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Verdrahtung (f)

cabling (n)

A large cable duct offers a secure and spacious means of housing power packs and cabling.

RJ plug connections are interface connectors that have been standardised by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for use in telecommunications cabling (Western plugs).

installation (n)

Simple aluminium conduits for installation of cables and hoses.

Small dimensions enable installation directly adjacent to a vertical strut.

It's quick, clean, there's no machining involved and the installation can be reconfigured at a later date.

interconnection (n)

For universal power-lock interconnection of Profiles 5 and Profiles 8. Suitable for profiles which need to be moved subsequently, since only one profile is processed.

wiring (n)

Ohmic resistances are also always present in real circuits (even if this is just from the wiring). This produces a variable phase shift angle.

互连 (n)

安装 (n)

布线 (n)

cableado (n)

instalación (n)

interconexión (n)

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