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Zustand (m)

Die genutzten Verfahren sind vom Zustand der Werkstoffe abhängig.

Das Gas schäumt den Werkstoff auf, der dann in den festen Zustand übergeht.

Die Regelgüte im eingeschwungenen Zustand ist die bleibende Regeldifferenz.

circumstance (n)

The subsequent installation sequence varies according to the circumstances.

Cold and neutral-coloured light is only needed under exceptional circumstances.

In such circumstances, flat treads with risers should be used.

condition (n)

There are six conditions of equilibrium in a three-dimensional space.

The holding force is dependent on the condition of the surface where clamping pressure is applied.

Conditions can be harsh inside processing machines.

state (n)

The processes employed depend on the state of the materials.

An off-state breakdown can be caused by two things.

This offers a perfect opportunity to stay up to date with state-of-the-art technology.

status (n)

Besondere Innentreppen dienen dem Bauherren oder Besitzer auch als Statussymbol.

Exquisite indoor stairways also act as a status symbol for the building's owner or designer.

A three-colour LED on each switch enables users to check its operating status at a glance.

条件 (n)

状况 (n)

状态 (n)

circunstancia (n)

condición (n)

estado (n)

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