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Glossary index A-Z
The glossary index gives you an overview of all contributions from A to Z.
La Mont boiler (n)
lab (n)
label (v)
labelling (n)
labile equilibrium (n)
labor (n)
laboratory (n)
laboratory equipment (pl)
laboratory setup (n)
laboratory test (n)
labour (n)
labour costs (n)
labour value (n)
labyrinth (n)
labyrinth gland (n)
labyrinth joint (n)
labyrinth packing (n)
Labyrinth seal
labyrinth seal (n)
lace machine (n)
lack (n)
lacquer (n)
ladders (n)
lag (n)
lag (v)
lag behind (v)
lagging (adj)
lagging element (n)
Lagrange equation (n)
lamellar graphite (n)
laminate (n)
laminate (v)
laminate sheet (n)
Laminate types
laminated glass (n)
laminated material (n)
Laminated object manufacturing
laminated spring (n)
laminating (n)
lamination (n)
lamp (n)
lamp panel (n)
lamp socket (n)
lamp-wire connector (n)
lamp-wire terminal (n)
land (n)
land container (m)
land width (n)
landing (n)
landing accuracy (n)
landing area (n)
landing area control (n)
landing call (n)
landing call button (n)
landing collective (adj)
landing door (n)
landing entrance (n)
landing error (n)
landing identification (n)
landing level (n)
landing position indicator (n)
landing pushbotton box (n)
landing side (n)
landing sill (n)
landing station (n)
landing zone (n)
landing zone space (n)
lane (in a tube bank) (n)
Lang lay (n)
Lang's lay (n)
Lang's lay rope (n)
lantern (n)
lap (n)
lap (v)
lap joint (n)
Laplace transform (n)
Laplace transformation
lapped (adj)
lapping (n)
lapping machine (n)
lapping tool (n)
lapping wheel (n)
large (adj)
large goods (n)
large-area button (n)
large-scale ... (adj)
large-scale integration (n)
laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) (n)
laser beam (n)
laser beam process (n)
Laser beam processes
laser beam welding (n)
Laser cladding
Laser coating
Laser cutting
laser cutting (n)
Laser drilling
laser light source (n)
Laser machining
laser power (n)
laser radiation (n)
laser separation (n)
Laser sintering
laser sintering (n)
laser technology (n)
laser welding (n)
Laser-beam cutting
laser-beam cutting (n)
Laser-beam welding
laser-beam welding (n)
last-stage blade (n)
last-stage blade ring (n)
lasting (adj)
latch (n)
latch (v)
latch lock (n)
lateral (adj)
lateral contraction (n)
lateral distribution (n)
lateral expansion (n)
lateral force (n)
lateral load (n)
lateral shrinkage (n)
lateral strain (n)
lathe (n)
lathe (v)
lathe chuck (n)
lathe file (n)
lathe operator (n)
lathe shop (n)
lathe spindle (n)
lathe threading (n)
lathe tool (n)
lathe work (n)
lattice (n)
lattice-type structure (n)
launch (v)
law of action and reaction (n)
law of angular momentum (n)
law of centre-of-mass motion (n)
law of conservation (n)
law of conservation of energy (n)
law of conservation of energy for the flow (n)
law of conservation of mass (n)
law of friction (n)
Law of gearing
law of gearing (n)
Law of gravitation
law of gravitation (n)
law of impact (n)
law of induction (n)
law of linear momentum (n)
law of oxidation rate (n)
law of the lever (n)
law/principle of conservation of momentum (n)
lay (n)
lay (v)
lay of rope (n)
lay out (v)
layer (n)
layer-to-layer spacing (n)
layered composite material (n)
laying (n)
layout (n)
layout concept (n)
layout drawing (n)
layout plan (n)
LC circuit (n)
LCD (n)
LD process (n)
lead (n)
lead (v)
lead angle (n)
lead angle error (n)
lead error (n)
lead lining (n)
lead screen (n)
lead seal (n)
lead sheath (n)
lead sheathing (n)
lead shield (n)
lead time (n)
lead time reduction (n)
lead time scheduling (n)
lead-covered cable (n)
leading (adj)
leading edge (n)
leadscrew (n)
leadscrew tapping (n)
leaf (n)
Leaf spring
leaf spring (n)
leak (n)
leak (v)
leak prevention (n)
leak test (n)
leak through (v)
leakage (n)
leakage coefficient (n)
leakage current (n)
leakage detector (n)
leakage oil tube (n)
leakage power (n)
leakage rate (n)
leakage test (n)
leakiness (n)
leaking (adj)
leakproof (adj)
leaky (adj)
lean (adj)
Lean management
lean manufacturing (n)
Lean production
leased circuit (n)
leased line (n)
least material limit (LML) (n)
least squares method (n)
leave (v)
leave the door ajar (adj)
leave the key in the lock (v)
leaving (n)
LED (n)
ledge (n)
left (adv)
left-hand (adj)
left-hand (adv)
left-hand flute (n)
left-hand lay (n)
