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Gerät (n)

Der Platzbedarf ist normal, Hilfsgeräte kommen nicht zum Einsatz.

Um diese durchzuführen werden Hilfsmittel und Messgeräte benötigt.

Auch hier sind entsprechende Geräte am Arbeitsplatz unterzubringen.

apparatus (n)

appliance (n)

Single-phase transformers are used very frequently in electrical household appliances.

This includes all battery-operated devices, such as motor vehicles, forklift trucks, tools and household appliances.

Asynchronous machines are among the most important prime movers in the field of electrical engineering and are used, for example, in household appliances and machine tools.

device (n)

Space requirements are normal, auxiliary devices are not used.

It involves repairing a wide and often fluctuating range of devices.

Remove Carriage Profile KLE section from the press-fit device

instrument (n)

Measuring instrument errors - due to manufacturing tolerances, adjustment, etc.

Examples of such measuring instruments include piston and fluid gauges.

Analogue voltage measuring instruments or oscilloscopes are far more suitable for this purpose.

piece of equipment (n)

set (n)

Höhenverstellbaren Arbeitsplatz immer auf ebener Fläche absetzen.

Always set down the height-adjustable work bench on a level surface.

Das Modell der Innovation setzt auf die Verbesserung der Technik.

unit (n)

Special components are available for these guard units.

Fasten the Reverse Units to the appropriate sides of the profile.

Install the End Cap and Lubricating Systems on the bearing units.

仪器 (n)

器具 (n)

装置 (n)

设备 (n)

设置 (n)

aparato (n)

conjunto (n)

instrumento (n)

pieza de equipo (n)

unidad (n)

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