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zurückziehen (v)

Darüber hinaus haben wir jedoch für ein mögliches Zurückziehen aus unseren Führungspositionen frühzeitig Vorsorge getroffen.

retract (v)

For example, the Keyboard Shelf can be extended and retracted.

The retraction force is manually adjustable and an integrated securing loop is included.

A special Fastening Set is also available to convert the Keyboard Shelf to a retractable version which fits neatly under the working surface.

withdraw (v)

You are entitled to withdraw this consent for future effect at any time.

Disengaging the tool rivets the set nut into place before the spindle is then withdrawn

It dictates that the parts provided first are also the first to be withdrawn or consumed.

撤退 (v)

收回 (v)

retirar (v)

retraer (v)

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