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Zarge (f)

So ermöglichen sie die Montage von Türen nahezu ohne Türspalt zur Zarge.

Verhindert den direkten Kontakt von Aluminiumprofilen zwischen Stufen und Zarge.

So ermöglichen sie die Anbringung von Türen nahezu ohne Türspalt zur Zarge (Bezeichnung "0").

architrave (n)

frame (n)

Work bench F 2 FOne space-saving frame for two work benches.

The basic frame is made of MB components, and that's just for extra stability.

All table frames that are used must be height adjustable.

surround (n)

The filler material is fed in from outside, an inert gas surrounds the electrode and molten pool.

It can be screw-connected to the profiles of the surrounding frames or to moving modules.

Fastening systems which function using the principle of hardening plastic resins to provide stress-free anchoring (no high forces are exerted on the surrounding concrete).

框架 (n)

环绕 (n)

arquitrabe (n)

envolver (n)

marco (n)

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