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Serie (f)

Der Arbeitsplatz hat keine Anforderungen für die Serienproduktion.

There are no series-production requirements at this type of work bench.

Die Baureihe XMS bietet alles, was der modulare Serienbau verlangt.

batch (n)

Möglich sind auch Kombi-Masterbatches, die Farbstoffe und Additive enthalten.

Combination masterbatches containing dyes and additives are also available.

The company manufactured products in small batches and was already working with standardised basic elements.

lot (n)

Slot the carriage onto the ready-prepared Profile.

They can be adjusted to the thickness of the panel elements by means of mounting slots.

T-Slot Sliders and Slide Guides for simple guides along the profile grooves.

series (n)

There are no series-production requirements at this type of work bench.

Line XMS meets all the requirements of modular series production.

Line XMS meets all the requirements of modular series production.

一批 (n)

许多 (n)

lote (n)

serie (n)

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