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neigen (v)

Bauartbedingt neigen Gleitführungen insbesondere bei geringen Geschwindigkeiten und erhöhter Belastung zu leicht ungleichförmigem Lauf (Stick-Slip-Effekt).

incline (v)

Inclined groove flanks for industry-standard fastenings that offer long-term stability.

The ESD-safe Tray is fitted at an incline using Angle Locking Bracket (A).

This mobile rack has two inclined removal slopes that function as feed-in levels and are positioned at optimum reaching height.

slope (v)

An I element's step response is a straight line that rises over time with the slope .

This mobile rack has two inclined removal slopes that function as feed-in levels and are positioned at optimum reaching height.

The amplitude of the output signal depends on the slope of the step function in the range to .

倾斜 (v)

倾斜的 (v)

inclinar (v)

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