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pila (n)

Stapel (m)

Stapelbare Greifschale zur Bereitstellung von Kleinteilen an Arbeitsplätzen.

Stapelbare Greifschalen in verschiedenen Breiten und Höhen zur Bereitstellung von Kleinteilen an Arbeitsplätzen.

Mit den Greifschalendeckeln können die Greifschalen staubdicht verschlossen und versetzt übereinander gestapelt werden.

pile (n)

The user is not authorised to edit or decompile the software.

The Base Plates/Transport Plates are compiled into complete sets including all fastening elements.

If you have compiled any technical terminology lists of your own or have diagrams relating to terms, we would be grateful if you could share them with us.

stack (n)

Some portal stackers have two engines on the side supports.

Stackable Parts Container for holding small parts within easy reach at work benches.

Stackable Parts Containers in various widths and heights for holding small parts within easy reach at work benches.

堆 (n)

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