)
rotary extended-lance sootblower (n)
rotary field (n)
rotary guide (n)
rotary hammer breaker (n)
rotary impact (n)
rotary jig (n)
rotary joint (n)
rotary kiln (n)
rotary long (stroke) retractable sootblower (n)
rotary motion (n)
rotary movement (n)
rotary oscillation (n)
rotary piston (n)
rotary power (n)
rotary pulse (n)
rotary pulse generator (n)
rotary pump (n)
rotary roller bearing (n)
rotary sander (n)
rotary screen (n)
rotary slide valve (n)
rotary switch (n)
rotary table (n)
rotary table bearing (n)
rotary table feeder (n)
rotary table grinder (n)
rotary table miller (n)
rotary tower crane (n)
rotary-piston blower (n)
rotary-plate turret (n)
rotatable (adj)
rotate (v)
rotating (adj)
rotating armature (n)
rotating clockwise (adj)
rotating drive (n)
rotating field (n)
rotating motion (n)
rotating table (n)
rotating tower crane (n)
rotation (n)
rotation by 180° (n)
rotation indicator (n)
rotation through 180° (n)
rotation time (n)
rotational angle (n)
rotational deceleration (n)
rotational energy (n)
rotational frequency (n)
rotational speed (n)
rotational speed limit (n)
rotational work (n)
rotatory (adj)
rotatory work (n)
roto-handle (n)
rotor (n)
rotor bearing (n)
rotor cage (n)
rotor shaft (n)
rotor starter (n)
rotor winding (n)
rough (adj)
rough machining (n)
rough opening (n)
rough planing (n)
rough size (n)
rough up (v)
rough-cut (v)
rough-cutting (n)
rough-grind (v)
rough-machine (v)
rough-machined (adj)
rough-machining (n)
rough-turning lathe (n)
roughen (v)
roughing (n)
roughing cut (n)
roughing cutter (n)
roughing hob (n)
roughing lathe (n)
roughing mill (n)
roughing tool (n)
roughness (n)
Roughness (engineering surfaces)
roughness parameter (n)
roughness profile (n)
roughness profile parameter (n)
Roughness value
round (adj)
round anchor plate (n)
round bar (n)
round bar steel (n)
round file (n)
round groove (n)
round nut (n)
round packing cord (n)
round plane (n)
round thread (n)
round thread chaser (n)
round trip (n)
round trip time (n)
round-column drilling machine (n)
round-head bolt (n)
round-head screw (n)
round-neck nut (n)
round-trip time (n)
rounded (adj)
rounded core (n)
rounding (n)
roundness (n)
route (n)
route (v)
route planning (n)
router (n)
router plane (n)
router table (n)
routing (n)
routing function (n)
routing strategy (n)
row (n)
Row rack
row rack (n)
row storage (n)
rpm limit (n)
RSJ (n)
RTT (n)
rub (v)
rubber buffer (n)
rubber cylinder (n)
rubber grommet (n)
rubber hose (n)
rubber seal (n)
rubber sleeve (n)
Rubber spring
rubber spring (n)
rubber spring deformation (n)
rubber spring elastomer (n)
rubber spring stress (n)
rubber stop (n)
rubber-bonded metal (n)
rubbing surface (n)
rubbish (n)
rugged (adj)
ruggedness (n)
rule (n)
rule of sign (n)
rule of thumb (n)
ruler (n)
run (n)
run (v)
run at no load (n)
run down (adj)
run hot (v)
run in (v)
run off the rails (v)
run on (v)
run size (n)
run up (v)
run up to speed (v)
run-in efficiency (n)
run-in period (n)
run-in speed (n)
Run-out tolerance
runby (n)
rung (n)
running (n)
running accuracy (n)
running at no load (n)
running characteristic (n)
running clearance (n)
running fit (n)
Running gear
running gear (n)
running performance (n)
running properties (pl)
running rail (n)
running smoothness (n)
running surface (n)
running time (n)
running wheel (n)
running-in period (n)
running-open operation (n)
running-up time (n)
runway (n)
rupture (n)
rupture in the flank profile (n)
rupture point (n)
rupture valve (n)
rush hour (n)
rush order (n)
rust (n)
rust (v)
rust inhibitor (n)
rust protection (n)
rust remover (n)
rust spot (n)
rust stain (n)
rust-inhibiting grease (n)
rust-protecting paint (n)
rust-resistant (adj)
rustless (adj)
rustproof (adj)
S-N diagram (n)
S/N ratio (n)
sabre saw (n)
sack (n)
sack chute (n)
Sacrificial anode
saddle (n)
saddle feed (n)
saddle joint (n)
saddle key (n)
saddle slideways (n)
saddle terminal (n)
safe (adj)
safe operation (n)
safe to operate (adj)
safe traffic (n)
safe-life concept (n)
safeguard (v)
safeguarding (n)
safety (n)
Safety (occupational health and safety)
safety against buckling (n)
safety allowance (n)
safety block (n)
safety bolt (n)
safety brake (n)
safety circuit (n)
safety clearance (n)
safety clutch (n)
safety codes (pl)
safety device (n)
safety edge (n)
safety edges (n)
safety equipment (n)
safety factor (e.g. of ropes and chains) (n)
safety frame (n)
safety gear (n)
safety gear operation (n)
safety gear test (n)
safety glasses (n)
safety harness (n)
safety jaw (n)
safety margin (n)
safety officer (n)
safety pin (n)
safety railing (n)
safety requirement (n)
safety requirements (pl)
safety rope (n)
Safety sensor
safety shutdown (n)
safety stock (n)
safety stock level (n)
safety switch (n)
safety valve (n)
safety-friction clutch (n)
safety-gear frame (n)
sag (n)
sag (v)
sagging (n)
sales agent (n)
sales channel (n)
sales company (n)
sales file (n)
sales function (n)
sales representative (n)
sales structure data (n)
sample (n)
sampling (n)
sampling length (n)
sampling test (n)
sand (v)
sand casting (n)
sand-blast (v)
sandblast (v)
sandblast cleaning (n)
sandblasting robot (n)
sander (n)
sanding (n)
sandpaper (n)
sandwich ... (adj)
sandwich material (n)
sandwich structure (n)
satellite dish (n)
satellite link (n)
satellite rack (n)
satisfy (v)
saturate (v)
saturated (adj)
saturation (n)
save (v)
savings process (n)
saw (n)
saw (v)
saw bench (n)
saw blade (n)
saw board (n)
saw off (v)
saw set (n)
saw setting, swaging, and dressing machine (n)
saw tooth (n)
saw vise (n)
saw-tooth curve (n)
saw-tooth generator (n)
saw-tooth pulse (n)
saw-tooth voltage (n)
sawblade (n)
sawbuck (n)
sawhorse (n)
sawing (n)
sawing machine (n)
scaffold (n)
scaffold platform (n)
scalar (n)
scalar multiplication (n)
scalar product (n)
scale (n)
scale (v)
scale adjustment (n)
scale deflection (n)
scale down (v)
scale marks (n)
scale of enlargement (n)
scale of reduction (n)
scale setting (n)
scale up (v)
scales (n)
scaling (n)
scalloped washer (n)
scan (v)
scanner (n)
scanner tube (n)
scanning (n)
scanning electron microscopy (n)
scanning electroscopy (n)
Scanning probe microscope: An electronically controlled piezoelectric crystal actuator system enables contactless surface measurement. A tunnel current that is kept constant is generated between the pick-up head and the surface. The controlled vari
scar (n)
Scatter diagram
scatter diagram (n)
scatter factor (n)
scatter plot (n)
scattering factor (n)
scavenge (v)
scenic lift (n)
schedule (n)
schedule (v)
schedule of assemblies (n)
scheduled materials planning (n)
scheduling (n)
schematic (n)
schematic diagram (n)
science (n)
science of strength of materials (n)
scissor lift (n)
Scissor-type grab
scissor-type grab (n)
scope (n)
scope of application (n)
scope of inspection (n)
scope of machining (n)
scope of movement (n)
scope of validity for Euler equation (n)
score (n)
SCR (n)
scrap (n)
scrap (v)
scrap factor (n)
scrape (v)
scrape off (v)
scraper (n)
scraper bar (n)
scraper plane (n)
Scraper-chain conveyor
scraper-chain conveyor (n)
scratch (n)
scratch (v)
scratch beader (n)
scratch gauge (n)
scratch hardness test (n)
scratch resistance (n)
scratch stock (n)
scratch-proof (adj)
scratch-resistant (adj)
screed (n)
screen (n)
screen (v)
screen drum (n)
screen layout (n)
screen off (v)
screen saver (n)
screen wash pump (n)
screened (adj)
screening (n)
screening machine (n)
screening plant (n)
screw (n)
screw (v)
screw cap (n)
screw clamp (n)
screw connection (n)
Screw conveyor
screw conveyor (n)
screw dislocation (n)
screw drive (n)
screw driven lift (n)
screw head (n)
screw head bearing surface (n)
screw in (v)
screw injection machine (n)
screw joint (n)
screw motion (n)
screw off (v)
screw on (v)
screw paddle conveyor (n)
screw penetration (n)
screw plug (n)
screw press (n)
screw pump (n)
screw spindle (n)
screw strength category (n)
screw tension spring (n)
screw terminal (n)
screw terminal block (n)
screw thread (n)
screw together (v)
screw union (n)
Screw-fixing element
screw-in-type fuse (n)
screw-injection moulding machine (n)
screw-type extruding/extrusion machine (n)
screwbox (n)
screwdriver (n)
screwdriver bit (n)
screwed (adj)
screwed connected (n)
screwed connection (n)
screwed contact (n)
screwed joint (n)
screwed lamp-holder (n)
screwed pipe joint (n)
scribe (v)
scroll shears (n)
scrubber (n)
scrutinize (v)
scrutiny (n)
scuff mark (n)
scuff marks (pl)
Scuffing (gear)
scuffing load capacity (n)
scutcher (n)
seagoing vessel (n)
seal (n)
seal (v)
seal (plain bearing) (n)
seal height (n)
seal off (v)
seal ring (n)
seal wire (n)
seal-air chamber (n)
sealant (n)
sealed (adj)
sealer (n)
sealing (n)
sealing (plastics) (n)
sealing compound (n)
sealing cord (n)
sealing disc (n)
sealing joint (n)
sealing lip (n)
sealing plug (n)
sealing ring (n)
sealing surface (n)
sealing tape (n)
sealing technology (n)
sealing washer (n)
Seals for dynamic applications
seam (n)
seam type (n)
seam welding (n)
seaming machine (n)
seamless (adj)
search (v)
search box (n)
search field (n)
seasonal adjustment (n)
seasonal component (n)
seasonal factor (n)
seasonal fluctuation (n)
seasonal index (n)
seasonal pattern (n)
seasonality (n)
seat (n)
seat (v)
seat valve (n)
seating (n)
seating ledge (n)
second exit at the rear of the elevator (n)
second moment of area (n)
second tap (n)
secondary (adj)
secondary air admission (n)
secondary air duct (n)
secondary air fan (n)
secondary air nozzle (n)
secondary air temperature (n)
secondary axis (n)
secondary bio-reactor (n)
secondary breakdown (n)
secondary crusher (n)
secondary crushing plant (n)
secondary data collection (n)
secondary demand (n)
secondary emission (n)
secondary processing time (n)
secondary requirements (n)
secondary winding (n)
section (n)
section drawing (n)
section modulus (n)
section steel beam (n)
sectional area (n)
sectional drawing (n)
sectional header boiler (n)
sectional steel (n)
sectional view (n)
sectional view method (n)
sectoring (n)
secure (adj)
secure (v)
secured (adj)
securing (n)
securing device (n)
security (n)
security of supplies (n)
security of supply (n)
Seebeck effect
Seebeck effect (n)
segment (n)
segmented (adj)
segregate (v)
segregation (n)
seize (v)
seizing wire (n)
select (v)
selectable (adj)
selection bill of material (n)
selective (adj)
selective drainage (n)
selectivity (n)
selector (n)
selector switch (n)
Self-activating seal (static)
self-adjusting (adj)
Self-aligning ball bearing
self-aligning ball bearing (n)
self-aligning bearing (n)
Self-aligning coupling
self-aligning coupling (n)
self-aligning radial ball bearing (n)
self-aligning radial roller bearing (n)
self-aligning roller bearing (n)
self-aligning roller thrust bearing (n)
self-certification (n)
self-check (n)
self-cleaning (adj)
self-correction (n)
self-cutting (adj)
self-cutting screw (n)
self-diagnosis (n)
self-diffusion (n)
self-discharge (n)
self-discharging lorry (n)
self-discharging vehicle (n)
self-driven ... (n)
self-energising (n)
self-excitation (n)
self-excited (adj)
self-excited vibration/oscillation (n)
self-induced vibration/oscillation (n)
self-locking (n)
self-locking condition (n)
self-locking device (n)
self-locking limit (n)
self-locking range (n)
self-lubricating (adj)
self-lubricating bearing (n)
self-lubricating special bearing metal (n)
self-made product (n)
self-powered (n)
self-propelled (n)
self-sealing thread (n)
self-supported (adj)
self-supporting (adj)
self-tapping screw (n)
Self-tapping screws
self-test (n)
self-ventilation (n)
self-wiping (adj)
selling function (n)
semi-automatic (adj)
semi-automatic machine (n)
semi-beam (n)
semi-circular arc (n)
semi-circular area (n)
semi-circular notch (n)
semi-circular path (n)
semi-conductor (n)
semi-crystalline thermoplastic (n)
semi-finished (adj)
semi-finished goods (n)
semi-finished product (n)
semi-fluid friction (n)
semi-generative planning (n)
Semi-permanent seals (static)
semicircle (n)
semicircular grooves (pl)
semiconductor (n)
semiconductor amplifier (n)
semiconductor circuit (n)
semiconductor crystal (n)
semiconductor device (n)
semiconductor diode (n)
semiconductor electronics (n)
semiconductor laser (n)
semiconductor manufacture (n)
semiconductor resistor (n)
semiconductor slice (n)
semiconductor wafer (n)
send (v)
senior chief erector (n)
sense (v)
sense of rotation (n)
sensing (n)
sensing element (n)
sensitive (adj)
sensitive edge (n)
sensitive edge protective device (n)
sensitive protection device (n)
sensitive to (adj)
sensitivity (f)
sensitivity (n)
sensor (n)
sensor bearing (n)
sensor technology (n)
separable ball bearing (n)
separate (v)
separate cooling (n)
separate excitation (n)
separate ventilation (n)
separately driven fan (n)
separately excited (adj)
separating door (n)
separating vessel (n)
separation (n)
separation fracture (n)
separator (n)
separator beam (between adjacent cars) (n)
sequence (n)
sequence chart (n)
sequence control (n)
sequence deviation (n)
sequence of motions (n)
