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Rastpolbahn (f)

Die grafische Darstellung aller Momentanzentren über die Zeit erfolgt über die Rastpolbahn.

Die grafische Darstellung aller Momentanzentren über die Zeit erfolgt über die Rastpolbahn. Es wird dabei von einem raumfesten Bezugsystem ausgegangen.

fixed centrode (n)

When the frame of reference is fixed in space, all the instantaneous centres of rotation over the relevant period of time are depicted by the fixed centrode (also known as the space centrode).

herpolhode (n)

A herpolhode depicts all instantaneous centres of rotation over time in graphic format.

space centrode (n)

When the frame of reference is fixed in space, all the instantaneous centres of rotation over the relevant period of time are depicted by the fixed centrode (also known as the space centrode).

herpolhode (n)

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