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Rand (m)

Im Randbereich dieses Bauteils wirken die größten Schubspannungen t.

Das Tablett ESD ist ein Regalboden mit umlaufendem Rand als Transportsicherung.

Outdoor stairways have often been used as a grand opening statement of a building's architectural credentials.

border (n)

edge (n)

The Arm Rest is fitted to the front edge of the table top.

The flexible impact protection covers over profile edges and sides.

The rectangular parallelepiped's edges are displaced at an angle .

periphery (n)

Tools that are used rarely can be placed around the periphery or alongside auxiliary elements.

rim (n)

Plastic wheel rim that leaves no visible tracks behind it.

Der Handlauf dient als primäre Absturzsicherung und als Steighilfe.

A hand-rail is the primary means of preventing a fall and a useful aid when climbing stairways.

边界 (n)

边缘 (n)

borde (n)

límite (n)

periferia (n)

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