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verkleinern (v)

Der gesamte Raum ist über Rollen transportabel und lässt sich für den Transport verkleinern, indem der Teil mit Beamer in den restlichen Projektionsraum eingeschoben werden kann.

decrease (v)

Semi-conductors are NTC thermistors, i.e. their resistance decreases as the temperature increases.

Acceleration metrology is used to determine the increase and decrease in the velocity of bodies.

Reversing the polarity of the voltage applied increases the potential barrier and the diffusion decreases exponentially.

diminish (v)

reduce (v)

This helps to reduce extreme strain on the musculoskeletal system.

Stanchions, hand-rails and knee-rails reduce the risk of injuries.

During deceleration, the velocity is reduced to V5, V6 and V7.

减少 (v)

disminuir (v)

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