left-hand thread (n)
left-hand winding (n)
left-turning (adj)
leg (n)
legal (adj)
legend (n)
length (n)
length compensation (n)
length increment (n)
Length metrology
length metrology (n)
length of engagement (n)
length of grip (n)
length of lay (n)
length of path of contact (n)
length of thread engagement (n)
length section (n)
length stability (n)
lengthen (v)
lengthwise (adv)
lens (n)
lepton (n)
lessen (v)
letter (v)
lettering (n)
lettering field (n)
levee (n)
level (adj)
level (n)
level (v)
level adaptation (n)
level compensation (n)
level component (n)
level control (n)
level estimate (n)
level gage (n)
level gauge (n)
level indicator (n)
level of automation (n)
level of compression (n)
level of cooperation (n)
level of delivery reliability (n)
level of demand (n)
level of familiarity (n)
level of safety against tipping (n)
level of service (n)
level of utilisation (n)
level probe (n)
level transmitter (n)
levelling (n)
levelling accuracy (n)
levelling characteristic (n)
levelling distance (n)
levelling fault (n)
levelling performance (n)
levelling speed (n)
levelling switch (n)
levelling valve (n)
levelling zone (n)
lever (n)
lever arm (n)
lever arm of rolling friction (n)
lever arm of static stability (n)
lever control (n)
lever fulcrum (n)
lever principle (n)
lever ratio (n)
lever switch (n)
lever-arm distance (n)
lever-arm length (n)
lever-operated chuck (n)
leverage (n)
leverage ratio (n)
licence (n)
license (n)
license (v)
lid (n)
lie (v)
life (n)
Life cycle assessment
life cycle cost accounting (n)
Life cycle costs
life expectancy (n)
life test (n)
life-consumption characteristic (n)
lifetime (n)
lifetime prediction (n)
lift (n)
lift (v)
lift attendant (n)
lift cage (n)
lift car (n)
lift designed for intensive use (n)
Lift drive
lift drive (n)
lift file (n)
lift for intensive use (n)
lift for rough service (n)
lift for the disabled (n)
lift for the handicapped (n)
lift frame (n)
lift in use (n)
lift industry (n)
lift installation (n)
lift into place (in the hoistway by winches) (v)
lift off (v)
lift operation (n)
lift operator (n)
lift performance (n)
lift service (n)
lift system (n)
lift travel (n)
lift trip (n)
lift truck (n)
lift valve (n)
lift warden (n)
lift well enclosure (n)
liftgate (n)
lifting (n)
lifting beam (n)
lifting beam system (n)
lifting capacity (n)
lifting chain (n)
lifting cylinder (n)
lifting device (n)
lifting eye nut (n)
lifting eye-bolt (n)
lifting eyebolt (n)
lifting force (n)
lifting fork (n)
lifting frame (n)
Lifting gear
lifting gear (n)
lifting handle (n)
lifting height (n)
Lifting hook
lifting hook (n)
lifting jack (n)
lifting lug (n)
Lifting magnet
lifting magnet (n)
lifting means (n)
lifting motor (n)
lifting platform (n)
lifting power (n)
lifting rod (n)
lifting slide (n)
lifting speed (n)
lifting table (n)
lifting tackle (n)
lifting torque (n)
lifting truck (n)
Lifting unit
lifting winch (n)
lifting work (n)
light (adj)
light (n)
light (v)
light amplification (n)
light barrier (n)
Light colour
light colour (n)
light current (n)
light curtain (n)
light fitting (n)
light fixture (n)
light from external source (n)
light guide (n)
light in weight (adj)
light incidence (n)
light intensity (n)
light metal (n)
light metal housing (n)
light microscopy (n)
light path (n)
light ray system (n)
light ray unit (n)
light selector (n)
light source (n)
light up (v)
light-beam curtain (n)
light-current engineering (n)
light-emitting diode (n)
light-grille barrier (n)
light-metal alloy (n)
Light-section microscope: Light-section microscopes are suitable for determining the peak-to-valley height when the average peak-to-valley height is ${R_z} > 1$ µm. A narrow line of light falls on a surface at an angle of 45°. The line's distorti
light-weight (adj)
light-weight construction (n)
light-weight material (n)
lighting (n)
lighting engineering (n)
lighting fitting (n)
lighting fixture (n)
lighting level (n)
lighting strength (n)
lighting technology (n)
lighting unit (n)
lightness (n)
lightning arrester (n)
lightning conductor (n)
lightning protection (n)
lightning protection system (n)
lightning rod (n)
lightning stroke (n)
lightweight checker firebrick (n)
Lightweight concrete
lightweight concrete (n)
lightweight construction (n)
lightweight design (n)
lightweight structure (n)