sequence of operations (n)
sequence problem (n)
sequence rule (n)
sequence-based setup time (n)
sequencer (n)
sequencing problem (n)
sequential control (n)
sequential control system (n)
serial number (n)
series (n)
Series assembly
series capacitor (n)
series circuit (n)
series connection (n)
series connection of springs (n)
series formation (n)
series generator (n)
series of measurements (n)
series of preferred numbers (n)
series production (n)
series production/manufacturing (n)
series resistance (n)
series resistor (n)
series spring connection (n)
series-connected (adj)
series-parallel circuit (n)
series-wound machine (n)
series-wound motor (n)
serrate (v)
serrated lock washer (n)
serrated shaft (n)
serrated spline shaft (n)
serrated washer (n)
serration (n)
serve (v)
serve (landings/floors) (v)
service (n)
service (v)
service and maintenance manual (n)
service base (n)
service condition (n)
service conditions (pl)
service cooling water system (n)
service hour metre (n)
service in case of fire (n)
service level (n)
service life (n)
service life coefficient (n)
service life exponent (n)
service lift (n)
service manual (n)
service output (n)
service platform (n)
service quality (n)
service quota (n)
service rate (n)
service temperature (n)
serviceability life (n)
serviceable (adj)
serviceman (n)
servicing (n)
servicing door (n)
servicing opening (n)
servo control (n)
servo valve (n)
servo-hydraulic test machine (n)
servo-hydraulic testing machine (n)
set (n)
set (v)
set of curves (n)
set of gears (n)
set of parts (n)
set of seals (n)
set of taps (n)
set of tools (n)
set of worm wheels (n)
set off (v)
set screw (n)
set time (n)
set tools (v)
set up (v)
set-up (n)
set-up program (n)
set-up time (n)
setpoint characteristic (n)
setpoint value (n)
setscrew (n)
setting (n)
setting accuracy (n)
setting error (n)
setting force losses (pl)
setting knob (n)
setting range (n)
setting screw (n)
setting travel (n)
setting-up microscope (n)
setting-up time (n)
settle (v)
settling tank (n)
setup costs (n)
setup man (n)
setup recovery time (n)
setup time (n)
seven-segment display (n)
severe (adj)
shackle (n)
shackle (of a padlock) (n)
shading (n)
shadow gap (n)
shaft (n)
shaft angle (n)
shaft angle deviation (n)
shaft angle error (n)
shaft axis (n)
shaft calculation (n)
shaft coupling (n)
shaft division screen (n)
shaft division wall (n)
shaft end (n)
shaft extension (n)
shaft guide (n)
shaft installation (n)
shaft journal (n)
shaft lighting (n)
shaft nut (n)
shaft offset (n)
shaft shoulder (n)
shaft tolerance (n)
shaft torque (n)
shaft wiring (n)
shaft-centre distance shaft-center distance (n)
shake (v)
shank (n)
shank cutter (n)
shank diameter (n)
shape (n)
shape (v)
Shape memory alloy
shape memory alloy (n)
shape strength (n)
shape tolerance (n)
shaper (n)
shaping (n)
shaping machine (n)
share (n)
share of opportunity costs (n)
shared (adj)
sharp-cornered (adj)
sharp-edged (adj)
sharpen (v)
shave (v)
shaved (adj)
shaving cutter (n)
shaving horse (n)
shaving tool (n)
shavings (n)
shear (n)
shear (v)
shear action (n)
shear centre (n)
shear decohesion (n)
shear deformation (n)
shear deformation component (n)
shear flow (n)
shear force (n)
shear force diagram (n)
shear force equation (n)
shear load (n)
shear modulus (n)
shear off (v)
shear pin (n)
shear pin coupling (n)
shear rate (n)
shear rigidity (n)
shear strain (n)
shear strain component (n)
shear strength (n)
Shear stress
shear stress (n)
shear stress component (n)
shear stress distribution (n)
shear theory (n)
shear-pin clutch (n)
shear-rigid (adj)
shearing (n)
shearing force equation (n)
shearing load (n)
shearing resistance (n)
shearing strength (n)
shearing stress (n)
shearing stress distribution (n)
sheath (n)
sheath (v)
sheave (n)
sheave shaft (n)
sheet (n)
sheet aluminium (n)
sheet aluminum (n)
sheet covering (n)
sheet metal (n)
sheet metal cage (n)
sheet metal cladding (n)
sheet metal housing (n)
sheet rolling line (n)
sheet size (n)
sheet steel (n)
sheet thickness (n)
sheet-metal enclosure (n)
sheet-metal screw (n)
sheet-metal working (n)
sheet-steel housing (n)
shelf (n)
shelf life (n)
shelf pickers (pl)
shelf rack (n)
Shelf-type racking
shell (n)
shell boiler (n)
shell end mill (n)
shell structure (n)
shell system (n)
shell type boiler (n)
shell-and-tube heat exchanger (n)
shell-type handle (n)
shell-type thread-milling cutter (n)
shellac (n)
sheltered (adj)
Sherardising achieves excellent corrosion protection. During this process, metals are heated with the zinc powder in a drum to temperatures of up to 500°C. Diffusion causes the zinc to alloy with the base material to create the intermetallic phase
shield (n)
shield (v)
shielded (adj)
Shielded arc welding
shielded welding (n)
shielded-arc welding (n)
shielding (n)
shift (n)
shift (v)
shift gear (v)
shift keying (n)
shift out of phase (v)
shifting square (n)
shim (n)
shine (v)
ship (v)
ship's centre of gravity (n)
ship's centreline (n)
shipment (n)
shipping (n)
shipping brace (n)
shipping bracket (n)
shipping company (n)
shipping container (n)
shipping line (n)
shipping note (n)
shipping unit (n)
shipping warehouse (n)
shock (n)
shock aborber spring (n)
shock absorber (n)
shock condition (n)
shock normal (n)
Shock protection
shock protection (n)
shock resistance (n)
shock-proof (adj)
shockproof (adj)
shoe (n)
shoe brake (n)
shoe tester (n)
Shooter actuation
shop (n)
shop drawing (n)
shop order (n)
shop production (n)
shopfloor control (n)
Shore hardness (n)
Shore hardness test
short (v)
short circuit (n)
short run (n)
short run performance (n)
short stroke (adj)
short thread (n)
short to earth (n)
short to frame (n)
short to ground (n)
short wave (n)
short-bed lathe (n)
short-circuit (v)
Short-circuit (electrical engineering)
short-circuit characteristic (n)
short-circuit current (n)
Short-circuit protection
short-circuit protection (n)
short-length thread (n)
short-stroke button (n)
shortage (n)
shorted (adj)
shortening (n)
shortest path algorithm (n)
shortfall (n)
shortlist (n)
shortlisting (n)
shortness (n)
shot-blast (v)
shoulder (n)
shoulder plane (n)
show (v)
shrink (v)
shrink fit (n)
shrink hole (n)
shrink joint (n)
shrink on (v)
shrink stress (n)
shrink test (n)
shrink-fit (v)
shrink-wrapped (adj)
shrink-wrapping (n)
shrinkage (n)
shrinkage crack (n)
shroud (n)
shrouded (adj)
shrunk-on (adj)
shunt (n)
shunt (v)
shunt generator (n)
shut (adj)
shut (v)
shut down (v)
shut off (v)
shut-down (n)
shut-down time (n)
shut-off cock (n)
shut-off valve (n)
shutdown procedure (n)
shutter (n)
shutter valve (n)
shutting movement (n)
shuttle (n)
shuttle (v)
shuttle delivery (n)
shuttle lift (n)
shuttle service (n)
shuttle system (n)
SI (n)
SI system unit (n)
SI unit (n)
sickle spanner (n)
side (n)
side ... (adj)
side acting (adj)
side cutter (n)
side effect (n)
side elevation (n)
side emergency exit (n)
side emergency trap door (n)
Side loader
side loader (n)
side of belt (n)
side rabbet plane (n)
side view (n)
side-cutting pliers (m)
side-hung door (n)
side-milling cutter (n)
sidewalk (n)
siding machine (n)
sieve (n)
sieve (v)
sieve drum (n)
sift (v)
sight check (n)
sight glass (n)
sign (n)
signal (n)
signal (v)
signal amplifier (n)
signal conditioning (n)
signal converter (n)
signal distribution (n)
signal exchange (n)
signal flow (n)
signal generator (n)
signal lamp (n)
signal level (n)
signal processing (n)
signal propagation time (n)
signal resolution (n)
signal transformer (n)
signal-to-crosstalk ratio (n)
signal-to-noise ratio (n)
signalling device (n)
silencer (n)
silencing (adj)
silent (adj)
silica deposit (on turbine blades) (n)
silica removal (n)
silicon (n)
silicon chip (n)
silicon rectifier (n)
silicon slice (n)
silicon transistor (n)
silicon wafer (n)
silicon-controlled rectifier (n)
silicone (n)
sill (n)
sill apron (n)
sill support (n)
silo design (n)
silo wagon with compressed air unloading (n)
silver (n)
silver-plate (v)
similarity planning (n)
similarity theorem (n)
simple (adj)
simplex (adj)
simplex drum brake (n)
simplex intercom system (n)
simplex mode (n)
simplex suction strainer (n)
simplifying assumption (n)
simultaneous (adj)
Simultaneous engineering
sine curve (n)
sine function response (n)
sine response (n)
sine rule (n)
sine-wave oscillation (n)
single automatic operation (n)
single disk machine (n)
single flank tooth-to-tooth composite error (n)
single flank total composite error (n)
single load (n)
single location rack (n)
single location storage (n)
single measured length (n)
single part drawing (n)
single product batch size problem (n)
single rack (n)
single thread milling cutter (n)
Single workstation assembly
single-acting ... (adj)
single-bevel groove weld (n)
single-block brake (n)
single-button collective control (n)
single-circuit braking system (n)
single-column construction (n)
single-column machine (n)
single-column milling machine (n)
single-conductor cable (n)
single-core ... (adj)
single-core barrel (n)
single-disc brake (n)
single-hand operation (n)
single-head wrench (n)
single-layer ... (adj)
single-link transport chain (n)
Single-Minute Exchange of Die
single-pass (adj)
single-pass boiler (n)
single-phase ... (adj)
single-phase a.c. (n)
single-phase alternating current (n)
Single-phase asynchronous machine
single-phase asynchronous motor (n)
single-phase induction motor (n)
single-phase region (n)
single-ply ... (adj)
single-pole ... (adj)
single-product flow production (n)
single-purpose machine (n)
single-purpose machine tool (n)
single-purpose milling machine (n)
single-row axial angular ball bearing (n)
single-row axial angular ball bearings (n)
single-row deep groove ball bearing (n)
single-row deep groove ball bearings (n)
single-shaft arrangement (n)
single-shear rivet connection (n)
single-shear rivet joint (n)
single-shear riveted joint (n)
single-sheet system (n)
single-shoe brake (n)
single-speed ... (adj)
single-spindle machine (n)
single-stage distribution (n)
single-stage marketing (n)
single-throw switch (n)
single-thrust ball bearing (n)
single-use part (n)
single-V butt weld (n)
single-vee groove weld with root face (n)
single-wagon traffic (n)
sink (n)
sink area (n)
sinking bucket (n)
sinking kibble (n)
sinter (v)
sintered (adj)
sintered metal (n)
sintering (n)
sinusoidal (e.g. characteristic) (adj)
sinusoidal oscillation (n)
sinusoidal response (n)
site (n)
site assembly (n)
site inspection (n)
site installation (n)
site of installation (n)
site of service (n)
site plan (n)
site planning (n)
site selection (n)
site visit (n)
siting (n)
siting decisions (n)
situation (n)
six-row linear guide unit (n)
sixth of a circular arc (n)
size (n)
size (v)
size allowance (n)
size coefficient (n)
size deviation (n)
size effect (n)
size factor (n)
size of production run (n)
size tolerance (n)
sizing drum (n)
skate (n)
sketch (n)
skew (adj)
skew (n)
skid (n)
skid-proof (adj)
skid-resistant (adj)
skidding risk (n)
skill (n)
skilled operator (n)
skilled worker (n)
skilling (n)
skin (n)
skin construction (n)
skin friction (n)
skin plate (n)
skip (v)
skirt guard (n)
skirting (n)
skirting board (n)
skylight (n)
slab (n)
slack (adj)
slack chain device (n)
slack point (n)
slack rope device (n)
slack side (n)
slacken (v)
slag (n)
slag (tube) screen (n)
slag resistance (n)
slagging (n)
slampost (n)
slat conveyor (n)
slave station (n)
slaving (n)
sleeve (n)
sleeve joint (n)
sleeve spring (n)
sleeve spring pressure (n)
slender (adj)
slenderness ratio (n)
slew (v)
slew motor (n)
slewing angle (n)
Slewing crane
slewing crane (n)
slewing gear (n)
slewing jib (n)
Slewing unit
slice (n)
slicer (n)
slide (n)
slide (v)
slide bush (n)
slide caliper (n)
slide control (n)
slide gate valve (n)
slide guide (n)
slide motion (n)
slide nut (n)
slide projection (n)
slide rest (n)
slide switch (n)
slide valve gear (n)
slide-in chassis (n)
slide-in unit (n)
slider (n)
slider-crank gear (n)
slider-crank toggle mechanism (n)
slideway (n)
slideway (rolling mill) (n)
sliding (n)
sliding bevel (n)
sliding bushing (n)
sliding claw (n)
sliding collar (n)
sliding contact (n)
sliding door (n)
sliding feather key (n)
sliding fit (n)
sliding friction (n)
sliding guide shoes (pl)
sliding key (n)
sliding motion (n)
sliding path (n)
sliding rail (n)
sliding shoe (n)
sliding shuttering (n)
sliding sleeve (n)
Sliding sorter
sliding sorter (n)
sliding surface (n)
sliding switch (n)
sliding velocity (n)
sliding-roof wagon (n)
sliding-wall wagon (n)
slim (adj)
sling (n)
sling (v)
sling device (n)
sling rope (n)
Sling-wire rope
sling-wire rope (n)
slinging rope (n)
slip (n)
slip (v)
slip clutch (n)
slip friction (n)
slip joint (n)
slip off (v)
slip plane (n)
slip ring (n)
slip socket (n)
slip torque (n)
slip-fit ... (adj)
slip-in guide (n)
slip-proof (adj)
slip-ring induction motor (n)
slip-ring starter (n)
slip-ring type induction motor (n)
slipping (n)
slit (v)
slitter-winder (for paper) (n)
slop oil (n)
slope (n)
slope (v)
slope angle (n)
