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Verhalten (n)

Ein Beispiel für elastisches Verhalten ergibt sich beim Zugversuch.

Dieses Verhalten der Dehnung quer zur Zugrichtung heißt Querkontraktion.

Um ein möglichst gutes Regelverhalten zu erzielen, gibt es verschiedene Regler.

behavior (n)

behaviour (n)

Tensile testing provides one example of elastic behaviour.

What's more the creep behaviour associated with plastic-coated steel tubes meant that screws had to be retightened on a very frequent basis.

The theory of elasticity indicates the behaviour of a component that is subjected to elastic and thus reversible deformation.

pattern (n)

Eight rollers, arranged play-free in a criss-cross pattern, ensure maximum load-carrying capacity with compact size.

The basic pattern of the elements must be designed in line with the user experience and a consistent system of symbols must be used.

The Adapter Flange Universal can be machined to suit the connection geometry (hole pattern, centring) of the drive.

performance (n)

This applies to both overall performance and partial performance.

It has an impact on mood, motivation, health and performance.

This economic Linear Unit uses only a few components to deliver maximum performance.

response (n)

A number of controllers are available to optimise the control response.

A step response is a system's response to a step function.

An I element's step response is a straight line that rises over time with the slope .

性能 (n)

模式 (n)

行为 (n)

comportamiento (n)

desempeño (n)

patrón (n)

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