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drehen (umkehren) (v)

reverse (v)

Fasten the Reverse Units to the appropriate sides of the profile.

The next step is to screw the Reverse Unit to the Housing Profile.

Reverse Unit housing and Coupling Housing made from high-strength aluminium alloy.

spin (v)

Die Gewindespindel wird dann innerhalb der Profilnut abgedeckt geführt.

The threaded spindle is then guided covered within the profile groove.

Die Gewindebohrung nimmt die Spindel des höhenverstellbaren Stellfußes auf.

swivel (v)

The robust End Swivel Joint can be connected to the end face or groove of a Profile 8.

The necessary radius of swivel can be achieved thanks to the flexibility of the Platform Cleat.

The swivel-in catches also stop cables and hoses from slipping out of the conduits.

使旋转 (v)

倒转 (v)

旋转 (v)

girar (v)

invertir (v)

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