sloped rear wall section (n)
sloping (adj)
slot (n)
slot (v)
slot cutter (n)
slot proximity switch (n)
slot wedge (n)
slot-type initiator (n)
slotted (adj)
slotted fillister head screw (n)
slotted nut (n)
slotted pan-head screw (n)
slotted washer (n)
slotted-head screw (n)
slotter (n)
slotting (n)
slotting machine (n)
slotting saw (n)
slow (adj)
slow seller (n)
slow-acting (adj)
slow-blow ... (adj)
slow-down device (n)
slow-down speed (n)
slow-moving item (n)
slowdown (n)
slowdown initiation (n)
slowdown switch (n)
slowing down (n)
slowing switch (n)
slowing-down path (n)
slown down (v)
sludge (n)
sluggish (adj)
sluice gate (n)
small accessories (pl)
small component (n)
small container handling system (n)
small items kit (n)
Small load carriers
small part (n)
small parts (pl)
small parts storage area (n)
small structure (n)
small-lot production (n)
small-parts container (n)
Small-roller conveyor
small-roller conveyor (n)
small-scale construction (n)
small-scale production (n)
smoke detection and fire alarm system (n)
smoke detector (n)
smooth (adj)
smooth (v)
smooth component (n)
smooth running (n)
smooth running performance (n)
smooth start (n)
smooth starter (n)
smooth-running (adj)
smoothing (n)
smoothing constant (n)
smoothing factor (n)
smoothing parameter (n)
smoothing plane (n)
SMT (n)
snap (v)
snap fastening (n)
snap gage (n)
snap gauge (n)
snap in (v)
snap in place (v)
snap into place (v)
snap lock (n)
snap ring (n)
snap ring notch (n)
snap rings (n)
snap-action contact (n)
snap-action switch (n)
snap-in fastening (n)
snap-on mounting (n)
snarl chip (n)
snubber (n)
snug (adj)
snug fit (n)
snug-fitting (adj)
soak (v)
soap mill (n)
socket (n)
socket connector (n)
socket for wire rope (n)
socket joint (n)
socket outlet (n)
socket outlet with earthing contact (n)
socket spanner (n)
socket wrench (n)
sodium (n)
soft (adj)
Soft annealing
soft annealing (n)
soft iron (n)
soft solder (n)
Soft soldering
soft soldering (n)
soft start (n)
soft starter (n)
soft steel (n)
soft-iron armature core (n)
softening (n)
soil (n)
soil (v)
soiling (n)
Solar cell
solar cell (n)
solder (n)
solder (v)
solder to (v)
solder wire (n)
soldered connection (n)
Soldered joint
soldering (n)
soldering bit (n)
soldering fracture (n)
soldering gun (n)
Soldering guns and spot welding equipment - despite its low efficiency, some devices are designed with power matching because of the short periods for which they are in operation. This makes it possible to design smaller and lighter components, which make
soldering iron (n)
soldering joint (n)
soldering tag (n)
soldering terminal (n)
soldering tin (n)
soldering wire (n)
solenoid (n)
solenoid actuator (n)
solenoid switch (n)
solenoid valve (n)
solenoid-operated switch (n)
soleplate (n)
solid (adj)
solid (n)
solid body (n)
solid cage (n)
solid cylinder (n)
solid friction (n)
solid line (n)
Solid lubricant
solid lubricant (n)
solid material (n)
solid matter (pl)
solid of revolution (n)
solid piston (n)
solid sealant (n)
solid shaft (n)
solid solubility (n)
solid solution (n)
solid solution hardening (n)
solid stock (n)
solid wood edge joining machine (n)
solid-borne noise (n)
solid-logic technology (n)
solid-state ... (adj)
solid-state circuit (n)
solid-state electronics (n)
solid-state laser (n)
solid-state physics (n)
solid-wall design (n)
solid-wall system (n)
solidification (n)
solids (pl)
solubility (n)
soluble (adj)
solution (n)
solution annealing (n)
solution heat treatment (n)
solution variant (n)
solvent (n)
Sommerfeld coefficient (n)
Sommerfeld number (n)
sonic speed (n)
sootblower control (n)
sootblower crankhandle for emergency retraction (n)
sootblower lance tip (n)
sootblower retract mechanism (n)
sootblower sectioning valve (n)
sootblower stroke length (n)
sootblowing steam (n)
sootblowing system (n)
sort production (n)
Sorting system
sorting system (n)
sorting table (n)
sound (adj)
sound (n)
sound (v)
sound (gong (v)
sound absorber (n)
sound absorption (n)
sound absorption coefficient (n)
sound aperture (n)
sound attenuation (n)
sound damping (n)
Sound insulation
sound insulation (n)
sound intensity (n)
sound level (n)
sound power (n)
sound power level (n)
sound pressure (n)
Sound pressure level
sound pressure level (n)
sound propagation (n)
sound reduction index (n)
sound spectrum (n)
sound technology (n)
sound testing (n)
sound transmission loss (n)
sound travel time (n)
sound velocity (n)
sound-absorbing (adj)
sound-level meter (n)
sound-proof (adj)
sound-proofing agent (n)
soundproofing (n)
source (n)
source of energy (n)
source of error (n)
sourcing data (n)
sourcing type (n)
space (n)
space centrode (n)
space diagram (n)
space in-between (n)
space required (n)
space requirement (n)
space-saving (adj)
spacer (n)
spacer bushing (n)
spacer pin (n)
spacer ring (n)
spacer sleeve (n)
spacer washer (n)
spacing (n)
spacing between bearings (n)
spacing clamp (n)
spacing clip (n)
spaghetti of cables (n)
span (n)
span (v)
span bar (n)
spanner (n)
spanner radius (n)
spar varnish (n)
spare (n)
spare (v)
spare battery (n)
spare part (n)
sparger (brewery) (n)
spark (n)
spark erosion (n)
spark machining (n)
spatial bearing (n)
spatial system of sources (n)
spatially fixed axis (n)
spatter (n)
special break service (n)
Special cast iron
special design (n)
special freight (n)
special thread (n)
special transmission (n)
special-purpose machine (n)
special-purpose motor (n)
special-purpose thread (n)
specialised retail trade (n)
specific angle of torsion (n)
specific angle of twist (n)
specific electrical resistance (n)
specification (n)
specification error (n)
specification sheet (n)
specifications (n)
specifications (pl)
specified (adj)
specified time (n)
specify (v)
specimen (n)
spectacles (f)
spectrum (noises) (n)
speech connection (n)
speech synthesizer (n)
speed (n)
speed adjustment (n)
speed catchup time (n)
speed change (n)
speed characteristic (n)
speed coefficient (n)
speed component (n)
Speed control
speed control (n)
speed control range (n)
speed controller (n)
speed curve (n)
speed drop (n)
speed flow (n)
speed governing (n)
speed governor (n)
speed increase (n)
speed indicator (n)
speed limit (n)
speed limiter (n)
speed line (n)
speed measurement (n)
Speed metrology
speed metrology (n)
speed of light (n)
speed of rotation (n)
speed of sound (n)
speed pattern (n)
speed range (n)
speed ratio (n)
speed reducer (n)
speed reduction (n)
speed reduction gear (n)
speed reduction ratio (n)
speed regulator (n)
speed rise (n)
speed selector (n)
speed setting (n)
speed up (v)
speed variation (n)
Speed-actuated friction clutch
speed-dependent (adj)
speed-increasing gear (n)
speed-increasing ratio reduction gearing (n)
speed-reducing gear (n)
speed-reducing ratio (n)
speed-time law (n)
speed-time line (n)
speeding up (n)
speedy (adj)
spelter (n)
sphere (n)
sphere of action (n)
sphere of influence (n)
spherical (adj)
spherical bearing (n)
spherical bearing requiring maintenance (n)
spherical cap (n)
Spherical roller thrust bearing
spherical storage tank (n)
spherical washer (n)
spherical-roller bearing (n)
spheroidal graphite (n)
spheroidal graphite cast iron (n)
spider (n)
spin (n)
spin (v)
spindle (n)
spindle bearing (n)
spindle drive efficiency (n)
spindle head (n)
spindle mounting (n)
spindle return motion (n)
spindle sleeve (n)
spindle slide (n)
spindle speed (n)
spiral (adj)
spiral (n)
Spiral bevel gear
spiral bevel gear (n)
spiral conveyor (n)
spiral gear (n)
spiral spring (n)
spiral-flute counterbore (n)
spirit level (n)
splash edge of sealing ring (n)
splash lubrication (n)
splash oil (n)
splash water (n)
splash-proof (adj)
splashwater (n)
splice (n)
splice (v)
splice plate (n)
spliced joint (n)
spline (n)
spline milling (n)
Spline shaft
spline shaft (n)
splined shaft (n)
Splined shaft connection
splines (n)
splineshaft (n)
splining (n)
split (adj)
split (v)
Split coupling
split coupling (n)
split pin (n)
splitter (n)
splitting (n)
spokeshave (n)
sponsored research (n)
spool (n)
spot (n)
spot of rupture (n)
spot weld (n)
spot welding (n)
spot-weld (v)
spot-welded (adj)
spotlight (n)
Sprag clutch
spray (v)
spray attemperation (n)
spray attemperator (n)
spray casting (n)
Spray forming
spray forming (n)
spray water control valve (n)
spread (v)
spread out (v)
spreader (n)
spreader feeding (n)
spring (n)
spring balance (n)
spring bias (n)
spring buffer (n)
spring characteristic (n)
spring clamp (n)
spring clip (n)
spring collet chuck (n)
spring compression (n)
spring constant (n)
spring contact (n)
Spring coupling
spring cup (n)
spring deflection (n)
spring diagram (n)
spring diameter (n)
spring drive (n)
spring energy (n)
spring excursion (n)
spring force (n)
spring force diagram (n)
spring joint (n)
spring load-deflection curve (n)
spring lock washer (n)
spring manometer (n)
spring mechanism (n)
spring pressure gage (n)
spring pressure gauge (n)
spring rate (n)
spring return (n)
spring scale (n)
Spring steel
spring steel (n)
spring stiffness (n)
spring suspension (n)
Spring system
spring tension (n)
spring torque (n)
spring travel (n)
spring type buffer (n)
spring washer (n)
Spring work
spring-actuated (adj)
spring-cushion (v)
spring-cushioned (adj)
spring-loaded (adj)
spring-loaded terminal (n)
Spring-mass system
spring-mass system (n)
spring-mass-damper model (n)
sprinkle (v)
sprinkler head (n)
sprinkler system (n)
sprocket (n)
sprocket chain (n)
spudder (n)
spur (n)
Spur gear
spur gear (n)
spur gear hob (n)
spur gearing (n)
spur gears (n)
square (adj)
square (n)
square butt weld (n)
square file (n)
square nut (n)
square pipe (n)
square root (n)
square spanner (n)
square steel (n)
square stock (n)
square thread (n)
square wave (n)
square-head bolt (n)
square-wave pulse (n)
squared timber pieces (pl)
squareness (n)
squeeze (v)
squeeze point (n)
squirrel-cage motor (n)
squirrel-cage rotor (n)
stability (n)
stability curve (n)
stability equation (n)
stability moment (n)
stability problem (n)
stabilization (n)
stabilize (v)
stabilizer (n)
stable (adj)
stable (in the case of a ship) floating position (n)
stable equilibrium (n)
stable floating position (n)
stable floating position (in the case of a ship) (n)
stable state (n)
stack (n)
stack (v)
stack height (n)
stack mouth height (n)
stacker (n)
stacker control system (n)
stacker crane (n)
stacking fault (n)
stacking machine (pl)
stage (n)
stage of construction (n)
stage of implementation (n)
stage-related problem (n)
staggerd spot welding (n)
staggered (adj)
stain (n)
stain (v)
stainless (adj)
stainless steel (n)
stainless steel sheet metal (n)
stainless-steel cladding (n)
stair saw (n)
stair-builder's saw (n)
staircase lift (n)
Staircase method
staircase method (n)
staircase platform lift (n)
staircase seat lift (n)
stairlift (n)
stall (engine) (v)
stalled-rotor torque (n)
stamp (v)
stamping (n)
stamping press (n)
stamping tool (n)
stand (n)
stand (v)
stand-alone mode (n)
stand-by channel (n)
stand-by generator set (n)
stand-by mode (n)
stand-by unit (n)
standard (adj)
standard (n)
standard acceleration (n)
standard acceleration of free fall (n)
standard adjustment (n)
standard air freight (n)
standard component (n)
standard container (n)
standard delivery round (n)
standard design (n)
standard deviation (n)
standard electrode potential (n)
standard force of gravity (n)
standard gravitational acceleration (n)
standard instrument (n)
standard lettering (n)
standard lift (n)
standard measure (n)
standard motor (n)
standard normal distribution (n)
standard number (n)
standard output (n)
standard performance (n)
standard screw (n)
standard setting (n)
standard size (n)
standard specification (n)
standard thread (n)
standard time (n)
standard times calculation (n)
standard tolerance (n)
standard V-belt (n)
standard value (n)
standard version (n)
standard-dimensioned motor (n)
standardisation (n)
standardisation rate (n)
standardised normal distribution (n)
standardization (n)
standardize (v)
standardized (adj)
standardized lift (n)
standby bus (n)
standby electrical supply (n)
standby generating set (n)
standby generator (n)
standby operation (n)
standby plant (n)
standby power (n)
standby power supply (n)
standby power unit (n)
standby service (n)
standby supply (n)
standby unit (n)
standing surface (n)
standstill (n)
staple (n)
staple fastening (n)
star connection (n)
star handle (n)
star knob (n)
star screen (n)
star transport system (n)
Star washer
star wheel (n)
starch (n)
starscreen (n)
start (n)
start (v)
start button (n)
start date (n)
start inhibit (n)
start interlock (n)
start of production (n)
start of series production (n)
start of slip (n)
start of yielding (n)
start up (v)
start-up (n)
start-up (bypass) system (n)
start-up coupling (n)
start-up flash tank (n)
start-up gate valve (n)
start-up process (n)
start-up system (n)
start-up time (n)
starter (n)
starter switch (n)
starting (n)
starting angle (n)
starting at no load (n)
starting block (n)
starting capacitor (n)
starting chamfer (n)
