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teilen (v)

Befestigung von Endschaltern an Profilen oder beliebigen Bauteilen.

Zur Befestigung von Endschaltern an Profilen oder beliebigen Bauteilen.

Es freut mich wenn Ihnen unser Produkt mit all seinen Vorteilen zusagt.

divide (v)

The various steps and applications are divided into chapters.

while the relative error is the absolute error divided by the conventional true value.

Room dividers etc. can also be constructed from these elements.

graduate (v)

Voltage characteristic during phase control
Voltage characteristic during phase control

Eight postgraduates and numerous Bachelor and Master students are involved.

He and five other postgraduates from the University of Freiburg are studying the impact of network activity on neuronal cell physiology.

The Chair covers research areas including fluid acoustics and fluid dynamics, as well as the topics of the Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials and the Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies.

split (v)

The connected load is split into apparent power and reactive power.

The special T-Slot Nut can be split in the centre and halved if required.

Cables and Splitters can be used to control several LED light fittings from one place.

划分 (v)

标上刻度 (v)

dividir (v)

graduar (v)

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