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Rahmen (m)

Der Grundrahmen ist aus MB. Und sorgt einfach für mehr Stabilität.

Die Inventurleitung ist im Rahmen der Inventur die oberste Leitung.

Ebenfalls auf Rollen geführt ist der Hubschlitten im inneren Rahmen.

chassis (n)

These new products combine a lightweight solution with exceptional carrying capacity and an optimised chassis.

The supporting forces of the shelves should be transferred to the chassis at a point close to the Swivel Castors.

Die Leichtaluminiumträger des Roboterchassis bieten die für robuste Roboter notwendige hohe Steifigkeit.

frame (n)

Work bench F 2 FOne space-saving frame for two work benches.

The basic frame is made of MB components, and that's just for extra stability.

All table frames that are used must be height adjustable.

framework (n)

Nevertheless, we recommend that tools are hung on a framework attached to a Pivot Arm.

Aluminium profiles with integrated conduits create the perfect load-bearing, modular framework for constructions.

The profiles act as both the load-bearing components and the external framework of the construction, their anodized aluminium surfaces and covered profile grooves creating a harmonious look.

底盘 (n)

框架 (n)

chasis (n)

marco (n)

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