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Trum (n)

The eyes can adapt to a broad spectrum of luminance values.

Measuring instrument errors - due to manufacturing tolerances, adjustment, etc.

Examples of such measuring instruments include piston and fluid gauges.

end (n)

Die Oberflächen sind antistatisch oder elektrostatisch ableitend.

The ends of the Warning and Protective Profiles are sealed by flexible Caps.

Arbeitstisch F 2 F Platzsparendes Gestell für zwei Arbeitsplätze.

side (n)

The inside corner of the angled profiles is provided with an undercut.

Conduit Inside Corners, Conduit Caps and Cable Entry Protectors - Safe cornering.

Fasten the Reverse Units to the appropriate sides of the profile.

strand (n)

The pulling chain strand is known as the driving side, the other strand is the slack side.

The finely stranded construction results in good bend fatigue resistance and long service life.

The conveyor elements are usually connected to two chain strands to form an endless link belt.

strand side (n)

侧面 (n)

绞合线 (n)

绞合线侧面 (n)

lado (n)

lado de la mecha (n)

mecha (n)

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