starting characteristic (n)
starting characteristics (n)
starting circuit (n)
starting condition (n)
starting current (n)
starting efficiency (n)
starting friction (n)
starting lever (n)
starting lock-out (n)
starting position (n)
starting power (n)
starting pulse (n)
starting sequence control (n)
starting service (n)
starting switch (n)
starting tap (n)
starting torque (n)
starting voltage (n)
starting winding (n)
starting-current surge (n)
startup (n)
startup chamfer (n)
startup instructions (n)
startup manual (n)
state (n)
state (v)
state diagram (n)
state of aggregation (solid, liquid, gaseous) (n)
state of balance (n)
State of equilibrium
state of equilibrium (n)
state of motion (n)
State of plane stress
state of plane stress (n)
state of rest (n)
state of the art (n)
statement (n)
static (adj)
static block rack (n)
static converter drive (n)
Static determinacy
static determinacy (n)
static electricity (n)
static eliminator (n)
Static friction
static friction (n)
static friction coefficient (n)
static friction force (n)
static load (n)
static load capacity (n)
static load rating (n)
static load safety (n)
static loading (n)
static pressure (n)
static pressure head (n)
Static rack storage
static rack storage (n)
static racking (n)
static radial load (n)
static retrieval (n)
static spring force (n)
static strength (n)
static stress (n)
static stress failure (n)
static structural safety (n)
Static tensile strength
static torque (n)
statically indeterminate (adj)
Statics of rigid bodies
statics of rigid bodies (n)
station time (n)
stationarity (n)
stationary (adj)
stationary engineer (n)
stationary flow (n)
stationary gear (n)
stationary head (n)
stationary picking (n)
stationary scanners (n)
stationary stress (n)
statistical analysis (n)
statistical evaluation (n)
statistical parameter (n)
statistical value (n)
statistics (n)
stator (n)
stator winding (n)
status (n)
status indicator (n)
Stauffer lubricator (n)
stay (n)
steady bearing (n)
steady rest (n)
steady-state behaviour (n)
steady-state deviation (n)
Steady-state response
steady-state response (n)
steam (n)
steam accumulator (n)
Steam Boiler Code (n)
steam boiler engineering (n)
steam boilermaking (n)
steam coil (n)
steam conditioning station (n)
steam converter (n)
steam drum (n)
steam generating tube (n)
steam header (n)
steam inlet header (n)
steam inlet pressure (n)
steam mains (n)
steam moisture (n)
steam pressure reducing and desuperheating station (n)
steam purity (n)
steam range (n)
steam reformer (n)
steam sample cooler (n)
steam sampling (n)
steam sampling point (n)
steam sampling valve (n)
steam space loading (n)
steam strainer (n)
steam velocity (n)
steam wetness (n)
steel (n)
steel bar (n)
steel cable (n)
steel channel (n)
steel conduit pipe thread (n)
steel conduit thread (n)
steel construction (n)
steel framework (n)
steel grade (n)
steel hardening (n)
steel insert (n)
steel mesh (n)
steel pipe (n)
steel plate (n)
steel rail (n)
steel reinforcements (n)
steel sections (n)
steel sections (pl)
steel sheet (n)
steel shot cleaning plant (n)
steel shutter (n)
steel smelting process (n)
steel structure (n)
steel tape (n)
steel tube (n)
steel tubing (n)
steel wire rope (n)
steel-reinforcing rod (n)
steelwork (n)
steep (adj)
steer (v)
steering roller (n)
steering-arm gear (n)
Steiner's theorem (n)
stell skin (n)
stem (n)
stencil (n)
step (n)
step (v)
step down (v)
step irons (n)
step motor (n)
step profile (n)
Step response
step response (n)
step tap (n)
step-back welding (n)
step-down gearing (n)
step-down gears (n)
step-down transformer (n)
step-function response (n)
step-on ... (adj)
step-up gearing (n)
stepless (adj)
stepped (n)
Stepper motor
stepper motor (n)
stepping (n)
stepping motor (n)
stepping rate (n)
stereo lithography (n)
stereometry (n)
stick (n)
stick (v)
stick to (v)
stick-slip (n)
sticker (n)
stiff (adj)
stiffen (v)
stiffening (n)
stiffness (n)
stiffness distribution (n)
stimulate (v)
stimulation (n)
stimulus-response compatibility (n)
stipulated (adj)
stirrup (n)
stirrup bolt (n)
STL interface
stochastic approach (n)
stochastic processing time (n)
stock allowance (n)
stock costs (n)
stock coverage for a given period (n)
stock determination (n)
stock feed (n)
stock level triggering order placement (n)
stock level triggering procurement (n)
stock procurement (n)
stock removal (n)
stock removal strategy (n)
Stock retrieval
stock rotation (n)
stock transfer (n)
stock-keeping concept (n)
stocking strategy (n)
stockkeeping (n)
stockkeeping strategy (n)
stockout percentage (n)
stockpiling (n)
stoker-fired boiler (n)
stop (n)
stop (v)
stop bar (n)
stop boss (n)
stop collar (n)
stop dog (n)
stop gate (n)
stop lever (n)
stop lug (n)
stop motion lever (n)
stop pin (n)
stop plate (n)
stop point (n)
stop rail (n)
stop switch (n)
stop valve (n)
stop-and-go conveyor (n)
stopcock (n)
stoppage (n)
stopping (n)
stopping accuracy (n)
stopping device (n)
stopping distance (n)
stopping performance monitor (n)
stops per hour (n)
storage (n)
storage aid (n)
storage and retrieval function (n)
storage and retrieval unit (n)
storage and retrieval unit for high-bay warehouse (pl)
storage area-related picking (n)
storage battery (n)
storage capacitor (n)
storage capacity (n)
storage concept (n)
storage costs (n)
storage function (n)
storage life (n)
storage location (n)
storage space assignment strategy (n)
storage strategy (n)
Storage system
storage system (n)
storage unit (n)
store (n)
storeroom (n)
stove (n)
stove enamelling (n)
stove-enamel coating (n)
stove-enamelled (adj)
Straddle carrier
straddle carrier (n)
Straddle truck
straddle truck (n)
straight (n)
straight bevel gear (n)
straight impact (n)
straight line (n)
straight member (n)
straight pin (n)
straight teeth (n)
straight torsion bar (n)
Straight-line guide
Straight-line guide with flat mating surfaces
straight-line motion (n)
straight-lined (adj)
straight-tooth gear (n)
straightness (n)
strain (n)
strain (v)
strain amplitude (n)
strain cycling (n)
strain energy (n)
strain gage (n)
Strain gauge
strain gauge (n)
strain hardening (n)
strain hypothesis (n)
strain pattern (n)
strain profile (n)
strain relief (n)
Strain tensor
strain tensor (n)
strain variation diagram (n)
strain-bearing member (n)
strain-relief clamp (n)
strainer (n)
strainer inset (n)
strand (n)
strand (v)
strand side (n)
stranded conductor (n)
stranded wire (n)
strap (n)
strap brake (n)
strapping (n)
strategic product planning (n)
stream (n)
strength (n)
strength analysis (n)
strength calculation (n)
strength category (n)
strength distribution (n)
strength of materials (n)
strength test (n)
Strength testing
strength testing (n)
strength value (n)
strengthen (v)
strengthening (n)
stress (n)
stress (v)
stress amplitude (n)
stress analysis (n)
stress concentration (n)
stress corrosion cracking (n)
stress crack (n)
stress cross-section (n)
stress cycle (n)
stress cycle limit (n)
stress distribution (n)
stress hypothesis (n)
stress intensity factor (n)
stress on a beam (n)
stress pattern (n)
stress peak (n)
stress profile (n)
stress relieving (n)
stress resultant (n)
Stress resultants
stress reversal (n)
Stress tensor
stress tensor (n)
stress vector (n)
Stress-corrosion cracking
stress-number curve (n)
Stress-relaxation test
Stress-relief annealing
stress-relief heat treatment (n)
stress-relieved (adj)
stress-strain curve (n)
stress-strain diagram (n)
stress-strain hysteresis curve (n)
Stress-time function
stress-time function (n)
stretch (v)
Stretch forming
stretch forming (n)
stretch-forming (n)
stretching (n)
striation (n)
Stribeck curve (n)
strike (v)
striker (n)
striking speed (n)
stringent (adj)
strip (n)
strip (v)
strip aluminium (n)
strip aluminum (n)
strip bending machine (n)
strip chart (n)
strip feeding and guiding system (welding) (n)
strip off (v)
strip out (v)
strip paint (v)
strip rolling mill (n)
strip shears (n)
strip steel (n)
strip terminal (n)
strip weld cladding (n)
stripped (adj)
stripper (f)
stripper (n)
stripping (n)
stripping tongs (f)
stroke (n)
stroke displacement machine (n)
stroke distance (n)
stroke length (n)
stroke rate (n)
stroke ratio (n)
stroke volume (n)
strong (adj)
structural (adj)
structural ceramics (n)
structural change (n)
structural component (n)
structural element (n)
structural material (n)
structural overview (n)
structural safety (n)
structural safety analysis (n)
Structural steel
structural steel (n)
structural strength (n)
structural-noise factor (n)
structure (n)
structure-borne noise (n)
structure-borne noise factor (n)
structure-borne sound (n)
strut (n)
strut (v)
strutting (n)
stud (n)
stud (arc) welding (n)
Stud bolt
stud bolt (n)
stud gun (n)
studding (n)
study (v)
Stuffing box
stuffing box (n)
style (n)
style (v)
styling (n)
stylus (n)
sub-function (n)
sub-zero temperature (n)
sub-zoning (n)
subassembly (n)
subassembly drawing (n)
subassembly manufacturer (n)
subchannel (n)
subcontracted manufacturing (n)
subcontracting (n)
subdueing (n)
subject to (v)
subject to change (n)
subject to change without notice (n)
subject to change without prior notice (n)
subject to notification (adj)
submerge (v)
Submerged arc welding: Submerged arc welding is primarily an automated process in which the electric arc burns hidden from view under an endless electrode. The electric arc and molten pool are covered by a rough grain powder, which forms a protective weld
submerged-arc welding (n)
submersed motor (n)
submersible pump (n)
submersion priming (n)
subordinate (adj)
subrack (n)
subscript (n)
subsequent data (n)
substance (n)
substitute (n)
substitute (v)
substitute material (n)
substitution (n)
substitution error (n)
substitutional solid solution (n)
substrate (n)
substructure (n)
subterranean (adj)
subzero treatment (n)
successful result (n)
successor model (n)
suck off (v)
suction cup (n)
suction forming (n)
suction line (n)
Suction moulding
suction moulding (n)
suction pad (n)
suction side (n)
suction strainer (n)
suction valve (n)
suicide circuit (n)
suicide control (n)
suit (v)
suitability for welding (n)
suitable (adj)
suitable for hot work (adj)
suite (n)
sulfur (n)
sulphur (n)
summands method (n)
summarized bill of material (n)
summarized BOM (n)
summary (n)
summation formula (n)
summation function (n)
sump (n)
sump lubrication (n)
sun gear (n)
super-finish (v)
superalloy (n)
superconducting (adj)
superconduction (n)
superconductivity (n)
superconductor (n)
supercooling (v)
superfinish (n)
superimpose (v)
superimposed (adj)
superimposition (n)
superposed (adj)
superposition (n)
superposition principle (n)
superposition theorem (n)
superstructure (n)
supervise (v)
supervising authority (n)
supervision (n)
supervisor (n)
supervisory authority (n)
supervisory console (n)
supervisory system (n)
supplied by others (adj)
supplier (n)
supplier chain (n)
supplier evaluation (n)
supplier flexibility (n)
supplier portfolio (n)
supplier selection (n)
supply (n)
supply (v)
supply capability (n)
Supply chain management
supply end (n)
supply flexibility (n)
supply inventory (n)
supply line (n)
Supply lines
supply lines (n)
supply of electrical energy (n)
supply of materials (n)
supply quality (n)
supply service (n)
supply services (n)
supply side (n)
supply source (n)
supply system (n)
supply temperature (n)
supply voltage (n)
support (n)
support (v)
support beam (n)
support cable (n)
Support cable (conveying technology)
support cross-section (n)
support force calculation (n)
support girder (n)
support post (n)
support pressure (n)
support reaction (n)
support ring (n)
support structure (n)
support table (n)
Support type
support type (n)
supporting (adj)
supporting bearing (n)
supporting force (n)
supporting force component (n)
supporting frame (n)
supporting framework (n)
supporting header (n)
supporting hook (n)
supporting messenger (n)
supporting rail (n)
supporting roller (n)
supporting structure (n)
supporting surface (n)
suppress (v)
suppress interference (v)
suppression circuit (n)
suppression of noise (n)
supraconduction (n)
surface (n)
surface broaching machine (n)
surface calculation (n)
surface coating (n)
surface coefficient (n)
surface condition (n)
surface condition factor (n)
surface corrosion (n)
surface crack (n)
surface crack test (n)
surface cutting (n)
surface defect (n)
surface density of charge (n)
Surface deviation
surface deviation (n)
surface effect (n)
surface energy (n)
surface finish (n)
surface finish symbol (n)
Surface finishing
surface finishing (n)
surface force (n)
surface friction (n)
surface grinder (n)
surface grinding (n)
surface grinding machine (n)
surface hardening (n)
surface hardness (n)
surface imperfection (n)
surface influence (n)
surface installation (n)
Surface mapping: Methods based on light microscopy use bright-field or dark-field illumination and have a maximum magnification factor of approx. 1,000 x. A scanning electron microscope, on the other hand, offers far higher magnification (approx. 5
