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Verstärkung (f)

Moderne Lösungen erlauben, Verstärkungen an quasi jedem Ort jederzeit zu ergänzen.

Das Verhältnis von Basisstrom zu Kollektorstrom wird auch als Stromverstärkungsfaktor bezeichnet.

Schraube zur Verstärkung des Klemmsitzes der Abdeckkappen 8 (PA-GF) in den Kernbohrungen der Profile 8.

amplification (n)

The base current to collector current ratio is also called the current amplification factor.

Light is generated in an optical resonator (laser = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).

To do so, the product of the turn-off amplification and the gate current must equal the flowing anode current .

backing (n)

The Sound-Insulating Material has a self-adhesive backing, making it particularly easy to use.

Strain gauges are normally applied to a foil backing that is then attached to the component using a special adhesive.

It is fastened in place using hook-and-loop pads that can either be bonded to a table top via their self-adhesive backing or screwed into place on a profile.

reinforcement (n)

When using state-of-the-art solutions, users can add reinforcements virtually anywhere they like, whenever they need to.

strengthening (n)

加强 (n)

放大 (n)

amplificación (n)

apoyo (n)

fortalecimiento (n)

refuerzo (n)

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