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Verhältnis (n)

Dieses Verhältnis spiegelt sich auch in den anderen Werten wider.

Das Arbeitsverhältnis endet zum heutigen Tag allein aus betriebsbedingten Gründen.

Der Quotient aus Unter- und Oberspannung ergibt das sogenannte Spannungsverhältnis.

proportion (n)

The latter can also take into account a certain proportion of administration costs.

Zu Beginn der Lastaufbringung verhalten sich Spannung und Dehnung proportional.

When the load is first applied, the stress and strain (elongation) are proportional.

ratio (n)

Acceleration causes the sand to adhere closely to the model.

It is not intended for continuous lifting operations in automated industrial processes.

Long 'cycle times', removal operations can be interrupted, restricted space

relation (n)

This relationship is represented by the coefficient of static frictionµS.

It is important to consider the working position in relation to the type of work.

The elongation indicates the change in length in relation to a body's total length.

relationship (n)

This relationship is represented by the coefficient of static frictionµS.

Her employment relationship with us has ended solely due to operational circumstances.

The known geometric relationships have already been included in the Excel spreadsheet.

关系 (n)

比率 (n)

proporción (n)

relación (n)

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