Surface metrology
surface metrology (n)
surface milling (n)
surface mounting (n)
surface mounting technology (n)
surface of action (n)
surface of liquid (n)
surface on which pressure is exerted (n)
surface parameter (n)
surface phenomenon (n)
surface planing (n)
surface pressure (n)
surface profile (n)
surface quality (n)
Surface resistance
surface resistance (n)
surface roughness (n)
Surface roughness metrology: The aim is to record the micro/nanogeometry of technical surfaces. It is also possible to determine the deviation between an actual surface and an ideal target surface. Given that different measurements produce differen
surface socket (n)
surface stress (n)
surface symbol (n)
surface tension (n)
surface treatment (n)
surface treatment technology (n)
surface wiring (n)
surface-mounted device (n)
surface-mounted switch (n)
surge (n)
surge current (n)
surge voltage (n)
surplus production (n)
surround (n)
surroundings (n)
surveillance (n)
survey (n)
survival probability (n)
susceptibility (n)
susceptibility of failure (n)
susceptible to faults (adj)
suspend (v)
suspended (adj)
suspended ceiling (n)
suspended crane (n)
suspended luminaire (n)
suspended pushbutton panel (n)
suspension (n)
suspension bracket (n)
suspension cable (n)
suspension chain (n)
suspension cradle (n)
suspension device (n)
suspension eyelet (n)
suspension hook (n)
suspension points (pl)
suspension principle (n)
suspension railroad (n)
suspension rope (n)
suspension ropes jumping off their grooves if slack (n)
suspension ropes leaving their grooves if slack (n)
suspension spring (n)
suspension-rope anchorage (n)
sustain (v)
sustained chain lift (n)
sustained load (n)
sustained loading (n)
sustained short-circuit current (n)
swaging (n)
swap bodies (n)
swap body (n)
swarf (n)
sway (v)
swell (v)
swim (v)
swing (n)
swing (v)
swing door (n)
swing-hammer crusher (n)
swing-out (adj)
swing-out ... (adj)
swipe card (n)
swirl (n)
swirl-vane assy (n)
switch (n)
switch (v)
switch in (v)
switch lever (n)
switch off (v)
switch on (v)
switch over (v)
switch through (v)
switchable (adj)
switchboard (n)
switchbox (n)
switched off (adj)
switched-mode power supply (n)
switchgear (n)
switchgear (pl)
switching (n)
switching amplifier (n)
switching angle (n)
switching capacity (n)
switching characteristics (pl)
switching circuit (n)
switching cycle (n)
switching device (n)
switching element (n)
switching frequency (n)
switching hysteresis (n)
switching instant (n)
switching interval (n)
switching off (n)
switching operation (n)
switching performance (n)
switching point (n)
switching pulse (n)
switching sequence chart (n)
switching system (n)
switching time (n)
switching transistor (n)
switching variable (n)
swivel (v)
swivel arm (n)
swivel axis (n)
swivel bearing (n)
swivel hook (n)
swivel joint (n)
swivel vise (n)
swivelling (adj)
sword (n)
symbol (n)
symmetry (n)
symmetry plane (n)
synchro (n)
synchro telescopic jack (n)
synchronisation (n)
synchronisation time (n)
synchronising time (n)
synchronous (adj)
synchronous belt (n)
Synchronous machine
synchronous machine (n)
synchronous motor (n)
synchronous operation (n)
synthetic (adj)
synthetic determination of times (n)
synthetic material (n)
system (n)
system breakdown (n)
system compatibility (n)
system crash (n)
system damping (machine tool) (n)
system disturbance (n)
system earth (PE) (n)
system failure (n)
system of equations (n)
system of fits (n)
system of forces (n)
system perturbation (n)
system requirements (n)
system security (n)
system voltage drop (n)
systematic composite numbering system (n)
T section (n)
T slot (n)
T strip (n)
T-butt joint (n)
T-head bolt (n)
T-head slot (n)
T-headed bolt (n)
T-joint (n)
T-slot (n)
T-slot cutter (n)
T-square (n)
tab washer (n)
table (n)
table (frames) (n)
table clamping (n)
table rotation (n)
table saddle (n)
table slide (n)
table-top model (n)
table-top unit (n)
tacho-generator (n)
tachogenerator (n)
tachometer (n)
tachometer generator (n)
tack riveting (n)
tack weld (n)
tack welding (n)
tackle (v)
tackle-line (n)
tactile button (n)
tactile response (n)
tactile sensor (n)
tail (n)
tail gas heater (n)
tail vise (n)
tail-heavy (adj)
tail-lift (n)
tailor made (n)
tailor-made (adj)
tailstock (n)
tailstock quill (n)
tailstock sleeve (n)
tailstock spindle sleeve (n)
take (v)
take a bearing (v)
take apart (v)
take off (v)
take out (v)
take precautions (n)
take remedial action (n)
take up (v)
take-down time (n)
take-off point (of chain) (n)
talk-through device (n)
tamper prevention (n)
tamper-proof (adj)
tamper-resistant (adj)
tandem access (n)
tandem roller guide shoe (n)
tandem travelling cable (n)
tandem-compound arrangement (n)
tangent function (n)
tangential (n)
tangential acceleration (n)
tangential component of acceleration (n)
tangential deceleration (n)
tangential force (n)
tangential force-path diagram (n)
tangential size (n)
tangential stress (n)
tank (n)
tank pallet (n)
tank wagon (n)
tanker shipping (n)
tap (n)
tap (v)
tap & die (n)
tap extractor (n)
tap forming (n)
tap hole (n)
tap set (n)
tap stock (n)
tap wrench (n)
tap-drill hole (n)
tape (n)
tape control (n)
tape-controlled (adj)
taped (adj)
taper (n)
taper (v)
taper bush (n)
taper pin (n)
taper shank (n)
taper sleeve (n)
taper tap (n)
taper thread (n)
Taper-lock clamping bush
tapered (adj)
Tapered connection
tapered hole (n)
tapered machine handle (n)
tapered pin (n)
Tapered roller bearing
tapered roller bearing (n)
tapered thread (n)
tapped hole (n)
tappet (n)
tapping (n)
tapping chuck (n)
tapping head (n)
tapping screw (n)
target (n)
target coordinate (n)
Target costing
target costing (n)
target position (n)
TARGET time (n)
tarnish (v)
tarpaulin (n)
task (n)
task analysis (n)
Taylor principle
teach (v)
teach-in programming (n)
teach-in run (n)
Team work
tear (n)
tearing (n)
tearing length (n)
technical component (n)
technical data (pl)
technical drawing (n)
technical plastic (n)
technical specifications (pl)
technical statistics (n)
technical theory of representation (n)
technician (n)
technique (n)
technological (adj)
technology (n)
Technology details
technology roadmapping (n)
technology transfer (n)
tee joint (n)
teeth characteristics (n)
teeth per inch (tpi) (n)
telecommunications technology (n)
telecontrol (n)
telecontrol center (n)
telecontrol centre (n)
telecontrol engineering (n)
telecontrol room (n)
telecontrol system (n)
telemonitoring (n)
telephone station (n)
teleprogramming (n)
telescope (v)
telescopic cylinder (n)
telescopic door (n)
telescopic push rod (n)
telescopic sliding door (n)
telescoping (adj)
telescoping moving-grate stoker (n)
telescoping shaft (n)
teleservice (n)
teletransmission (n)
tell-tale board (n)
tell-tale lamp (n)
temp dot (n)
temper (v)
temperature (n)
temperature balance (n)
temperature below zero (n)
temperature class (n)
temperature coefficient (n)
temperature difference (n)
temperature drop (n)
temperature fall (n)
temperature indicator (n)
Temperature metrology
temperature metrology (n)
temperature point (n)
temperature range (n)
temperature regulator (n)
temperature rise (n)
temperature sensor (n)
temperature switch (n)
Temperature-indicating paint
temperature-rise test (n)
temperature-sensing switch (n)
tempering (n)
tempering colour (n)
tempering resistance (n)
tempering steel (n)
tempering temperature (n)
template (n)
template control (n)
tempo (n)
tenacious (adj)
tender specifications (n)
tenon saw (n)
tensile force (n)
tensile shear test (n)
tensile strength (n)
tensile stress (n)
tensile test (n)
tension (n)
tension (v)
tension bolt (n)
tension crack (n)
tension pulley (n)
tension rod (n)
tension sheave (n)
tension spring (n)
tension test (n)
tension weight (n)
tension-compression load (n)
tensioner (n)
tensioning bolt (n)
tensioning device (n)
tensioning lever (n)
tensioning pulley (n)
tensioning rail (n)
tensioning screw (n)
tensioning shaft mode (n)
term (n)
terminal (n)
terminal block (n)
terminal board (n)
terminal box (n)
terminal connection (n)
terminal connection diagram (n)
terminal diagram (n)
terminal floor (n)
terminal insulator (n)
terminal landing (n)
terminal marking (n)
terminal nut (n)
terminal pair (n)
terminal repeater (n)
terminal screw (n)
terminal stopping device (n)
terminal stopping switch (n)
terminal strip (n)
terminal voltage (n)
termination (n)
termination cable (n)
territorial concept (n)
tertiary demand (n)
tertiary requirements (n)
test (n)
test (v)
test bar (n)
test bay (n)
test by free oscillations (n)
test certificate (n)
test data (n)
test equipment (pl)
test fixture (n)
test for continuity (v)
test groove (n)
test item (n)
test jig (n)
test laboratory (n)
test mark (n)
test method (n)
test model (n)
test object (n)
test operation (n)
test out (v)
test piece (n)
test plug (n)
test point (n)
test prior to acceptance (n)
test probe (n)
test procedure (n)
test prod (n)
test record (n)
test regulations (n)
test report (n)
test result (n)
test rig (n)
test rim (n)
test rod (n)
test run (n)
test section (n)
test sequence (n)
test series (n)
test set-up (n)
test socket (n)
test specification (n)
test specimen (n)
test stand (n)
test standard (n)
test temperature (n)
test terminal (n)
test tower (n)
test voltage (n)
tester (n)
testing apparatus (n)
testing arrangement (n)
testing device (n)
testing facilities (pl)
testing laboratory (n)
testing machine (n)
Testing material characteristics
testing of materials (n)
tests based on ... (pl)
Tetmajer straight line (n)
Tetmajer's equation (n)
textile rag (n)
texture (n)
texture annealing (n)
textured finish (n)
textured paint (n)
THD (n)
the car is at the level of the landing (adj)
the car is in a position level with the floor (adj)
the disabled (pl)
the door stood ajar (adj)
the handicapped (pl)
theft (n)
theorem of height (n)
theorem of moments (n)
theorem of moments for areas (n)
theorem of moments for lines (n)
theorem of momentum (n)
theory (n)
Theory of elasticity
theory of elasticity (n)
Theory of errors
theory of gravity (n)
theory of motion (n)
theory of notch stress (n)
theory of relativity (n)
theory of representation (n)
theory of shear force (n)
thermal analysis (n)
thermal balance (n)
thermal breakdown (n)
thermal capacity (n)
thermal circuit (n)
thermal conduction (n)
thermal conduction welding (n)
thermal conductivity (n)
thermal crack (n)
thermal diffusivity (n)
thermal equilibrium (n)
Thermal expansion
thermal expansion (n)
thermal gradient (n)
thermal insulation (n)
thermal property (n)
thermal protection (n)
thermal radiation (n)
thermal reference speed (n)
thermal relay (n)
thermal removal (n)
thermal resistance (n)
thermal shock (n)
thermal stability (n)
thermal stress (n)
thermal treatment (n)
thermal-shock crack (n)
thermally insulated (adj)
thermally permissible speed (n)
thermistor (n)
thermo-switch (n)
Thermochemical treatment
thermochemical treatment (n)
thermocouple (n)
thermoexpansion (n)
thermoforming (n)
Thermoforming (plastic)
thermoforming (shaping) (n)
thermomechanical fatigue (n)
Thermomechanical testing
thermomechanical treatment (n)
thermometer (n)
thermometric conductivity (n)
thermoplastic (n)
thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) (n)
Thermoplastic elastomers
thermoregulation (n)
thermoset material (n)
Thermoset materials
thermosetting plastic (n)
thermostability (n)
thermostat (n)
thick (adj)
thick plate (n)
thick-bodied (adj)
thick-walled pipe (n)
thickness (n)
thickness change (n)
thickness planer (n)
thicknesser (n)
thimble (n)
thin (adj)
thin (v)
thin sheet (n)
thin-bodied (adj)
thin-gauge plate (n)
thin-section bearing (n)
thin-walled (adj)
thin-walled pipe (n)
thinner (n)
thread (n)
thread (v)
thread acceptance gage (n)
thread acceptance gauge (n)
thread angle (n)
thread axis (n)
thread broaching (n)
thread chaser (n)
thread chasing (n)
thread core (n)
thread crest (n)
thread cutter (n)
Thread cutting
thread cutting (n)
thread designation (n)
thread direction (n)
thread engagement (n)
thread fit (n)
thread fit class (n)
thread flank (n)
thread form (n)
thread friction torque (n)
Thread grinding
thread grinding (n)
thread height (n)
thread hobbing (n)
thread insert (n)
thread lead (n)
thread lead angle (n)
thread limit gage (n)
thread limit gauge (n)
thread line (n)
thread manufacturing (n)
Thread metrology
thread metrology (n)
thread mill (n)
Thread milling
thread milling (n)
thread pendulum (n)
thread pitch (n)
thread plug gage (n)
thread plug gauge (n)
thread pressing (n)
thread production (n)
thread profile (n)
thread reach (n)
thread ridge (n)
Thread rolling
thread rolling (n)
thread rolling attachment (n)
thread rolling head (n)
thread root (n)
thread runout (n)
thread snap gage (n)
thread snap gauge (n)
Thread spinning
thread spinning (n)
thread start (n)
thread tapping (n)
thread top (n)
Thread turning
thread turning (n)
thread undercut (n)
thread-cutting chaser (n)
thread-cutting die (n)
thread-cutting screw (n)
thread-cutting tap (n)
thread-cutting tool (n)
