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Instrument (n)

Measuring instrument errors - due to manufacturing tolerances, adjustment, etc.

Examples of such measuring instruments include piston and fluid gauges.

Analogue voltage measuring instruments or oscilloscopes are far more suitable for this purpose.

device (n)

Space requirements are normal, auxiliary devices are not used.

It involves repairing a wide and often fluctuating range of devices.

Remove Carriage Profile KLE section from the press-fit device

instrument (n)

Measuring instrument errors - due to manufacturing tolerances, adjustment, etc.

Examples of such measuring instruments include piston and fluid gauges.

Analogue voltage measuring instruments or oscilloscopes are far more suitable for this purpose.

tool (n)

The return height of the tool can be adjusted as required.

Access hole for tool when processing a Standard Connection.

The roller tool is now ready to start beading the upper ribs.

仪器 (n)

工具 (n)

设备 (n)

dispositivo (n)

herramienta (n)

instrumento (n)

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