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Ziel (n)

Für diese Schutzeinrichtungen sind spezielle Bauteile erhältlich.Ein spezielles Deckelprofil ermöglicht den Verschluss des Kanals.Denn das eigentliche Ziel von Kanban ist es, sich zu eliminieren.

aim (n)

The aim is to improve coordination between engineering and production.

Claims for damages shall be limited to typical, foreseeable damage.

In cases of improper use, all warranty claims shall be null and void.

destination (n)

As a result, materials and products can be delivered to their destination without a scratch on them.

The heavy-duty Knuckle Feet are used to keep the booth securely in place when it reaches its destination.

The lateral guide helps ensure goods of all types are conveyed to the relevant destination safely and securely.

goal (n)

And the ultimate goal is to protect employees - a company's most important asset.

If a company is to get close to achieving this goal, the most important thing it can do is massively reduce setup times.

However, automation technology did not achieve its original goals.

objective (n)

Indeed, the actual objective of Kanban is to eliminate itself.

Optimising an assembly line is one of the main objectives in lean manufacturing.

One of our foremost objectives as we continue to innovate is the full compatibility of our components.

target (n)

This is the target that gives the system its name - Six Sigma.

Target times can be planned in advance for all phases of work.

As a result, the actual deviation from target dimensions is fundamentally lower.

目标 (n)

目的 (n)

目的地 (n)

destino (n)

meta (n)

objetivo (n)

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