Thread-forming screw
thread-milling cutter (n)
threaded assembly (n)
threaded bolt (n)
threaded bush (n)
threaded connector (n)
threaded joint (n)
threaded pin (n)
threaded port (n)
threaded rod (n)
threaded sleeve (n)
threaded spindle drive (n)
threading (n)
threading dial (n)
threading die (n)
threading insert (n)
threading lathe (n)
threading tool (n)
threads per inch (pl)
threat (n)
three-dimensional (adj)
three-dimensional motion (n)
three-dimensional structural defect (n)
three-hinged arch (n)
three-hinged support (n)
three-jaw chuck (n)
three-phase a.c. (n)
three-phase a.c. drive (n)
three-phase a.c. generator (n)
three-phase a.c. motor (n)
three-phase a.c. power controller (n)
three-phase alternating current (n)
three-phase asynchronous motor (n)
three-phase circuit (n)
Three-phase current
three-phase current (n)
three-phase generator (n)
three-phase machine (n)
three-phase slipring motor (n)
three-phase squirrel-cage motor (n)
three-phase synchronous motor (n)
three-phase system (n)
Three-phase transformer
three-phase transformer (n)
three-phase winding (n)
three-point bearing (n)
three-position switch (n)
three-row axial angular ball bearing (n)
three-row axial angular ball bearings (n)
three-square file (n)
three-tone chime (n)
three-tone gong (n)
three-way switch (n)
three-way valve (n)
threshold (n)
threshold value (n)
throat diameter (n)
throttle (n)
throttle (v)
throttle control (n)
throttle steam pressure (n)
throttle valve (n)
throttling (n)
through train (n)
through-bolt (n)
through-bolt screw connection (n)
through-car condition (n)
through-connected (adj)
through-connection (n)
through-hardening (n)
through-hardening steel (n)
through-hole (n)
through-hole thread (n)
through-running (adj)
throughfeed milling (n)
throughout (adj)
throughput (n)
throughput time (n)
throw in (v)
throw-away part (n)
thrown in (adj)
thrust (n)
Thrust ball bearing
thrust ball bearing (n)
Thrust bearing
thrust bearing (n)
thrust face (n)
thrust force (n)
thrust plane (n)
thrust spring (n)
thumb nut (n)
thumb screw (n)
thyristor (n)
thyristor-based converter (n)
tick (v)
ticket (n)
tie (v)
tie bolt (n)
tie line (n)
tie off (v)
tie rod (n)
tie up (v)
tie-bolt (n)
tie-rod (n)
tie-rod (e.g. for counterweight fillers) (n)
tier (n)
TIG welding (n)
TIG welding (tungsten inert-gas welding): During TIG welding, the electric arc is generated between the welding material and a non-consumable tungsten electrode. The filler material is fed in from outside
tight (adj)
tight side (n)
tighten (v)
tighten bolts in diagonally opposite sequence (n)
tightener (n)
tightening bolt (n)
tightening pulley (n)
tightening torque (n)
tightness (n)
tilt (v)
tilt angle (n)
tilt edge (n)
tilt-and-swivel ... (adj)
tilt-tray conveyor (n)
Tilt-tray sorter
tilt-tray sorter (n)
tilt-up seat (n)
tilted position (n)
time (n)
time (v)
time allowance (n)
time an order is placed (n)
time constant (n)
time derivative (n)
time generator (n)
time limitation (n)
time management (n)
time of arrival (n)
time of climb (n)
time of day (n)
time of ordering (n)
time of outflow (n)
time offset (n)
time pulse relay (n)
time relay (n)
time restriction (n)
time scheduling (n)
time segment (n)
time switch (n)
time temperature transformation diagram (n)
time to mature (n)
time-delay capacitor (n)
time-delay switch (n)
time-dependent (adj)
time-of-day clock (n)
time-saving (adj)
time-series analysis (n)
time-temperature transformation diagram (n)
time-temperature-transformation diagram (n)
timer (n)
timer circuit (n)
timing (n)
timing belt (n)
timing element (n)
tin (n)
tin alloy (n)
tin plate (n)
tin sheet (n)
tin solder (n)
tin-making machine (n)
tin-plate (v)
tip (n)
tip (v)
tip circle (n)
tip circle diameter (n)
tip clearance (n)
tip diameter (n)
tipper body (n)
tipping (n)
tipping car (n)
tipping edge (n)
tipping torque (n)
TIR (n)
titanium alloy (n)
title block (n)
to (re)sharpen (vt)
to be discarded (adj)
to coastdown (vi)
to debur (vt)
to deburr (vt)
to dress (vt)
to finish (vt)
to furrow sth. (vt)
to hang (vt)
to lower (vt)
to operate sth. (vt)
to plane (vt)
to put in (vt)
to react to sth. (vi)
to regrind (vt)
to remove burr (vt)
to respond to sth. (vi)
to revolve fast (v)
to scale (adj)
to set (vt)
to shut down (boiler) (vt)
to standard(s) (adj)
to the left (adv)
to the right (adj)
to trim sth. (vt)
toe (n)
toe board (n)
toe guard (n)
toe strap (n)
toeguard apron (n)
toggle switch (n)
tolerable range (n)
tolerance (n)
tolerance band (n)
tolerance class (n)
tolerance class code (n)
tolerance class designation (n)
tolerance class symbol (n)
tolerance frame (n)
tolerance level (n)
tolerance limits (pl)
tolerance of inside radius (n)
tolerance position (n)
tolerance principle (n)
tolerance range (n)
Tolerance ring
tolerance variation (n)
Tolerance zone
tolerance zone (n)
toleranced element (n)
toleranced property symbol (n)
toleranced size (n)
Tolerancing principle
toll for HGVs (n)
toll for lorries (n)
toll for trucks (n)
tone (n)
tongs (f)
tongue and groove (n)
tonne (n)
tool (n)
tool (v)
tool bag (n)
tool box (n)
tool carriage (n)
tool carrier (n)
tool change (n)
tool changer (n)
tool clamping (n)
tool clamping device (n)
tool compensation (n)
tool coordinate system (n)
tool cutting edge (n)
tool description (n)
tool diameter (n)
tool ergonomics (n)
tool function (n)
tool geometry data (pl)
tool grinder (n)
tool head (n)
tool holder (n)
tool kit (n)
tool life (n)
tool loading (n)
tool magazine (n)
tool offset (n)
tool path (n)
tool post (n)
tool presetting (n)
tool radius (n)
tool setting position (n)
tool slide (n)
tool spindle (n)
Tool steel
tool steel (n)
tool steels (pl)
tool storage magazine close to the machine (n)
tool taper (n)
tool tip (n)
tool turret (n)
tool up (v)
tool-setter (n)
tooled (adj)
toolhead (n)
tooling (n)
tooling time (n)
toolroom (n)
tools and supplies (n)
tooth (n)
Tooth (gearing)
tooth bearing (n)
tooth belt drive (n)
tooth breakage (n)
Tooth breakage (gear)
tooth chamfer (n)
Tooth clutch
tooth clutch (n)
tooth contact (n)
tooth contour (n)
tooth crest (n)
tooth depth (n)
tooth edge rupture (n)
tooth engagement (n)
tooth engagement frequency (n)
tooth flank (n)
tooth flank wear (n)
tooth milling cutter (n)
tooth pitch (n)
tooth profile (n)
tooth quality (n)
tooth ratio (n)
tooth root (n)
tooth shape (n)
tooth thickness (n)
tooth tip (n)
tooth undercut (n)
tooth width (n)
toothed (adj)
toothed belt (n)
toothed belt drive (n)
toothed chain (n)
toothed disk (n)
toothed gear (n)
toothed lock washer (n)
toothed rim (n)
toothed shaft (n)
toothed wheel (n)
toothed-belt drive (n)
toothed-belt pulley (n)
toothing plane (n)
top (adj)
top (n)
top boom (n)
top chord (truss) (n)
top circle (n)
top coat (n)
top edge (n)
top end (n)
top gear (n)
top of car inspection control station (n)
top rail (n)
top slide (n)
top steel (n)
top transom (n)
top up (v)
top view (n)
top-of-car operating device (n)
top-run (ash) extractor (n)
topical (adj)
topology (n)
topping turbine (n)
torch soldering (n)
toroidal bearing (n)
torque (n)
torque amplifier (n)
torque characteristic (n)
torque compensation (n)
torque control (n)
torque converter (n)
torque curve (n)
torque delivered (n)
torque flow (n)
torque jerk (n)
torque lever (n)
torque limitation (n)
torque limiter (n)
torque measurement (n)
torque measuring instrument (n)
torque metrology (n)
Torque motor
torque motor (n)
torque path (n)
torque pulsation (n)
torque range (n)
torque ratio (n)
torque regulator (n)
torque rise (n)
torque screwdriver (n)
torque spanner (n)
torque transmission (n)
torque variation (n)
torque wrench (n)
torque-balance system (n)
Torque-limiting clutch
Torque-limiting friction clutch
torquemeter (n)
torsion (n)
torsion angle (n)
torsion bar (n)
torsion bar measuring device (n)
torsion bar spring (n)
torsion bar stabiliser (n)
torsion damper (n)
torsion pendulum (n)
Torsion spring
torsion spring (n)
torsion stress (n)
torsion-bar spring (n)
torsional area moment of inertia (n)
torsional buckling (n)
torsional damper (n)
torsional deflection (n)
torsional flexural buckling (n)
torsional force (n)
torsional impact (n)
torsional load (n)
torsional moment (n)
torsional moment of area (n)
torsional oscillation (n)
Torsional oscillator
torsional pendulum (n)
torsional resistance moment (n)
torsional rigidity (n)
torsional stiffness (n)
torsional strength (n)
torsional stress (n)
torsional stress distribution (n)
torsional twisting (n)
torsional vibration (n)
torsional vibration test (n)
Torsional-flexural buckling
torsionally flexible (n)
torsionally rigid (adj)
total average stock (n)
total composite deviation (n)
total composite error (n)
total compression of the spring (n)
total cost principle (n)
total deformation (n)
total diameter (n)
total energy (n)
total failure (n)
total failure rate (n)
total harmonic distortion (n)
total moment (n)
total moment of area (n)
Total production cost
Total productive maintenance
total profile error (n)
total quality management (TQM) (n)
total resultant (n)
total stock costs (n)
total stress (n)
total torque (n)
total wear (n)
totally insulated (adj)
touch (n)
touch (v)
touch area (n)
touch control (n)
touch control button (n)
touch dimmer (n)
touch panel (n)
touch screen (n)
touch up (v)
touchplate (n)
tough (adj)
toughness (n)
toughness test (n)
Toughness testing
toughness testing (n)
tour (n)
tow (v)
Tow tractor
tower (n)
toxicity (n)
Toyota Production System
tracer (n)
tracer control (n)
tracer-controlled (adj)
track (n)
track (v)
track bicycle (n)
track gauge (n)
track guidance principle (n)
track lubrication (n)
track width (n)
tracking (n)
tracking circuit (n)
tracking precision (n)
tracking speed (n)
tracklaying tractor (n)
traction (n)
traction calculation (n)
traction drive (n)
traction drive lift (n)
traction drive passenger lift (n)
traction elevator (n)
traction force (n)
traction lift (n)
traction machine (n)
traction motor (n)
traction screw (n)
traction sheave (n)
traction sheave groove (n)
traction sheave rim (n)
tractive force (n)
tractive force equation (n)
tractive force equation for pulley blocks (n)
tractive force when lifting loads (n)
tractive resistance (n)
tractive solenoid (n)
tractor (n)
tractor train (n)
trade (n)
trademark (n)
tradesman (n)
traffic (n)
traffic analysis (n)
traffic demand (n)
traffic density (n)
traffic directors (pl)
traffic flow (n)
traffic handling (n)
traffic handling capacity (n)
traffic mode (n)
traffic pattern (n)
traffic peak (n)
traffic safety (n)
traffic supervision (n)
traffic volume (n)
trail cable (n)
trailing cable (n)
trailing edge (n)
train (n)
train coupling (n)
train gear (n)
training (n)
trajectory (n)
trajectory height (n)
trajectory length (n)
Trajectory of a projectile
trajectory of a projectile (n)
trajectory parabola (n)
trajectory tangent (n)
trajectory time (n)
tramp iron detector (n)
tramp shipping (n)
tramping (n)
transaction costs (n)
transaction data (n)
Transcendental number
transcendental number (n)
transducer (n)
transfer (n)
transfer (v)
transfer carriage (n)
Transfer curve
transfer curve (n)
transfer heat (n)
transfer line (n)
transfer moulding (n)
transfer station (n)
transfer stiffness (n)
transfer time (n)
transferable torque (n)
transform (v)
transformation (n)
Transformation (quench) hardening through heating and rapid cooling, which ensures that far more carbon remains bound than without hardening. During the heating process, ferrite is converted into austenite, in which more carbon can be separated fro
transformation hardening (n)
transformer (n)
transhipment (n)
transhipment station (n)
transhipment terminal (n)
transient (n)
transient condition (n)
transient current (n)
transient deviation (n)
transient state (n)
transient voltage (n)
transistor (n)
transistor chip (n)
transistor circuit (n)
transistor engineering (n)
transistor technology (n)
transistorized pulse converter (n)
transit (n)
transit time (n)
transit time matrix (n)
transit traffic (n)
transition (n)
transition condition (n)
transition fit (n)
transition frequency (n)
transition matrix (n)
transition phase (n)
transition rpm (n)
transition speed (n)
transition temperature (n)
transition time (n)
transitional load cycle (n)
transitional period (n)
translation (n)
translational (adj)
translational deceleration (n)
translational force (n)
translatory motion (n)
transmission (n)
Transmission (transmission system)
transmission channel (n)
transmission control (n)
transmission direction (n)
transmission electron microscopy (n)
transmission element (n)
transmission line (n)
transmission path (n)
transmission ratio (n)
transmission stiffness (n)
Transmission system
transmission time (n)
transmit (v)
transmit heat (n)
transmitted-light optical diffraction system (n)
transmitter (n)
transom (n)
transparent (adj)
transparent lift (n)
transponder (n)
transport (n)
transport (v)
transport air (n)
transport by water (n)
transport capacity (n)
transport chain (n)
