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maximale Belastung (f)

Vermutlich wird als maximale Belastungsgrenze der Übergang von elastischer zur plastischen Verformung herangezogen, die Berücksichtigung von Sicherheitsfaktoren ist dem Anwender überlassen.

maximum load (n)

Also check the maximum load-carrying capacity of the Threaded Inserts.

In the load diagram here, that corresponds to maximum load-carrying capacity 'q'.

Always compare the maximum load-carrying capacity of the various components.

maximum loading (n)

It is naturally also possible to use the nomogram in reverse and begin with a maximum permissible torsion to calculate the required profile sizes or the maximum loading moments for a specified profile length.

maximum stress (n)

Dividing the minimum stress by the maximum stress gives the stress ratio.

In each case, the maximum stresses act on the slice element at a particular angle of cut.

If the minimum stress equals zero and the maximum stress is positive, the result is a pure pulsating tensile stress.

最大应力 (n)

最大负载 (n)

carga máxima (n)

esfuerzo máximo (n)

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