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stillsetzen (v)

arrest (v)

The lifting-door system comprises vertical lifting guides, door hanging system, counterweight, drive and arrester mechanism.

An arrester mechanism prevents the lifting door falling down the guide if the door hanging system fails.

Modular system for constructing lifting doors in enclosures and guards, consisting of vertical guides, door hanging system, counterweight, two types of Chain Reverse Unit, and arrester.

shut down (v)

If deviations from the approved plans are detected, the building site is immediately 'shut down'.

stop (v)

Vor Erreichen der mechanischen Endlage wird automatisch gestoppt.

The table columns are automatically stopped before they reach the mechanical stop position.

Mittels zusätzlichem Stopper kann die Ausgangshöhe justiert werden.

停止 (v)

apagar (v)

detener (v)

parar (v)

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