transport control system (n)
transport costs (n)
transport equipment (n)
transport frequency (n)
transport function (n)
transport in individual wagons (n)
transport matrix (n)
transport of passengers (n)
transport planning (n)
transport problem (n)
transport rack (n)
transport route (n)
transport scheduling (n)
transport service (n)
transport system (n)
transport time (n)
transport volume (n)
transportable fork-lift (n)
transportation (n)
transportation capacity (n)
transportation costs (n)
transportation function (n)
transportation performance (n)
transportation route (n)
transporter (n)
transshipment concept (n)
transverse (adj)
transverse adjustment (n)
transverse axis (n)
transverse bending (n)
transverse bending test (n)
transverse compression (n)
transverse contact ratio (n)
transverse direction (n)
transverse feed (n)
transverse force (n)
transverse force area (n)
transverse force behaviour (n)
transverse force line (n)
transverse load (n)
transverse module (n)
transverse motion (n)
transverse plane (n)
transverse rolling (n)
transverse section (n)
transverse slope (n)
transverse strain (n)
transverse travel (n)
transverse vibration (n)
transverse-flow motor (n)
trap door (n)
trapezium (n)
trapezoidal screw thread (n)
trapezoidal thread (n)
trapped passengers (pl)
trapping risk (n)
travel (n)
travel (v)
travel beyond (v)
travel cable (n)
travel gear (n)
travel limitation device (n)
travel operation (n)
travel speed (n)
travel time (n)
traveller (n)
travelling cable (n)
travelling cable attachment (n)
travelling gear (n)
travelling motor (n)
travelling salesman problem (n)
travelling speed (n)
Travelling wheel
travelling wheel (n)
traverse (n)
traverse (v)
traversing chute (n)
traversing direction (n)
traversing movement (n)
traversing rate (n)
traversing speed (n)
travolator (n)
tray (n)
tread (n)
treat (v)
treat gently (v)
treatment (n)
trench (n)
trend (n)
trend component (n)
trend estimate (n)
trial (n)
trial operation (n)
trial run (n)
triangle (n)
triangle circumference (n)
triangular area (n)
triangular file (n)
triangular key (n)
triangular leaf spring (n)
triangular plate spring (n)
triangular pulse (n)
triangular section steel (n)
triangular spanner (n)
triangular-type emergency release key (n)
triboelectric series (n)
triboelectricity (n)
tribological parameter (n)
tribological value (n)
tribology (n)
trickle (v)
trickle charge (n)
trigger (n)
trigger (v)
trigger circuit (n)
triggering (n)
trigonometric analysis (n)
trigonometric function (n)
trigonometric method (n)
trigonometrical solution (n)
trim (v)
trimmed edges (pl)
trimmer beam (n)
trimmer capacitor (n)
trimmer resistor (n)
trimming (n)
trimming capacitor (n)
trimming machine (n)
trimming potentiometer (n)
trimming resistor (n)
trimming robot (n)
trimming tool (n)
trip (n)
trip (v)
trip cam (n)
trip counter (n)
trip lever (n)
triplex roller chain (n)
tripod (n)
tripping (n)
tripping device (n)
tripping speed (n)
tripping speed of safety gear (n)
trivalent bearing (n)
trolley wire (n)
trommel screen (n)
tropic-proof (adj)
tropicalized (adj)
trouble (n)
trouble shooting (n)
trough (n)
truck (n)
truck crane (n)
truck-mounted crane (n)
truck-mounted stacker (n)
trucking of air freight (n)
true running (n)
true to scale (adj)
trueness (n)
truly aligned (adj)
truly plumbed (adj)
truly plumbed line (n)
truly vertical (adj)
truncated (adj)
truncated circular cone (n)
truncated cone (n)
trunk (n)
trunking (n)
trunnion (n)
trunnion friction (n)
trunnion friction coefficient (n)
truss (n)
trussed beam (n)
try square (n)
TTT diagram (n)
tub (n)
tube (n)
tube bank (n)
tube deposit (n)
tube deposits (n)
tube scraper (n)
tube shop (n)
tube studding (n)
tube wall thickness (n)
tube welding (n)
tube-fin construction (n)
tubing (n)
tubular air heater (n)
tubular piston (n)
tubular shaft (n)
tubular-cross strutting (n)
tug navigation (n)
tug shipping (n)
tumbler (n)
tumbler lever (n)
tumbler switch (n)
tune (v)
tungsten inert-gas welding (n)
tuning (n)
tunnel gate (n)
turn (n)
turn (v)
turn in (v)
turn off (v)
turn on (v)
turn-and-slide sleeve spring (n)
turn-off delay (n)
turn-off time (n)
turn-to-turn test (n)
turnaround time (n)
turnbuckle (n)
turned off (adj)
turned part (n)
turning (n)
turning internal surfaces (n)
turning machine (n)
turning off (n)
turning radius (n)
turning tool (n)
turnkey ... (adj)
turnover function (n)
Turnover rate
turnover rate (n)
turnstile (n)
turntable (n)
turntable guide carriage (n)
turntable press (n)
turret (n)
turret head (n)
turret lathe (n)
turret-type drilling machine (n)
twin (milling) cutter (n)
twin boundary (n)
twin drive (n)
twin plug (n)
twist (n)
twist (v)
twist angle (n)
twist buckling (n)
twist drill (n)
twist-free (adj)
twisted in pairs (adj)
twisting (n)
twisting motion (n)
twisting stress (n)
two-button collective control (n)
two-dimensional (adj)
two-element ... (adj)
two-hinged bar (n)
two-hinged rod (n)
two-jaw chuck (n)
two-jaw drill chuck (n)
two-part (adj)
Two-part flexible coupling
two-pass boiler (n)
two-phase ... (adj)
two-phase region (n)
two-piece (adj)
two-piece ... (adj)
two-pin plug (n)
two-point measurement (n)
two-row angular ball bearings (n)
two-row axial angular ball bearing (n)
two-row axial angular ball bearings (n)
two-row deep groove ball bearing (n)
two-row deep groove ball bearings (n)
two-row linear guide unit (n)
two-speed ... (adj)
two-stage ... (adj)
two-stage distribution (n)
two-stage marketing (n)
two-stage reporting system (n)
two-step ... (adj)
two-way intercom system (n)
two-way means of communication (n)
two-way peak (n)
two-way speech communication (n)
two-way traverse grinding (n)
two-way valve (n)
two-way voice communication (n)
type (n)
type (v)
type approval (n)
type approval sign (n)
type designation (n)
type examination (n)
type examination certificate (n)
type of construction (n)
type of corrosion (n)
type of defect (n)
type of design (n)
type of drive (n)
type of error (n)
type of forklift (n)
type of goods (n)
type of joint (n)
type of lay (n)
type of line (n)
type of loading (n)
type of lubrication (n)
type of manufacturing (n)
type of motion (n)
type of movement (n)
type of organisation (n)
type of problem (n)
type of production (n)
type of protection (n)
type of steel (n)
Type of stress
type of stress (n)
type of support (n)
type of tension (n)
type style (n)
type test (n)
type test certificate (n)
type testing (n)
type variety (n)
Tyre coupling
U section (n)
U-bolt (n)
U-grooves (pl)
U-shaped cell
U-tube (n)
U-tube manometer (n)
ultimate energy (n)
ultimate tensile strength (n)
ultrasonic cleaning (n)
ultrasonic inspection (n)
ultrasonic probe (n)
Ultrasonic process
ultrasonic process (n)
ultrasonic test (n)
ultrasonic test machine (n)
ultrasonic testing (n)
ultrasonic testing machine (n)
ultrasonic wave (n)
ultrasonic welding (n)
ultrasound (n)
ultraviolet (adj)
ultraviolet radiation (n)
unacceptable (adj)
unalloyed (adj)
unalloyed construction steel (n)
unassigned (adj)
unbalance (n)
unbolt (v)
unbreakable (adj)
unbucked rivet diameter (n)
uncertainty of measurement (n)
unclamp (v)
uncoil (v)
unconditioned (adj)
uncontrolled (adj)
undamped oscillation (n)
undamped vibration (n)
undeformed chip width (n)
under clock control (adj)
under tension (adj)
under-powered (adj)
undercarriage (n)
undercut (n)
undercut (v)
undercut (groove) (adj)
underfloor drag chain conveyor (n)
underground (adj)
underground cable (n)
underground installation (n)
underpressure (n)
undershoot (n)
underside (n)
undersize (n)
undervoltage (n)
undo (v)
uneven (adj)
uneven running (n)
unfasten (v)
unfinished (adj)
unfinished part (n)
unhinge (v)
uniaxial stress state (n)
uniform (adj)
uniform acceleration (n)
uniform corrosion (n)
uniform motion (n)
uniform stress distribution (n)
uniformly accelerated motion (n)
uniformly accelerated rotation (n)
uninsulated (adj)
unintentional (adj)
uninterrupted (adj)
union (n)
union nut (n)
unipolar (adj)
unit (n)
unit circle (n)
unit in SI system (n)
unit load (n)
unit load securing equipment (n)
unit of distance (n)
unit of mass (n)
unit of measurement (n)
unit of pressure (n)
unit of speed (n)
unit of time (n)
unit of volume (n)
unit tangent vector (n)
unit train traffic (n)
unit under test (n)
unit vector (n)
units warehouse (n)
univalent bearing (n)
univariate model (n)
univariate statistics (n)
universal controller (n)
universal coupling (n)
universal current device (n)
universal cylindrical grinding machine (n)
universal dividing head (n)
universal indexing head (n)
universal joint (n)
universal joint shaft (n)
universal lathe (n)
universal machine (n)
universal miller (n)
universal milling machine (n)
universal motor (n)
universal pliers (f)
universal tool milling machine (n)
universe (n)
unlatch (v)
unload (v)
unloaded traffic (n)
unloading bay (n)
unloading machine (n)
unloading operation (n)
unloading time (n)
unloading traffic (n)
unlock (n)
unlock (v)
unlocked (adj)
unlocking (n)
unlocking triangle (n)
unlocking zone (n)
unmachined (adj)
unmachined part (n)
unplug (v)
unprocessed (adj)
unreel (v)
unregulated (adj)
unsafe (adj)
unsaturated (adj)
unscrew (v)
unserviceable (adj)
unsolder (v)
unspillable (adj)
unspool (v)
unstable (adj)
unstable balance (n)
unstable equilibrium (n)
unstable floating position (n)
unsupported (adj)
unthreaded (adj)
untie (v)
untoleranced dimension (n)
untreated (adj)
untwisting (n)
unwind (v)
unwrapped (adj)
up and down stroke (n)
up call (n)
up collective (n)
up peak (n)
up run (n)
up time (n)
up to date (adj)
up travel (n)
up-and-down motion (n)
up-cut milling (n)
up-milling (n)
up-peak (n)
update service (n)
upflow filter (n)
upgradable (adj)
upgrade (v)
upgrading (n)
upkeep (n)
upper (adj)
upper arm (n)
upper belt (n)
upper edge (n)
upper end (n)
upper flange (n)
upper limit (n)
upright (adj)
upright (n)
upright drilling machine (n)
upsetting (n)
upstream (adj)
upward compatibility (n)
upward stroke (n)
urban logistics (n)
urgency (n)
urgency check (n)
usable (adj)
usable life (n)
usage (n)
usage function (n)
use (n)
useful (adj)
useful cross-section (n)
useful life (n)
useful load (safe working load minus weight of the sling and load carrying attachment) (n)
useful power (n)
useful voltage (n)
useful work (n)
user (n)
user friendliness (n)
user interface (n)
user-friendly (adj)
utilisation (n)
utilisation strategy (n)
Utility model
utility model (n)
utility patent (n)
utilization (n)
UV (adj)
UV radiation (n)
V (n)
V flat guide
V-belt (n)
V-belt drive (n)
V-belt pulley (n)
V-groove (n)
V-guide (n)
V-ribbed belt (n)
V-ribbed belt pulley (n)
V-thread (n)
V-weld (n)
vacancy mechanism (n)
vacant (adj)
vacuum (n)
vacuum cup (n)
Vacuum forming
vacuum forming (n)
Vacuum lifter
vacuum lifter (n)
vacuum lifting equipment (n)
vacuum moulding (n)
vacuum pump (n)
vacuum-tight (adj)
value (n)
Value analysis
value analysis (n)
value chain partner (n)
value frequency (n)
value stream design (n)
value stream mapping (n)
value to be measured (n)
value-added process (n)
Value-stream mapping
value-stream mapping (n)
valve (n)
valve actuation (n)
valve actuator (n)
valve block (n)
valve body (n)
valve clearance (n)
valve control (n)
valve disk (n)
valve housing (n)
valve insert (n)
valve lift (n)
valve needle (n)
valve piston (n)
valve seat (n)
valve spindle (n)
valve spring (n)
valve stem (n)
valve thread (n)
valve yoke (n)
valves and fittings (pl)
van (n)
Van-der-Waals bond (n)
vanadium (n)
vanadium steel (n)
vandal-resistant (adj)
vane (n)
vane cell pump (n)
vane pump (n)
vane wheel (n)
vane-type (moisture) separator (n)
vapor (n)
vapour (n)
vapour (electrostatic) precipitator (n)
vapour burner (n)
Vapour deposition (thermal)
vapour ESP (n)
vapour fan (n)
variable (adj)
variable (n)
variable capacitor (n)
variable speed gear (n)
variable-frequency ... (adj)
variable-gain amplifier (n)
variable-speed ... (adj)
variable-speed drive (n)
variable-speed gear (n)
variable-speed governor (n)
variable-speed motor (n)
variable-speed transmission (n)
variable-voltage ... (adj)
variance (n)
variance analysis (n)
variance stationarity (n)
variant (n)
variant bill of material (n)
variant flow production (n)
variant management (n)
variant planning (n)
variation (n)
variation coefficient (n)
variation of pressure (n)
variations requiring approval (pl)
variety (n)
varnish (n)
varnish (v)
vary (v)
vat (n)
vector (n)
vector addition (n)
vector product (n)
vee (n)
vee belt (n)
vee belt pulley (n)
vee groove (n)
vee guide (n)
vee thread (n)
vee-pulley drive (n)
Vee-thread (n)
vegetable desiccator (n)
vegetable drier (n)
vehicle (n)
vehicle category (n)
vehicle class (n)
vehicle dynamics control (n)
vehicle earthing (n)
vehicle lift (n)
Velcro fastener (n)
velocity (n)
velocity component (n)
velocity head (n)
velocity level (n)
velocity metrology (n)
velocity of light (n)
velocity pressure (n)
velocity vector (n)
velocity-proportional damping (n)
Velocity-time diagram
velocity-time diagram (n)