LIM (n)
limit (n)
limit (v)
limit deviation (n)
limit for slenderness ratio (n)
limit gage (n)
limit gauge (n)
limit line (n)
limit load (n)
limit number of stress cycles (n)
limit of deviation (n)
limit of elasticity (n)
limit of proportionality (n)
limit of wear (n)
limit position (n)
limit size (n)
limit slenderness (n)
limit snap gage (n)
limit snap gauge (n)
limit speed (n)
limit stop (n)
limit stress (n)
limit switch (n)
limit temperature (n)
limit thread gage (n)
limit thread gauge (n)
limit torque (n)
limitation (n)
limited capacity (n)
limiter (n)
limiter diode (n)
limiting frequency (n)
limiting load (n)
limiting size (n)
limiting torque (n)
limiting value (n)
limits (pl)
line (n)
line (v)
line balance loss (n)
line centroid (n)
line chart (n)
line choke (n)
line contact (n)
line contactor (n)
line current (n)
line diagram (n)
line drop (n)
line fault (n)
line fuse (n)
line graph (n)
line group (n)
line load (n)
line moment (n)
line of acceleration (n)
line of action (n)
line of contact (n)
line of force (n)
line of impact (n)
line production (n)
line profile (n)
line segment (n)
line shipping (n)
line side (n)
line style (n)
line switch (n)
line terminal (n)
line termination (n)
line tester (n)
line thickness (n)
line transformer (n)
line type (n)
line voltage (n)
line width (n)
line-side fuse (n)
Line-stop concept
linear ball bearing (n)
linear bearing arrangement (n)
linear calculation (n)
linear expansion (n)
linear extensional strain (n)
linear force law (n)
linear guide (n)
linear guide unit (n)
linear induction motor (n)
linear measure (n)
Linear motor
linear motor (n)
linear movement (n)
linear pitch (n)
linear regression (n)
linear roller bearing (n)
linear roller guide (n)
linear size (n)
linear spring oscillation (n)
linear stacking (n)
linear strain distribution (n)
linear stress distribution (n)
linear volatility axiom (n)
liner (n)
liner shipping (n)
lining (n)
link (n)
link (v)
link chain (n)
link mechanism (n)
linkage (n)
linking (n)
linking mechanism (n)
links (n)
lint-free (adj)
lintel (n)
lip seal (n)
lip sealing (n)
liquid (adj)
liquid (n)
liquid container (n)
liquid crystal display (n)
liquid cube (n)
liquid density (n)
liquid filaments (n)
liquid friction (n)
liquid height (n)
liquid laser (n)
liquid level (n)
liquid penetration test (n)
liquid pressure (n)
liquid sealant (n)
liquid-borne sound (n)
liquor-fired boiler (n)
list of characteristics (n)
list of material requirements (n)
list of parts (n)
listing (n)
lithium soap grease (n)
live (adj)
live (v)
live load (n)
live steam (n)
live storage rack (n)
load (n)
load (v)
load adjustment (n)
load analysis (n)
load application (n)
load balancing (n)
load bypass (n)
load calculation (n)
load capacity (n)
load carrier (n)
load carrying capacity (n)
load carrying unit (n)
load case (n)
Load cell
load cell (n)
load characteristic (n)
load condition (n)
load control (n)
load cycle (n)
load diagram (n)
load displacement curve (n)
load displacement diagram (n)
load distribution (n)
load elongation curve (n)
load equalization (n)
load factor (n)
load fluctuation (n)
load handling equipment (n)
load hook (n)
load levelling (n)
load lifting (n)
load limitation (n)
load magnet (n)
load management (n)
load on a beam (n)
load pattern (n)
load per axle (n)
load piston (n)
load planning (n)
load plate (n)
load power (n)
load profile (n)
load reconciliation (n)
load reversal (n)
load run (n)
load safety analysis (n)
load scenario (n)
load securing equipment (n)
load securing support (n)
load sharing (n)
load stability (n)
load state (n)
load status (n)
load terminal (n)
load torque (n)
load transfer switch (n)
load type (n)
load unit (n)
load variation (n)
load vector (n)
load weighing (n)
load work (n)
load-bearing (adj)
load-bearing capacity (n)
load-bearing capacity analysis (n)
load-bearing depth (n)
load-bearing function (n)
load-bearing structure (n)
Load-bearing structure (conveying technology)
load-deflection equation (n)
load-weighing device (n)
load/area ratio (n)
loadable (adj)
loaded cable (n)
loader crane (n)
loading (n)
loading case (n)
loading condition (n)
loading crane (n)
loading equipment (n)
loading gantry (n)
loading limit (n)
loading operation (n)
loading scheme (n)
loading stability (n)
loading time (n)
lobby call (n)
