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starten (v)

Pascal's triangle used to calculate the binomial coefficient for <I>n</I> over <I>k</I>
Pascal's triangle used to calculate the binomial coefficient for n over k

Gleiches möchten wir nun auch mit einer spanischen Version starten.

Gleiches möchten wir nun auch mit einer spanischen Version starten. Hierauf zielt meine Anfrage zur Übersetzung.

Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit den letzten Arbeitsschritt rückgängig zu machen oder eine Animation verschiedener Objekte zu starten.

launch (v)

Once the system has been launched, planned and actual capacities need to be compared and amended.

Our new distributor BKK Tech is launching a brand-new website for its future collaboration with item.

The new work bench products originate from various sections of the Work Bench System and are arranged according to their launch dates.

roll out (v)

The two businesses worked together to roll out major changes in the laser specialist's production halls.

The only way to achieve the medium and long-term successes that the system promises is to continuously roll out in-house and external methods, concepts and strategies that boost value - and that includes in the West.

start (v)

Capacities then started to become available for the production of consumer goods.

The roller tool is now ready to start beading the upper ribs.

The return stroke (non-cutting stroke) returns the tool to the starting position.

启动 (v)

转出 (v)

desenrollar (v)

lanzar (v)

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