velocity-time diagram of free fall (n)
velocity-time diagram of ram stroke (n)
velocity-time diagram of vertical projection (n)
velocity-time law (n)
velocity-time line (n)
vendor (n)
vent (v)
vent hole (n)
vent plug (n)
vent screw (n)
vent valve (n)
ventilate (v)
ventilated ceiling (n)
ventilated lighting fitting (n)
ventilation (n)
ventilation apertures (pl)
ventilation opening (n)
ventilation slot (n)
venting (n)
verification (n)
verified (adj)
verify (v)
vernier (n)
vernier caliper (n)
vernier knob (n)
versatile (adj)
version (n)
vertex (n)
vertical (adj)
vertical adjustment (n)
vertical design (n)
vertical feed (n)
vertical infeed (n)
vertical motion (n)
vertical platform lift (n)
vertical range of manufacture (n)
vertical rise (n)
vertical spindle grinder (n)
vertical spindle mill (n)
vertical spindle miller (n)
vertical travel (n)
vertically adjustable (adj)
very high cycle fatigue (n)
vessel (n)
via point (n)
viable (adj)
vibrate (v)
Vibrating conveyor
vibrating conveyor (n)
vibration (n)
vibration amplitude (n)
vibration analogy (n)
vibration damper (n)
vibration damping (n)
vibration excitation (n)
vibration fatigue failure (n)
vibration in the frequency domain (n)
vibration in the time domain (n)
vibration isolation (n)
vibration load (n)
vibration period (n)
vibration pickup (n)
vibration resistance (n)
vibration response (n)
vibration strength (n)
Vibration stress
vibration stress failure (n)
vibration test (n)
vibration velocity (n)
vibration-induced corrosion (n)
vibrational loading (n)
vibrational stress (n)
vibrationless (adj)
Vibratory finishing
vice (n)
Vickers hardness (n)
Vickers hardness test
Vickers hardness test (n)
Vickers pyramid hardness (n)
view (n)
violate (v)
violate (upper limits) (v)
Virtual displacement
Virtual force
virtual work (n)
visco coupling (n)
visco damper (n)
viscosimeter (n)
viscosity (n)
viscosity index (n)
viscosity number (n)
viscosity ratio (n)
viscosity test (n)
viscosity testing (n)
viscous (adj)
viscous behaviour (n)
viscous coupling (n)
viscous damper (n)
viscous friction (n)
vise (n)
visible (adj)
vision panel (n)
Visual field
visual field (n)
visual inspection (n)
Visual management
Vogel's approximation method (n)
voice announcement (n)
voice frequency (n)
voice output (n)
voice synthesizer (n)
void (adj)
void (n)
volatile (adj)
voltage (n)
voltage between lines (n)
voltage controller (n)
voltage correction (n)
voltage deviation (n)
voltage dip (n)
voltage divider (n)
voltage drop (n)
voltage failure (n)
voltage fluctuation (n)
voltage gain (n)
voltage indicator (n)
voltage level (n)
voltage limiter (n)
voltage link (n)
Voltage measurement
voltage measurement (n)
voltage peak (n)
voltage pulse (n)
voltage range (n)
voltage response (n)
voltage ripple (n)
voltage rise (n)
voltage selector (n)
voltage source (n)
voltage spike (n)
voltage surge (n)
voltage to earth (n)
voltage to ground (n)
voltage transformer (n)
voltage-carrying (adj)
voltage-time function (n)
voltmeter (n)
volume (n)
volume calculation (n)
volume centroid (n)
volume control (n)
volume density of charge (n)
volume diffusion (n)
volume element (n)
volume expansion (n)
volume flow (n)
volume level (n)
volume of a ring (n)
volume of liquid (n)
volume of traffic (n)
volume resistance (n)
volume share (n)
volume shrinkage (n)
volume unit (n)
volumetric flow rate (n)
volumetric shrinkage (n)
volumetric strain energy density (n)
voyage (n)
vulnerable (adj)
wafer (n)
waffle slab ceiling (n)
wage group (n)
wagonload traffic (n)
WAHR (adj)
wait (v)
wait to be answered (v)
wait to be served (v)
waiting time (n)
walk into (v)
walk out (v)
walk-in ... (adj)
walk-way (n)
walking robot (n)
wall bracket (n)
wall cladding (n)
wall climber (n)
wall climbing lift (n)
wall cutout (n)
wall entrance (n)
wall luminaire (n)
wall mounting (n)
wall opening (n)
wall outlet (n)
wall panel abutment (n)
wall socket (n)
wall switch (n)
wall thickness (n)
wall-mounted cabinet (n)
wall-mounted luminaire (n)
wall-mounted slewing crane (n)
warehouse (n)
warehouse capacity (n)
warehouse concept (n)
warehouse organisation (n)
warehouse planning (n)
warehouse space requirements (n)
warehouse stock (n)
warehouse with fixed storage spaces (n)
warehousing (n)
warehousing costs (n)
warehousing strategy (n)
warehousing system (n)
Warm range
warm-up time (n)
warning (n)
warning bell (n)
warning buzzer (n)
warning label (n)
warning light (n)
warning message (n)
warning notice (n)
warning signal (n)
warp (v)
Warrington rope (n)
washer (n)
waste (n)
waste bin (n)
waste disposal (n)
waste disposal box (n)
waste disposal container (n)
waste disposal system (n)
waste disposal vehicle (n)
waste gas (n)
waste heat (n)
waste heat boiler (n)
waste heat recovery boiler (n)
waste of energy (n)
waste reduction (n)
watch (v)
watchdog (n)
watchdog timer (n)
watchman (n)
water column (n)
water hammer (n)
water level (n)
water pressure lifting jack (n)
water traffic (n)
water tube (n)
water-cooled (adj)
water-hardening steel (n)
water-soluble (adj)
water-steam header (n)
water-wall header (n)
waterborne traffic (n)
waterproof (adj)
watertight (adj)
watmeter (n)
watt (n)
watt hour (n)
watt-second (n)
wattage (n)
watthour meter (n)
wattless power (n)
wave (n)
waveguide (n)
wavelength (n)
Waviness (engineering surfaces)
waviness profile (n)
waypoint (n)
weak (adj)
weak and power current engineering (n)
weak current (n)
weak point (n)
weak-current engineering (n)
weaken (v)
weakening (n)
weakening ratio (n)
wear (n)
wear (v)
wear and tear (n)
wear bar (n)
wear calculation (n)
wear in (v)
wear out (v)
wear performance (n)
wear protection additive (n)
wear resistance (n)
wear-resistant (adj)
wearing (n)
wearing part (n)
weather groove (n)
weathering test (n)
weatherstrip (n)
web (n)
web guide roller (n)
web offset press (n)
web travel (n)
web width (n)
wedge (n)
wedge (v)
wedge angle (n)
wedge friction coefficient (n)
wedge friction force (n)
wedge safety (n)
wedge socket (n)
wedge-shaped (adj)
wedge-type safety (n)
weekly batch (n)
Weibull cumulative distribution function (n)
Weibull distribution (n)
weighing machine (n)
weight (n)
weight (v)
weight value (n)
weighted average (n)
weighted moving average (n)
weighting (n)
weighting curve (n)
weighting factor (n)
weir (n)
weld (n)
weld (v)
weld bead support (n)
weld crack (n)
Weld joint
weld on (v)
weld root (n)
Weld seal
Weld seam
weld to (v)
weld-on union (n)
weldability (n)
welded (adj)
welded connection (n)
Welded joint
welded joint (n)
welded seam (n)
welded steel construction (n)
welder (n)
welder identification (n)
welder qualification (n)
welding (n)
welding bead (n)
welding circuit (n)
welding crack (n)
welding electrode (n)
welding engineering (n)
welding filler (n)
welding gas (n)
welding machine (n)
welding method (n)
welding neck (n)
welding point (n)
welding position (n)
welding practice (n)
welding process (n)
welding robot (n)
welding rod (n)
welding seam (n)
welding set (n)
welding torch (n)
welding unit (n)
welding wire (n)
well (n)
well drill (n)
well drill tool (n)
well enclosure (n)
well lighting (n)
well-proven (adj)
wet (adj)
wet (v)
wet scraper ash extractor (n)
wettability (n)
wheel (n)
wheel axis (n)
wheel conveyor (n)
wheel dresser (n)
wheel house (n)
wheel hub (n)
wheel rim (n)
wheel set (n)
wheel set bearing arrangement (n)
wheel shaft (n)
wheel-rail system (n)
wheelset bearing unit (n)
where-used list (n)
whet (v)
white metal (n)
white noise (n)
Whitworth fine thread (n)
Whitworth pipe thread (n)
Whitworth thread (n)
wholesale trade (n)
wide (adj)
wide band (n)
wide flats (n)
wide loom (n)
wide-band noise (n)
wide-mouth glass container (n)
wideband cable (n)
widened (skate, vane) (adj)
width (n)
width across flats (n)
width angle of wormwheel (n)
width series (n)
width tolerance (n)
winch (n)
winch drive (n)
wind (v)
wind off (v)
wind up (v)
winding (n)
winding drum (n)
winding gear (n)
winding stick (n)
winding support (n)
wing (n)
wing bolt (n)
wing nut (n)
wing screw (n)
Winters method (n)
wipe (v)
wipe off (v)
wiper (n)
wire (n)
wire (v)
wire braiding (n)
wire break (n)
wire brush (n)
wire cable (n)
wire coils (n)
wire cross section (n)
wire cutter (n)
wire dispenser (n)
Wire drawing
wire drawing (n)
wire edge (n)
wire gauge (n)
wire jumper (n)
wire mat (n)
wire mesh (n)
wire rope (n)
wire strain gage (n)
wire strain gauge (n)
wire stripper (n)
wire wrapping tool (n)
wire-end sleeve (n)
wire-mesh glass (n)
wire-mesh pallet (n)
wire-wound resistor (n)
wire-wrap post (n)
wireless (adj)
wireless (n)
wiring (n)
wiring conduit (n)
wiring diagram (n)
with graphics capability (adj)
withdraw (v)
withdraw (the key from the lock) (v)
withdrawable (adj)
withdrawable unit (n)
withdrawal (n)
withdrawal strategy (n)
withdrawing tool (n)
without burrs (adj)
withstand (v)
withstand (pressure) (v)
witnessed test (n)
wobble (v)
wobble disk (n)
wobble plate (n)
Wöhler curve (n)
Wöhler diagram (n)
wood (n)
Wood-fibre materials
Wood-particle materials
woodchipper (n)
wooden mallet (n)
Woodruff key (n)
woodruff key pressure (n)
work (n)
work (v)
work bench (n)
work bench design (n)
work centre processing time (n)
Work chair
work clamping device (n)
work dia. (n)
work diagram (n)
work diameter (n)
work done in bending a spring (n)
work element (n)
work hardening (n)
work holder (n)
work holding fixture (n)
work in progress (n)
work loose (adj)
work loose (v)
work machine (n)
work management (n)
work of a potential force (n)
work of a variable force (n)
work of deformation (n)
work order time (n)
Work organisation
work organisation (n)
Work output
work output (n)
work plan (n)
work process (n)
work process encryption (n)
work progress (n)
Work scheduling
work scheduling (n)
work spindle (n)
work step splitting (n)
Work strain
work system (n)
work value (n)
work-holding fixture (n)
work-holding table (n)
work-in-process storage (n)
work/services to be provided by others (pl)
workable (adj)
workbench (n)
workholder (n)
working (n)
working capacity (n)
working cycle (n)
working depth (n)
working drawing (n)
Working height
working height (n)
working hours (pl)
working life (n)
working materials (n)
working materials design (n)
working platform (n)
working pressure (n)
working principle (n)
working resistance (n)
working side (n)
working space (n)
working speed (n)
working standard (n)
Working surface
working surface (n)
working system (n)
working value (n)
working voltage (n)
workload (n)
Workload profile
workload profile (n)
workmanship (n)
workpiece (n)
workpiece carrier (n)
workpiece change (n)
workpiece clamping (n)
workpiece classification (n)
workpiece contour (n)
workpiece drawing (n)
workpiece fixture (n)
workpiece thread (n)
workpiece zero point (n)
workplace (n)
Workplace design
workplace design (n)
workplace organisation (n)
works (n)
works traffic (n)
workshop (n)
workshop control (n)
workshop drawing (n)
workshop management (n)
workspace (n)
workspindle (n)
workstation (n)
workstation design (n)
worm (n)
worm and thread grinding machine (n)
worm axis (n)
worm conveyor (n)
worm drive (n)
Worm gear
worm gear (n)
worm gear drive (n)
worm gear pair (n)
worm gear stage (n)
worm geared machine (n)
worm gearing (n)
worm generating hob (n)
worm milling machine (n)
worm pitch diameter (n)
worm rack (n)
worm shaft (n)
worm thread (n)
worm wheel (n)
wormgear (n)
wormgear winch (n)
wormwheel rim (n)
worn (adj)
worn out (adj)
wound (adj)
wound-pattern furnace wall (n)
wrap (n)
wrap (v)
wrap around (ropes wrap around a sheave) (v)
wrap post (n)
wrapping (n)
wrapping angle (n)
wrapping machine (n)
wrapping tool (n)
wrench (n)
wrench radius (n)
wrist (n)
wrist strap (n)
wrist strap tester (n)
wristband (n)
wristband tester (n)
write (v)
written form (n)
wrong (adj)
Wrought alloy
wrought alloy (n)
wrought aluminium alloy (n)
Wunsch-Bell model (n)
wye connection (n)
X arrangement (n)
X coordinate (n)
X-axis (n)
X-radiation (n)
X-ray (n)
X-ray analysis (n)
X-ray analytics (n)
X-ray examination (n)
X-ray fine-structure analysis (n)
X-ray inspection (n)
X-ray radiation (n)
X-ray radiograph (n)
X-ray testing (n)
XYZ analysis (n)
Y coordinate (n)
Y-axis (n)
Y-branch (n)
Y-section (n)
y-value (n)
year of construction (n)
year of manufacture (n)
year of operation (n)
yield (n)
yield point (n)
yield strength (n)
yield stress (n)
yoke (n)
Z-diode (n)
Z-section (n)
zero (n)
zero adjustment (n)
zero axis (n)
zero balance (n)
zero deviation (n)
zero indicator (n)
zero level (n)
zero line (n)
zero member (n)
zero offset (n)
zero passage (n)
zero point (n)
zero position (n)
zero potential (n)
zero power (n)
zero power output (n)
zero scale mark (n)
zero setting (n)
zero state (n)
zero value (n)
zero-crossing (n)
zero-speed control (n)
zinc (n)
zinc alloy (n)
zinc plate (n)
zinc sheet (n)
zinc-base alloy (n)
zinc-plate (v)
zone (n)
zone melting (n)
zone refining (n)
zoning (n)
zoning (of cars in a group of lifts) (n)
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