lobster-back cladding (n)
lobster-back construction (n)
local actual dimension (n)
local actual size (n)
Local cell
local lighting (n)
local process planning/work scheduling (n)
local service (n)
local storage area (n)
local stress (n)
local traffic (n)
localised corrosion (n)
localised stress (n)
localization (n)
Locating and non-locating bearing arrangement
locating bearing (n)
locating pin (n)
location (n)
location bearing (n)
location bearing force (n)
location decisions (n)
location plan (n)
location planning (n)
location-related problem (n)
lock (n)
lock (v)
lock bolt (n)
lock cylinder (n)
lock home (v)
lock in place (v)
lock mechanically (v)
lock nut (n)
lock out (v)
lock washer (n)
lock with a lock nut (v)
lock-and-release device (n)
lock-out (n)
lock-out circuit (n)
lockable (adj)
locked (adj)
locked-rotor torque (n)
locking (n)
locking bolt (n)
locking contact (n)
locking device (n)
locking force (n)
locking lever (n)
locking mechanism (n)
locking paint (n)
locking pawl (n)
locking pin (n)
locking screw (n)
locking spring (n)
locking thread (n)
locking washer (n)
locking wire (n)
locking zone (n)
locksmith (n)
locus (n)
log (n)
logarithm (n)
logarithmic law (n)
logbook (n)
logistics (n)
logistics chain (n)
logistics costs (n)
logistics function (n)
logistics of distribution (n)
logistics service (n)
logistics service provider (n)
long (stroke) retractable sootblower (n)
long goods storage (n)
long hole (n)
long stroke (adj)
long thread (n)
long-distance interference suppression (n)
long-distance traffic (n)
long-distance transport (n)
long-haul transport (n)
long-length thread (n)
long-stroke gas spring (n)
long-term behaviour (n)
long-term performance (n)
long-term trend (n)
long-time stress-rupture strength (n)
longitudinal (adv)
longitudinal feed (n)
longitudinal machining (n)
longitudinal pipe seam (n)
longitudinal play (n)
longitudinal press-fit (n)
longitudinal section (n)
longitudinal stop (n)
longitudinal strain (n)
longitudinal travel (n)
longitudinal traverse (n)
look for (v)
loop (n)
loop cycle (n)
loop pass (n)
loose (adj)
loose bearing (n)
loose connection (n)
loose contact (n)
loose fit (n)
loose pulley (n)
loosen (v)
loosening torque (n)
lorry (n)
Loschmidt's number (n)
loss (n)
loss factor (n)
loss of energy (n)
loss of signal (n)
loss statistics (n)
lossless (adj)
lost time (n)
lot (n)
lot splitting (n)
loud (adj)
loudness (n)
loudness level (n)
louvered ceiling (n)
louvre (n)
louvred ceiling (n)
low angle grain boundary (n)
Low Cost Intelligent Automation
low frequency (n)
low pressure (n)
low voltage (n)
low-bodied (adj)
low-carbon steel (n)
low-contrast ... (adj)
low-cycle fatigue strength (n)
low-distortion ... (adj)
low-grade (adj)
low-level code (n)
low-level code determination (n)
Low-lift pallet truck
low-lift pallet truck (n)
low-lift platform truck (n)
low-loss ... (adj)
low-maintenance ... (adj)
low-maintenance plain bearing material (n)
low-noise ... (adj)
low-pass filter (n)
low-quality (adj)
low-radiation ... (adj)
low-resistance ... (adj)
low-speed ... (adj)
low-temperature treatment (n)
low-viscosity ... (adj)
low-voltage current (n)
low-voltage installation (n)
low-voltage source (n)
low-wear ... (adj)
lower (v)
lower chord (n)
lower limit (n)
lower-level ... (adj)
lower-ranking ...: slave ... (adj)
lowering device (n)
lowering mechanism (n)
lowering valve (n)
lozenge (n)
LSI (n)
lube oil (n)
lubricant (n)
lubricant film (n)
lubricate (v)
lubricated for life (adj)
lubricating device (n)
lubricating felt (n)
lubricating film formation (n)
Lubricating grease
lubricating grease (n)
lubricating instructions (n)
Lubricating oil
lubricating oil (n)
Lubricating oil additive
lubricating pump (n)
lubrication (n)
lubrication chart (n)
lubrication clearance (n)
lubrication engineering (n)
lubrication gap (n)
lubrication hole (n)
lubrication interval (n)
lubrication point (n)
lubrication process (n)
lubrication schedule (n)
lubrication specifications (n)
lubrication technology (n)
lubricator (n)
Luffing gear
luffing gear (n)
lug (n)
luminaire (n)
luminance (n)
luminous bar (n)
luminous element (n)
Luminous flux
luminous flux (n)
Luminous intensity
luminous intensity (n)
luminous power (n)
lux (n)
lye application machine (n)
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