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knicken (v)

Die Verrundung der innenliegenden Kante verhindert  ein Abknicken der Leitungen.

Die Verrundung der innenliegenden Kante verhindert dabei ein Abknicken der Kabel.

Kanal-Innenecken führen Leitungen in einem sanften Winkel um Abbiegungen und verhindern so das Verknicken von Kabeln.

buckle (v)

The strap is pierced through at the best pre-punched position for the wearer, using the prong of the buckle.

This exceptional watch marries high-quality materials (titanium case, scratch-resistant sapphire glass, glass backplate, robust matt silicon strap and titanium buckle) and the perfect combination of design and styling.

fold (v)

All documents and lists are to be filed in an inventory folder.

It can be folded into virtually any position and then locked in place.

They can be folded into virtually any position and then locked in place.

kink (v)

The new conduit inside corners prevent kinking and cover over sharp edges in cable conduits with corners.

Conduit Inside Corners create a gentle angle to guide cables around bends, thus preventing kinks.

by preventing kinks in cables and hoses, by covering cut edges inside the conduit to protect cables and by creating a smooth transition between Wall Profiles and Support Profiles to protect hands.

使弯曲 (v)

扭结 (v)

折叠 (v)

doblar (v)

pandear (v)

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