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flach (adj)

Daher sollten dort flache Treppen mit Setzstufen zum Einsatz kommen.

Zu den Stauchverfahren gehören das Flach-, Glatt- oder das Maßprägen.

Flache Profile der Baureihe 6 für die Befestigung leichter Anbauteile.

even (adj)

Sometimes, shadows can also be prevented using indirect lighting.

Seven different types of wastage have been identified in production.

However, deflection in the Shaft is even more important.

flat (adj)

Boxes and workpieces can be stored flat or at an angle.

When using Automatic Flat Bracket Sets, caps cover the nuts, which are located on the outside of the construction.

In such circumstances, flat treads with risers should be used.

level (adj)

Always set down the height-adjustable work bench on a level surface.

A high level of efficiency can be achieved on both a physical and psychological level.

The outside edge of the profiles and the panel element are on the same level.

plane (adj)

Planen Sie Ihren individuellen Arbeitstisch jetzt einfach Online.

The shear indicates, for example, a change of angle in the x-y plane.

Mit unserem Konfigurator planen Sie Ihre SystemMobile jetzt einfach Online.

平均 (adj)

扁平 (adj)

水平面 (adj)

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